995 resultados para Cebrián y Augustín, Miguel Vicente
The movement of water through the landscape can be investigated at different scales. This study dealt with the interrelation between bedrock lithology and the geometry of the overlying drainage systems. Parameters of fractal analysis, such as fractal dimension and lacunarity, were used to measure and quantify this relationship. The interrelation between bedrock lithology and the geometry of the drainage systems has been widely studied in the last decades. The quantification of this linkage has not yet been clearly established. Several studies have selected river basins or regularly shaped areas as study units, assuming them to be lithologically homogeneous. This study considered irregular distributions of rock types, establishing areas of the soil map (1:25,000) with the same lithologic information as study units. The tectonic stability and the low climatic variability of the study region allowed effective investigation of the lithologic controls on the drainage networks developed on the plutonic rocks, the metamorphic rocks, and the sedimentary materials existing in the study area. To exclude the effect of multiple in- and outflows in the lithologically homogeneous units, we focused this study on the first-order streams of the drainage networks. The geometry of the hydrologic features was quantified through traditional metrics of fluvial geomorphology and scaling parameters of fractal analysis, such as the fractal dimension, the reference density, and the lacunarity. The results demonstrate the scale invariance of both the drainage networks and the set of first-order streams at the study scale and a relationship between scaling in the lithology and the drainage network.
La Sierra del Naranco se encuentra al NO de Oviedo. Está constituida por una cadena de montes de cima redondeada la mayor parte y con una altura media sobre el nivel del mar de unos 580 m o sea 350 m, sobre el nivel de Oviedo. Su longitud de E a O, es de unos 10 Km.
Según consta en el Archivo de la Catedral de Valencia, el autor de la letra es José Vicente Ortí y Mayor
Sign. : A6
Sign. : [calderon]4, 2[calderon]4, A-B4, C3
Marc. tip. en port
Sign.: [ ]3, A-Iiiii2, Kkkkk3
Sign.: []3, A-Zzzzzz2, Aaaaaa2, ¶-¶¶¶¶¶2, ¶¶¶¶¶¶1
Resumen: Descripción: vista de torres y castillos de la fortaleza de Orán. En primer término, el Cardenal D. Fray Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros a caballo con varios moros a sus pies
Resumen: Descripción: en el primer cuerpo del altar: San Ignacio de Loyola, San Luis Gonzaga y San Estanislao. Rematando: anagrama del nombre de Jesús y escudo de la ciudad de Valencia
Resumen: Descripción: en el primer cuerpo: Virgen del Rosario, San Luís Beltrán, San Vicente Ferrer, Santa Margarita de Saboya, Santa Juana, San Agustín... Rematando: Santo Domingo de Guzman
Resumen: Descripción: en el primer cuerpo, San Sebastián. Rematando, San Francisco de Paula