992 resultados para Chile,
La calidad de la educación es un tema de interés en las sociedades actuales, porque de ella depende la calidad de vida que se espera para los seres humanos. Desde 1945, luego de haber vivido dos Guerras Mundiales, los países concluyeron que: la paz mundial era extremadamente frágil; cada guerra cobraba más vidas humanas, destruía poblados y sus expresiones de arte y cultura, quebrantaba las economías y atentaban contra el bien común y la naturaleza humana; por lo que acordaron que el camino más certero para lograr la paz es la educación integral de sus ciudadanos. Estas vivencias devastadoras promovieron la generación de organismos internacionales que apunten al mismo objetivo, y busquen soluciones para encarar el bien común. Se crearon las oficinas de la ONU, UNESCO y OEI; y los mandatarios y delegados de los países participantes de estas oficinas, acordaran los objetivos, planes y programas que contribuyan a lograr una educación de calidad. Como parte de las acciones en pro de la educación de calidad, los países incluyeron en sus Cartas Magnas y en las respectivas Leyes de Educación, que la educación debe de ser de calidad para todos y todas los ciudadanos. Para la elaboración de esta tesis se seleccionaron tres países Chile, Colombia y Ecuador, dado que los modelos de organización para el cuidado de la calidad educativa, y el trabajo que realiza la supervisión (conocida en los países como Inspectoría o de Asesores y Auditores Educativos) son similares. El tema de estudio es concreto, ya que se aborda lo que hacen los tres países por el cuidado de la calidad de la educación, desde la perspectiva de sus ministerios de educación y aún más concreto, desde la supervisión. La mayor fuente bibliográfica son documentos oficiales e informes de los resultados de logros educativos.
La facturación ha sido concebida como una herramienta de control para las Administraciones Tributarias a nivel mundial, puesto que con su emisión se genera información tributaria relevante para fines impositivos. Por esta razón se ha visto la necesidad de fortalecer el uso y la revisión de comprobantes venta a través de medios tecnológicos, entre estos la denomina Facturación Electrónica, la misma que está siendo implementada en varios países a fin garantizar la ejecución de controles efectivos. Es así que el Ecuador es uno de los países que adoptó la nueva forma de emisión electrónica de documentos, con el propósito de contar con información en medios tecnológicos y desarrollar nuevos procesos de control eficientes. La normativa tributaria ecuatoriana actualmente establece la obligación de emitir comprobantes de venta con ocasión de la transferencia de bienes, aún cuando se realicen a título gratuito, autoconsumo o de la prestación de servicios de cualquier naturaleza. Así también, los casos en que se debe emitir documentos complementarios y comprobantes de retención. De esta forma la legislación ha permitido generar un nuevo esquema que se adapte a la facturación actual en una versión electrónica, que permitirá ejecutar procesos de control masivos, que no podían ser aplicados con la facturación física por el volumen de documentos que debían ser revisados de forma manual. Esta nueva forma de emisión de documentos también brinda beneficios a los contribuyentes que la usen, puesto que la intención también es la simplificación de obligaciones, así como la disponibilidad de la información en línea para una oportuna toma de decisiones empresariales.
Worldwide marine protected areas (MPAs) have been designated to protect marine resources, including top predators such as seabirds. There is no conclusive information on whether protected areas can improve population trends of seabirds when these are further exploited as tourist attractions, an activity that has increased in past decades. Humboldt Penguins (Spheniscus humboldti) and Magellanic Penguins (S. magellanicus) breed sympatrically on Puñihuil Islets, two small coastal islands off the west coast of Chiloé Island (41° S) in southern Chile that are subject to exploitation for tourism. Our goal was to compare the population size of the mixed colony of Humboldt and Magellanic Penguins before and after protection from unregulated tourism and freely roaming goats in 1997. For this purpose, two censuses were conducted in 2004 and 2008, and the numbers compared with those obtained in 1997 by other authors. The proportion of occupied, unoccupied, and collapsed/flooded burrows changed between years; there were 68% and 34% fewer collapsed burrows in 2004 and 2008, respectively, than in 1997. For the total number of burrows of both species, we counted 48% and 63% more burrows in 2004 and 2008, respectively, than in 1997. We counted 13% more burrows of Humboldt Penguins in 2008 than in 1997, and for Magellanic Penguins, we estimated a 64% increase in burrows in 2008. Presumably, this was as a result of habitat improvement attributable to the exclusion of tourists and the removal of goats from the islets. Although tourist visits to the islets are prohibited, tourism activities around the colonies are prevalent and need to be taken into account to promote appropriate management.
If the fundamental precepts of Farming Systems Research were to be taken literally then it would imply that for each farm 'unique' solutions should be sought. This is an unrealistic expectation, but it has led to the idea of a recommendation domain, implying creating a taxonomy of farms, in order to increase the general applicability of recommendations. Mathematical programming models are an established means of generating recommended solutions, but for such models to be effective they have to be constructed for 'truly' typical or representative situations. The multi-variate statistical techniques provide a means of creating the required typologies, particularly when an exhaustive database is available. This paper illustrates the application of this methodology in two different studies that shared the common purpose of identifying types of farming systems in their respective study areas. The issues related with the use of factor and cluster analyses for farm typification prior to building representative mathematical programming models for Chile and Pakistan are highlighted. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A survey was carried out on 55 commercial dairy farms located in the South of Chile during 1995-97. A questionnaire was developed to obtain informed estimates of dairy effluent management on those farms. Information was analysed on an annual basis using a computer spreadsheet linking all the parameters surveyed. In addition, slurry samples were taken for analysis of dry matter content (DM). Herd size varied between 50 and 800 cows per farm. A large proportion of the total volume of effluents produced came from rainfall (46%), dirty water accounted for 29% with only 25% from cow's faeces and urine. The large volume of effluents produced resulted in a reduced storage capacity (on average of 2 months) or more frequent and higher application rates to the field. Only 37% of the farmers knew the application rates of manure and there was a wide range in the quantity used per year (12 m(3)/ha to 300 m(3)/ha). Dairy effluents were applied mainly on grass (71%) throughout the year but, mostly concentrated during the winter and spring time using only surface irrigation system. The total solids contents of effluents was very low, with 62% of the samples being <4% DM. This reflected the large volumes of clean water that the storage tanks received. The information collected has identified problems in effluent management in Chilean dairy farms where research and technology transfer will be necessary to avoid pollution problems.
This paper critically explores the politics that mediate the use of environmental science assessments as the basis of resource management policy. Drawing on recent literature in the political ecology tradition that has emphasised the politicised nature of the production and use of scientific knowledge in environmental management, the paper analyses a hydrological assessment in a small river basin in Chile, undertaken in response to concerns over the possible overexploitation of groundwater resources. The case study illustrates the limitations of an approach based predominantly on hydrogeological modelling to ascertain the effects of increased groundwater abstraction. In particular, it identifies the subjective ways in which the assessment was interpreted and used by the state water resources agency to underpin water allocation decisions in accordance with its own interests, and the role that a desocialised assessment played in reproducing unequal patterns of resource use and configuring uneven waterscapes. Nevertheless, as Chile’s ‘neoliberal’ political-economic framework privileges the role of science and technocracy, producing other forms of environmental knowledge to complement environmental science is likely to be contentious. In conclusion, the paper considers the potential of mobilising the concept of the hydrosocial cycle to further critically engage with environmental science.
Since the 1990s, international water sector reforms have centred heavily on economic and market approaches. In regard to water resources management, tradable water rights have been promoted, often supported by the neoliberal model adopted in Chile. Chile's 1981 Water Code was reformed to comprise a system of water rights that could be freely traded with few restrictions. International financial institutions have embraced the Chilean model, claiming that it results in more efficient water use, and potentially fosters social and environmental benefits. However, in Chile the Water Code is deeply contested. It has been criticised for being too permissive and has produced a number of problems in practice. Moreover, attempts to modify it have become the focus of a lengthy polemic debate. This paper employs a political ecology perspective to explore the socio-environmental outcomes of water management in Chile, drawing on a case study of agriculture in the semi-arid Norte Chico. The case illustrates how large-scale farmers exert greater control over water, while peasant farmers have increasingly less access. I argue that these outcomes are facilitated by the mode of water management implemented within the framework of the Water Code. Through this preliminary examination of social equity and the environmental aspects of water resources management in Chile, I suggest that the omission of these issues from the international debates on water rights markets is a cause for concern.
This paper presents results on archaeological research conducted at the Cisnes river basin (~44° S), valley which passes through several environments in western Patagonia, from the westernmost limits of the steppe to the Pacific channels. These are assessed in light of a palaeoenvironmental reconstruction spanning from the Late Pleistocene to the Holocene. Results allow interpreting different ways for approaching the environment; these are exposed both spatially and chronologically. Cultural units defined occupied the space discontinuously and ranking it differentially attending to environmental variability. We correlate our data with available archaeological information for Aisén and adjacent areas. Additionally, we discuss cultural continuity and eventual interaction of steppe hunter-gatherers with peoples from the western archipelagic area.
Latin America is known as the most unequal region in the world, where extreme displays of wealth and exposure to scarcity lay bare in the urban landscape. Inequality is not just a social issue; it has considerable impact on economic development. This is because social inequality generates instability and conflict, which can create unsettling conditions for investment. At the macro level, social inequality can also present barriers to economic development, as most government policies and resources tend to be directed in solving social conflict rather than to promote and generate growth. This is one of the reasons usually cited in explaining the development gap between Latin America and other emerging economies, take East Asia for example - they have similar policies to those applied recently in Latin America, but are achieving better growth. The other reason cited is institutional; this includes governance as well as property rights and enforcement of contracts. The latter is the focus of this chapter.