888 resultados para Cartilage-on-bone laminate
OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos da suplementação de diferentes doses de todo-trans ácido retinóico sobre a resistência óssea, por meio de ensaio biomecânico de flexão, em tíbia de ratos jovens. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 58 ratos jovens, com quatro diferentes doses de vitamina A em suas dietas, sendo divididos em 4 grupos: grupo-controle (n=15), sem acréscimo de todo-trans ácido retinoico; grupo com acréscimo de 0,3mg de todo-trans ácido retinoico por kg de ração (n=13); grupo com 10mg de todo-trans ácido retinoico por kg de ração (n=15); e grupo com 50mg de todo-trans ácido retinoico por kg de ração (n=15). O estudo durou 30 dias. Após o sacrifício dos animais, suas patas esquerdas foram congeladas, dissecadas e as tíbias submetidas ao ensaio de flexão. Foram avaliados a carga máxima e o coeficiente de rigidez. Foi aplicada análise de variância one-way. O nível de significância estatístico adotado foi p<0,05. RESULTADOS: Os valores médios de carga máxima (em Newton) foram: grupo-controle =37,94, DP=4,76; grupo todo-trans ácido retinoico 0,3=36,49, DP= 4,38; grupo todo-trans ácido retinoico 10=40,12, DP=6,03; grupo todo-trans ácido retinoico 50=35,68, DP=5,22 (p=0,107). Os valores médios de coeficiente de rigidez (em Newton/milímetros) foram: grupo-controle =31,84 DP=6,75; grupo todo-trans ácido retinoico 0,3=29,18, DP=4,35; grupo todo-trans ácido retinoico 10=35,48, DP=8,14; grupo todo-trans ácido retinoico 50=30,31, DP=7,14 (p=0,85). CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se que a exposição a diferentes doses de todo-trans ácido retinoico, em ratos, durante 30 dias, não exerce efeito sobre a resistência óssea, quando avaliada por ensaios biomecânicos.
Granulocytic sarcomas (GS) are rare extramedullary tumours composed of immature myeloid cells. Inversion of chromosome 16 [inv(16)] is a cytogenetic marker for M4Eo subtype of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). The possibility of an association between the development of granulocytic sarcoma of the small intestine (GSSI) and the M4Eo subtype of AML was suggested in nine previous case reports.Here we report an aleukaemic case of GSSI with inv(16) and its molecular equivalent, the CBFbeta/MYH11 fusion gene, detected by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), that after treatment with conventional AML chemotherapy followed by autologous bone marrow transplantation, achieved complete haematological and molecular remission on bone marrow examination. After chemotherapy, a thickened ileum wall positive for CBFbeta/MYH11 on tumour mass samples was still observed on computed tomography (CT) studies, raising the question of residual GS representing a reservoir of malignant cells. This case demonstrates the critical need of multidisciplinary diagnosis and follow-up of this entity combining immunopathologic, cytogenetic and molecular studies, reinforcing the potentiality of risk-adapted therapy strategies, as it is increasingly claimed for patients with overt AML. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective. To describe the clinical and laboratory features of macrophage activation syndrome as a complication of juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).Methods. Cases of juvenile SLE-associated macrophage activation syndrome were provided by investigators belonging to 3 pediatric rheumatology networks or were found in the literature. Patients who had evidence of macrophage hemophagocytosis on bone marrow aspiration were considered to have definite macrophage activation syndrome, and those who did not have such evidence were considered to have probable macrophage activation syndrome. Clinical and laboratory findings in patients with macrophage activation syndrome were contrasted with those of 2 control groups composed of patients with active juvenile SLE without macrophage activation syndrome. The ability of each feature to discriminate macrophage activation syndrome from active disease was evaluated by calculating sensitivity, specificity, and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve.Results. The study included 38 patients (20 with definite macrophage activation syndrome and 18 with probable macrophage activation syndrome). Patients with definite and probable macrophage activation syndrome were comparable with regard to all clinical and laboratory features of the syndrome, except for a greater frequency of lymphadenopathy, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia in patients with definite macrophage activation syndrome. Overall, clinical features had better specificity than sensitivity, except for fever, which was highly sensitive but had low specificity. Among laboratory features, the best sensitivity and specificity was achieved using hyperferritinemia, followed by increased levels of lactate dehydrogenase, hypertriglyceridemia, and hypofibrinogenemia. Based on the results of statistical analysis, preliminary diagnostic guidelines for macrophage activation syndrome in juvenile SLE were developed.Conclusion. Our findings indicate that the occurrence of unexplained fever and cytopenia, when associated with hyperferritinemia, in a patient with juvenile SLE should raise the suspicion of macrophage activation syndrome. We propose preliminary guidelines for this syndrome in juvenile SLE to facilitate timely diagnosis and correct classification of patients.
Aim: To evaluate the effect of a space-maintaining device fixed to the lateral wall of the maxillary sinus after the elevation of the sinus mucosa on bone filling of the sinus cavity. Material and methods: Immediately after the elevation of the maxillary sinus Schneiderian membrane accomplished through lateral antrostomy in four monkeys, a titanium device was affixed to the lateral sinus wall protruding into the sinus cavity to maintain the mucosa elevated without the use of grafting material. The healing of the tissue around the implants was evaluated after 3 and 6 months. Ground sections were prepared and analyzed histologically. Results: The void under the elevated sinus membrane, originally filled with the blood clot, was reduced after 3 as well as after 6 months of healing of about 56% and 40.5%, respectively. In seven out of eight cases, the devices had perforated the sinus mucosa. The formation of mineralized bone and bone marrow amounted to about 42% and 69% after 3 and 6 months, respectively. The connective tissue represented about 53% and 23% of the newly formed tissue after 3 and 6 months, respectively. Conclusions: New bone formation was found below the devices. However, shrinkage of the newly formed tissue was observed both after 3 and 6 months of healing. Hence, the space-maintaining function of the devices used in the present study has to be questioned.
In implant therapy, a peri-implant bone resorption has been noticed mainly in the first year after prosthesis insertion. This bone remodeling can sometimes jeopardize the outcome of the treatment, especially in areas in which short implants are used and also in aesthetic cases. To avoid this occurrence, the use of platform switching (PS) has been used. This study aimed to evaluate the biomechanical concept of PS with relation to stress distribution using two-dimensional finite element analysis. A regular matching diameter connection of abutment-implant (regular platform group [RPG]) and a PS connection (PS group [PSG]) were simulated by 2 two-dimensional finite element models that reproduced a 2-piece implant system with peri-implant bone tissue. A regular implant (prosthetic platform of 4.1 mm) and a wide implant (prosthetic platform of 5.0 mm) were used to represent the RPG and PSG, respectively, in which a regular prosthetic component of 4.1 mm was connected to represent the crown. A load of 100 N was applied on the models using ANSYS software. The RPG spreads the stress over a wider area in the peri-implant bone tissue (159 MPa) and the implant (1610 MPa), whereas the PSG seems to diminish the stress distribution on bone tissue (34 MPa) and implant (649 MPa). Within the limitation of the study, the PS presented better biomechanical behavior in relation to stress distribution on the implant but especially in the bone tissue (80% less). However, in the crown and retention screw, an increase in stress concentration was observed.
Objective: Periodontitis is a well-appreciated example of leukocyte-mediated bone loss and inflammation with pathogenic features similar to those observed in other inflammatory diseases, such as arthritis. Since Tacrolimus, is an immunomodulatory drug used for the treatment of some cases of arthritis, we hypothesized that it may modulate periodontal disease.Design: Using a murine model of ligature-induced periodontal disease, we assessed the effects of daily administrations of Tacrolimus (1 mg/kg body weight) on bone loss, enzymatic (myeloperoxidase) analysis, differential white blood cells counts, airpouch exudate and cytokine expression for 5-30 days.Results: Radiographic, enzymatic (myeloperoxidase) and histological analysis revealed that Tacrolimus reduced the severity of periodontitis. More specifically, Tacrolimus suppressed the expression of serum interleukin (IL-1 beta), tumour necrosis factor (TNF-alpha), IL-6, airpouch exudate PGE(2) and leukocytosis usually observed after the induction of periodontitis. Tacrolimus treatment in periodontitis-induced rats conferred protection against the inflammation-induced tissue and bone loss associated with periodontitis, through a mechanism involving IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha and IL-6.Conclusions: the effects of Tacrolimus on periodontal disease pathogenesis may provide clues to a novel approach to host modulation therapy in destructive periodontal disease. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A osteoporose é uma doença crônica que atinge o esqueleto humano. OBJETIVO: Verificar os efeitos do treinamento resistido sobre a densidade mineral óssea (DMO), força muscular, equilíbrio e qualidade de vida em mulheres menopausadas em tratamento com alendronato. MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo 16 voluntárias. Elas foram separadas em dois grupos: que praticaram o treino resistido (n = 9, 49,7 ± 4,2 idade) e que constituíram o grupo controle (n = 7, 53,8 ± 4,4 idade). Os instrumentos de avaliação seguintes foram usados: a absorciometria de dupla energia por raios X -DXA (que mediu a coluna lombar L2-L4, colo do fêmur, triângulo de Wards e trocanter maior), o Osteoporosis Assessment Questionnaire (OPAQ) e um teste de equilíbrio. O treinamento foi periodizado em 12 meses, divididos em seis ciclos com intensidade de 70-90% da carga máxima (10RM). Testes paramétricos (t ou Wilcoxon), para análise intragrupo e (Anova) para intergrupos, foram usados. RESULTADOS: Foram encontradas diferenças significativas favoráveis ao grupo que treinou nos sítios da lombar L2-L4 (6,8%, p = 0,001), colo do fêmur (4,8%, p = 0,005) e trocanter (0,76%, p = 0,005). Além de diferenças significativas também para o equilíbrio corporal (21,4%, p = 0,001), qualidade de vida (9,1%, p = 0,001) e todas as medidas de força como na pressão de pernas 45° (49,3%, p < 0,001). CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados sugerem que a metodologia aplicada ao treino resistido pode ser recomendada a mulheres menopausadas com baixa DMO.
Estudaram-se os efeitos da ovarioisterectomia na densidade mineral óssea de cadelas e da reposição de estrógenos após a cirurgia. Foram utilizadas 12 cadelas, sem raça definida, entre dois e seis anos de idade e pesos entre 5 e 15kg. Os animais, submetidos à ovarioisterectomia, foram separados em dois grupos de seis. Um grupo serviu como controle, e o outro recebeu estrógenos naturais conjugados na dose de 0,01mg/kg via oral a cada 48 horas, durante 12 meses. No dia da cirurgia e após 12 meses, foram feitas radiografias com vistas à densitometria óptica em imagem radiográfica. A ovarioisterectomia diminuiu a densidade óssea, e a reposição estrogênica, na dose utilizada, foi capaz de preservá-la.
As lesões tendíneas nas extremidades distais dos membros estão entre as mais freqüentes alterações do aparelho locomotor na rotina clínico-cirúrgica humana e animal e, não raro, necessitam de terapias adjuvantes para seu completo retorno às funções fisiológicas. O ultra-som terapêutico (UST) é a modalidade mais utilizada nas clínicas de reabilitação para tratar lesões tendíneas, mas devido à falta ou a divergências de estudos específicos sobre seus efeitos no tecido ósseo, sua utilização sobre as regiões distais dos membros, ricas em protuberâncias ósseas e áreas desprovidas de cobertura muscular, sempre preocuparam os profissionais da área médica. No intuito de esclarecer os efeitos do UST sobre o tecido ósseo, seis cães receberam tratamento ultra-sônico contínuo, de 1MHz, durante cinco minutos diários, por um período de 20 dias sobre a região craniodistal do rádio e da ulna. A intensidade do UST aplicada foi de 0,5W cm-2 no membro torácico direito, ficando o membro contralateral como controle. A região distal de ambos os membros torácicos foi radiografada para análise de densitometria óssea em imagens radiográficas, antes do início da terapia e ao final do tratamento. Não houve alterações significativas de densidade mineral óssea entre os membros tratados e os controles. Conclui-se que dentro dos parâmetros utilizados no experimento a utilização do UST em regiões ósseas protuberantes ou desprovidas de cobertura muscular pode ser feita com segurança.
Osseointegration was an innovative treatment in dentistry during the last 3 decades. The success of osseointegration is related to factors such as material biocompatibility, adequate quality of bone tissue that allows implantation, surgical technique, and macrostructure and microstructure of implant. The osseointegrated implants are successfully applied in dental clinic including oral and facial rehabilitations mainly for patients submitted to mutilating surgeries. However, patients submitted to radiation therapy present risks to treatment with implants owing to adverse effects on bone tissue. Nowadays, the literature suggests different therapies to improve the success of osseointegration such as hyperbaric oxygen therapy that aims to prepare bone and adjacent tissues to receive the implant. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to present a literature review concerning indications, contraindications, successes, and difficulties with hyperbaric oxygen therapy associated to maxillofacial implants.
AimTo evaluate the influence of magnesium-enriched hydroxyapatite (MHA) (SintLife (R)) on bone contour preservation and osseointegration at implants placed immediately into extraction sockets.Material and methodsIn the mandibular pre-molar region, implants were installed immediately into extraction sockets of six Labrador dogs. MHA was placed at test sites, while the control sites did not receive augmentation materials. Implants were intended to heal in a submerged mode. After 4 months of healing, the animals were sacrificed, and ground sections were obtained for histomorphometric evaluation.ResultsAfter 4 months of healing, one control implant was not integrated leaving n=5 test and control implants for evaluation. Both at the test and the control sites, bone resorption occurred. While the most coronal bone-to-implant contact was similar between test and control sites, the alveolar bony crest outline was maintained to a higher degree at the buccal aspect of the test sites (loss: 0.7 mm) compared with the control sites (loss: 1.2 mm), even though this difference did not reach statistical significance.ConclusionsThe use of MHA to fill the defect around implants placed into the alveolus immediately after tooth extraction did not contribute significantly to the maintenance of the contours of the buccal alveolar bone crest.To cite this article:Caneva M, Botticelli D, Stellini E, Souza SLS, Salata LA, Lang NP. Magnesium-enriched hydroxyapatite at immediate implants: a histomorphometric study in dogs.Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 22, 2011; 512-517doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2010.02040.x.
The effects of Tissucol and Tissucol/EACA on bone healing were evaluated histologically. Experimental defects were made in both tibias of 25 rats. Test materials were placed in defects in right tibias and left tibias served as control. Five animals in each group were killed at 1, 3, 7, 14 and 21 days after surgery. Results showed that: a) Tissucol did not interfere with connective and osseous tissue formation; b) Tissucol allowed new bone formation; c) Tissue residues in Tissucol groups in sections of 21-day specimens did not impair healing; d) Tissucol/EACA was usually completely resorbed and healing was complete 21 days after surgery in the Tissucol/EACA group.
Objective: To review the literature on the role of calcium, phosphorus and trace elements in the nutrition of extremely low birth weight infants, considering their importance for metabolism, bone mineralization and as dietary components. Sources of data: MEDLINE, the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and books on nutrition were searched between 1994 and 2004. Original research studies and reviews were selected. Summary of the findings: Extremely preterm infants are frequently growth-restricted at hospital discharge as a consequence of difficulties in the provision of adequate nutrition. The long-term effects of this growth restriction need to be determined. There is a paucity of studies about the role of minerals, especially micronutrients, in the nutrition of extremely preterm infants. The principal focus of this review was on calcium and phosphorus metabolism, bone mineralization and parenteral and enteral supplementation. A critical evaluation of post-discharge nutrition and its influence upon growth and bone mineralization was presented. Selenium and zinc requirements and the role of selenium as an antioxidant with possible effects on free radical diseases of the preterm infant were discussed. Conclusions: Extremely preterm infants have low mineral reserves and, as a consequence, may have deficiencies in the postnatal period if they do not receive parenteral or enteral supplementation. More studies are needed to elucidate the actual requirements and the appropriate supplementation of micronutrients. There are controversies about the outcome and the influence of post-discharge nutrition on bone disease of prematurity. Copyright © 2005 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.
In this article we rewiewed the indications of the low-dose hormone replacement therapy in post menopausal women. We evaluate the effects of this therapy on menopausal symptoms bone metabolism, cardiovascular risk and endometrial cancer. The low-dose hormone replacement therapy is satisfactory to relief menopausal symptoms and improves lipid profile preventing atherosclerosis. It does not increase the risk of hyperplasia or endometrial cancer when is associate with progestagens. The low dose hormone replacement therapy is also associate to improve bone mineral density but to have better comprehension about the effective action of the low dose hormone replacement therapy on bone, more studies evaluating the risk of fractures are necessary.