976 resultados para Cariria orbiculiconiformis gen. nov et spec. nov.
Iowa Lottery Retailer Newsletter
Iowa Lottery Retailer Newsletter
Iowa Lottery Retailer Newsletter
This paper describes a new species of arcturidean isopod, Arcturella poorei, from the Atlantic seaboard of Cadiz (Spain). A diagnosis and description of the species is presented, and a comparison with other species of the genus from the area.
During the summer of 1963 the Materials Department noted the three to four ·year old concrete pavement on I-80 in Cass County was showing extensive surface cracking adjacent to joints and cracks. An examination of the pavement and a few cores from the cracked areas was made by the I.S.H.C. Materials Department and later by David Stark of the P.C.A. Additional surveys were conducted on other concrete pavement made with coarse aggregate from similar rock from two different sources. Blue-line cracking was found on some primary pavement and the indications of incipient cracks were seen on I-29 in Pottawattamie County, north of Council Bluffs. A good "D"-crack pattern is now evident. Surveys were then made of the entire Interstate concrete pavement. No other sections of Interstate were "D"-cracking, although some sections showed joint discoloration. None of these pavements, including the discolored sections, contained "D"-crack associated aggregates. At the same time as the Interstate survey additional pavements and sources were checked. Some "D"-cracking was noticed on certain sections of primary pavement 5-10 years old, in the vicinity of Waterloo and Cedar Rapids. The "D"-cracked pavement was from three aggregate sources, the Newton, Otis, and Burton Ave. quarries. Other pavements in this area that were older or from· different· coarse aggregate sources were not "D"-cracked. We believe that all the "D"-cracking is related, although dedolomitization is probably involved in the intermediate dolomite rocks.
« Notices sur quelques manuscrits arabes, par M. Woepke (fol. 1) ; — Notices sur quelques mss. sanscrits, par M. Fauriel (fol. 6) ; — Notices sur quelques mss. sanscrits (fol. 40) ; — Notices sur quelques mss. sanscrits en caractère bengali, par M. Loiseleur Deslongchamps (fol. 58) ; — Notices sur quelques mss. arabes, par M. Hassler (fol. 94) ; — Notices sur quelques mss. arabes, par M. Reinaud (fol. 99) ; — Catalogue des mss. orientaux de l'ancienne maison de la Sorbonne, par M. Reinaud (fol. 126) ; — Catalogue des mss. orientaux de l'ancien couvent de l'Oratoire, par M. Reinaud (fol. 136) ; — Catalogue des mss. orientaux des différentes bibliothèques publiques de Paris (fol. 146) ; — Liste des livres et des mss. orientaux venus d'Alger et adressés à la Bibliothèque royale, le 30 nov. 1832 (fol. 152) ; — Note de quelques mss. orientaux appartenant à M. Wahl (fol. 156) ; — Mss. orientaux provenant de feu M. Schultz (fol. 157 et 159) ; — Mss., papiers et autres objets provenant de feu M. Schultz (fol. 163) ; — Collection Asselin (fol. 165 et 270) ; — Lettres et pièces relatives au fonds Asselin (fol. 263) ; — Mss. arabes, persans, samskrits et hindous tanys, cédés à la Bibliothèque du Roi par M. de Polier (fol. 291 et 293) ; — Évaluation de 47 mss. arabes, persans, maures, bengalis, etc., provenant de feu Ouessant, interprète de la Compagnie de Pondichéry (fol. 295) ; — Mss. arabes, turcs et persans de M. Ducaurroy (fol. 298) ; — Collection des mss. orientaux appartenant à la succession de feu M. le baron Rousseau, consul général à Tripoly de Barbarie (fol. 303) ; — Liste des mss. tamouls cédés à la Bibliothèque du Roi par M. Ducler (fol. 309) ; — Liste des mss. tamouls donnés à la Bibliothèque du Roi par M. Reydelet (fol. 311) ; — Mss, arabes et berbères de M. Delaporte père, 4848 (fol. 314) ; — État sommaire de quelques mss. réputés venir de feu M. Huet,... trouvés dans la maison Kerboeuf (fol. 323) ; — Mss. orientaux distraits du fonds Renaudot (fol. 324) ; — Mss. arabes rapportés d'Égypte par le citoyen Raiye (fol. 325) ; — Cinq volumes arabes mss. offerts à la Bibliothèque royale par S. A. R. Mgr le duc de Nemours (fol. 326) ; — Liste des livres qu'on a envoyés à Mrs de la Compagnie, en tamoul, 14 déc. 1729 (fol. 327) ; — Catalogue des mss. indiens de la Bibliothèque du Roi (fol. 328) ; — « Mémoire concernant l'acquisition des mss. persiens qu'il conviendroit de faire aux Indes pour la Bibliothèque du Roy » (fol. 362) ; — Mémoire de livres à rechercher dans le Levant pour la Bibliothèque du Roy (fol. 366) ; — État des mss. à rechercher à Constantinople pour la Bibliothèque impériale (fol. 384) ; — Catalogue des mss. orientaux appartenant à M. R. Johnson, 1806 (fol. 386) ; — Liste des mss. orientaux de la bibliothèque de sir Thomas Phillipps à Middlehill, 1829 (fol. 396) ; — Indication des mss. arabes les plus importants de la bibliothèque d'Alger (fol. 398) ; — Liste des livres et mss. venus d'Alger (fol. 402) ; — Liste des bibliothèques turques de Constantinople, 1854 (fol. 404) ; — Bibliothèque du sultan Ahmet III, au vieux sérail : catalogue des livres d'histoire, 1854 (fol. 408) ; — Note des mss. orientaux extraits de la bibliothèque de Vienne, que le conservatoire de la Bibliothèque impériale juge entièrement inutiles (fol. 416) ; — Notice par Ascari de l'ancien ms. syriaque 13 (fol. 418) ; — Manuscrits persans historiques de l'Indoustan, et livres en langue samscretam, apportés à la Bibliothèque du Roi en 1778 » (fol. 420).
Se describe la nueva especie Euphorbia pedroi Molero and Rovira
Here, we report the culture and characterization of an alphaproteobacterium of the order Rhizobiales, isolated from the gut of the honey bee Apis mellifera. Strain PEB0122T shares >95 % 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity with species of the genus Bartonella, a group of mammalian pathogens transmitted by bloodsucking arthropods. Phylogenetic analyses showed that PEB0122T and related strains from the honey bee gut form a sister clade of the genus Bartonella. Optimal growth of strain PEB0122T was obtained on solid media supplemented with defibrinated sheep blood under microaerophilic conditions at 35-37 °C, which is consistent with the cultural characteristics of other species of the genus Bartonella. Reduced growth of strain PEB0122T also occurred under aerobic conditions. The rod-shaped cells of strain PEB0122T had a mean length of 1.2-1.8 μm and revealed hairy surface structures. Strain PEB0122T was positive for catalase, cytochrome c oxidase, urease and nitrate reductase. The fatty acid composition was comparable to those of other species of the genus Bartonella, with palmitic acid (C16 : 0) and isomers of 18- and 19-carbon chains being the most abundant. The genomic DNA G+C content of PEB0122T was determined to be about 45.5 mol%. The high 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity with species of Bartonella and its close phylogenetic position suggest that strain PEB0122T represents a novel species within the genus Bartonella, for which we propose the name Bartonella apis sp. nov. The type strain is PEB0122T ( = NCIMB 14961T = DSM 29779T).
Relata-se a ocorrência de um fungo de ferrugem em mudas e árvores de oiti (Licania tomentosa) em Manaus, AM. Os sintomas de queima de brotações, terminais de ramos, limbos novos e lesões necróticas em limbos maduros ou velhos foram relacionados à fase de uredÃnia, cujas pústulas, anfÃgenas, tinham tonalidade amarelada passando a esbranquiçadas. Crostas marrom-claras a escuras, correspondentes à fase de télia, foram freqüentemente observadas próximas à periferia das lesões necróticas, na superfÃcie abaxial de limbos maduros ou velhos. O agente causal foi descrito como Phakopsra tomentosae.
This is a description of the new species Mycovellosiella robsii, a cercosporoidal hyphomycete, associated with leaf spots on Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia, an important hedge plant with multiple uses in Brazil. The new species was compared to other cercosporoid species associated with plants of the genus Mimosa and other species of the genus Mycovellosiella described on legumes, and is recognized as a distinct taxon. Koch's postulates were carried out and the disease was reproduced by inoculating healthy plants with mycelial suspension or disk, confirming the pathogenicity. This is the first report of a fungal disease on this host.
Trichoderma stromaticum é um fungo antagonista a Crinipellis perniciosa, agente causal da vassoura-de-bruxa do cacaueiro (Theobroma cacao). Estromas periteciais de Hypocrea sp. formaram-se sobre a superfÃcie de frutos mumificados e vassouras secas de cacaueiros em áreas onde T. stromaticum tinha sido pulverizado, experimentalmente, no controle biológico de C. perniciosa. Ascósporos obtidos dos estromas de Hypocrea sp. originaram colônias idênticas à s de T. stromaticum. DNA genômico de colônias provenientes de ascósporos desta Hypocrea sp., de conÃdios de T. stromaticum e de Fusarium sp. (controle negativo) foi extraÃdo e amplificado com oito "primers" decâmeros para obtenção de marcadores RAPD. Observaram-se similaridades genéticas de 0,82 a 0,96 entre os isolados ascospóricos e conidiais com base nos marcadores RAPD e de 0,06 a 0,09 entre estes e o isolado de Fusarium sp. O teleomorfo de T. stromaticum é denominado H. stromatica Bezerra, Costa & Bastos sp. nov.
Foram estudadas cinco espécies de Uromyces sobre Bauhinia spp. e uma espécie nova em Galactia peduncularis. Uromyces bauhiniae foi encontrada pela primeira vez sobre B. holophylla, onde somente Uromyces floralis havia sido descrita. Uromyces floralis foi estudada sobre B. curvula, hospedeiro inédito no Brasil para esta espécie. Uromyces foveolatus, comum em B. acuruana var. nitida, no cerrado do Mato Grosso e U. goyazensis sobre B. dumosa var. viscidula foram encontradas somente na fase telial em todas as exsicatas examinadas. Uromyces viegasii foi estudada em B. forficata. Uromyces galactiae sp. nov. é o primeiro fungo fitopatogênico associado ao gênero Galactia.
Dedicated to: Jacobus Benzelius, Theodorus Ankarcrona, Matthias Grunerus, Olaus Thorin, Andreas Backman, Martinus Jonae Friberg, Carolus Gustavus Hallman, Andreas Sylvanus, Daniel P. Mansnerus, Daniel Lindqvist.
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan