870 resultados para Blind Spot
Es el día del carnaval y Spot va al desfile con sus abuelos. El abuelo esta acostumbrado a ser un bombero, así que Spot y sus amigos montan en el viejo coche de bomberos del abuelo. Spot piensa que ha pasado el mejor día de carnaval de su vida.
Participa con el perrito Spot en esta historia que narra su primera Navidad. Descubre lo emocionante y divertido que es levantar las solapas y descubrir lo que hay debajo de ellas.
Es Nochebuena y el trineo de Santa Claus se ha perdido. El perrito Spot y sus amigos, el hipopótamo Helen, el caimán Tom y el mono, Steve van en su busca. Spot vive una mágica aventura en el trineo tirado por renos,atravesando un cielo estrellado y en dirección al valle donde vive Santa Claus y realiza los preparativos para la gran noche de los niños.
Spot recibe la sorpresa de una hermanita llamada Susie. Spot juega con ella y con sus amigos,el hipopótamo Helen y el caimán Tom. A los niños de uno a tres años les encantará levantar las solapas y sorprenderse con lo que encuentran debajo de ellas.
Es el cumpleaños de Spot y quiere jugar al escondite con sus amigos. Los niños muy pequeños pueden también jugar con Spot y ayudarle a encontrarlos, pues están ocultos bajo las solapas.
Es el cumpleaños de papá y Spot quiere sorprenderle con un pastel de chocolate. Con ayuda de mamá,compra los ingredientes,los mezcla y decora el pastel, también prepara una tarjeta de felicitación.Levanta las solapas y te encantará lo que hay debajo.
El balón de Spot rebota en la carpa del circo y el cachorro sale en su busca. Los niños se divierten, levantado las solapas y ayudando al perrito a descubrir donde esta su pelota: no está en la nariz del payaso, ni en la boca del león, no la tiene el elefante de los globos, ni la cerdita equilibrista, tampoco el canguro saltarín.
This paper is a review of a study to determine if perception through rhythm is contingent upon auditory experience.
Flavonoid extracts derived from plant foods have been shown to benefit certain types of fluid retention. However, no studies have investigated these compounds for use in premenstrual fluid retention, a complaint common among women with otherwise normal menstrual cycles. Therefore, we conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled, pilot study into the effect of a daily flavonoid extract (Colladeen(R), 320 mg oligomeric procyanidins) on premenstrual fluid retention. Fluid retention was assessed at baseline and throughout 4 menstrual cycles of the intervention using validated questionnaires. Leg girth was also measured at baseline and at the end of the study. Thirty subjects completed the study (n = 18 active treatment; n = 12 placebo). Although no significant changes in leg girth measurements were noted, there was a significant improvement in subjective "leg health" scores after flavonoid treatment compared to placebo (p = 0.013). Furthermore, this was accompanied by an improvement in reported premenstrual fluid retention nearing significance (p = 0.066). We conclude that flavonoids supplements may provide a new therapeutic direction to counter premenstrual fluid retention and improve leg health. A larger study is now warranted.
Published data on the bioavailability of various Mg preparations is too fragmented and scanty to inform proper choice of Mg preparation for. clinical studies. In this study, the relative bioavailability of three preparations of Mg (amino-acid chelate, citrate and oxide) were compared at a daily dose of 300 mg of elemental Mg in 46 healthy individuals. The study was a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel intervention, of 60 days duration. Urine, blood and saliva samples were taken at baseline, 24 h after the first Mg supplement was taken ('acute' supplementation) and after 60 days of daily Mg consumption ('chronic' supplementation). Results showed that supplementation of the organic forms of Mg (citrate and amino-acid chelate) showed greater absorption (P = 0.033) at 60 days than MgO, as assessed by the 24-h urinary Mg excretion. Mg citrate led to the greatest mean serum Mg concentration compared with other treatments following both acute (P = 0.026) and chronic (P = 0.006) supplementation. Furthermore, although mean erythrocyte Mg concentration showed no differences among groups, chronic Mg citrate supplementation resulted in the greatest (P = 0.027) mean salivary Mg concentration compared with all other treatments. Mg oxide supplementation resulted in no differences compared to placebo. We conclude that a daily supplementation with Mg citrate shows superior bioavailability after 60 days of treatment when compared with other treatments studied.
Objective: To evaluate the bifidogenic efficacy of two inulin doses in healthy human adults. Design: A double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover human study. Setting: Food Microbial Sciences Unit, The University of Reading, Reading, UK. Subjects: Thirty healthy volunteers, 15 men, 15 women ( age range 19-35). Interventions: Subjects consumed a chocolate drink containing placebo ( maltodextrin, 8 g/day), 5 g/day inulin and 8 g/day inulin for a 2-week treatment period. Each treatment was followed by a 1-week washout at the end of which volunteers progressed to the next treatment. Faecal samples were obtained at the start of the study ( baseline) and at the end of each treatment and washout period. Fluorescent in situ hybridization was used to monitor populations of Bifidobacterium genus, Bacteroides - Prevotella, Lactobacillus - Enterococcus and Clostridium perfringens - histolyticum subgroup. Results: Bifidobacterial levels increased significantly upon ingestion of both the low ( 9.78 +/- 0.29 log(10) cells/g faeces, P < 0.05) and the high inulin dose ( 9.79 +/- 0.38 log(10) cells/g faeces, P < 0.05) compared to placebo ( 9.64 +/- 0.23 log(10) cells/g faeces). Conclusions: Both inulin doses exhibited a bifidogenic effect but a higher volunteer percentage responded to the high dose. A dose response effect was not observed but the magnitude of increase in bifidobacteria levels depended on their initial numbers. The higher the initial concentrations the smaller was the increase upon ingestion of the active treatments. Sponsorship: Financial support for the completion of this project was provided by Sensus ( Roosendaal, The Netherlands).
Background: Galactooligosaccharides are selectively fermented by the beneficial member of the colonic microflora contributing to the health of the host. Objective: We assessed the prebiotic potential of a novel galactooligosaccharide produced through the action of beta-galactosidases, originating from a probiotic Bifidobacterium bifidum strain, against a galactooligosaccharide produced through the action of an industrial P-galactosidase and a placebo. Design: Fifty-nine healthy human volunteers participated in this study. Initially, the effect of the matrix on the prebiotic properties of a commercially available galactooligosaccharide (7 g/d) was assessed during 7-d treatment periods with a 7-d washout period in between. During the second phase, 30 volunteers were assigned to a sequence of treatments (7 d) differing in the amount of the novel galactooligosaccharide (0, 3.6, or 7 g/d). Stools were recovered before and after each intervention, and bacteria numbers were determined by fluorescent in situ hybridization. Results: Addition of the novel galactooligosaccharide mixture significantly increased the bifidobacterial population ratio compared with the placebo (P < 0.05), whereas 7 g/d of the novel galactooligosaccharide significantly increased the bifidobacterial ratio compared with the commercial galactooligosaccharide (P < 0.05). Moreover, a significant relation (P < 0.001) between the bifidobacteria proportion and the novel galactooligosaccharide dose (0, 3.6, and 7 g/d) was observed. This relation was similar to the effect of the novel galactooligosaccharide on the prebiotic index of each dose. Conclusions: This study showed that galactooligosaccharide mixtures produced with different beta-galactosidases show different prebiotic properties and that, by using enzymes originating from bifidobacterial species, an increase in the bifidogenic properties of the prebiotic product is achievable.
Objective: Studies suggest clinical benefit of glutamine-supplemented parenteral nutrition. The aim was to determine if the inclusion of 10 g of glutamine as part of the nitrogen source of home parenteral nutrition (HPN) reduces infectious complications. Subjects/Methods: Thirty-five patients on HPN were recruited and 22 completed the study. Patients were randomized to receive either standard HPN or glutamine-supplemented HPN. Patients were assessed at randomization, 3 and 6 months later then they were crossed over to the alternative HPN and reassessed at 3 and 6 months. Assessments included plasma amino acid concentrations, intestinal permeability and absorption, nutritional status, oral and parenteral intake, quality of life, routine biochemistry and haematology. Results: No difference was seen between the groups at randomization. No difference was detected between the treatment phases for infective complications (55% in the standard treatment phase and 36% in the glutamine-supplemented phase P 0.67). There were no differences in nutritional status, intestinal permeability, plasma glutamine concentrations or quality of life. Conclusion: Although limited by the sample size, the study has shown that glutamine as part of the nitrogen source of parenteral nutrition can be given to patients on HPN for 6 months without any adverse effects.
Epidemiological studies have shown an inverse association between dietary intake of whole grains and the risk of chronic disease. This may be related to the ability to mediate a prebiotic modulation of gut microbiota. However, no studies have been conducted on the microbiota modulatory capability of whole-grain (WG) cereals. In the present study, the impact of WG wheat on the human intestinal microbiota compared to wheat bran (WB) was determined. A double-blind, randomised, crossover study was carried out in thirty-one volunteers who were randomised into two groups and consumed daily 48g breakfast cereals, either WG or WB, in two 3-week study periods, separated by a 2-week washout period. Numbers of faecal bifidobacteria and lactobacilli (the target genera for prebiotic intake), were significantly higher upon WG ingestion compared with WB. Ingestion of both breakfast cereals resulted in a significant increase in ferulic acid concentrations in blood but no discernible difference in faeces or urine. No significant differences in faecal SCFA, fasting blood glucose, insulin, total cholesterol (TC), TAG or HDL-cholesterol were observed upon ingestion of WG compared with WB. However, a significant reduction in TC was observed in volunteers in the top quartile of TC concentrations upon ingestion of either cereal. No adverse intestinal symptoms were reported and WB ingestion increased stool frequency. Daily consumption of WG wheat exerted a pronounced prebiotic effect on the human gut microbiota composition. This prebiotic activity may contribute towards the beneficial physiological effects of WG wheat.