460 resultados para Belkin, Debbie


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Front Row: Manager Debbie Snyder, Diane Mettelman, Tammy Herremans, Debbie Allor, Anna Bullard, Theresa Gardocki, Head Coach Gloria Soluk

Second Row: Shelly Piilo, Evelyn Edgecombe, Ann Slade, Kathy VanDeusen, Katy Brady, Sheryl Tominac, Trainer Laura Pieri

Top Row: Brenda Venhuizen, Mary Hibbard, Terry Conlin, Theresa Wyckoff, Roberta Zald, Fran Wiecha, Ass't. Coach Mina Sonda


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Back Row: head coach Karen Collins, assistant coach Andrea Wickerham?, ?, Joanne Green, Maryann Bell, Gillian Pieper Tracy Gaskin, ?,

Middle Row: Dorie McCubbery, Robin Ives, Debbie Devine, Katrina Warner, Pam Jennings, ?, Andrea Kuebbeler

Front Row: Joan Taylor, Jane Nixon, Lisa Murray, Trish Mondul, Sara Clark, Tracy Kotick?


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Top Row: Kris Aasvved, Phyllis Askew, Stephanie Babboni, Carolyn Backus, Carol Bockeloo, Veronica Banks, Patte Barland, Sally Barling, Rowena Beebe, Ginger Behr, Bobbi Bergmooser, Clary Bestor, Terry A. Bilinski, Debbie Blauer, Kathleen Bly, Lois K. Boer, Aurelia boyer, Polly Bradley, Sue Brenkert, Sherry Brezina

Row 2: Andrea Brown, Phyllis Buchholz, Michele Bujak, Barbara Burcham, Carol Burg, Mary Ann Campbell, Nancy Cartwright, Sally Chin, Kathleen Christmas, Barbara Clark, Marlene Clarkson, Alma Cole, Judy Coltson, Donna Craig, Janet L. Davies, Catherine Davidson, Sandra Detrisac, Toni Doherty, Kathleen Dumas, Deretha Eddings

Row 3: Marcia Ferrand, Karen Finger, Carol Fischer, Susan Fischer, Suzanne M. Fleszar, Barbara Fritz, Lola Garland, Susan Goldstein, Pam Goltz, Diane Gorman, Debby Goudreau, Diane Greenfield, Debbie Gross, Joan Hamman, Cheryl Hauch, Michelle Hays, Betty Henderson, Christena Henson, Constance Hill, Linda Hill

Row 4: Pamela Hill, Marilyn Holland, Patricia Horvath, Lois Huissen, Nance J. Huston, Phyllis Isackson, Angela Janik, Kim Johnson, Marjorie Kelsey, Wanda Kent, Eugenie Kimura, Lesley Kinnard, Kathleen Klute, Peggy Koskela, Linda Ksiazkiewicaz, Barbara Lang, Karen C. Carson, Kathryn Linder, Kathleen Lipinski, Janie Locke

Row 5: Nancy Luth, Denise Lyons, Susan Malkewitz, Diane Mannino, Nancy Marsh, Denise M. McCann, Carol McVannel, Vicky Melancon, Darlene Mikolajczak, Jane Monroe, Pam Morris, Cari Mulholland, Sandra Muller, Jacqueline Murphy, Terri Murtland, Colleen Nash, Debbie Nichols, Nancy Nowacek, Denise D. O'Brien, Sue Olejniczak

Row 6: Susan Panozzo, Marty Parmelee, Nancy Parr, Alexandra Paul, Pam Pennington, Patricia Phelps, Helen Piggush, Jan Pinkham, Molly Power, Janet Primeau, Ilona Proskie, Gretel Quitmeyer, Vicki Jo Ray, Josephine Reed, Ruth Riley, Norine Rowe, Beata Rudnik, Pat Rutowski, Linda Sanders, Patricia Saran

Row 7: Judy Sayles, Janis Schlicker, Janice Schmidt, Janiece Selecky, Deborah Silverman, Susan K. Smith, Theresa Sobanski, Marcia Sosnowski, Joyce Stein, Cathie Stepien, Pam Stoeffler, Sharon Swann, Susan Truchan, Susan Turke, Susan Valentine, Delores Vander Wal, Mary Jane VanLoon, Pamela A. Van Riper, Jeanne M. Wade, Karen Warner

Row 8: Deborah White, Rebecca E. Wildgen, Karen Williams, Sharon Williams, Debra Wilson, KEn Wilson, Nancy Wiltz, Maribeth Wooldridge, Martha Zawacki, JoAnn Zlotnick

Row 9: Julie Sochalski, Norma Shumaker, Kristin Brawner, Susan Archambault, Lauralee Hess, Rita M. Gibes, Barbara Terrien, Laurie Cushman, Mary Markey


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Top Row: Peggy Alford, Anne Allen, Barbara Amann, Joann Baker, Elizabeth Bando, Sara Barnes, Mary Barz, Anne Bauer, Patricia Baxter, Gwendolyn Beaudette, Nancy Bidigare, Marian Bier, Susan Blaszczyk, Jacqueline bolin, Anne Bostwick, Heather Brendel, Theresa Brisker, Rosalyn Cage, Jeanne Calhoun

Row 2: Karen Caputo, Carolyn Carpenter, Laura Lewellen, Catherine Pearson, Pamela Carr, Lisa Clark

Row 3: Sarah Cleland, Kathy Collar, Ann Connors, Marian Coppo, Martha Coppo, Debra Wirth, Kathleen Coughlin, Mayble Craig, Jennifer Crittenden, Linda Dean, Ann Dika

Row 4: Shira Doneson, Valerie Dray, Lee Duffey, Mary Dunn, Nancy Edwards, Mildred Jett, Patricia Johnson, Jan Walters, Karen Dimitroff, Debra Walton, Moira Stein, Madi Ehrenreich, Paula Elliott, Claudia Evans, Jolaync Farrell, Karen Fierke

Row 5: Debra Finch, Nadine Furlong, Susan Gamerman, Anita Gardocki, Marcia Gerpheide, Roberta Gies, Deborah Glotzhober, Marlene Golabeck, Janet Goldberg, Rene Green, Diana Greer, Susan Gross, Vivian Hall, Jill Hallead

Row 6: Sharon Hamlett, Tamara Hanson, Jane Harper, Jesusa Heilig, Steinunn Hermannsson, Susan Hicks, Karen Hillebrand, Jomatia Hoff, Michelle Howey, Holly Howieson, Sandra Hubar, Kathleen Hughes, Shirley Jvery, Laura Johnson, Susan Johnson, Shirley Jones, Judith Kellermier, Lynda Kitchen, Susan Kleinbeck

Row 7: Nanette Kotz, Kathleen Kroh, Judith Krohn, Catherine Lahti, Mary Lange, Patti Larson, Susan Leach, Rebecca Linn, Lacy Loomis, Francene Lundy, Sue Lymperis, Robyn Main, Patricia McCleary, Theresa McGowan, Elizabeth Messiter, Mary Miller, Nancy Moffatt, Catherine Munn, Karen Munson

Row 8: Virginia Newman, Laura Novak, Thomas O'Connell, Julie O'Connor, Kaathleen O'Hara, Kimberly O'Loughlin, Karen Olsen, Marcy Ouellette, Gail Park, Georgiana Parsell, Mary Patchak, Linda Pearsall, Kathleen Poage, Shelly Ponte, Thomas Parter, Marilyn Pratt, Karen Prince, Kathryn Procter, Rebecca Raymond

Row 9: Jill remter, Cheryl Ricca, Brenda Robinson, Karen Rollins, Lisa Root, Audrey Ross, Barbara Rutherford, Linda Rykwalder, Margaret Sampson, Sherril Santo, Jeanne Scheer, Kathy Schlichter, Nancy Schuman, Debra Sihtala, Michele Smit, Donna Smith, Bonnic Smrcka, Janine Speck, Elizabeth Stainsby

Row 10: Grace Steinaway, Jennifer Stinson, Sally Stone, Anne Sullivan, Barbara Tonak, Linda Towers, Cindy Tremblay, Gregory Trowbridge, Sandra Tucker, Debbie Ullrich, Lee Ann Van Houten, Pamela Waggener, Martha Walker, Michele Wenderski, Catherine West, Harriet Wilkinson, Diane Willis, Jan Winslow, Karen Wismer


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Top Row: Cathy Agree, Carol Bass, Nancy Bernadic, Barbara Bettman, Wendy Bittker, Judy Brown, Barbara Cassavoy, Nacy Cohen, Julie Coon, Mary Dawson, Susanne Dean, Barbara Diebolt, Joan Dzenowagis

Row 2: Donna Dziyba, Marla Erbin, Frederick Fiedler, Megan Forester, Lynn Babington, Keverne Popma, Barbara Cloutier, Catherine Doele, Barbara DeBenham, Alta Gaines, Susan Grant, Edward Greca, Pamela Griesbach

Row 3: Karen Haske, Janis Harris, Cherisse Hoffman, Wendy Jelinek, Judy Jenks, Barb Kakenmaster, Karen Kitchen, Kay Klass

Row 4: Kathryn Laing, Rachel Lapinski, Cheryl Marinett, Marta Monroe, Jackie Mrlik, Susan Mulkiten, Michele Olzack, Carol Osborn

Row 5: Deborah Parker, Linnae Pierskalla, Mary Prather, Terry Proctor, Karen Rech, Nancy reddaway, Nancy Reynolds, Mary Ridley

Row 6: Catherine Rhodes, Patricia Roggenbeck, Barbara Ruppal, Victoria Russum, Suzanne Sanders, Elizabeth Saviano, Diane Scarpace, Nola Schramm, Paula Schroeder, Carolyn Schroth, Barbara Scott

Row 7: Deborah Scullon, Denise Shough, Belvayuna Simpson, Joyce Smith, Barbara Stang, Elizabeth Sullivan, Molly thibault, Debbie Varney, Margaret Walters, Desiree White, Janice Winfree, Meg Williams, Nancy Zuelch


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Top Row: Mary D. Acosta, Stephanie A. Alexovich, Lisa K. Astalos, Sandra L. Barbish, Jaine Bieda, Jennifer L. Blair, Victoria L. Brace, Debbie R. Brown, Sandra D. Carlson, Timothy J. Cockerham, Polly A. Cook, Suzanne M. Delisio, Jefferey Deloach

Row 2: Susan L. Dill, Tami Dykstra, Roberta E. Figgs, Roberta Jo Franzese, Dianer Szczerowski, Kimberly M. Schymik, Michelle F. Bingham, Lynnette A. Golen, Paola G. Pieri, Donna L. Fordanich, Teri L. Freedman, Kara L. Gathmann

Row 3: Marilyn S. Granner, Ann Marie Hartmus, Melissa Hoheb, Susan M. Hutchins

Row 4: Amy S. Jacobs, Renee M. Jannette, Wendy J. Jenuwine, Lori B. Kantor

Row 5: Kristine E. Karfis, Jenny G. Kist, Susan M. Kistka, Kaye M. Kowalske, Marilyn A. Krage, Roberta E. Kumm

Row 6: Ianya A. Lattimore, Andrea S. Lipian, Wendy J. Lipinski, Wendi M. Lisman

Row 7: Susan E. Little, Donna M. Markos, Rita S. Mayle, Lynn M. Mccall, Nancy J. Montange, Aimee J. Myers

Row 8: Clare H. Nagle, Michelle L. Noble, Janice B. Lindbers, Violet Barkauskas, Rhetaugh G. Dumas, Beverly Jones, Shake Kettfian, Elisabeth Pennington, Joyce V. Perry, Darlene L. Phelps

Row 9: Donna M. Piccolo, Lisa A. Richmond, Lisa A. Rowlison, Brent E. Runyon, Rebecca A. Seiffert, Lucinda E. Smith, Amy E. Spangler, Dan C. Steele, Beth Stephens, Kim D. Tiedrich, Lisa J. Wallace, Jennifer P. York, Christine C. Zielke


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Top Row: Jessica M. Adair, Casey Arnett, Amy Lynn Babchek, Mary E. Bartlett, Rhonda Bass, Nancy Bidlack, Heather Bjerke, Stacy Bodrie, Dana Boonstra, Kellu Bowers, Pamela Bowser, Rachel L. Bradley, Michele Brotherton, Stacie Buckler, Hope Bufkin

Row 2: Saran Burnley, Jennifer Caraan, Barbara Carpenter, Nutrena Helene Watts, Aimee Schuman, Debra Jameson, Jennifer Jennings, Mary Cassette, Nikki Burns, Lisa Multhaupt, Jeffrey M. Adams, Christine Hepner, Julie Chamberlain, Andy Chan, Jennifer Choike

Row 3: Heather Chrisman, Abbey C. Clark, Renita Cobb, Amy Cotton, Cattleya Crossen, Kimberly Curl, Christy Debolt, Patricia DeLamielleure, Jennifer Dyer, Lisa L. Eliasom, Patricia Fowler Faling, Rita Fallone

Row 4: Richard Fisher, Rebecca J. Forbes, Tiffany Fowler, Karen R. Fritz, Debbie M. Fulton, Michelle J. Gaskill, Ellen M. Gavin, Emily Golin, Umeika Makita Griffith, Lydia D. Hampton, Natalie Michele Hoffman, Julie Holbird

Row 5: Kathryn A. Huffman, Tara Lynn Humphrey, Nicole Jaccques, Michelle C. Johnson, Bryan Wayne Kerridge, Violet H. Barkauskas, Beverly Jones, Ada Sue Hinshaw, Nola Pender, Susan Boehm, Noelle Kirouac, Sarah Kohn, Sherri Krajenta, Brian Kubinski, Stephanie L. Kuczera

Row 6: Heather Lange, Sang Hee Lee, Soya Lee, Natalie Lehrer, Kimberly Lilley, Elizabeth A. Lundy, Darcey Lutz-Guenther, Michelle J. Malicsi, Dawn Marteeny, Sheila Mendiola, Sharon Mitchell, Caryl S. Molton, Colette Montilla, Celeste Montone-Horne, Emily T. Mooney, Naima Moore

Row 7: Kami Nobis, Thresa M. Nugent, Michelle Ober, Nisha Patel, Stephanie Perrett, Holly Powers, Julie L. Pryor, Elizabeth K. Rachubinski, Anne Rammelkamp, Kathy Rarog, Erin Richards, Amy Roehrig, Catherine Ann Rosloniec, Tansey Rosset, Kimberly Sanders, Marla Sands, James C. Sausser

Row 8: Juana Sebree, Erin J. Showers, Prabhjyot Singh, Lynn Sinkel, Nicole LaDon Smith, Nicole M. Speck, Mickie Speers, Krista Stapleton, Karon Starr, Elizabeth Studley, Janice Brenda Supena, Rashelle Talbert,Kimberly Tocco, Edda Toting, Lisa Uren, Lori VanBergen

Row 9: Lisa VanStratton, kathleen Veenstra, Kristen Venadam, Rhonda E. Walkowe, Ching-Ru Bonny Wang, Deborah Webb, Ruthann Clausen Weiss, Debra R. White, Rochelle Whiteman, Tara Wilson, Jessica Wise, Sheryl Woloskie, Denice Annette Zakalata, Rebecca S. Zeiler


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Top Row: Fonya Atabong, Aimee Austria, Holly Baier, Jayna Ballard, Stephanie Baranek, Karen Barron, Elizabeth Behnan, Jennifer Bohl, Sarah Bombery, Carissa Bonner, Emily Brady, Jennifer Bristol, Carrie Brown, Christine Brown, James Cahill, Katie Campbell, PMichelle Carley, Shandra Caylor, Maureen Cebula

Row 2: Jinhwa Chung, Pamela Clay, Erin Cockrell, Desiree Conyers, Sarah Crow, Kimberly Deblasis

Row 3: Melissa Donoran, Sarah Ehlke, Shelly Eizyk, Marianne Erwin, Lauren Feighner, Sara Fetzer

Row 4: Miranda Finn, Lora Fisaga, Sarah Fortman, Sarah Gattis, Nicole Grace, Gail Grigsby

Row 5: Sandra Hakeos, Stephanie Hanchak, Kacee Harris, Nicole Hawkins, Molly Hedges, Jennifer Heeren

Row 6: Mary Herndon, Valerie Hintz, Holly Hopkins, Julie Houslander, Kaitlyn Jakubec, Kathryn Jannausch

Row 7: Lisa Kantor, Amy Kaplan, Jennifer Kinch, Patricia Coleman-Burns, Carol Loveland-Cherry, Ada Sue Hinshaw, Judith Lynch-Sauer, Barbara Guthrie, Sarah Knapp, May Kuo, Deanna Kurtz

Row 8: Mary Lambert, Erin Lowen, Anahid Magar, Lindsey Balzhiser, Monique Grinnell, Julie Heringhausen, Rachel Karwick, Jane MaCaulay, Samantha Peck, Kelli Stewart, Ngan Thai, Erin Tuttle, Julie Wilner, Jill McCarty, Caitlin McClellan, Jessica McEntee

Row 9: Kelli McGee, Katrina Melonakos, Kimberley Munn, Inder Narula, Lauren Nielsen, Kristin O'Mara, Pamela Obriot, Kate Organ, Kelly Owens, Mindy Pallas, Debbie Lynn Paylor, Johanna Phillips, Jamie Pikus, Krista Ponagai, Kristin Putnam, Corinne Quinlan, Megan Rathburn, Tina Rayburn, Natalie Render

Row 10: Jennifer Riske, Rebecca Robison, Monica Rochman-Wallace, Amanda Ross, Lindsey Rubritius, Katherine Russell, Julie Sarkesian, Teya Schoening, Gabrielle Schultz, Margaret Secor, John Seeburger, James Shannon, Suzanne Smith, Mary Catherine Steer, Erin Stevens, Margaret Stilec, Carolynne Suveg

Row 11: Jesse Szczak, Angela Szydlek, Salisa Thompson, Kristin Toyofuku, Prescilla Tshiamala, Vickey Vaclavek, Karen Van Eck, Julie VanHammersveld, Jennifer Ventimiglia, Sarah Wachler, Rachel Walts, John Weeks, Amber Williams, Melody Williston, Jessica Woolworth


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L-R: Nicole Simpson, Debbie Geiger, Wendy Marshall, Beth Wymer, Li Li Leung, Tina Miranda, Dianna Ranelli, Wendy Wilkinson (behind Ali Winski's arm), Ali Winski, Kelly Carfora, Julie Hofmeister, Debbie Berman, May May Leung


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Front Row, L-R: Andrea McDonald, Kelly Carfora, Beth Wymer, Heather Kabnick, Dianna Ranelli; Lauren LaBranche

2nd Row: May May Leung, Li Li Leung

Row 3: Wendy Marshall, Autumn Donati, Tina Miranda,

Top Row: Debbie Berman, Carrie Zickus


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Front Row: Molly Lori, Katy Hollbacher, Jackie Concaugh, Jennifer Barber, Michelle Spannagel, Ebony McClain, Monika Black, Tearza Johnson, Tanya Broad, Julie Copley, Amy Parker, Christie Wilson

2nd Row: Trainer Jean Lett, Abbie Schaefer, Jen Stuht, Debbie Mans, Jessica Kluge, Chris Szabo, Jayna Greiner, Kelly Chard, Ronda Meyers, Mayrie Richards, Linda Stuck, Kathy Tomko, Theresa Hall, Christi Foster, Tanya Clay, Bryn Gerich

3rd Row: Rachel Mann, Karen Harvey, Courtney Babcock, Colette Savage, Laura Jerman, Alexis Collins, Richelle Webb

4th Row: Kristine Westerby, Kristi Wink, Amy Buchholz, Lisa Adams Top Row: Molly McClimon, Julie Victor


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Human Papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) E6 and E7 oncoproteins are associated with cervical cancer development and progression and can therefore be used as target antigens for cancer immunotherapy. In this study we evaluated the immunogenicity in mice, of different vaccine formulations using recombinant HPV16 derived E6E7 or E7GST fusion proteins. When co-administered with ISCOMATRIX(TM) adjuvant, these E6E7 proteins consistently induced E7 specific CTL, in vivo tumor protection, antibody and DTH responses. ISCOMATRIX(TM) adjuvant has been developed for use in the formulation of novel human vaccines and has been evaluated for safety and toxicity in human trials. A formulation containing aluminum hydroxide (Al(OH)(3)) gave a lesser degree of E7 specific antibody, and no local E7 specific CTL response but similar DTH and tumor protection. These findings demonstrate the potential of ISCOMATRIX(TM) adjuvant to stimulate both cellular and humoral immune responses to endogenously processed target antigens, and hence is the preferred adjuvant when CTL responses are desirable. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Weight reduction in clinical populations of severely obese children has been shown to have beneficial effects on blood pressure, but little is known about the effect of weight gain among children in the general population. This study compares the mean blood pressure at 14 years of age with the change in overweight status between ages 5 and 14. Information from 2794 children born in Brisbane, Australia, and who were followed up since birth and had body mass index (BMI) and blood pressure measurements at ages 5 and 14 were used. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure at age 14 was the main outcomes and different patterns of change in BMI from age 5 to 14 were the main exposure. Those who changed from being overweight at age 5 to having normal BMI at age 14 had similar mean blood pressures to those who had a normal BMI at both time points: age- and sex-adjusted mean difference in systolic blood pressure 1.54 ( - 0.38, 3.45) mm Hg and in diastolic blood pressure 0.43 ( - 0.95, 1.81) mm Hg. In contrast, those who were overweight at both ages or who had a normal BMI at age 5 and were overweight at age 14 had higher blood pressure at age 14 than those who had a normal BMI at both times. These effects were independent of a range of potential confounding factors. Our findings suggest that programs that successfully result in children changing from overweight to normal-BMI status for their age may have important beneficial effects on subsequent blood pressure.


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Objective: Childhood injury remains the single most important cause of mortality in children aged between 1-14 years in many countries. It has been proposed that lower socio-economic status (SES) and poorer housing contribute to potential hazards in the home environment. This study sought to establish whether the prevalence of observed hazards in and around the home was differentially distributed by SES, in order to identify opportunities for injury prevention. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional, random sample survey of primary school children from 32 schools in Brisbane. Interviews and house audits were conducted between July 2000 and April 2003 to collect information on SES (income, employment and education) and previously identified household hazards. Results: There was evidence of a relationship between prevalence of household environmental hazards and household SES; however, the magnitude and direction of this relationship appeared to be hazard-specific. Household income was related to play equipment characteristics, with higher SES groups being more likely to be exposed to risk. All three SES indicators were associated with differences in the home safety characteristics, with the lower SES groups more likely to be exposed to risk. Conclusion:The differential distribution of environmental risk factors by SES of household may help explain the SES differential in the burden of injury and provides opportunities for focusing efforts to address the problem.