975 resultados para Caudal-fin ocellated spot


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El artículo aborda la relación de Salvador Espriu con la obra de algunos de los principales autores de la literatura española del fin de siglo ("Azorín", Pío Baroja, Antonio Machado, Miguel de Unamuno, Ramón del Valle-Inclán y Juan Ramón Jiménez). En la primera parte se precisa qué se entiende por fin de siglo, la nómina de autores a la que se circunscribe y porqué. La parte central de la exposición se subdivide a su vez en dos bloques: en el primero se expone el estado de la cuestión bibliográfica sobre el tema que nos ocupa y la relación de Espriu con la literatura española finisecular desde dos perspectivas: la del propio Espriu y sus contemporáneos y la de la crítica literaria. En el segundo bloque se analiza la relación de la obra de Espriu con cada uno de los autores seleccionados.


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El presente ensayo se propone relacionar tres figuras del texto literario después de la deconstrucción de la comunidad: el fin del relato literario en La folie du jour y"L"Idylle" de Maurice Blanchot, la palabra sofocada [La parole soffoquées] de Sarah Kofman y la archi-escritura en el pensamiento de Jacques Derrida. Abordaremos la escritura como un gesto filosófico con la finalidad de pensar la interrelación de lo literario y lo filosófico en estos autores franceses de la segunda mitad del siglo xx.


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Control of brown spot of pear requires fungicide treatments of pear trees during the growing season. Scheduling fungicide sprays with the Brown spot of pear forecasting system (BSPcast) provides significantfungicide savings but does not increase the efficacy of disease control. Modifications in BSPcast wereintroduced in order to increase system performance. The changes consisted of: (1) the use of a daily infectionrisk (Rm≥0.2) instead of the 3-day cumulative risk (CR≥0.4) to guide the fungicide scheduling, and (2) theinclusion of the effect of relative humidity during interrupted wetness periods. Trials were performed during2 years in an experimental pear orchard in Spain. The modifications introduced did not result in increaseddisease control efficacy, compared with the original BSPcast system. In one year, no reduction in the numberof fungicide applications was obtained using the modified BSPcast system in comparison to the original system, but in the second year the number of treatments was reduced from 15 to 13. The original BSPcast model overestimated the daily infection risk in 6.5% of days with wetness periods with low relative humidity during the wetness interruption, and in these cases the modified version was more adequate


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Objective: The psychometric properties of The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ-Fin), a Finnish version of a brief screening instrument were studied. Emotional and behavioural problems of 7- to 15-year-olds measured by the SDQ were reported, as well as the occurrence of self-reported eating disturbance symptoms and alcohol use among adolescents. Methods and samples: The cross-sectional school survey included 25 items of the SDQ-Fin, items about eating disturbance, alchol use and child psychiatric help-seeking. The study consists of three community samples: 1. The SDQ-Fin parent (n = 703) and teacher (n = 376) versions of 7 – 12 –year-olds, and self-report versions (n = 528) of 11 – 16 years-olds were obtained, and 2. the parent (n = 81) and self-report versions of 15-16 –year olds (n = 129) were obtained in Laitila and Pyhäranta. 3. The self-report versions of 13 – 16 – year-olds (n = 1458) in Salo and Rovaniemi were obtained. Results: The psychometric properties of the SDQ-Fin were for the most part comparable with the other European SDQ research results. The internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.71 in all informants’ reports) and inter-rater reliability (between the pairs of reports r = 0.38 - 0.44) were adequate. The concurrent validity (r = 0.75 between the SDQ and the CBCL total scores; r = 0.71 between the SDQ and the YSR total scores) was sufficient. Factor analysis of the SDQ self-report generally confirmed the postulated structure for girls and boys, except for the conduct problems scale of boys, which was fused with emotional symptoms and with hyperactivity. The response rates, means and cut-off points of the SDQ self-report scores were similar to those found, e.g. in Norway and in Britain. A high level of psychological problems, especially emotional and conduct problems and hyperactivity-inattention, were associated with high level of eating disturbance symptoms and alcohol use. Conclusion: The results showed that the psychometric properties of the SDQ-Fin are adequate and provide additional confirmation of the usefulness of the SDQ-Fin for, e.g. screening, epidemiological research and clinical purposes.


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Les réflexions actuelles de notre société sur la fin de la vie et ses enjeux mettent en évidence un important débat sur la place accordée aux principaux intéressés dans les processus décisionnels. Bien qu'accompagner les personnes au terme de leur existence a toujours fait partie des missions essentielles des professionnels de la santé de nombreuses recherches ont montré que les discussions sur les attentes en fin de vie étaient complexes, délicates voire difficiles à entreprendre en fin de vie étaient complexes, délicates voire difficiles à entreprendre pour les différents acteurs concernés.


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(ENGLISH VERSION BELOW) En 1780, le médecin Jean-André Venel fonde à Orbe, dans le canton de Vaud, le premier institut orthopédique connu dans le monde, proposant une version clinique d'un savoir-faire médical ancestral. A travers des sources qui réactualisent les travaux consacrés à Venel, cet article retrace les origines de son institution et de sa pensée médicale, dans un contexte de production et de diffusion d'un savoir particulier en termes de technique du corps et de médecine de l'enfant. Revisitant la figure légendaire - ou mythique ? - de ce que l'histoire de la médecine a retenu comme étant le « père de l'orthopédie », l'article s'interroge par la même occasion sur les conditions d'émergence d'une spécialité médicale au sortir de l'Ancien Régime, et de son impact dans les premières décennies du XIXe siècle. In 1780, the physician Jean-André Venel creates in Orbe (canton of Vaud) the first orthopedic institute of the world, offering a clinical version of an ancient medical savoir-faire. By using sources that enable us to update the scholarship on Venel, this article traces the origins of his institute and of his medical thought, in the context of the production and diffusion of a specialized knowledge on the body and on children. With this new perspective on the legendary, if not mythical, figure, whom the history of medicine has canonized as the "father of orthopedia", this article also examines the conditions of emergence of a medical specialization at the end of the Ancien Régime and its impact in the first decades of the nineteenth century.


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Fruit d'une thèse de doctorat, cet ouvrage se propose de comparer les rythmes et les modalités de l'acculturation des populations de Gaule interne, de la première moitié du iie s. av. J.-C. au début du ier siècle de notre ère au moyen de l'étude de la céramique fine, dont le répertoire évolue très rapidement pendant la période. Basée sur les données d'une vingtaine de sites urbains (oppida, capitales de cité, vici) répartis en trois aires géographiques (Centre, Est et Centre-Ouest), cette étude propose une présentation céramologique classique, mais aussi des modes d'analyse nouveaux comme le calcul d'un indice de romanisation pour évaluer et comparer le degré d'acculturation des ensembles retenus. Différentes méthodes statistiques, comme des sériations graphiques ou des analyses factorielles des correspondances, sont par ailleurs employées pour mettre en évidence les aspects qualitatifs du phénomène d'acculturation et décomposer son processus en trois niveaux principaux. Illustrés par des tableaux synoptiques et par des cartes, les résultats des calculs d'indices de romanisation permettent d'identifier différents facteurs favorisant de manière évidente la romanisation de la vaisselle dite de table, comme la proximité de la Provincia, une localisation sur un axe majeur (Rhône/Saône, Loire) ou le dynamisme de grands centres d'échanges fréquentés par les mercatores romains (l'oppidum de Bibracte, notamment). Ces traitements statistiques permettent également de mettre en évidence des retards dans l'acculturation de certains peuples qui pourraient s'expliquer par leur hostilité envers Rome. Le phénomène est notamment illustré par les Helvètes, voisins de la Transalpina depuis 120 av. J.-C., dont la vaisselle fine est très peu romanisée avant l'intégration de ce peuple dans l'Empire, puis atteint rapidement après cet événement des niveaux particulièrement élevés. L'auteur propose enfin des réflexions sur la portée réelle des phénomènes observés en termes de romanisation de la vie quotidienne, une mutation technique et stylistique des récipients n'impliquant pas forcément l'adoption de nouvelles pratiques alimentaires.


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El síndrome de regresión caudal o de agenesia sacra se caracteriza por un déficit funcional de los esfínteres y de la muscultatura de los miembros inferiores. Se suele asociar con otras malformaciones, como son las esqueléticas, genitourinarias y del tracto intestinal. La diabetes mellitus materna es uno de los factores predisponentes más destacados. Aquí se presenta un caso de síndrome de regresión caudal con insufiencia renal secundaria a la uropatía malformativa asociada. Se comentan los disrarfismos espinales ocultos y el síndrome de Vater.


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Electricity spot prices have always been a demanding data set for time series analysis, mostly because of the non-storability of electricity. This feature, making electric power unlike the other commodities, causes outstanding price spikes. Moreover, the last several years in financial world seem to show that ’spiky’ behaviour of time series is no longer an exception, but rather a regular phenomenon. The purpose of this paper is to seek patterns and relations within electricity price outliers and verify how they affect the overall statistics of the data. For the study techniques like classical Box-Jenkins approach, series DFT smoothing and GARCH models are used. The results obtained for two geographically different price series show that patterns in outliers’ occurrence are not straightforward. Additionally, there seems to be no rule that would predict the appearance of a spike from volatility, while the reverse effect is quite prominent. It is concluded that spikes cannot be predicted based only on the price series; probably some geographical and meteorological variables need to be included in modeling.


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Several bioaffinity assays are based on the detection of an analyte which is bound on a solid substrate via biochemical interaction. These so called solid phase assays are based on the adhesion of the primary binding partner on a solid surface, which then binds the analyte to be detected. In this thesis work a novel solid phase based assay technology, known as spot technology, was developed. The spot technology is based on combination of high-capacity solid phases, concentrated in a spot format, utilising modified streptavidin molecules and recombinant antibody fragments. The reduction of the solid phase binding surface to a size of a spot enabled denser binding of the target molecules, providing improved signal intensities and signal-to-background ratio when applied in different solid phase immunoassays. Streptavidin-biotin interactions are commonly utilised in numerous different bioaffinity assays and the ultimate nature of streptavidin to bind biotin is among the strongest non-covalent interaction reported between two biomolecules. In this study native core streptavidin was chemically modified to provide polymerised streptavidin molecules with altered adsorption properties. These streptavidin conjugates, when coated onto polystyrene surface, provided enhanced biotin binding capacity and surface stability when compared to a reference coating constructed with native streptavidin. Furthermore, the combination of chemically modified streptavidin, sitespecifically biotinylated antibody fragments and the spot coating technology provided highly dense solid phase coating with improved binding properties. The performance of the spot assay technology was further demonstrated in different immunoassay configurations. Human thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and human cardiac troponin I (cTnI) were used as model analytes to show the applicability of the highly sensitive spot-based solid-phase immunoassay for detection of very low levels of analytes. It was demonstrated that the spot technology provided an assay concept with enhanced sensitivity and short turn-around times, characteristics that are highly suitable for point-of-care applications.