944 resultados para CARBON-STEELS


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Construction sector is one of the major responsible for energy consumption and carbon emissions and renovation of existing buildings plays an important role in the actions to mitigate climate changes. Present work is based on the methodology developed in IEA Annex 56, allowing identifying cost optimal and cost effective renovation scenarios improving the energy performance. The analysed case study is a residential neighbourhood of the municipality of Gaia in Portugal. The analysis compares a reference renovation scenario (without improving the energy performance of the building) with a series of alternative renovation scenarios, including the one that is being implemented.


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Building sector has become an important target for carbon emissions reduction, energy consumption and resources depletion. Due to low rates of replacement of the existing buildings, their low energy performances are a major concern. Most of the current regulations are focused on new buildings and do not account with the several technical, functional and economic constraints that have to be faced in the renovation of existing buildings. Thus, a new methodology is proposed to be used in the decision making process for energy related building renovation, allowing finding a cost-effective balance between energy consumption, carbon emissions and overall added value.


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Tese de Doutoramento Engenharia Mecânica


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Concrete is the primary construction material for civil infrastructures and generally consists of cement, coarse aggregates, sand, admixtures and water. Cementitious materials are characterized by quasi-brittle behaviour and susceptible to cracking [1]. The cracking process within concrete begins with isolated nano-cracks, which then conjoin to form micro-cracks and in turn macro-cracks. Formation and growth of cracks lead to loss of mechanical performance with time and also make concrete accessible to water and other degrading agents such as CO2, chlorides, sulfates, etc. leading to strength loss and corrosion of steel rebars. To improve brittleness of concrete, reinforcements such as polymeric as well as glass and carbon fibers have been used and microfibers improved the mechanical properties significantly by delaying (but could not stop) the transformation of micro-cracks into macro forms [2]. This fact encouraged the use of nano-sized fillers in concrete to prevent the growth of nano-cracks transforming in to micro and macro forms. Nanoparticles like SiO2, Fe2O3, and TiO2 led to considerable improvement in mechanical performance and moreover, nano-TiO2 helped to remove organic pollutants from concrete surfaces [3].


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We provide a comparative analysis of how short-run variations in carbon and energy prices relate to each other in the emerging greenhouse gas market in California (Western Climate Initiative [WCI], and the European Union Emission Trading Scheme [EU ETS]). We characterize the relationship between carbon, gas, coal, electricity and gasoline prices and an indicator for economic activity, and present a first analysis of carbon prices in the WCI. We also provide a comparative analysis of the structures of the two markets. We estimate a vector autoregressive model and the impulse--response functions. Our main findings show a positive impact from a carbon shock toward electricity, in both markets, but larger in the WCI electricity price, indicating more efficiency. We propose that the widening of carbon market sectors, namely fuels transport and electricity imports, may contribute to this result. To conclude, the research shows significant and coherent relations between variables in WCI, which demonstrate some degree of success for a first year in operation. Reversely, the EU ETS should complete its intended market reform, to allow for more impact of the carbon price. Finally, in both markets, there is no evidence of carbon pricing depleting economic activity.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Genética Molecular


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Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Química e Biológica


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Synthesis gas, a mixture of CO, H2, and CO2, is a promising renewable feedstock for bio-based production of organic chemicals. Production of medium-chain fatty acids can be performed via chain elongation, utilizing acetate and ethanol as main substrates. Acetate and ethanol are main products of syngas fermentation by acetogens. Therefore, syngas can be indirectly used as a substrate for the chain elongation process.


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Aromatic amines resulted from azo dyes biotransformation under anaerobic conditions are generally recalcitrant to further anaerobic degradation. The catalytic effect of carbon materials (CM) on the reduction of azo dyes is known and has been confirmed in this work by increasing 3-fold the biological reduction rate of Mordant Yellow 1 (MY1). The resulting m-nitroaniline (m-NoA) was further degraded to m-phenylenediamine (m-Phe) only in the presence of CM. The use of CM to degraded anaerobically aromatic amines resulted from azo dye reduction was never reported before. In the sequence, we studied the effect of different CM on the bioreduction of o-, m- and p-NoA. Three microporous activated carbons with different surface chemistry, original (AC0), chemical oxidized with HNO3 (ACHNO3) and thermal treated (ACH2), and three mesoporous carbons, xerogels (CXA and CXB) and nanotubes (CNT) were assessed. In the absence of CM, NoA were only partially reduced to the corresponding Phe, whereas in the presence of CM, more than 90% was converted to the corresponding Phe. ACH2 and AC0 were the best electron shuttles, increasing the rates up to 8-fold. In 24h, the biological treatment of NoA and MY1 with AC0, decreased up to 88% the toxicity towards a methanogenic consortium, as compared to the non-treated solutions. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Maschinenbau, Diss., 2009


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2013


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O atual conhecimento relativo à distribuição em percentagem das várias frações de enxofre nos solos provem principalmente dos estudos dos solos de regiões temperadas. Em vista disso, este estudo foi conduzido para determinar as frações do S e as relações C-N-P-S em alguns solos da região subtropical dos Estados de São Paulo e do Paraná, Brasil, e comparar estes valores nestes solos com aqueles nos solos do Estado de Iowa, dos Estados Unidos da América do Norte. As análises das frações de enxofre nos solos dos dois países, indicaram que os solos do Brasil contem sulfato inorgânico adsorvido. Expressos como percentagem do S total, os solos do Brasil acusaram de 5 a 23% (média 11%) de S-sulfato inorgânico, de 20 a 65% (média 40%) de S-ester sulfato, de 5 a 12% (média 7%) de S-ligado ao Carbono e de 24 a 59% (média 42%) de S orgânico não identificado. As percentagens correspondentes nos solos de Iowa foram de 2 a 8% (média 5%) de S-sulfato inorgânico, de 43 a 60% (média 50%) de S-ester sufato, de 7 a 18% (média 11%) de enxofre ligado ao carbono e de 30 a 39% (média 34%) de S orgânico, não identificado. Outrossim, não foi encontrado o enxofre inorgânico não-sulfato em nenhum dos solos analisados. Houve grandes variações nas relações C, N, Ρ e S entre solos brasileiros quando comparados com aqueles do Iowa.


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RESUMEN El aumento del CO2 atmosférico debido al cambio global y/o a las prácticas hortícolas promueve efectos directos sobre crecimiento vegetal y el desarrollo. Estas respuestas pueden ocurrir en ecosistemas naturales, pero también se pueden utilizar para aumentar la producción de algunas plantas y de algunos compuestos secundarios. El actual trabajo intenta estudiar los efectos del enriquecimiento atmosférico del CO2 bajo condiciones de invernadero en el crecimiento y la concentración y la composición de metabolitos secundarios de Taxus bacatta, Hypericum perforatum y Echinacea purpurea en condiciones ambientales mediterráneas. La fertilización del CO2 muestra perspectivas interesantes para la mejorara y aplicabilidad de técnicas hortícolas para aumentar productividad de plantas medicinales, a pesar de diferencias claras entre la especie. En general esta técnica promueve aumentos importantes y significativos en producción primaria y, en algunos casos, también en compuestos secundarios. Esto tiene una gran importancia hortícola porque la productividad a nivel de cosecha total aumenta, directamente porque se aumenta la concentración e indirectamente porque se aumenta la biomasa. SUMMARY The increase of atmospheric CO2 due to global change and/or horticultural practices promotes direct effects on plant growth and development. These responses may occur in natural ecosystems, but also can be used to increase the production of some plants and some secondary compounds. Present work tries to study the effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment under greenhouse conditions on growth and in the concentration and composition of secondary metabolites of Taxus bacatta, Hypericum perforatum and Echinacea purpurea under Mediterranean environmental conditions. CO2 fertilization shows interesting perspectives to increase and improve horticultural techniques in order to increase plant medicinal productivity, in spite of clear differences among the species. In general this technique promotes important and significant increases in primary productivity and, in some cases, also in secondary compounds. This has a great horticultural relevance because the total productivity of this kind of products increase at crop level, directly because concentration is increased and /or indirectly because biomass is increased. RESUM L'augment del CO2 atmosfèric a causa del canvi global i/o a les pràctiques hortícoles promou efectes directes sobre creixement vegetal i el desenvolupament. Aquestes respostes poden ocórrer en ecosistemes naturals, però també es poden utilitzar per a augmentar la producció d'algunes plantes i d'alguns compostos secundaris. L'actual treball intenta estudiar els efectes de l'enriquiment atmosfèric del CO2 sota condicions d'hivernacle en el creixement i la concentració i la composició de metabòlits secundaris de Taxus bacatta, Hypericum perforatum i Echinacea purpurea en condicions ambientals mediterrànies. La fertilització del CO2 mostra perspectives interessants per a la millora i aplicabilitat de tècniques hortícoles per a augmentar productivitat de plantes medicinals, a pesar de diferències clares entre l'espècie. En general aquesta tècnica promou augments importants i significatius en producció primària i, en alguns casos, també en compostos secundaris. Això té una gran importància hortícola perquè la productivitat a nivell de collita total augmenta, directament perquè s'augmenta la concentració i indirectament perquè s'augmenta la biomassa.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The determination of the carbon isotope ratio in androgen metabolites has been previously shown to be a reliable, direct method to detect testosterone misuse in the context of antidoping testing. Here, the variability in the 13C/12C ratios in urinary steroids in a widely heterogeneous cohort of professional soccer players residing in different countries (Argentina, Italy, Japan, South Africa, Switzerland and Uganda) is examined. METHODS: Carbon isotope ratios of selected androgens in urine specimens were determined using gas chromatography/combustion/isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-C-IRMS). RESULTS: Urinary steroids in Italian and Swiss populations were found to be enriched in 13C relative to other groups, reflecting higher consumption of C3 plants in these two countries. Importantly, detection criteria based on the difference in the carbon isotope ratio of androsterone and pregnanediol for each population were found to be well below the established threshold value for positive cases. CONCLUSIONS: The results obtained with the tested diet groups highlight the importance of adapting the criteria if one wishes to increase the sensitivity of exogenous testosterone detection. In addition, confirmatory tests might be rendered more efficient by combining isotope ratio mass spectrometry with refined interpretation criteria for positivity and subject-based profiling of steroids.