998 resultados para Camões, Bento de.


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This work describes the impact of different teachers’ approaches in using Moodle, for supporting their courses, at the Polytechnic of Porto - School of Engineering. The study covers five different courses, from different degrees and different years, and includes a number of Moodle resources especially supporting laboratory classes. These and other active resources are particularly analyzed in order to evaluate students’ adherence to them. One particular course includes a number of remote experiments, made available through VISIR (Virtual Instrument Systems in Reality) and directly accessible through links included in the Moodle course page. The collected data have been correlated with students’ classifications in the lab component and in the exam, each one weighting 50% of their final marks. This analysis benefited from the existence of different teachers’ approaches, which resulted in a diversity of Moodle-supported environments. Conclusions point to the existence of a positive correlation factor between the number of Moodle accesses and the final exam grade, although the quality of the resources made available by the teachers seems to be preponderant over its quantity. In addition, different students perspectives were found regarding active resources: while some seem to encourage students to participate (for instance online quiz or online reports), others, more demanding, are unable to stimulate the majority of them.


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In this article the authors describe the application development RExMobile and the importance of remote experimentation via mobile devices, especially smartphones simple, beyond the space provided for this application in education. The article deals the creation, software and hardware that provide an interactive and dynamic way to attract more students to use these experiments remote, serving as support to teachers to science teaching from its initial series. The ease and availability of smartphones, even these students of basic education, permits the reach of new users and in different places. Thus, the practice of remote experimentation in mobile devices enables new spaces for access and interaction. Are used for developing software free or low cost, HTML5 and jQuery Mobile framework, that enable the creation of pages compatible with different mobile operating systems such as iOS, Android, Windows Phone, some Symbian, among others. Also are demonstrated patterns layouts that allow greater accessibility.


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This work extends a recent comparative study covering four different courses lectured at the Polytechnic of Porto - School of Engineering, in respect to the usage of a particular Learning Management System, i.e. Moodle, and its impact on students' results. A fifth course, which includes a number of resources especially supporting laboratory classes, is now added to the analysis. This particular course includes a number of remote experiments, made available through VISIR (Virtual Instrument Systems in Reality) and directly accessible through links included in the Moodle course page. We have analyzed the students' behavior in following these links and in effectively running experiments in VISIR (and also using other lab related resources, in Moodle). This data have been correlated with students' classifications in the lab component and in the exam, each one weighting 50% of their final marks. We aimed to compare students' performance in a richly Moodle-supported environment (with lab component) and in a poorly Moodle-supported environment (with only theoretical component). This question followed from conclusions drawn in the above referred comparative study, where it was shown that even though a positive correlation factor existed between the number of Moodle accesses and the final exam grade obtained by each student, its explanation behind was not straightforward, as the quality of the resources was preponderant over its quantity.


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The advantages of networking are widely known in many areas (from business to personal ones). One particular area where networks have also proved their benefits is education. Taking the secondary school education level into account, some successful cases can be found in literature. In this paper we describe a particular remote lab network supporting physical experiments accessible to students of institutions geographically separated. The network architecture and application examples of using some of the available remote experiments are illustrated in detail.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, perfil Sanitária


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Roedores silvestres, classificados como Holochilus brasiliensis nanus Thomas,1897, foram capturados na cidade de São Bento, pertencente à Região da Baixada, do Estado do Maranhão, Brasil, naturalmente infectados com formas adultas de filaria, na cavidade peritoneal, e microfilárias sangüíneas, assim como, com esquistossoma mansoni (vermes adultos e granulomas peri-ovulares hepáticos; intestinais; pulmonares; esplênicos e pancreáticos). Animais nascidos em Biotério, descendentes de Holochilus da Região da Baixada, foram infectados experimentalmente com Leishmania m. amazonensis e Schistosoma mansoni. Em observações semanais, foram encontradas lesões teciduais, semelhantes às que se desenvolvem em hamsters infectados com Leishmania, e hipergamaglobulinemia. Nos esquistossomóticos, foram constatadas hipergamaglobulinemia e reações granulomatosas similares às encontradas nos animais infectados naturalmente. Foram observadas, também, lesões hepática graves, semelhantes às encontradas na esquistossomose humana. Estes achados sugerem a utilização do Holochilus b. nanus como modelo experimental destas três doenças tropicais.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo a modelação hidráulica e de qualidade de água de parte de uma rede de distribuição a alta pressão do grande Porto. Após calibração de um modelo utilizado no software EPANet foi possível simular o decaimento do cloro livre num troço da rede de abastecimento. Foi ainda possível concluir que os valores dos parâmetros característicos do modelo de qualidade são uma constante de decaimento no seio do fluido de 1,78 dia-1 (0,001239 min-1) a cerca de 22 ºC e, no ramal 6244-6245 Ramalde – Cabanas – Pedrouços, uma constante de decaimento na parede da tubagem de forma generalizada de 0,28 m/dia. Não foi possível obter conclusões sobre a adutora 6261 Jovim-Nova Sintra 2, ficando explícita a necessidade de um maior controlo sobre a variável temperatura.


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Matemática na especialidade de Equações Diferenciais, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa,Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia


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This paper presents a low-cost scaled model of a silo for drying and airing cereal grains. It allows the control and monitor of several parameters associated to the silo's operation, through a remote accessible infrastructure. The scaled model consists of a 2.50 m wide × 2.10 m long plant with all control and monitor capacities provided by micro-Web servers. An application running on the micro-Web servers enables storing all parameters in a data basis for later analysis. The implemented model aims to support a remote experimentation facility for technological education, research-oriented tutorials, and industrial applications. Given the low-cost requirement, this remote facility can be easily replicated in other institutions to support a network of remote labs, which encompasses the concurrent access of several users (e.g. students).


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One of the most important measures to prevent wild forest fires is the use of prescribed and controlled burning actions as it reduce the fuel mass availability. The impact of these management activities on soil physical and chemical properties varies according to the type of both soil and vegetation. Decisions in forest management plans are often based on the results obtained from soil-monitoring campaigns. Those campaigns are often man-labor intensive and expensive. In this paper we have successfully used the multivariate statistical technique Robust Principal Analysis Compounds (ROBPCA) to investigate on the sampling procedure effectiveness for two different methodologies, in order to reflect on the possibility of simplifying and reduce the sampling collection process and its auxiliary laboratory analysis work towards a cost-effective and competent forest soil characterization.


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Portugal, as well as the Mediterranean basin, is favorable to the occurrence of forest fires. In this work a statistical analysis was carried out based on the official information, considering the forest fires occurrences and the corresponding burned area for each of the districts of the mainland Portugal, between 1996 and 2010. Concerning to the forest fires occurrence it was possible to identify three main regions in mainland Portugal, while the burned area can be characterized in two main regions. Associations between districts and years are different in the two approaches. The results obtained provide a synthetic analysis of the phenomenon of forest fires in continental Portugal, based on all the official information available to date.


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En enero de 2014, continuando con la intención expresada en Guimarães (Portugal), en noviembre de 2013, durante la VII Reunión de la Geografía Física y Medio Ambiente (EGFA VII), la Asociación Portuguesa de Prevención de Riesgos y Seguridad (RISCOS) creó las condiciones para el establecimiento de una sección temática dedicada al estudio de los efectos de los incendios sobre los suelos y que vendría a ser conocida “Red Nacional para el Estudio de los Incendios Forestales y sus Efectos sobre los Suelos” (RIS). Esta fue una iniciativa inspirada en Fuegored (Red Temática Nacional Efectos de los Incendios Forestales sobre los Suelos) y que, de esta manera, desea establecer una red nacional de investigadores con el fin de facilitar la promoción y difusión de los resultados de sus pesquisas científicas sobre este tema, realizadas en Portugal, así como la interacción entre el mundo científico y el manejo forestal . La RIS fue fundada por 12 miembros, que representan 7 universidades portuguesas y en la actualidad cuenta con 23 miembros de 9 universidades y escuelas politécnicas. Se espera que crezca y que puede añadir todos los que participan en la investigación científica de los incendios forestales y sus efectos en los suelos.


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The development and implementation of measures which promote the reduction of the impacts of forest fires on soils is imperative and should be part of any strategy for forest and soil preservation and recovery, especially considering the actual scenario of continuous growth in the number of fires and burnt area. Consequently, with the dendrocaustologic reality that has characterized the Portuguese mainland in recent decades, a research project promoted by the Center for the Study of Geography and Spatial Planning (CEGOT) was implemented with the objective of applying several erosion mitigation measures in a burned area of the Peneda-Geres National Park in NW Portugal. This paper therefore seeks to present the measures applied in the study area within the project Soil Protec, relating to triggered channel processes and the results of preliminary observations concerning the evaluation of the effectiveness of erosion mitigation measures implemented, as well as their cost/benefit ratio.


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O Projeto CISA visa a criação de um Centro de Investigação em Saúde em Angola. Foi criado em 2007 e resulta de uma parceria entre o governo angolano (Ministério da Saúde de Angola e o Governo Provincial do Bengo), o governo português (Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, através do Camões IP) e a Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Os principais objetivos do Projeto CISA são melhorar as condições de saúde da população do Município do Dande através do fortalecimento assistencial dos seus serviços de saúde; criar um centro de investigação em Angola, que dará contributos à resolução dos principais problemas de saúde que afetam o país e a região, através de investigação epidemiológica e clínica nas doenças mais prevalentes ou relevantes para a saúde pública no contexto angolano (como sejam a malária, doenças tropicais negligenciadas, parasitas intestinais, desnutrição e as doenças não transmissíveis) e potenciar a participação nacional de Angola e Portugal a nível internacional na área da investigação direcionada às principais doenças que afetam os países em vias de desenvolvimento. Para a investigação em saúde, o conhecimento das características demográficas e da distribuição geográfica das populações é de extrema importância, uma vez que permite, entre outros, estabelecer denominadores para cálculos de taxas (e.g. mortalidade, morbilidade, prevalência, incidência) e analisar a associação entre saúde e ambiente (e.g. áreas de risco, períodos de exposição, acessibilidades a cuidados de saúde).


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Ao longo dos últimos anos, Portugal não tem conseguido travar os incêndios florestais, tanto no que diz respeito número de ocorrências como no que se refere à dimensão das áreas ardidas, sobretudo durante o período estival, quando dominam temperaturas elevadas e a dessecação dos combustíveis gera um ambiente propício à propagação dos incêndios, cuja ignição, em mais de 90% dos casos, tem origem em atos humanos, negligentes e intencionais. Com o objetivo de melhor compreender a origem destes incêndios florestais, o presente estudo visa analisar as causas responsáveis pela ignição dos incêndios florestais em Portugal e acompanhar o modo como elas foram evoluindo, quer ao longo do tempo, quer em termos da sua distribuição espacial, no período compreendido entre 1996 e 2010.