770 resultados para Câmara Municipal de Condeixa-a-Nova (CMC) - City council of Condeixa-a-Nova


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Report on the Status of Findings and Recommendations from the City of Kelley’s Periodic Examination Report dated December 11, 2014 for the period April 1, 2015 through March 31, 2016


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Report on the Status of Findings and Recommendations from the City of Low Moor’s Periodic Examination Report dated November 13, 2014 for the period November 1, 2015 through July 31, 2016


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Report on the Status of Findings and Recommendations on the City of Randalia’s Periodic Examination Report dated March 25, 2015


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Report on the Status of Findings and Recommendations from the City of Gilman’s Periodic Examination Report dated October 10, 2014 for the period June 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016


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Report on the Status of Findings and Recommendations on the City of Kimballton’s Periodic Examination Report dated August 11, 2014 for the period December 1, 2015 through May 31, 2016


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Report on the Status of Findings and Recommendations from the City of Harper’s Periodic Examination Report dated December 15, 2014 for the period December 1, 2015 through May 31, 2016


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Report on the Status of Findings and Recommendations on the City of Derby’s Periodic Examination Report dated August 27, 2014 for the period April 1, 2015 through March 31, 2016


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Resumo A partir da segunda metade do século XIX e XX assistiu-se à introdução de novos materiais, como o ferro fundido, o aço e o vidro, na remodelação ou construção de edifícios que procuravam dar resposta às novas necessidades de gestão urbana e de criação de espaços de lazer e sociabilidade. Nestas intervenções, que ficaram marcadas pela arquitectura do ferro, os engenheiros, grupo profissional detentor de competências técnicas que os habilitavam a trabalhar com estes materiais, tiveram um papel determinante. Na cidade de Évora a ligação entre a utilização de novos materiais e os engenheiros, é visível no papel que o Engenheiro Adriano Monteiro teve na reconversão do Palácio D. Manuel e na remodelação do edifício dos Paços do Concelho. Palavras-chave: Engenheiro, Arquitectura do Ferro, Évora, Palácio D. Manuel, Paços do Concelho Abstract From the second half of the nineteenth century onwards, there was the introduction of new materials, such as cast iron, steel and glass, in the remodeling or in the construction of buildings that sought to satisfy the new needs of urban management and the creation of leisure spaces and sociability. In these interventions that were marked by the iron architecture, the engineers, a professional group with technical skills that enabled them to work with these materials, played a decisive role. In the city of Évora this link between the utilization of new materials and engineers, is visible in the role that engineer Adriano Monteiro had in the conversion of the D. Manuel Palace and in the remodeling of the Town Hall building. Keywords: Engineers, Iron Architecture, Évora, D. Manuel Palace, City Hall


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No quadro de uma sociologia da ação, procurámos conhecer as políticas públicas do setor social em preparação ou implementadas pela autarquia de Mafra e, simultaneamente, perceber a influência que a interação e o grau de concordância dos diferentes atores sociais envolvidos no desenvolvimento do projeto social do município, exercem no processo de concretização das mesmas, contribuindo, deste modo, para o sucesso do plano de ação social programado para o território, ou, pelo contrário, dificultando a sua implementação. Neste sentido, procurámos encontrar os desafios e, ao mesmo tempo, os obstáculos que se apresentam à Câmara Municipal de Mafra na implementação de um projeto social adequado à realidade da comunidade local, enquanto ator privilegiado no campo da proteção social à população, ação que vem assumindo ao longo das últimas décadas, evidenciando um papel prioritário e determinante na programação das políticas públicas desenvolvidas no território, considerando, igualmente, a influência que a regularidade da representação política dos órgãos autárquicos deste município vem exercendo também na concretização deste processo de intervenção social. Através de uma estratégia metodológica orientada para a realização de um diagnóstico prospetivo, propusemo-nos estudar os elementos principais do sistema de implementação de políticas sociais no Município de Mafra e, neste sentido: a) delimitámos o sistema e estudámos os seus elementos mais pertinentes, nomeadamente, a posição estratégica da autarquia no desenvolvimento de um projeto de intervenção social adequado ao território; b) assinalámos os objetivos estratégicos do plano de intervenção social elaborado pela autarquia em coordenação com outros atores com responsabilidade social no município e posicionámos os atores relativamente a estes objetivos estratégicos; e por fim, c) avaliámos as convergências e as divergências possíveis e a implicação dos atores na concretização dos objetivos deste plano estratégico de intervenção social. As principais conclusões deste estudo referem a existência de uma grande convergência dos atores perante os objetivos do plano de intervenção social programado pela autarquia para o município, tendo em conta a sua participação e intervenção na elaboração e execução deste projeto de âmbito social, sendo identificado como principal obstáculo de implementação, a escassez de recursos financeiros, e, como desafio de execução com maior importância, a cooperação entre a autarquia e os demais parceiros sociais do município reveladora da congregação de esforços conducentes ao desenvolvimento da estratégia de intervenção social mais adequada às necessidades do território; ABSTRACT: In the context of an action sociology sought to know the public policies in the social sector in preparation or implemented by the municipality of Mafra and simultaneously realize the influence that interaction and the degree of agreement of the different social actors involved in the development of the social project city, play in the process of implementation of the same, thus contributing to the success of social action plan scheduled for the territory, or, conversely, hindering its implementation. In this sense, we tried to meet the challenges and at the same time, the obstacles that are presented to the Municipality of Mafra in the implementation of an adequate social project the reality of the local community, as a privileged actor in the field of social protection of the population, action is taking over the past decades, showing a priority and decisive role in the planning of public policies developed in the territory, considering also the influence that the regularity of political representation of local government bodies in this municipality has exercised also in the realization of this process of social intervention. Through targeted methodological strategy for the realization of a prospective diagnosis, we proposed to study the main elements of the system of implementation of social policies in the city of Mafra and in this regard: a) delimit the system and studied the relevant elements, namely, the strategic position of authority in the development of a social intervention project suitable to the territory; b) have pointed out the strategic objectives of social intervention plan drawn up by the municipality in coordination with other actors with social responsibility in the city and we positioned the actors for these strategic objectives; and finally, c) we evaluated the convergences and divergences and the possible involvement of actors in achieving the objectives of this strategic plan of social intervention. The main findings of this study relate to the existence of a large convergence of actors towards the objectives of social intervention plan set by the local authority for the city, taking into account their participation and assistance in the preparation and implementation of the social context of the project, being identified as main obstacle to implementing the scarcity of financial resources, and the challenge of implementing more importantly, cooperation between the municipality and the other social partners in revealing municipality of congregation of efforts leading to the development of more appropriate social intervention strategy to the needs of territory.


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The Asia‐Pacific region is characterised by rapid population growth and urbanisation. These trends often result in an increasing consumption of land, which in turn lead to spatially expansive and discontinuous urban development. As a consequence, local communities and the environment face strong pressures. Many cities in the region have developed policies to tackle the issue of rapid growth and its associated consequences, for example climate change. The broad aim of this paper is to identify the nature, trends and strategies of growth management in major Asia‐Pacific city‐regions, and their implications for natural resource management and infrastructure provision. More specifically, this research seeks to provide insights on sustainable urban development practice, particularly on the promotion of compact urbanisation within the Asia‐Pacific’s fastest growing regions. The methodology of the paper includes a detailed literature review and a comparative analysis of existing strategies and policies. The literature review focuses on the key concepts related to sustainable urban growth management. It also includes existing applications of urban growth management approaches and planning information system in managing growth. Following the literature review, the paper undertakes a comparative analysis of the strategies of major Asia‐Pacific city‐regions of Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong in terms of their approaches to sustainable urban development. The findings of the paper provide a clear understanding of the necessity of sustainable urban development practices. It contributes to the development of a substantial base for further research. Ultimately, this research aims to shed light on sustainable urban development by providing insights on the management of growth, natural resources and urban infrastructures.


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Australian universities have been phenomenally internationalised because of significant numbers of international students in their student cohorts. The international students make up 17.3 percent (OECD 2007) of all the university enrolment, and some universities have much more international student enrolments than the average. From a truly internationalisation perspective, however, there is far more demand of integration with Australian students and international students, the internationalising learning content and context. There have not been much discussion and effort of understanding and practicing of internationalising the learning context from international students’ cultural background and internationalised learning environment. There are many factors which interfere with internationalisation in the learning context such as English proficiency, culture difference and academic staff unawareness. This paper argues the concepts of cultural dimensions and the characteristics of CMC (Computer-Mediated Communication) in a multicultural learning context of Australian higher education. This paper aims to develop a framework of international students’ preparation program for their Western university study based on technology-driven learning models, especially targeting those students who have an Asian cultural background. The program is expected to help international students bridge the gap of cultural differences and better preparation for their active participation and engagement in a new learning environment in order to realise truly internationalisation in Australian higher education


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The connection between social reform and urban management is evident throughout the history of the city. This article maps out how ideas about social reform and social housing were established historically, during the development of the nineteenth century city. The second part examines contemporary shifts in thinking about homelessness through a case study of two Brisbane City Council initiatives in Brisbane: The Homeless Shelter Trial and Footprints along Kurilpa.


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Drawing on two studies within a larger program of research into scooter and moped safety in Queensland, Australia, some key safety concerns specific to the use of these vehicles are discussed. A five phase observational study is used to identify distribution of powered two-wheeler (PTW) types in the city centre of Brisbane, Australia’s third largest city. Data were first collected in August 2008, and thereafter at six-monthly intervals. Stationary PTWs were directly observed in designated parking areas. Four focus groups involving 23 Brisbane riders were held in March 2009, aiming to explore perspectives on safety and transport planning in a semi-structured format. Information gathered in the focus groups informed development of a questionnaire targeting a larger sample of scooter and moped riders. The observations made to date indicate that 36% of all PTWs parked in Brisbane’s inner city are either mopeds or larger scooters, with the remaining 64% accounted for by motorcycles (n = 2037). These data suggest that mopeds and scooters are a significant transport mode in Brisbane, yet little is known about their safety relative to that of motorcycles. In focus groups, main motivating factors for scooter or moped use included parking availability, traffic congestion, cost, time-efficiency and enjoyment. Moped riders were generally younger and less experienced than other scooter riders, less likely to wear protective clothing, and less likely to have undertaken rider training. The focus groups have helped to identify some particular safety concerns regarding moped use in a jurisdiction requiring no motorcycle licence or rider training.


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Picture Book, Children's Book Council of Australia Notable Book 2008 What would you do if you were the only one in a deserted city? Where would you go, and what would you do? The Empty City taps into a fantasy that many of us have had as children to be allowed to explore, unhindered, the ordinarily crowded environment of a shopping centre.