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Ponencia presentada en el Encuentro de patrimonio audiovisual de Gran Canaria (13 de julio al 31 de agosto de 2012. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria). Resumen: La producción de filmaciones y grabaciones sonoras ya no solo se realiza con medios digitales, sino que se transmite de igual modo. Al igual que otros entornos utilizados para preservar la memoria colectiva, el ámbito audiovisual es ya impensable sin los medios que, cada día más, se encuentran al alcance no sólo de los técnicos, sino de la población en general. Su calidad y acceso a los nuevos canales de distribución a través de Internet, particularmente mediante los entornos Web 2.0 permiten que la generación de contenidos y su difusión estén casi al alcance de cualquiera. Sin embargo, los conocimientos necesarios para favorecer su consulta sin barreras, las herramientas más adecuadas, los protocolos que hay que cumplir, el enfoque de esta producción como patrimonio y las políticas de preservación a largo plazo, sigue siendo en buena parte desconocidos.


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[ES] Uno de los últimos avances en tecnología que más interés está despertando es la tecnología multitouch. Esta técnica ofrece una nueva forma de interacción hombre-máquina donde las aplicaciones gráficas son manejadas usando eventos táctiles. Esto abre la puerta a una comunicación más intuitiva y más directa entre el usuario y la máquina. Para lograr esto, son necesarios dos elementos: una superficie multitouch y una interfaz adaptada para el uso con eventos táctiles y objetos físicos que tendrán unos marcadores asignados. Con este proyecto buscamos desarrollar un dispositivo multitouch y un software para la creación de música digital mediante eventos táctiles y objetos. Para ello, es necesario investigar en distintos campos como son el del procesamiento de imágenes, hardware y desarrollo de aplicaciones e interfaces gráficas.


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[ES]En el contexto del proyecto de innovación educativa PROMETEO de la ULPGC, desde el área de Mecánica de los Medios Continuos y Teoría de Estructuras se han desarrollado materiales didácticos audiovisuales con la finalidad de facilitar el seguimiento y realización de varias prácticas de laboratorio en la materia de Resistencia de Materiales correspondientes a las titulaciones de ingeniería de la Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales y Civiles de la ULPGC, que se exponen en este trabajo.


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[ES]In this paper we describe the procedure followed in the design and recording of a set of videos for teaching and learning ‘English phonetics and phonology’, a second-year undergraduate course at Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The student’s L1 is Spanish. Two different types of technological support were used: screencast and Powerpoint® presentations. The traditional whiteboard together with the lecturer’s presence also contributed both to the integrated learning of certain acoustic/articulatory aspects of the course contents and to the use of specific software for speech analysis. This video production owns the advantage of being an interactive and autonomous tool which favours a continuous learning process on the student’s side.


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Correctly performed basic life support (BLS) and early defibrillation are the most effective measures to treat sudden cardiac arrest. Audiovisual feedback improves BLS. Automated external defibrillators (AED) with feedback technology may play an important role in improving CPR quality. The aim of this simulation study was to investigate if an AED with audiovisual feedback improves CPR parameters during standard BLS performed by trained laypersons.


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The Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) which regulates broadcasting and on-demand audiovisual media services is at the nexus of current discussions about the convergence of media. The Green Paper of the Commission of April 2013 reflects the struggle of the European Union to come to terms with the phenomenon of convergence and highlights current legal uncertainties. The (theoretical) quest for an appropriate and future-oriented regulatory framework at the European level may be contrasted to the practice of national regulatory authorities. When faced with new media services and new business models, national regulators will inevitably have to make decisions and choices that take into account providers’ interests to offer their services as well as viewers’ interests to receive information. This balancing act performed by national regulators may tip towards the former or latter depending on the national legal framework; social, political and economic considerations; as well as cultural perceptions. This paper thus examines how certain rules contained in the AVMSD are applied by national regulators. It focuses first on the definition of an on-demand audiovisual media service and its scope. Second, it analyses the measures adopted with a view to protection minors in on-demand services and third discusses national approaches towards the promotion of European works in on-demand services. It aims at underlining the significance of national regulatory authorities and the guidelines these adopt to clarify the rules of a key EU Directive of the “media law acquis”.


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The development of broadband Internet connections has fostered new audiovisual media services and opened new possibilities for accessing broadcasts. The Internet retransmission case of TVCatchup before the CJEU was the first case concerning new technologies in the light of Art. 3.1. of the Information Society Directive. On the other side of the Atlantic the Aereo case reached the U.S. Supreme Court and challenged the interpretation of public performance rights. In both cases the recipients of the services could receive broadcast programs in a way alternative to traditional broadcasting channels including terrestrial broadcasting or cable transmission. The Aereo case raised the debate on the possible impact of the interpretation of copyright law in the context of the development of new technologies, particularly cloud based services. It is interesting to see whether any similar problems occur in the EU. The „umbrella” in the title refers to Art. 8 WCT, which covers digital and Internet transmission and constitutes the backrgound for the EU and the U.S. legal solutions. The article argues that no international standard for qualification of the discussed services exists.


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The global World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT) initiative has developed standardised tools and methods to compile and evaluate knowledge available about SLM. This knowledge is now combined and enriched with audiovisual information in order to give a voice to land users, reach a broad range of stakeholders, and assist in scaling up SLM to reverse trends of degradation, desertification, and drought. Five video products, adapted to the needs of different target groups, are created and embedded in already existing platforms for knowledge sharing of SLM such as the WOCAT database and Google Earth application. A pilot project was carried out in Kenya and Tajikistan to verify ideas and tools while at the same time assessing the usefulness of the suggested products on the ground. Video has the potential to bridge the gap between different actor groups and enable communication and sharing on different levels and scales: locally, regionally, and globally. Furthermore, it is an innovative tool to link local and scientific knowledge, raise awareness, and support advocacy for SLM. Keywords: Sustainable Land Management (SLM), knowledge sharing, audiovisual messages, video, World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT)


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After long deliberations, the European Community (EC) has completed the reform of its audiovisual media regulation. The paper examines the main tenets of this reform with particular focus on its implications for the diversity of cultural expressions in the European media landscape. It also takes into account the changed patterns of consumer and business behaviour due to the advances in digital media and their wider spread in society. The paper criticises the somewhat unimaginative approach of the EC to new media and the political (and at times protectionist) considerations behind some of the Directive's provisions.


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Digital TV offers of 200 channels and 500 video-on-demand films, podcasting, mobile television, a new web blog being created every two seconds - these are some of the factual elements depicting contemporary audiovisual media in the digital environment. The present article looks into some of these technological advances and sketches their implications for the markets of media content, in particular as newly emerging patterns of consumer and business behaviour are concerned. Ultimately, it puts forward the question of whether the existing audiovisual media regulatory models, which are still predominantly analogue-based, have been rendered obsolete by the transformed (and continually transforming) digital environment.


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In the profoundly changing and dynamic world of contemporary audiovisual media, what has remained surprisingly unaffected is regulation. In the European Union, the new Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMS), proposed by the European Commission on December 13, 2005, should allegedly rectify this situation. Amending the existing Television without Frontiers Directive, it should offer a fresh approach and meet the challenge of appropriately regulating media in a complex environment. It is meant to achieve a balance between the free circulation of TV broadcast and new audiovisual media and the preservation of values of cultural identity and diversity, while respecting the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality inherent to the Community. The purpose of this paper is to examine whether and how the changes envisaged to the EC audiovisual media regime might influence cultural diversity in Europe. It addresses subsequently the question of whether the new AVMS properly safeguards the balance between competition and the public interest in this regard, or whether cultural diversity remains a mere political banner.


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El proyecto consistió en relevar el material audiovisual producido en la provincia de Misiones con fines educativos; identificar los organismos o productoras que lo produjeron; establecer vínculos entre tales organismos y producciones con el sistema educativo. A partir de dicho relevamiento advertir los usos que se le dieron al material en lo que respecta a planes de difusión y público destinatario. La propuesta buscó observar la evolución que en materia de producción audiovisual se fue dando en los últimos 30 años y hallar las motivaciones que condujeron a altibajos en dicha actividad. Dicha búsqueda intenta echar una mirada crítica a un reciente pasado en la provincia a la luz de la sancionada Ley de Servicios Audiovisuales y la puesta en marcha de una red federal de producción con el cambio paradigmático tecnológico consistente en la introducción de la televisión digital. El trabajo fue concretado con una metodología de relevamiento, descripción y análisis de información; entrevistas en profundidad a actores sociales que tuvieron responsabilidad en esta actividad y análisis comparativo.