986 resultados para Benign liver tumor
Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) images of normal breast tissue and benign and malignant breast tumour tissues, fixed in formalin, were measured at the momentum transfer range of 0.063 nm(-1) <= q (=4 pi sin(theta/2)/lambda) <= 2.720 nm(-1). Four intrinsic parameters were extracted from the scattering profiles (1D SAXS image reduced) and, from the combination of these parameters, another three parameters were also created. All parameters, intrinsic and derived, were subject to discriminant analysis, and it was verified that parameters such as the area of diffuse scatter at the momentum transfer range 0.50 <= q <= 0.56 nm(-1), the ratio between areas of fifth-order axial and third-order lateral peaks and third-order axial spacing provide the most significant information for diagnosis (p < 0.001). Thus, in this work it was verified that by combining these three parameters it was possible to classify human breast tissues as normal, benign lesion or malignant lesion with a sensitivity of 83% and a specificity of 100%.
Perivascular epithelioid cell tumor (PEComa) is a rare mesenchymal neoplasia and currently well recognized as a distinct entity with characteristic morphological, immunohistochemical and molecular findings. We report a case of PEComa arising in the antrum of a 71-year-old female with melena. The tumor, located predominantly in the submucosa as a well delimited nodule, measured 3.0 cm in diameter and was completely resected, with no evidence of the disease elsewhere. Histologically, it was composed predominantly of eosinophilic epithelioid cells arranged in small nests commonly related to variably sized vessels, with abundant extracellular material, moderate nuclear variation and discrete mitotic activity. No necrosis, angiolymphatic invasion or perineural infiltration was seen. Tumor cells were uniformly positive for vimentin, smooth muscle actin, desmin and melan A. Although unusual, PEComa should be considered in the differential diagnosis of gastric neoplasia with characteristic epithelioid and oncocytic features and prominent vasculature: (C) 2010 Baishideng. All rights reserved.
Purpose: To evaluate prospectively the actual bladder perforation incidence during transurethral resection of bladder tumor (TURB) performed by residents and to identify possible predisposing factors to such condition. Patients and Methods: Thirty-four patients with bladder tumor were submitted to TURB in our academic institution in April 2006, and were prospectively studied. Procedures were all done by senior residents under an attending direct supervision. All patients had a cystograms performed after the procedure by the injection of 400 mL of saline-diluted contrast solution with low-pressure infusion through the Foley catheter. The cystograms were evaluated blindly by a single radiologist. All patients were examined by cystoscopy and/or CT every 3 months for the first 2 years postoperatively. Results: The cystogram showed contrast leaking compatible with bladder perforation in 17 (50%) cases. None of the perforations were recognized intraoperatively by the surgeon. All perforations were extraperitoneal and managed conservatively. There was no significant correlation between the incidence of bladder perforation and the patient age (p = 0.508), the tumor stage (p = 0.998), the tumor grade (p = 0.833), the number of lesions (p = 0.394), and the tumor size (p = 0.651). The only factor that had impact on the development of bladder perforation was tumor localization at the bottom of the bladder (p = 0.035; OR, 6750; 95% CI, 1.14, 39.8). Conclusion: Asymptomatic perforations of the bladder wall occur very frequently after a TURB procedure performed by residents in training and, most of the time, are not noticed by the surgeon. Localization of the tumor at bladder dome was the only factor that negatively influenced perforation rates.
Background: The beneficial actions of exercise training on lipid, glucose and energy metabolism and insulin sensitivity appear to be in part mediated by PGC-1 alpha. Previous studies have shown that spontaneously exercised rats show at rest enhanced responsiveness to exogenous insulin, lower plasma insulin levels and increased skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity. This study was initiated to examine the functional interaction between exercise-induced modulation of skeletal muscle and liver PGC-1 alpha protein expression, whole body insulin sensitivity, and circulating FFA levels as a measure of whole body fatty acid (lipid) metabolism. Methods: Two groups of male Wistar rats (2 Mo of age, 188.82 +/- 2.77 g BW) were used in this study. One group consisted of control rats placed in standard laboratory cages. Exercising rats were housed individually in cages equipped with running wheels and allowed to run at their own pace for 5 weeks. At the end of exercise training, insulin sensitivity was evaluated by comparing steady-state plasma glucose (SSPG) concentrations at constant plasma insulin levels attained during the continuous infusion of glucose and insulin to each experimental group. Subsequently, soleus and plantaris muscle and liver samples were collected and quantified for PGC-1 alpha protein expression by Western blotting. Collected blood samples were analyzed for glucose, insulin and FFA concentrations. Results: Rats housed in the exercise wheel cages demonstrated almost linear increases in running activity with advancing time reaching to maximum value around 4 weeks. On an average, the rats ran a mean (Mean +/- SE) of 4.102 +/- 0.747 km/day and consumed significantly more food as compared to sedentary controls (P < 0.001) in order to meet their increased caloric requirement. Mean plasma insulin (P < 0.001) and FFA (P < 0.006) concentrations were lower in the exercise-trained rats as compared to sedentary controls. Mean steady state plasma insulin (SSPI) and glucose (SSPG) concentrations were not significantly different in sedentary control rats as compared to exercise-trained animals. Plantaris PGC-1 alpha protein expression increased significantly from a 1.11 +/- 0.12 in the sedentary rats to 1.74 +/- 0.09 in exercising rats (P < 0.001). However, exercise had no effect on PGC-1 alpha protein content in either soleus muscle or liver tissue. These results indicate that exercise training selectively up regulates the PGC-1 alpha protein expression in high-oxidative fast skeletal muscle type such as plantaris muscle. Conclusion: These data suggest that PGC-1 alpha most likely plays a restricted role in exercise-mediated improvements in insulin resistance (sensitivity) and lowering of circulating FFA levels.
Background: Theracyte is a polytetrafluoroethylene membrane macroencapsulation system designed to induce neovascularization at the tissue interface, protecting the cells from host's immune rejection, thereby circumventing the problem of limited half-life and variation in circulating levels. Endostatin is a potent inhibitor of angiogenesis and tumor growth. Continuous delivery of endostatin improves the efficacy and potency of the antitumoral therapy. The purpose of this study was to determine whether recombinant fibroblasts expressing endostatin encapsulated in Theracyte immunoisolation devices can be used for delivery of this therapeutic protein for treatment of mice bearing B16F10 melanoma and Ehrlich tumors. Results: Mice were inoculated subcutaneously with melanoma (B16F10 cells) or Ehrlich tumor cells at the foot pads. Treatment began when tumor thickness had reached 0.5 mm, by subcutaneous implantation of 10(7) recombinant encapsulated or non-encapsulated endostatin producer cells. Similar melanoma growth inhibition was obtained for mice treated with encapsulated or non-encapsulated endostatin-expressing cells. The treatment of mice bearing melanoma tumor with encapsulated endostatin-expressing cells was decreased by 50.0%, whereas a decrease of 56.7% in tumor thickness was obtained for mice treated with non-encapsulated cells. Treatment of Ehrlich tumor-bearing mice with non-encapsulated endostatin-expressing cells reduced tumor thickness by 52.4%, whereas lower tumor growth inhibition was obtained for mice treated with encapsulated endostatin-expressing cells: 24.2%. Encapsulated endostatin-secreting fibroblasts failed to survive until the end of the treatment. However, endostatin release from the devices to the surrounding tissues was confirmed by immunostaining. Decrease in vascular structures, functional vessels and extension of the vascular area were observed in melanoma microenvironments. Conclusions: This study indicates that immunoisolation devices containing endostatin-expressing cells are effective for the inhibition of the growth of melanoma and Ehrlich tumors. Macroencapsulation of engineered cells is therefore a reliable platform for the refinement of innovative therapeutic strategies against tumors.
AIM: To evaluate the epidemiological, clinical, laboratory and histological variables capable of predicting the progression of hepatic structural disturbances in chronic hepatitis C patients during the time interval between two liver biopsies. METHODS: Clinical charts of 112 chronic hepatitis C patients were retrospectively analyzed, whereas liver biopsies were revised. Immunohistochemical detection of interferon receptor was based on the Envision-Peroxidase System. RESULTS: In the multivariate analysis, the variables in the age at first biopsy, ALT levels, presence of lymphoid aggregates and siderosis were the determinants of the best model for predicting the severity of the disease. The direct progression rate of hepatic structural lesions was significantly higher in untreated patients, intermediate in treated non-responders and lower in treated responders to antiviral therapy (non-treated vs responders, 0.22 +/- 0.50 vs -0.15 +/- 0.46, P = 0.0053). Immuno-expression of interferon receptor is not a relevant factor. CONCLUSION: The best predictors of the progression of fibrosis are age at the first liver biopsy, extent of ALT elevation, inflammation at liver histology and hepatic siderosis. Antiviral treatment is effective in preventing the progression of liver structural lesions in chronic hepatitis C patients. (C) 2008 WJG. All rights reserved.
AIM: To evaluate the long-term results of liver resection for the treatment of primary intrahepatic lithiasis. Prognostic factors, especially the impact of bilioenteric anastomosis on recurrence of symptoms were assessed. METHODS: Forty one patients with intrahepatic stones and parenchyma fibrosis/atrophy and/or biliary stenosis were submitted to liver resection. Resection was associated with a Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy in all patients with bilateral stones and in those with unilateral disease and dilation of the extrahepatic biliary duct (> 2 cm). Late results and risk factors for recurrence of symptoms or stones were evaluated. RESULTS: There was no operative mortality. After a mean follow-up of 50.3 mo, good late results were observed in 82.9% of patients; all patients submitted to liver resection alone and 58.8% of those submitted to liver resection and hepaticojejunostomy were free of symptoms (P = 0.0006). Patients with unilateral and bilateral disease showed good late results in 94.1% and 28.6%, respectively (P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Recurrence of symptoms in patients with hepaticojejunostomy showed that this may not be the ideal solution. Further studies are needed to establish the best treatment for patients with bilateral stones or unilateral disease and a dilated extrahepatic duct. (C) 2010 Baishideng. All rights reserved.
Background: Recent advances in laparoscopic devices and experience with advanced techniques have increased the indications for laparoscopic liver. Aim: The aim of this work was to present a video with technical aspects of a pure laparoscopic left hemi-hepatectomy (segments 2, 3, and 4) by using the intrahepatic Glissonian approach and control of venous outflow without hilar dissection or the Pringle maneuver. Patient and Method: A 63-year-old woman with a 5-cm solitary liver metastasis was referred for treatment. Four trocars were used. The left lobe was pulled upward and the lesser omentum was divided, exposing Arantius' ligament. This ligament is a useful landmark for the identification of the main left Glissonian pedicle. A small anterior incision was made in front of the hilum, and a large clamp was introduced behind the Arantius' ligament toward the anterior incision, allowing control of the left main sheath. Ischemic discoloration of the left liver was achieved and marked with cautery. The vascular clamp was replaced by a stapler. If ischemic delineation was coincident with a previously marked area, the stapler was fired. The left hepatic vein was dissected and encircled. Parenchymal transection and vascular control of the hepatic veins were accomplished with a Harmonic scalpel and an endoscopic stapling device, as appropriate. All these steps were performed without the Pringle maneuver and without hand assistance. Results: Operative time was 220 minutes with minimum blood loss. Hospital stay was 4 days. Pathology showed free surgical margins. The patient is alive with no signs of recurrence 18 months after the operation. Conclusion: Totally laparoscopic left hemihepatectomy is safe and feasible in selected patients and should be considered for patients with benign or malignant liver neoplasms. The described technique, with the use of the intrahepatic Glissonian approach and control of venous outflow, may facilitate laparoscopic left hemihepatectomy by reducing the technical difficulties in pedicle control and may decrease bleeding during liver transection.
Background: Ser-249 TP53 mutation (249(Ser)) is a molecular evidence for aflatoxin-related carcinogenesis in Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) and it is frequent in some African and Asian regions, but it is unusual in Western countries. HBV has been claimed to add a synergic effect on genesis of this particular mutation with aflatoxin. The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of 249Ser mutation in HCC from patients in Brazil. Methods: We studied 74 HCC formalin fixed paraffin blocks samples of patients whom underwent surgical resection in Brazil. 249Ser mutation was analyzed by RFLP and DNA sequencing. HBV DNA presence was determined by Real-Time PCR. Results: 249Ser mutation was found in 21/74 (28%) samples while HBV DNA was detected in 13/74 (16%). 249Ser mutation was detected in 21/74 samples by RFLP assay, of which 14 were confirmed by 249Ser mutant-specific PCR, and 12 by nucleic acid sequencing. All HCC cases with p53-249ser mutation displayed also wild-type p53 sequences. Poorly differentiated HCC was more likely to have 249Ser mutation (OR = 2.415, 95% CI = 1.001 - 5.824, p = 0.05). The mean size of 249Ser HCC tumor was 9.4 cm versus 5.5 cm on wild type HCC (p = 0.012). HBV DNA detection was not related to 249Ser mutation. Conclusion: Our results indicate that 249Ser mutation is a HCC important factor of carcinogenesis in Brazil and it is associated to large and poorly differentiated tumors.
This study evaluated the effects of high-dose of short-term creatine supplementation (5g.kg(-1). day(-1) to 1 week) and long-term creatine supplementation (1g.kg(-1). day(-1) to 4-8 weeks) on kidney and liver structure and function of sedentary and exercised Wistar rats ( Exercise sessions consisted of swimming at 80% of maximal work load supported during 5 days per week with daily sessions of 60 minutes throughout the duration of the supplementation). Seventy-two animals ( 245 +/- 5g) were divided into four groups (n = 18): control diet Sedentary ( SED), Creatine diet Sedentary (CRE), control diet Exercised (EXE), and Creatine diet Exercised (EXECRE). Histological and blood biochemical studies were performed after one, four, and eight weeks of creatine supplementation and exercise ( n = 6). No differences were found when comparing SED, EXE and EXECRE groups for kidney and liver structure and function at one, four and eight weeks. However, the CRE group showed higher levels of creatinine (1.1 +/- 0.2 vs. 0.4 +/- 0.1 mg.dl(-1); p < 0.05), and urea ( 37 +/- 3 vs. 19 +/- 1 mg. dl(-1); p < 0.05) when compared with all others groups at four and eight weeks. At eight weeks, the CRE group presented increased levels of ALT (41 +/- 7 vs. 23 +/- 7 U.L(-1); p < 0.05), AST (89 +/- 6 vs. 62 +/- 5 U. L(-1); p < 0.05), GGT (8.0 +/- 0.9 vs. 3.9 +/- 1.0 U. L(-1); p < 0.05), and AP (125 +/- 10 vs. 69 +/- 9 U. L(-1); p < 0.05) also when compared with all others groups. Moreover, the CRE group demonstrated some structural alterations indicating renal and hepatic damage at four and eight weeks, respectively. These results suggest that long-term creatine supplementation (up to 4-8 weeks) may adversely affect kidney and liver structure and function of sedentary but not of exercised rats.
Clinical trials using dendritic cells (DCs) to treat cancer patients have generated promising results in recent years. However, even simple aspects of this therapy are still not well understood, including the storage and distribution of manufactured vaccines. These processes are essential and must be elucidated in order to reduce costs. We evaluated the effects of different storage conditions on vaccine functionality using mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR). Vaccine storage at 4 degrees C for up to 72 h had no significant effect on vaccine activity. Shipping to distant places is possible, if vaccines are kept at 4 degrees C and used up to 3 days after manufacture date.
The aim of this study was to examine the incidence and factors associated with the severity of liver fibrosis in 234 coinfected patients in Brazil. Patients were cared for in our clinic, from 1996 to 2004. Eligible patients were defined as patients with documented HIV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections and had previously undergone a liver biopsy. Patients with persistently normal alanine aminotransferase (ALT) were also included. The variables selected for study were age, gender, risk category, history of high alcohol consumption, CD4(+) T cell count, antiretroviral therapy usage, HCV genotype and duration of HCV infection. Stage of fibrosis was scored as follows: F0, no fibrosis; F1, portal fibrosis with no septa; F2, portal fibrosis with few septa; F3, bridging fibrosis with many septa; and F4, cirrhosis. The liver fibrosis stage was F3 in 39 (16.6%) and F4 in 20(8.5%) patients. Among patients with normal ALT, the liver fibrosis stage was F3-F4 in three patients (5.6%). Predictors of severe liver fibrosis (17344) by multivariate analysis were age (older patients) and genotype 3 (genotype I odds ratio [OR], 0.28; 95% confidence interval [0], 0.12 0.65). In summary, in the present study severe liver fibrosis was found in 25% of our patients and was associated with an age of more than 38 years at the time of liver biopsy as well as, HCV genotype 3. No differences were found with respect to CD4(+) T cell counts although patients with a CD4(+) T cell count greater than 50 were excluded.
Background: Human Papillomavirus, HPV, is the main etiological factor for cervical cancer. Different studies show that in women infected with HPV there is a positive correlation between lesion grade and number of infiltrating macrophages, as well as with IL-10 higher expression. Using a HPV16 associated tumor model in mice, TC-1, our laboratory has demonstrated that tumor infiltrating macrophages are M2-like, induce T cell regulatory phenotype and play an important role in tumor growth. M2 macrophages secrete several cytokines, among them IL-10, which has been shown to play a role in T cell suppression by tumor macrophages in other tumor models. In this work, we sought to establish if IL-10 is part of the mechanism by which HPV tumor associated macrophages induce T cell regulatory phenotype, inhibiting anti-tumor activity and facilitating tumor growth. Results: TC-1 tumor cells do not express or respond to IL-10, but recruit leukocytes which, within the tumor environment, produce this cytokine. Using IL-10 deficient mice or blocking IL-10 signaling with neutralizing antibodies, we observed a significant reduction in tumor growth, an increase in tumor infiltration by HPV16 E7 specific CD8 lymphocytes, including a population positive for Granzyme B and Perforin expression, and a decrease in the percentage of HPV specific regulatory T cells in the lymph nodes. Conclusions: Our data shows that in the HPV16 TC-1 tumor mouse model, IL-10 produced by tumor macrophages induce regulatory phenotype on T cells, an immune escape mechanism that facilitates tumor growth. Our results point to a possible mechanism behind the epidemiologic data that correlates higher IL-10 expression with risk of cervical cancer development in HPV infected women.
Background Data: Photodynamic therapy (PDT) involves the photoinduction of cytotoxicity using a photosensitizer agent, a light source of the proper wavelength, and the presence of molecular oxygen. A model for tissue response to PDT based on the photodynamic threshold dose (Dth) has been widely used. In this model cells exposed to doses below Dth survive while at doses above the Dth necrosis takes place. Objective: This study evaluated the light Dth values by using two different methods of determination. One model concerns the depth of necrosis and the other the width of superficial necrosis. Materials and Methods: Using normal rat liver we investigated the depth and width of necrosis induced by PDT when a laser with a gaussian intensity profile is used. Different light doses, photosensitizers (Photogem, Photofrin, Photosan, Foscan, Photodithazine, and Radachlorin), and concentrations were employed. Each experiment was performed on five animals and the average and standard deviations were calculated. Results: A simple depth and width of necrosis model analysis allows us to determine the threshold dose by measuring both depth and surface data. Comparison shows that both measurements provide the same value within the degree of experimental error. Conclusion: This work demonstrates that by knowing the extent of the superficial necrotic area of a target tissue irradiated by a gaussian light beam, it is possible to estimate the threshold dose. This technique may find application where the determination of Dth must be done without cutting the tissue.
Cadherins are cell-to-cell adhesion molecules that play an important role in the establishment of adherent-type junctions by mediating calcium-dependent cellular interactions. The CDH1 gene encodes the transmembrane glycoprotein E-cadherin which is important in maintaining homophilic cell-cell adhesion in epithelial tissues. E-cadherin interacts with catenin proteins to maintain tissue architecture. Structural defects or loss of expression of E-cadherin have been reported as a common feature in several human cancer types. This study aimed to evaluate the expression of E-cadherin and their correlation with clinical features in microdissected brain tumor samples from 81 patients, divided into 62 astrocytic tumors grades I to IV and 19 medulloblastomas, and from 5 white matter non-neoplasic brain tissue samples. E-cadherin (CDH1) gene expression was analyzed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, Kaplan-Meir, and log-rank tests were performed for statistical analyses. We observed a decrease in expression among pathological grades of neuroepithelial tumors. Non-neoplasic brain tissue showed a higher expression level of CDH1 gene than did neuroepithelial tumors. Expression of E-cadherin gene was higher in astrocytic than embryonal tumors (P = 0.0168). Low-grade malignancy astrocytomas (grades I-II) showed higher CDH1 expression than did high-grade malignancy astrocytomas (grades III-IV) and medulloblastomas (P < 0.0001). Non-neoplasic brain tissue showed a higher expression level of CDH1 gene than grade I malignancy astrocytomas, considered as benign tumors (P = 0.0473). These results suggest that a decrease in E-cadherin gene expression level in high-grade neuroepithelial tumors may be a hallmark of malignancy in dedifferentiated tumors and that it may be possibly correlated with their progression and dissemination.