822 resultados para Blackmore, Susan: Meemit - kulttuurigeenit


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OBJETIVO: avaliar a influência da terapêutica hormonal (TH) prévia sobre alguns indicadores de prognóstico do câncer de mama, em pacientes na pós-menopausa. MÉTODOS: estudo transversal por meio da aplicação de questionários e levantamento de prontuários. Foram entrevistadas 157 pacientes com diagnóstico de câncer de mama na pós-menopausa, registrando-se dados clínicos, antecedentes pessoais e familiares, uso de TH e mamografias. Nos prontuários foram obtidas informações sobre o câncer de mama quanto ao diâmetro do tumor, tipo de cirurgia e estudo imuno-histoquímico. Para a estatística empregou-se ANOVA e teste do chi2. RESULTADOS: 38,2% das pacientes eram ex-usuárias de TH e 61,8% não usuárias. O tempo médio de uso da TH foi de 3,7±3,6 anos. As ex-usuárias eram de menor faixa etária e com menor tempo de menopausa quando comparadas às não usuárias (p<0,05). Constatou-se que 26,8% das pacientes apresentavam antecedentes familiares de câncer de mama, em ambos os grupos. Entre as ex-usuárias de TH, 43,3% foram submetidas a mamografias prévias, ao passo que entre as não usuárias, apenas 11,3% (p<0,001). O diâmetro médio do tumor foi menor entre as ex-usuárias de TH (2,3±1,1 cm), com predomínio de quadrantectomias (60%), quando comparadas as não usuárias (3,3±1,5 cm e 32%, respectivamente) (p<0,001). No estudo imuno-histoquímico, observou-se correlação positiva entre a presença de receptores de estrogênio e progesterona positivos e o uso de TH (p<0,001). Não houve correlação entre TH e c-erbB-2 e p53. CONCLUSÃO: nesta casuística, as mulheres na pós-menopausa que usaram TH prévia ao diagnóstico de câncer de mama apresentaram indicadores de prognóstico mais favoráveis quando comparadas às não usuárias.


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Tutkimuksen lähdeaineistona käyttämälleni Feissarimokat-sivustolle lähetetään hauskoja tai sosiaalisen median käyttösäännöistä jollakin tapaa poikkeavia kuvakaappauksia Facebook -profiileista. Olen tutkinut näitä julkaisuja ja niiden kommentteja etsien syitä mokien syntymiseen ja jakamiseen. Mokalla tarkoitetaan jollakin tapaa epäonnistunutta julkaisua, joka ei toimi julkaisijansa tarkoittamalla tavalla. Feissarimokat –sivuston materiaali sisältää internet-huumoria, kokemuskerrontaa, anekdootteja, kaskuja, vitsejä sekä kuvallista materiaalia, joka epäonnistumisen käsitteen kautta on koottu sivustolle. Mokia kommentoidaan ahkerasti ja näiden kommenttien avulla mokista voi saada lisätietoa, usein myös itse mokaajan kertomana. Käytän työssäni teoreettisena viitekehyksenä huumorintutkimusta ja analysoin aineistoa internet-etnografian keinoin. Havainnointi Feissarimokat-sivuston kommentteja seuraamalla mahdollistaa mokien syntymekanismien ja arvioinnin käytänteiden pohdinnan. Olen kiinnittänyt erityistä huomiota internet-tutkimuksen eettisiin kysymyksiin ja pyrkinyt selvittämään miten tutkimusetiikkaa voidaan soveltaa alun perin pienelle lukijakunnalle tarkoitettujen julkaisujen tullessa täysin julkisiksi. Mokaajien enemmistön havaitsin olevan nuoria tyttöjä ja heidän kohdallaan osassa mokia motiivina näytti kommenttien perusteella olevan huomiohakuisuus. Myös netiketin rikkominen johti usein mokan syntymiseen, näissä tapauksissa mokaajat olivat usein keskimääräistä iäkkäämpiä. Meemit olivat hyvin edustettuina Feissarimokat -sivustolla ja niiden tekijänoikeuksien syntymiseen liittyvä kommentointi oli sivuston kommenteissa myös esillä. Meemien käyttöön liittyy myös vahvasti internetin toimintatapojen tunteminen, ilman tietoa meemien käyttötavoista mokaaminen oli todennäköisempää. Tutkimus tuottaa uutta tietoa perinteen ja internetin suhteesta sekä tarjoaa uuden näkökulman sosiaalisen median tarkasteluun epäonnistumisen kautta. Aihe kaipaisi edelleen tarkentunutta jatkotutkimusta mm. meemien kehittymisen ja käytön osalta.


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With caring science as its foundation and by means of the perioperative dialogue, the intended contribution and overall aim of this present thesis is to describe what play is and could be in the caring reality, an ideal model. The perioperative dialogue is the nurse anaesthetists’ pre-, intra- and post-operative dialogues with the children they care for in connection with anesthesia. The thesis is composed according to Schopenhauer’s notion that the road to science presupposes the world seen as performances, and has an all-pervading hermeneutic approach. The performances of the thesis are: the performance of all performances, the empirical performance, the transcendental performance and the universal performance. The performance of all performances originates in the theoretical perspective of the thesis and describes what play and its characteristics are. This performance is realized through the hermeneutic interpretation of the etymology and original meaning of the word play along with texts from caring science, philosophy, anthropology and the history of religion. The empirical performance originates in four empirical studies where caring is organized as a perioperative dialogue. In study I, the material was collected with the help of participating observations and semi-structured interviews, in study II, with the help of the critical incident method and in study III, with the help of conversation interviews. In study IV, play develops into a clinical caring science research method. The research participants consist of children with special needs, children with a pronounced fear of anaesthesia, parents of children with severe autism and nurse anaesthetists. The empirical performance relates in what way play manifests in a perioperative child context by interpreting the results from the empiric in the light of the characteristics of play. The transcendental performance is enacted in the playhouse of health and presents a picture of the essence of play, the playing. In the playhouse of health, the light, winged movement of play is actualized when what was previously too difficult, too heavy and pinioned instead is as easy as anything. The eye of love and compassion knows the art of deciphering the secret script where the Other’s holiness resides, even if mere glimpses of it appear. The universal performance depicts three caring acts where the entrance consists of entering play, the ideal of which is realized in the unmasked openness face to face, that which protects the playing human being against encroachment and an unwanted audience. In the second caring act, entering play plays on to the finely-tuned interplay between human beings in the winged play of beauty and dignity. In the third caring act, the world’s deepest plays are staged on the stage of caring, in the sense that the innermost being of each individual, the universal will joins in and allows individuals to live as playing human beings who are at home with themselves and the world. The captivating, graceful and friendly play works from within itself, as long as it illumined by the light of claritas can play undisturbed on the stage of caring where it – like an unclouded mirror of its own ideal watches over children’s health.


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A primary interest of image analysis of X-rayed seeds is to identify whether the extent of fill in the embryo cavity is associated with to seed physiological quality. The objective of this research was to verify the accuracy of the freely available Tomato Analyzer (TA) software developed at The Ohio State University to determine the ratio of embryo size over total seed area. Seeds of pumpkin, watermelon, cucumber and cotton were X-rayed and analyzed by the software which defines seed and embryo boundaries and automatically generates numerical values to quantify that ratio. Results showed that the TA has the sensitivity to evaluate the extent of embryo growth within the cucurbits and cotton seeds and is a promising alternative for this assessment in other seed species.


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Pictured here from left to right are the first 4 presidents (and one of the former acting presidents) of Brock University: Dr. James Gibson (President, 1964 - 1973), Dr. Alan Earp (President, 1974 - 1987), Dr. Terry White (President, 1988 - 1996), Dr. Susan Clark (Acting President, ca. 1996 - 1997), and Dr. David Atkinson (President, 1997 - 2005). Together they have served Brock for over 40 years from 1964 - 2005.


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Currently, few studies address what kindergarten children think about bullying behaviour and explore whether or not they perceive bullying as a prevalent concern in their day-to-day school activities. This study described 15 Canadian kindergarten students' graphic and narrative representations (drawings and stories) of their bullying experiences. The content of students' drawings and stories were analyzed to explore how kindergarten children perceived bullying within the context of their lives. Coding categories were developed to analyze the kindergartners' perceptions, and emerging themes were also explored. In general, findings showed that kindergartners perceive bullying situations as occurring during one-to-one peer interaction and not within social group situations. Results are discussed in relation to educational implications.