985 resultados para C1966.435
随着人类对海洋开发和利用的不断增加,自治水下机器人(AUV)作为一种能够完成水下作业任务的重要工具,对其的研究受到国内外研究机构的广泛重视。特别是近十年来,由于水下机器人总体技术水平的提高,利用自治水下机器人进行海洋作业逐渐受到人们的重视。作业型自治水下机器人是为了满足当前海洋领域的需求而提出的一种大深度、大范围潜航并能够自主完成水下科学考察和作业的水下机器人系统,是目前水下机器人的一个发展趋势。 本论文以国家“十一五”863课题“自治水下机器人-机械手系统协调控制关键技术”为背景,针对水下电动机械手的关键技术进行了研究,论文的主要工作有: (1)根据自治水下机器人载体特点,自主设计出适合于载体搭载的四功能水下电动机械手。完成了机械手各关节模块的结构设计,驱动方式和传动方式的选择以及密封件和零件材料的选择。该机械手实现了紧凑与轻量化和关节模块化设计,具有可充油和内部走线功能。 (2)采用Denavit-Hartenberg方法设定了机械手的杆件坐标系,通过相邻连杆齐次变换矩阵建立了机械手运动学模型,推导出机械手的运动学方程;通过牛顿-欧拉方程算法推导出机械手动力学方程。借助单摆动杆水动力方程,推导出本论文机械手的水动力力矩,建立了考虑水动力力矩的机械手动力学方程。 (3)研究了基于PD控制的N关节机器人轨迹跟踪算法的应用问题,仿真实现了该控制算法在本论文机械手位置跟踪控制中的应用。 (4)以搭建的UVMS为对象,推导出其运动学模型,建立了系统仿真模型。针对系统运动学冗余的特点,以机械手末端位置控制为前提,结合加权伪逆矩阵法,基于速度运动学对系统关节限位运动规划即系统逆运动学求解问题进行了研究,仿真证明了运动规划算法的有效性。 关键词:水下机器人;水下电动机械手;自治水下机器人-机械手系统;动力学;运动规划
中国西南地区(川、滇、黔、桂、湘)发育有世界上很典型的低温成矿域,其面积之大(约90万km2)、包含的矿种之多(Au、Hg、Sb、As、P、Pb-Zn、U、Ni-Mo-PGE、重晶石、冰州石和分散元素等)、矿床组成和组合之复杂,在全球十分鲜见。扬子地块西南缘是中国西南大面积低温成矿域的重要组成部分。近年来,作者采用Rb-Sr、Sm-Nd、Ar-Ar等多种同位素定年方法,对扬子地块西南缘产出的磷矿、金矿、锑矿等低温矿床的成矿时代进行了较系统的研究。文章总结了这些研究成果,并结合前人的资料,初步拟定出该区存在三期大规模低温成矿作用,它们分别相当于晚元古代一早古生代(晚震旦世—早寒武世)、晚加里东期(晚志留世—早泥盆地)和燕山期(晚侏罗世一中自垩世)。该区的磷矿、重晶石矿和黑色页岩中的镍钼铂矿主要形成于晚元古代一早古生代,同位素年龄主要为585~540 Ma;赋存于前寒武纪浅变质碎屑岩中的金一锑.钨矿床主要形成于晚加里东期,同位素年龄主要为435-380 Ma;产于寒武系以后地层中的锑矿床主要是在中燕山期成矿,同位素年龄主要为160~140 Ma;而该区的卡林型金矿和汞矿主要在燕山中晚期大规模成矿,同位素年龄主要为170-80 Ma。
云南大红山层状铜矿是大红山铁铜矿床的一部分。其成矿主要分为两个阶段:早期火山喷流作用形成了层状铜矿矿胚。而后期热液对原先的矿胚进行了改造和富集。本文选取大红山层状铜矿中石英脉型铜矿石石英样品系统地进行了流体包裹体的研究,主要发现了富液相(L+V)、舍子晶多相(L+S±V)和纯CO2三类主要包裹体。显微测温结果表明,其均一温度在103-456℃之间;盐度范围为0.53%~59.76%NaCl equiv.,密度为0.80~1.45g/cm^3;纯CO2包裹体均一温度为-34.3-20.8℃,对应密度为0.77-1.09g/cm^3。稳定同位素测定结果表明,硫化物δ^34S分布范围为-0.6‰~+10.9‰,表明岩浆硫和海水硫酸盐还原成因硫参与了早期成矿过程。方解石δ^13 CPDB值范围为-5.6‰~-3.1‰,与地幔碳同位素值(-5.0±2‰)完全吻合,暗示了热液中碳质有地幔来源。根据氧同位素方解石-水及石英-水之间的分馏方程,计算得到成矿流体中水的δ^18 OSMOW值在-1.9‰-13.7‰之间,与火成岩δ^18O范围(5‰~15‰)基本一致。根据矿体地质特征、岩相学、流体包裹体以及稳定同位素等方面的综合研究,本文认为在喷流沉积之后的挤压环境下,从地幔分异出来的高温、中-高盐度并富含CO2的流体和海水一起改造了原岩,形成了变质火山-沉积岩,并使原先的铜矿矿胚活化富集.
西秦岭南亚带层控金硒矿床的赋矿地层为太阳顶群 ,为一套主要由炭质硅岩和炭质板岩组成的硅岩建造。对于太阳顶群的时代 ,至今仍众说纷纭 ,莫衷一是 ,大多数人认为属晚寒武世—奥陶纪 ,也有认为属晚震旦—早寒武世。作者通过对古杯类化石的鉴定以及Rb Sr、Sm Nd同位素等时线年龄测定后认为 ,赋矿的太阳顶群时代应属早寒武世 ,而非晚寒武世—奥陶纪 ,更不可能为晚震旦世。对金硒矿床中 2个成矿阶段石英样品进行40 Ar/ 3 9Ar快中子活化测定后获得马鞍型谱线特征。其中坪年龄 (71 .4 5± 0 .5 5 )~ (80 .0 5± 0 .6 5 )Ma、最小视年龄 (70 .2 4± 1 .93)~ (78.5 9± 2 .85 )Ma和等时线年龄 (6 9.4 5± 0 .38)~ (81 .6 1± 0 .5 5 )Ma均十分接近 ,说明所测 2件石英样品的40 Ar/.
Dicyclohexylmethyl diazoacetate was synthesized in excellent yield from the corresponding glycinate. which was derived in high yield from dicyclohexylmethyl chloroacetate via azide substitutuion, and reduction.
In the processes of Chinese economic and political reforms, it has many problems in the international corporations because of the difference of cultures. This research try to compare the Chinese managers and other conntries' through the investigation of 435 managers and employee from 9 units in Beijing. We used Hofstede's "Value Survey Module" (1980), Compared to Cultures in power distance, uncertainly avoidance, individualism-collectivism, masculinity. We also compared the employee's attitude with three patterns. The conclusions are: 1. There is not significant level difference in three patterns. 2. At PDI、UAI、IDV、MAS the fonr dimensions, our invested results approach Hofsteds's invested results. This is high at PDI, but middle at UAI、IDV、MAS.
Diosgenyl saponins were regio selectively acylated by Novozyme 435 with vinyl esters as acylating agents in THF to afford the corresponding mono- or diacyl diosgenyl saponins. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Daly and Q. Shen. A Framework for the Scoring of Operators on the Search Space of Equivalence Classes of Bayesian Network Structures. Proceedings of the 2005 UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence, pages 67-74.
Odello, Marco, 'Thirty Years After Helsinki: Proposals for OSCE's Reform', Journal of Conflict and Security Law, (2005) 10(3):435-449 RAE2008
Este artículo revisa la bibliografía existente sobre los problemas que la banda de colada continua, laminada en frío, presenta en su recristalización. Se examinan los impedimentos que presenta la precipitación de elementos de aleación o impurezas, previa o simultánea a la recristalización, para la nucleación de la recristalización y por tanto para ésta. Se explica el uso de las curvas TTT (Temperatura, Tiempo, Transformación) para la determinación de temperatura y velocidad de calentamiento críticas para llegar a la recristalización sin pasar por la zona de precipitación. Se explica también la obtención de curvas CTT (Concentración, Tiempo, Transformación) y "diagramas de tamaño de grano" para aleaciones Al-Mn en función de la velocidad de calentamiento y contenido de manganeso en solución sólida.
A novel spectroscopic method, incoherent broadband cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy (IBBCEAS), has been modified and extended to measure absorption spectra in the near-ultraviolet with high sensitivity. The near-ultraviolet region extends from 300 to 400 nm and is particularly important in tropospheric photochemistry; absorption of near-UV light can also be exploited for sensitive trace gas measurements of several key atmospheric constituents. In this work, several IBBCEAS instruments were developed to record reference spectra and to measure trace gas concentrations in the laboratory and field. An IBBCEAS instrument was coupled to a flow cell for measuring very weak absorption spectra between 335 and 375 nm. The instrument was validated against the literature absorption spectrum of SO2. Using the instrument, we report new absorption cross-sections of O3, acetone, 2-butanone, and 2-pentanone in this spectral region, where literature data diverge considerably owing to the extremely weak absorption. The instrument was also applied to quantifying low concentrations of the short-lived radical, BrO, in the presence of strong absorption by Br2 and O3. A different IBBCEAS system was adapted to a 4 m3 atmosphere simulation chamber to record the absorption cross-sections of several low vapour pressure compounds, which are otherwise difficult to measure. Absorption cross-sections of benzaldehyde and the more volatile alkyl nitrites agree well with previous spectra; on this basis, the cross-sections of several nitrophenols are reported for the first time. In addition, the instrument was also used to study the optical properties of secondary organic aerosol formed following the photooxidation of isoprene. An extractive IBBCEAS instrument was developed for detecting HONO and NO2 and had a sensitivity of about 10-9 cm-1. This instrument participated in a major international intercomparison of HONO and NO2 measurements held in the EUPHORE simulation chamber in Valencia, Spain, and results from that campaign are also reported here.
In spectra of jet-cooled C2H2 recorded with an FTIR spectrometer, the ν5, ν4 + ν5, ν3 and ν2 + ν4 + ν5 bands all exhibit an intensity distribution corresponding to ∼6 K for rotation, with no evidence of nuclear spin conversion. Spectra of C2H2 isolated in solid p-H2 show no evidence of rotation of C2H2. The strong interaction between ν3 and ν2 + ν4 + ν5 in the gas phase is diminished in solid p-H2. Lines associated with dimer, trimer and tetramer of C2H2 are identified. Spectral features characteristic of solid state acetylene are observed under jet-cooled conditions. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.