633 resultados para Cambrian explosion
Since the first underground nuclear explosion, carried out in 1958, the analysis of seismic signals generated by these sources has allowed seismologists to refine the travel times of seismic waves through the Earth and to verify the accuracy of the location algorithms (the ground truth for these sources was often known). Long international negotiates have been devoted to limit the proliferation and testing of nuclear weapons. In particular the Treaty for the comprehensive nuclear test ban (CTBT), was opened to signatures in 1996, though, even if it has been signed by 178 States, has not yet entered into force, The Treaty underlines the fundamental role of the seismological observations to verify its compliance, by detecting and locating seismic events, and identifying the nature of their sources. A precise definition of the hypocentral parameters represents the first step to discriminate whether a given seismic event is natural or not. In case that a specific event is retained suspicious by the majority of the State Parties, the Treaty contains provisions for conducting an on-site inspection (OSI) in the area surrounding the epicenter of the event, located through the International Monitoring System (IMS) of the CTBT Organization. An OSI is supposed to include the use of passive seismic techniques in the area of the suspected clandestine underground nuclear test. In fact, high quality seismological systems are thought to be capable to detect and locate very weak aftershocks triggered by underground nuclear explosions in the first days or weeks following the test. This PhD thesis deals with the development of two different seismic location techniques: the first one, known as the double difference joint hypocenter determination (DDJHD) technique, is aimed at locating closely spaced events at a global scale. The locations obtained by this method are characterized by a high relative accuracy, although the absolute location of the whole cluster remains uncertain. We eliminate this problem introducing a priori information: the known location of a selected event. The second technique concerns the reliable estimates of back azimuth and apparent velocity of seismic waves from local events of very low magnitude recorded by a trypartite array at a very local scale. For the two above-mentioned techniques, we have used the crosscorrelation technique among digital waveforms in order to minimize the errors linked with incorrect phase picking. The cross-correlation method relies on the similarity between waveforms of a pair of events at the same station, at the global scale, and on the similarity between waveforms of the same event at two different sensors of the try-partite array, at the local scale. After preliminary tests on the reliability of our location techniques based on simulations, we have applied both methodologies to real seismic events. The DDJHD technique has been applied to a seismic sequence occurred in the Turkey-Iran border region, using the data recorded by the IMS. At the beginning, the algorithm was applied to the differences among the original arrival times of the P phases, so the cross-correlation was not used. We have obtained that the relevant geometrical spreading, noticeable in the standard locations (namely the locations produced by the analysts of the International Data Center (IDC) of the CTBT Organization, assumed as our reference), has been considerably reduced by the application of our technique. This is what we expected, since the methodology has been applied to a sequence of events for which we can suppose a real closeness among the hypocenters, belonging to the same seismic structure. Our results point out the main advantage of this methodology: the systematic errors affecting the arrival times have been removed or at least reduced. The introduction of the cross-correlation has not brought evident improvements to our results: the two sets of locations (without and with the application of the cross-correlation technique) are very similar to each other. This can be commented saying that the use of the crosscorrelation has not substantially improved the precision of the manual pickings. Probably the pickings reported by the IDC are good enough to make the random picking error less important than the systematic error on travel times. As a further justification for the scarce quality of the results given by the cross-correlation, it should be remarked that the events included in our data set don’t have generally a good signal to noise ratio (SNR): the selected sequence is composed of weak events ( magnitude 4 or smaller) and the signals are strongly attenuated because of the large distance between the stations and the hypocentral area. In the local scale, in addition to the cross-correlation, we have performed a signal interpolation in order to improve the time resolution. The algorithm so developed has been applied to the data collected during an experiment carried out in Israel between 1998 and 1999. The results pointed out the following relevant conclusions: a) it is necessary to correlate waveform segments corresponding to the same seismic phases; b) it is not essential to select the exact first arrivals; and c) relevant information can be also obtained from the maximum amplitude wavelet of the waveforms (particularly in bad SNR conditions). Another remarkable point of our procedure is that its application doesn’t demand a long time to process the data, and therefore the user can immediately check the results. During a field survey, such feature will make possible a quasi real-time check allowing the immediate optimization of the array geometry, if so suggested by the results at an early stage.
The need for high bandwidth, due to the explosion of new multi\-media-oriented IP-based services, as well as increasing broadband access requirements is leading to the need of flexible and highly reconfigurable optical networks. While transmission bandwidth does not represent a limit due to the huge bandwidth provided by optical fibers and Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) technology, the electronic switching nodes in the core of the network represent the bottleneck in terms of speed and capacity for the overall network. For this reason DWDM technology must be exploited not only for data transport but also for switching operations. In this Ph.D. thesis solutions for photonic packet switches, a flexible alternative with respect to circuit-switched optical networks are proposed. In particular solutions based on devices and components that are expected to mature in the near future are proposed, with the aim to limit the employment of complex components. The work presented here is the result of part of the research activities performed by the Networks Research Group at the Department of Electronics, Computer Science and Systems (DEIS) of the University of Bologna, Italy. In particular, the work on optical packet switching has been carried on within three relevant research projects: the e-Photon/ONe and e-Photon/ONe+ projects, funded by the European Union in the Sixth Framework Programme, and the national project OSATE funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Scientific Research. The rest of the work is organized as follows. Chapter 1 gives a brief introduction to network context and contention resolution in photonic packet switches. Chapter 2 presents different strategies for contention resolution in wavelength domain. Chapter 3 illustrates a possible implementation of one of the schemes proposed in chapter 2. Then, chapter 4 presents multi-fiber switches, which employ jointly wavelength and space domains to solve contention. Chapter 5 shows buffered switches, to solve contention in time domain besides wavelength domain. Finally chapter 6 presents a cost model to compare different switch architectures in terms of cost.
Low-pressure/high-temperature (LP/HT) metamorphic belts are characterised by rocks that experienced abnormal heat flow in shallow crustal levels (T > 600 °C; P < 4 kbar) resulting in anomalous geothermal gradients (60-150 °C/km). The abnormal amount of heat has been related to crustal underplating of mantle-derived basic magmas or to thermal perturbation linked to intrusion of large volumes of granitoids in the intermediate crust. In particular, in this latter context, magmatic or aqueous fluids are able to transport relevant amounts of heat by advection, thus favouring regional LP/HT metamorphism. However, the thermal perturbation consequent to heat released by cooling magmas is responsible also for contact metamorphic effects. A first problem is that time and space relationships between regional LP/HT metamorphism and contact metamorphism are usually unclear. A second problem is related to the high temperature conditions reached at different crustal levels. These, in some cases, can completely erase the previous metamorphic history. Notwithstanding this problem is very marked in lower crustal levels, petrologic and geochronologic studies usually concentrate in these attractive portions of the crust. However, only in the intermediate/upper-crustal levels of a LP/HT metamorphic belt the tectono-metamorphic events preceding the temperature peak, usually not preserved in the lower crustal portions, can be readily unravelled. The Hercynian Orogen of Western Europe is a well-documented example of a continental collision zone with widespread LP/HT metamorphism, intense crustal anatexis and granite magmatism. Owing to the exposure of a nearly continuous cross-section of the Hercynian continental crust, the Sila massif (northern Calabria) represents a favourable area to understand large-scale relationships between granitoids and LP/HT metamorphic rocks, and to discriminate regional LP/HT metamorphic events from contact metamorphic effects. Granulite-facies rocks of the lower crust and greenschist- to amphibolite-facies rocks of the intermediate-upper crust are separated by granitoids emplaced into the intermediate level during the late stages of the Hercynian orogeny. Up to now, advanced petrologic studies have been focused mostly in understanding P-T evolution of deeper crustal levels and magmatic bodies, whereas the metamorphic history of the shallower crustal levels is poorly constrained. The Hercynian upper crust exposed in Sila has been subdivided in two different metamorphic complexes by previous authors: the low- to very low-grade Bocchigliero complex and the greenschist- to amphibolite-facies Mandatoriccio complex. The latter contains favourable mineral assemblages in order to unravel the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Hercynian upper crust. The Mandatoriccio complex consists mainly of metapelites, meta-arenites, acid metavolcanites and metabasites with rare intercalations of marbles and orthogneisses. Siliciclastic metasediments show a static porphyroblastic growth mainly of biotite, garnet, andalusite, staurolite and muscovite, whereas cordierite and fibrolite are less common. U-Pb ages and internal features of zircons suggest that the protoliths of the Mandatoriccio complex formed in a sedimentary basin filled by Cambrian to Silurian magmatic products as well as by siliciclastic sediments derived from older igneous and metamorphic rocks. In some localities, metamorphic rocks are injected by numerous aplite/pegmatite veins. Small granite bodies are also present and are always associated to spotted schists with large porphyroblasts. They occur along a NW-SE trending transcurrent cataclastic fault zone, which represents the tectonic contact between the Bocchigliero and the Mandatoriccio complexes. This cataclastic fault zone shows evidence of activity at least from middle-Miocene to Recent, indicating that brittle deformation post-dated the Hercynian orogeny. P-T pseudosections show that micaschists and paragneisses of the Mandatoriccio complex followed a clockwise P-T path characterised by four main prograde phases: thickening, peak-pressure condition, decompression and peak-temperature condition. During the thickening phase, garnet blastesis started up with spessartine-rich syntectonic core developed within micaschists and paragneisses. Coevally (340 ± 9.6 Ma), mafic sills and dykes injected the upper crustal volcaniclastic sedimentary sequence of the Mandatoriccio complex. After reaching the peak-pressure condition (≈4 kbar), the upper crust experienced a period of deformation quiescence marked by the static overgrowths of S2 by Almandine-rich-garnet rims and by porphyroblasts of biotite and staurolite. Probably, this metamorphic phase is related to isotherms relaxation after the thickening episode recorder by the Rb/Sr isotopic system (326 ± 6 Ma isochron age). The post-collisional period was mainly characterised by decompression with increasing temperature. This stage is documented by the andalusite+biotite coronas overgrown on staurolite porphyroblasts and represents a critical point of the metamorphic history, since metamorphic rocks begin to record a significant thermal perturbation. Peak-temperature conditions (≈620 °C) were reached at the end of this stage. They are well constrained by some reaction textures and mineral assemblages observed almost exclusively within paragneisses. The later appearance of fibrolitic sillimanite documents a small excursion of the P-T path across the And-Sil boundary due to the heating. Stephanian U-Pb ages of monazite crystals from the paragneiss, can be related to this heating phase. Similar monazite U-Pb ages from the micaschist combined with the lack of fibrolitic sillimanite suggest that, during the same thermal perturbation, micaschists recorded temperatures slightly lower than those reached by paragneisses. The metamorphic history ended with the crystallisation of cordierite mainly at the expense of andalusite. Consequently, the Ms+Bt+St+And+Sill+Crd mineral assemblage observed in the paragneisses is the result of a polyphasic evolution and is characterised by the metastable persistence of the staurolite in the stability fields of the cordierite. Geologic, geochronologic and petrographic data suggest that the thermal peak recorded by the intermediate/upper crust could be strictly connected with the emplacement of large amounts of granitoid magmas in the middle crust. Probably, the lithospheric extension in the relatively heated crust favoured ascent and emplacement of granitoids and further exhumation of metamorphic rocks. After a comparison among the tectono-metamorphic evolutions of the different Hercynian crustal levels exposed in Sila, it is concluded that the intermediate/upper crustal level offers the possibility to reconstruct a more detailed tectono-metamorphic history. The P-T paths proposed for the lower crustal levels probably underestimate the amount of the decompression. Apart from these considerations, the comparative analysis indicates that P-T paths at various crustal levels in the Sila cross section are well compatible with a unique geologic scenario, characterized by post-collisional extensional tectonics and magmas ascent.
Der AMANDA-II Detektor ist primär für den richtungsaufgelösten Nachweis hochenergetischer Neutrinos konzipiert. Trotzdem können auch niederenergetische Neutrinoausbrüche, wie sie von Supernovae erwartet werden, mit hoher Signifikanz nachgewiesen werden, sofern sie innerhalb der Milchstraße stattfinden. Die experimentelle Signatur im Detektor ist ein kollektiver Anstieg der Rauschraten aller optischen Module. Zur Abschätzung der Stärke des erwarteten Signals wurden theoretische Modelle und Simulationen zu Supernovae und experimentelle Daten der Supernova SN1987A studiert. Außerdem wurden die Sensitivitäten der optischen Module neu bestimmt. Dazu mussten für den Fall des südpolaren Eises die Energieverluste geladener Teilchen untersucht und eine Simulation der Propagation von Photonen entwickelt werden. Schließlich konnte das im Kamiokande-II Detektor gemessene Signal auf die Verhältnisse des AMANDA-II Detektors skaliert werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein Algorithmus zur Echtzeit-Suche nach Signalen von Supernovae als Teilmodul der Datennahme implementiert. Dieser beinhaltet diverse Verbesserungen gegenüber der zuvor von der AMANDA-Kollaboration verwendeten Version. Aufgrund einer Optimierung auf Rechengeschwindigkeit können nun mehrere Echtzeit-Suchen mit verschiedenen Analyse-Zeitbasen im Rahmen der Datennahme simultan laufen. Die Disqualifikation optischer Module mit ungeeignetem Verhalten geschieht in Echtzeit. Allerdings muss das Verhalten der Module zu diesem Zweck anhand von gepufferten Daten beurteilt werden. Dadurch kann die Analyse der Daten der qualifizierten Module nicht ohne eine Verzögerung von etwa 5 Minuten geschehen. Im Falle einer erkannten Supernova werden die Daten für die Zeitdauer mehrerer Minuten zur späteren Auswertung in 10 Millisekunden-Intervallen archiviert. Da die Daten des Rauschverhaltens der optischen Module ansonsten in Intervallen von 500 ms zur Verfgung stehen, ist die Zeitbasis der Analyse in Einheiten von 500 ms frei wählbar. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden drei Analysen dieser Art am Südpol aktiviert: Eine mit der Zeitbasis der Datennahme von 500 ms, eine mit der Zeitbasis 4 s und eine mit der Zeitbasis 10 s. Dadurch wird die Sensitivität für Signale maximiert, die eine charakteristische exponentielle Zerfallszeit von 3 s aufweisen und gleichzeitig eine gute Sensitivität über einen weiten Bereich exponentieller Zerfallszeiten gewahrt. Anhand von Daten der Jahre 2000 bis 2003 wurden diese Analysen ausführlich untersucht. Während die Ergebnisse der Analyse mit t = 500 ms nicht vollständig nachvollziehbare Ergebnisse produzierte, konnten die Resultate der beiden Analysen mit den längeren Zeitbasen durch Simulationen reproduziert und entsprechend gut verstanden werden. Auf der Grundlage der gemessenen Daten wurden die erwarteten Signale von Supernovae simuliert. Aus einem Vergleich zwischen dieser Simulation den gemessenen Daten der Jahre 2000 bis 2003 und der Simulation des erwarteten statistischen Untergrunds kann mit einem Konfidenz-Niveau von mindestens 90 % gefolgert werden, dass in der Milchstraße nicht mehr als 3.2 Supernovae pro Jahr stattfinden. Zur Identifikation einer Supernova wird ein Ratenanstieg mit einer Signifikanz von mindestens 7.4 Standardabweichungen verlangt. Die Anzahl erwarteter Ereignisse aus dem statistischen Untergrund beträgt auf diesem Niveau weniger als ein Millionstel. Dennoch wurde ein solches Ereignis gemessen. Mit der gewählten Signifikanzschwelle werden 74 % aller möglichen Vorläufer-Sterne von Supernovae in der Galaxis überwacht. In Kombination mit dem letzten von der AMANDA-Kollaboration veröffentlicheten Ergebnis ergibt sich sogar eine obere Grenze von nur 2.6 Supernovae pro Jahr. Im Rahmen der Echtzeit-Analyse wird für die kollektive Ratenüberhöhung eine Signifikanz von mindestens 5.5 Standardabweichungen verlangt, bevor eine Meldung über die Detektion eines Supernova-Kandidaten verschickt wird. Damit liegt der überwachte Anteil Sterne der Galaxis bei 81 %, aber auch die Frequenz falscher Alarme steigt auf bei etwa 2 Ereignissen pro Woche. Die Alarm-Meldungen werden über ein Iridium-Modem in die nördliche Hemisphäre übertragen, und sollen schon bald zu SNEWS beitragen, dem weltweiten Netzwerk zur Früherkennung von Supernovae.
P-T conditions, paragenetic studies and the relation between mineral growth, deformation and - when possible- isograd minerals have been used to describe the type of metamorphism involved within lower units of the southern Menderes Massif of the Anatolide Belt in western Turkey. The study areas mainly consist of Proterozoic orthogneiss and surrounding schists of presumed Paleozoic age. Both units are seen as nappes in the southern study area, the Çine and the Selimiye nappe, on the whole corresponding to Proterozoic orthogneiss and surrounding schists, respectively. The Çine and Selimiye nappes are part of a complex geological structure within the core series of the Menderes Massif. Their emplacement under lower greenschist facies conditions, would result from closure of the northern Neo-Thethys branch during the Eocene. These two nappes are separated by a major tectonic structure, the Selimiye shear zone, which records top-to-the-S shearing under greenschist facies conditions. Amphibolite to upper amphibolite facies metamorphism is widely developed within the metasedimentary rocks of the Çine nappe whereas no metamorphism exceeding lower amphibolite facies has been observed in the Selimiye nappe. In the southern margin of the Çine Massif, around Selimiye and Millas villages, detailed sampling has been undertaken in order to map mineral isograds within the Selimiye nappe and to specify P-T conditions in this area. The data collected in this area reveals a global prograde normal erosion field gradient from south to north and toward the orthogneiss. The mineralogical parageneses and P-T estimates are correlated with Barrovian-type metamorphism. A jump of P-T conditions across the Selimiye shear zone has been identified and estimated c. 2 kbar and 100 °C which evidences the presence of amphibolite facies metasedimentary rocks near the orthogneiss. Metasedimentary rocks from the overlying Selimiye nappe have maximum P-T conditions of c. 4-5 kbar and c. 525 °C near the base of the nappe. Metasedimentary rocks from the Çine nappe underneath the Selimiye shear zone record maximum P-T conditions of about 7 kbar and >550 °C. Kinematic indicators in both nappes consistently show a top-S shear sense. Metamorphic grade in the Selimiye nappe decreases structurally upwards as indicated by mineral isograds defining the garnet-chlorite zone at the base, the chloritoid-biotite zone and the biotite-chlorite zone at the top of the nappe. The mineral isograds in the Selimiye nappe run parallel to the regional SR foliation. 40Ar/39Ar mica ages indicate an Eocene age of metamorphism in the Selimiye nappe and underneath the Çine nappe in this area. Metasedimentary rocks of the Çine nappe 20-30 km north of the Selimiye shear zone record maximum P-T conditions of 8-11 kbar and 600-650 °C. Kinematic indicators show mainly top-N shear sense associated with prograde amphibolite facies metamorphism. An age of about 550 Ma could be indicated for amphibolite facies metamorphism and associated top-N shear in the orthogneiss and metasedimentary rocks of the Çine nappe. However, there is no evidence for polymetamorphism in the 6 metasedimentary rocks of the Çine nappe, making tectonic interpretations about late Neoproterozoic to Cambrian and Tertiary metamorphic events speculative. In the western margin of the Çine Massif metamorphic mineral parageneses and pressure– temperature conditions lead to similar conclusion regarding the erosion field gradient, prograde normal toward the orthogneiss. The contact between orthogneiss and surrounding metasedimentary rocks is mylonitic and syn-metamorphism. P-T estimates are those already observed within the Selimiye nappe and correlated with lower amphibolite facies parageneses. Finally additional data in the eastern part and a general paragenetic study within the Menderes Massif lower units, the Çine and the Selimiye nappes, strongly suggest a single Barrovian-type metamorphism predating Eocene emplacement of the high pressure–low temperature Lycean and Cycladic blueschist nappes. Metamorphic mineral parageneses and pressure–temperature conditions do not support the recently proposed model of high pressure–low temperature metamorphic overprinting, which implies burial of the lower units of the Menderes Massif up to depth of 30 km, as a result of closure of the Neo-Tethys. According to the geochronological problem outlined during this thesis, there are two possible schemes: either Barrovian-type metamorphism is Proterozoic in age and part of the sediments from Selimiye nappe (lower amphibolite facies) has to be proterozoic of age too, or Barrovian-type metamorphism in Eocene of age. In the first case the structure observed now in the core series would correspond to simple exhumation of Proterozoic basement. In the latter case a possible correlation with closure of Neo-Tethys (sensu stricto, southern branch) is envisaged.
Sterne mit einer Anfangsmasse zwischen etwa 8 und 25 Sonnenmassen enden ihre Existenz mit einer gewaltigen Explosion, einer Typ II Supernova. Die hierbei entstehende Hoch-Entropie-Blase ist ein Bereich am Rande des sich bildenden Neutronensterns und gilt als möglicher Ort für den r-Prozess. Wegen der hohen Temperatur T innerhalb der Blase ist die Materie dort vollkommen photodesintegriert. Das Verhältnis von Neutronen zu Protonen wird durch die Elektronenhäufigkeit Ye beschrieben. Die thermodynamische Entwicklung des Systems wird durch die Entropie S gegeben. Da die Expansion der Blase schnell vonstatten geht, kann sie als adiabatisch betrachtet werden. Die Entropie S ist dann proportional zu T^3/rho, wobei rho die Dichte darstellt. Die explizite Zeitentwicklung von T und rho sowie die Prozessdauer hängen von Vexp, der Expansionsgeschwindigkeit der Blase, ab. Der erste Teil dieser Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit dem Prozess der Reaktionen mit geladenen Teilchen, dem alpha-Prozess. Dieser Prozess endet bei Temperaturen von etwa 3 mal 10^9 K, dem sogenannten "alpha-reichen" Freezeout, wobei überwiegend alpha-Teilchen, freie Neutronen sowie ein kleiner Anteil von mittelschweren "Saat"-Kernen im Massenbereich um A=100 gebildet werden. Das Verhältnis von freien Neutronen zu Saatkernen Yn/Yseed ist entscheidend für den möglichen Ablauf eines r-Prozesses. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem eigentlichen r-Prozess, der bei Neutronenanzahldichten von bis zu 10^27 Neutronen pro cm^3 stattfindet, und innerhalb von maximal 400 ms sehr neutronenreiche "Progenitor"-Isotope von Elementen bis zum Thorium und Uran bildet. Bei dem sich anschliessendem Ausfrieren der Neutroneneinfangreaktionen bei 10^9 K und 10^20 Neutronen pro cm^3 erfolgt dann der beta-Rückzerfall der ursprünglichen r-Prozesskerne zum Tal der Stabilität. Diese Nicht-Gleichgewichts-Phase wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit in einer Parameterstudie eingehend untersucht. Abschliessend werden astrophysikalische Bedingungen definiert, unter denen die gesamte Verteilung der solaren r-Prozess-Isotopenhäufigkeiten reproduziert werden können.
Proper hazard identification has become progressively more difficult to achieve, as witnessed by several major accidents that took place in Europe, such as the Ammonium Nitrate explosion at Toulouse (2001) and the vapour cloud explosion at Buncefield (2005), whose accident scenarios were not considered by their site safety case. Furthermore, the rapid renewal in the industrial technology has brought about the need to upgrade hazard identification methodologies. Accident scenarios of emerging technologies, which are not still properly identified, may remain unidentified until they take place for the first time. The consideration of atypical scenarios deviating from normal expectations of unwanted events or worst case reference scenarios is thus extremely challenging. A specific method named Dynamic Procedure for Atypical Scenarios Identification (DyPASI) was developed as a complementary tool to bow-tie identification techniques. The main aim of the methodology is to provide an easier but comprehensive hazard identification of the industrial process analysed, by systematizing information from early signals of risk related to past events, near misses and inherent studies. DyPASI was validated on the two examples of new and emerging technologies: Liquefied Natural Gas regasification and Carbon Capture and Storage. The study broadened the knowledge on the related emerging risks and, at the same time, demonstrated that DyPASI is a valuable tool to obtain a complete and updated overview of potential hazards. Moreover, in order to tackle underlying accident causes of atypical events, three methods for the development of early warning indicators were assessed: the Resilience-based Early Warning Indicator (REWI) method, the Dual Assurance method and the Emerging Risk Key Performance Indicator method. REWI was found to be the most complementary and effective of the three, demonstrating that its synergy with DyPASI would be an adequate strategy to improve hazard identification methodologies towards the capture of atypical accident scenarios.
Bioconversion of ferulic acid to vanillin represents an attractive opportunity for replacing synthetic vanillin with a bio-based product, that can be label “natural”, according to current food regulations. Ferulic acid is an abundant phenolic compound in cereals processing by-products, such as wheat bran, where it is linked to the cell wall constituents. In this work, the possibility of producing vanillin from ferulic acid released enzymatically from wheat bran was investigated by using resting cells of Pseudomonas fluorescens strain BF13-1p4 carrying an insertional inactivation of vdh gene and ech and fcs BF13 genes on a low copy number plasmid. Process parameters were optimized both for the biomass production phase and the bioconversion phase using food-grade ferulic acid as substrate and the approach of changing one variable while fixing the others at a certain level followed by the response surface methodology (RSM). Under optimized conditions, vanillin up to 8.46 mM (1.4 g/L) was achieved, whereas highest productivity was 0.53 mmoles vanillin L-1 h-1). Cocktails of a number of commercial enzyme (amylases, xylanases, proteases, feruloyl esterases) combined with bran pre-treatment with steam explosion and instant controlled pressure drop technology were then tested for the release of ferulic acid from wheat bran. The highest ferulic acid release was limited to 15-20 % of the ferulic acid occurring in bran, depending on the treatment conditions. Ferulic acid 1 mM in enzymatic hydrolyzates could be bioconverted into vanillin with molar yield (55.1%) and selectivity (68%) comparable to those obtained with food-grade ferulic acid after purification from reducing sugars with a non polar adsorption resin. Further improvement of ferulic acid recovery from wheat bran is however required to make more attractive the production of natural vanillin from this by-product.
Mongolia occupies a central position within the eastern branch of the large accretionary Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) or Altaids. The present work aims to outline the geodynamic environment and possible evolution of this part of the eastern CAOB, predominantly from the Cambrian to the middle Palaeozoic. The investigation primarily focussed on zircon geochronology as well as whole-rock geochemical and Sm–Nd isotopic analyses for a variety of metaigneous rocks from the southern Hangay and Gobi-Altai regions in south-central Mongolia. The southern slope of the Hangay Mountains in central Mongolia exposes a large NWSE-trending middle Neoproterozoic ophiolitic complex (c. 650 Ma), which is tectonically integrated within an accretionary complex developed between the Precambrian Baydrag and Hangay crustal blocks. Formation of the entire accretionary system along the north-eastern margin of the Baydrag block mainly occurred during the early Cambrian, but convergence within this orogenic zone continued until the early Ordovician, because of on-going southward subduction-accretion of the Baydrag block. An important discovery is the identification of a late Mesoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoic belt within the northern Gobi-Altai that was reworked during the late Cambrian and throughout the late Ordovician/Devonian. Early Silurian low-grade mafic and felsic metavolcanic rocks from the northern Gobi-Altai display subduction-related geochemical features and highly heterogeneous Nd isotopic compositions, which suggest an origin at a mature active continental margin. Early Devonian protoliths of granodioritic and mafic gneisses from the southern Gobi-Altai display geochemical and Nd isotopic compositions compatible with derivation and evolution from predominantly juvenile crustal and mantel sources and these rocks may have been emplaced within the outboard portion of the late Ordovician/early Silurian active continental margin. Moreover, middle Devonian low-grade metavolcanic rocks from the southwestern Gobi-Altai yielded geochemical and Nd isotopic data consistent with emplacement in a transitional arc-backarc setting. The combined U–Pb zircon ages and geochemical data obtained from the Gobi-Altai region suggest that magmatism across an active continental margin migrated oceanwards through time by way of subduction zone retreat throughout the Devonian. Progressive extension of the continental margin was associated with the opening of a backarc basin and culminated in the late Devonian with the formation of a Japan-type arc front facing a southward open oceanic realm (present-day coordinates).
Theoretical models are developed for the continuous-wave and pulsed laser incision and cut of thin single and multi-layer films. A one-dimensional steady-state model establishes the theoretical foundations of the problem by combining a power-balance integral with heat flow in the direction of laser motion. In this approach, classical modelling methods for laser processing are extended by introducing multi-layer optical absorption and thermal properties. The calculation domain is consequently divided in correspondence with the progressive removal of individual layers. A second, time-domain numerical model for the short-pulse laser ablation of metals accounts for changes in optical and thermal properties during a single laser pulse. With sufficient fluence, the target surface is heated towards its critical temperature and homogeneous boiling or "phase explosion" takes place. Improvements are seen over previous works with the more accurate calculation of optical absorption and shielding of the incident beam by the ablation products. A third, general time-domain numerical laser processing model combines ablation depth and energy absorption data from the short-pulse model with two-dimensional heat flow in an arbitrary multi-layer structure. Layer removal is the result of both progressive short-pulse ablation and classical vaporisation due to long-term heating of the sample. At low velocity, pulsed laser exposure of multi-layer films comprising aluminium-plastic and aluminium-paper are found to be characterised by short-pulse ablation of the metallic layer and vaporisation or degradation of the others due to thermal conduction from the former. At high velocity, all layers of the two films are ultimately removed by vaporisation or degradation as the average beam power is increased to achieve a complete cut. The transition velocity between the two characteristic removal types is shown to be a function of the pulse repetition rate. An experimental investigation validates the simulation results and provides new laser processing data for some typical packaging materials.
Supernovae are among the most energetic events occurring in the universe and are so far the only verified extrasolar source of neutrinos. As the explosion mechanism is still not well understood, recording a burst of neutrinos from such a stellar explosion would be an important benchmark for particle physics as well as for the core collapse models. The neutrino telescope IceCube is located at the Geographic South Pole and monitors the antarctic glacier for Cherenkov photons. Even though it was conceived for the detection of high energy neutrinos, it is capable of identifying a burst of low energy neutrinos ejected from a supernova in the Milky Way by exploiting the low photomultiplier noise in the antarctic ice and extracting a collective rate increase. A signal Monte Carlo specifically developed for water Cherenkov telescopes is presented. With its help, we will investigate how well IceCube can distinguish between core collapse models and oscillation scenarios. In the second part, nine years of data taken with the IceCube precursor AMANDA will be analyzed. Intensive data cleaning methods will be presented along with a background simulation. From the result, an upper limit on the expected occurrence of supernovae within the Milky Way will be determined.
Kernkollaps-Supernovae werden von einem massiven Ausbruch niederenergetischer Neutrinos begleitet. Sie zählen zu den energiereichsten Erscheinungen im Universum und stellen die derzeit einzig bekannte Quelle extrasolarer Neutrinos dar.rnDie Detektion einer solchen Neutrinosignatur würde zu einem tieferen Verständnis des bislang unzureichend bekannten stellaren Explosionsmechanismus führen. rnDarüber hinaus würden neue Einblicke in den Bereich der Teilchenphysik und der Supernova-Modellierung ermöglicht. Das sich zur Zeit am geographischen Südpol im Aufbau befindliche Neutrinoteleskop IceCube wird 2011 fertig gestellt sein.rnIceCube besteht im endgültigen Ausbau aus 5160 Photovervielfachern, die sich in gitterförmiger Anordnung in Tiefen zwischen 1450m und 2450m unter der Eisoberfläche befinden. Durch den Nachweis von Tscherenkow-Photonenrnim antarktischen Gletscher ist es in der Lage, galaktische Supernovae über einen kollektiven Anstieg der Rauschraten in seinen Photonenvervielfachern nachzuweisen.rnIn dieser Arbeit werden verschiedene Studien zur Implementierung einer künstlichen Totzeit vorgestellt, welche korreliertes Rauschen unterdrücken und somit das Signal-Untergund-Verhältnis maximieren würden.rnEin weiterer Teil dieser Dissertation bestand in der Integration der Supernova-Datenakquise eine neue Experiment-Steuerungssoftware.rnFür den Analyseteil der Arbeit wurde ein Monte-Carlo für IceCube entwickelt und Neutinooszillations-Mechanismen und eine Reihe von Signalmodellen integriert. Ein Likelihoodhypothesen-Test wurde verwendet, um die Unterscheidbarkeit verschiedener Supernova- beziehungsweise Neutrinooszillations-Szenarien zu untersuchen. Desweiteren wurde analysiert inwieweit sich Schock-Anregungen und QCD-Phasenübergnag im Verlauf des Explosionsprozesses detektieren lassen.
The main goal of this thesis is to facilitate the process of industrial automated systems development applying formal methods to ensure the reliability of systems. A new formulation of distributed diagnosability problem in terms of Discrete Event Systems theory and automata framework is presented, which is then used to enforce the desired property of the system, rather then just verifying it. This approach tackles the state explosion problem with modeling patterns and new algorithms, aimed for verification of diagnosability property in the context of the distributed diagnosability problem. The concepts are validated with a newly developed software tool.
According to the latest statistics projections formulated by Eurostat, the proportion of elderly EU-27’s population aged over 65 years old is predicted to increase from 17.5 % in 2011 to 29.5 % by 2060. This "population explosion" makes extremely important to identify the different genetic and molecular mechanisms which underpin the morbidity and mortality along with new strategies able to counteract or slow down its progress. In this scenario fits the European Project MARK-AGE whose aim was to identify a robust set of biomarkers of human ageing able to discriminate between chronological and biological ageing and to derive a model for healthy ageing through the analysis of three populations from different European countries, supposed to be characterized by different ageing rate: 1. Subjects representing the “Normal” or “Physiological” aging. 2. Subjects representing the “successful” or “decelerate” aging 3. Subjects representing the “accelerated” aging. The aim of this work was to recruit and characterize volunteers, to perform an accurate analysis of the health status of elderly recruited subjects (60-79 years) verifying any possible dissimilarity in their aging trajectories, to identify a set of robust ageing biomarkers and investigate possible correlations between ageing biomarkers and health status of recruited volunteers. The model proposed by MARK-AGE Project regarding different ageing trajectories has been confirmed and several ageing biomarkers have been identified.
Bisher ist bei forensischen Untersuchungen von Explosionen die Rückverfolgung der verwendeten Sprengstoffe begrenzt, da das Material in aller Regel bei der Explosion zerstört wird. Die Rückverfolgung von Sprengstoffen soll mit Hilfe von Identifikations-Markierungssubstanzen erleichtert werden. Diese stellen einen einzigartigen Code dar, der auch nach einer Sprengung wiedergefunden und identifiziert werden kann. Die dem Code zugeordneten, eindeutigen Informationen können somit ausgelesen werden und liefern der Polizei bei der Aufklärung weitere Ansätze.rnZiel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, das Verhalten von ausgewählten Seltenerdelementen (SEE) bei Explosion zu untersuchen. Ein auf Lanthanoidphosphaten basierender Identifikations-Markierungsstoff bietet die Möglichkeit, verschiedene Lanthanoide innerhalb eines einzelnen Partikels zu kombinieren, wodurch eine Vielzahl von Codes generiert werden kann. Somit kann eine Veränderung der Ausgangszusammensetzung des Codes auch nach einer Explosion durch die Analyse eines einzelnen Partikels sehr gut nachvollzogen und somit die Eignung des Markierungsstoffes untersucht werden. Eine weitere Zielsetzung ist die Überprüfung der Anwendbarkeit der Massenspektrometrie mit induktiv gekoppeltem Plasma (ICP-MS) und Partikelanalyse mittels Rasterelektronenmikroskopie (REM) für die Analyse der versprengten Identifikations-Markierungssubstanzen. rnDie Ergebnisbetrachtungen der ICP-MS-Analyse und REM-Partikelanalyse deuten zusammenfassend auf eine Fraktionierung der untersuchten Lanthanoide oder deren Umsetzungsprodukte nach Explosion in Abhängigkeit ihrer thermischen Belastbarkeit. Die Befunde zeigen eine Anreicherung der Lanthanoide mit höherer Temperaturbeständigkeit in größeren Partikeln, was eine Anreicherung von Lanthanoiden mit niedrigerer Temperaturbeständigkeit in kleineren Partikeln impliziert. Dies lässt sich in Ansätzen durch einen Fraktionierungsprozess in Abhängigkeit der Temperaturstabilität der Lanthanoide oder deren Umsetzungsprodukten erklären. Die der Fraktionierung zugrunde liegenden Mechanismen und deren gegenseitige Beeinflussung bei einer Explosion konnten im Rahmen dieser Arbeit nicht abschließend geklärt werden.rnDie generelle Anwendbarkeit und unter Umständen notwendige, komplementäre Verwendung der zwei Methoden ICP-MS und REM-Partikelanalyse wird in dieser Arbeit gezeigt. Die ICP-MS stellt mit großer untersuchter Probenfläche und hoher Genauigkeit eine gute Methode zur Charakterisierung der Konzentrationsverhältnisse der untersuchten Lanthanoide dar. Die REM-Partikelanalyse hingegen ermöglicht im Falle von Kontamination der Proben mit anderen Lanthanoid-haltigen Partikeln eine eindeutige Differenzierung der Elementvergesellschaftung pro Partikel. Sie kann somit im Gegensatz zur ICP-MS Aufschluss über die Art und Zusammensetzung der Kontamination geben. rnInnerhalb der vorgenommenen Untersuchungen stellte die bei der ICP-MS angewandte Probennahmetechnik eine ideale Art der Probennahme dar. Bei anderen Oberflächen könnte diese jedoch in Folge der in verschiedenen Partikelgrößen resultierenden Fraktionierung zu systematisch verfälschten Ergebnissen führen. Um die generelle Anwendbarkeit der ICP-MS im Hinblick auf die Analyse versprengter Lanthanoide zu gewährleisten, sollte eine Durchführung weiterer Sprengungen auf unterschiedlichen Probenoberflächen erfolgen und gegebenenfalls weitere Probennahme-, Aufschluss- und Anreicherungsverfahren evaluiert werden.rn