961 resultados para Bean


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The quest for food security and poverty alleviation among rural fisherfolks is imperative in the context of rural development. Rural fishermen and women do not only partake in fishing and related activities in order to make ends meet but also seek more sustainable ways of absorbing shocks and reducing their vulnerability to unforeseen economics conditions. These they do through diversification of their efforts to such activities that enables them have good leverage over poverty and food scarcity. It is in this context that Nigerian-German Technical Co-operation (GTZ) sought to assist the fisherfolks to help themselves by training the fishermen wives on knowledge and skill acquisition in Soya bean processing and utilization as a means of generating additional income for the household in Kainji Lake basin. This work was therefore carried out in order to make an objective investigation into the impact of this training on the economy of the fisherfolks. Sixty respondents, who constitute fishermen wives, were randomly selected from twelve fishing villages in the basin. 76.7% of those interviewed affirmed that the project has increased their income while others agreed that it has actually reduced their expenditure on food while increasing food supply and variety for the household


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Distinct structures delineating the introns of Simian Virus 40 T-antigen and Adenovirus 2 E1A genes have been discovered. The structures, which are centered around the branch points of the genes inserted in supercoiled double-stranded plasmids, are specifically targeted through photoactivated strand cleavage by the metal complex tris(4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline)rhodium(III). The DNA sites that are recognized lack sequence homology but are similar in demarcating functionally important sites on the RNA level. The single-stranded DNA fragments corresponding to the coding strands of the genes were also found to fold into a structure apparently identical to that in the supercoiled genes based on the recognition by the metal complex. Further investigation of different single-stranded DNA fragments with other structural probes, such as another metal complex bis(1,10-phenanthroline)(phenanthrenequinone diimine)rhodium(III), AMT (4'aminomethyl-4,5',8 trimethylpsoralen), restriction enzyme Mse I, and mung bean nuclease, showed that the structures require the sequ ences at both ends of the intron plus the flanking sequences but not the middle of the intron. The two ends form independent helices which interact with each other to form the global tertiary structures. Both of the intron structures share similarities to the structure of the Holliday junction, which is also known to be specifically targeted by the former metal complex. These structures may have arisen from early RNA intron structures and may have been used to facilitate the evolution of genes through exon shuffling by acting as target sites for recombinase enzymes.


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Uma das maiores atividades humanas que gera impacto ao meio ambiente é o setor de transportes automotores, especialmente veículos que utilizam óleo diesel mineral como forma de combustível. Independente do conforto ou objetivos que levem a utilização deste tipo de transporte, estes produzem emissões que contém diversos tipos de poluentes atmosféricos. A substituição de óleo diesel mineral pelo biodiesel vegetal, vem se apresentando como uma alternativa para este setor, especialmente para o Brasil, que com base em sua imensa biodiversidade com plantas oleaginosas deverá se constituir em um dos maoires produtores mundiais de biodiesel vegetal. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo comparativo entre três tipos de oleaginosas (soja, algodão e mamona) e uma msitura binária v/v soja e algodão. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo foram comparados as especificações definidas pelas normas: Brasileira (RANP 07/2008), Européia (EN/14214) e Americana (ASTM D-6751). Entre todas as amostras estudadas, o óleo de mamona não atende algumas propiedades físico-químicas das normas em questão. As amostras de biodiesel de soja e algodão, individualmente e combinadas, com caracteristicas, aplicações, zoneamento agroclimático e sazonalidade de produção regionalmente diferente apresentam propiedades físico-químicas semelhantes, podendo ser considerada uma fonte renovavél de energia.


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The Philippine Expedition of 1907-10 was the longest and most extensive assignment of the Albatross's 39-year career. It came about because the United States had acquired the Philippines following the Spanish-American War of 1898 and the bloody Philippine Insurection of 1899-1902. The purpose of the expedition was to surbey and assess the aquatic resources of the Philippine Islands. Dr. Hugh M. Smith, the Deputy Commissioner of the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, was the Director of the Expedition. Other scientific participants were Frederick M. Chamberlain, Lewis Radcliffe, Paul Bartsch, Harry C. Fasset, Clarence Wells, Albert Burrows, Alvin Seale, and Roy Chapman Andrews. The expedition consisted of a series of cruises, each beginning and ending in Manila and exploring a different part of the island group. In addition to the Philippines proper, the ship also explored parts of the Dutch East Indies and areas around Hong Kong and Taiwan. The expedition returned great quantities of fish and invertebrate speciments as well as hydrographic and fisheries data; most of the material was eventually deposited in the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History. The fisehs were formally accessioned into the museum in 1922 and fell under the car of Barton A. Bean, Assistant Curator of Fishes, who then recruited Henry W. Fowler to work up the material. Fowler completed his studies of the entire collection, but only part of it was ever published, due in part to the economic constraints caused by the Depression. The material from the Philippine Expedition constituted the largest single accession of fishes ever received by the museum. These speciments are in good condition today and are still being used in scientific research.


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This study was carried out to measure the effects of a supplementary multi enzyme on growth performance , survival rate and apparent protein digestibility of rainbow trout fed some diets containing different amounts of soy bean meal. Five exprimental diets with replacement of 25, 50, 75 and 100 percent of fish meal protein by soy bean meal protein were made and 0, 500 and 1000 ppm dosages of supplementary multi enzyme had used in each of them. By the means a diet with fish meal as the only source of protein has used as the control. So this study had 13 treatments. The trouts in 89.40±4.01 gr mean weight were stocked in 39 experimental fiberglass tanks in abundance of 30 fish per any tank. These specimens fed experimental diets for 8 weeks and ten of them in each tank fed same diets which added Cr2O3 to them for one more week to measure the apparent protein digestibility in them. The results shown that supplementary multi enzyme (Avizyme) which contains Protease , Amylase and Xylanase , caused increases in growth performance , survival rate and apparent protein digestibility in trouts which fed soybean meal. Also this study shown that using 1000 ppm of Avizyme in diets which containing soybean meal had the best results and the diet which contained 39 % soybean meal with this amount of enzymes, had no significant differences by the control in any of the studied factors.


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The trapped magnetic field is examined in bulk high-temperature superconductors that are artificially drilled along their c-axis. The influence of the hole pattern on the magnetization is studied and compared by means of numerical models and Hall probe mapping techniques. To this aim, we consider two bulk YBCO samples with a rectangular cross-section that are drilled each by six holes arranged either on a rectangular lattice (sample I) or on a centered rectangular lattice (sample II). For the numerical analysis, three different models are considered for calculating the trapped flux: (i), a two-dimensional (2D) Bean model neglecting demagnetizing effects and flux creep, (ii), a 2D finite-element model neglecting demagnetizing effects but incorporating magnetic relaxation in the form of an E-J power law, and, (iii), a 3D finite element analysis that takes into account both the finite height of the sample and flux creep effects. For the experimental analysis, the trapped magnetic flux density is measured above the sample surface by Hall probe mapping performed before and after the drilling process. The maximum trapped flux density in the drilled samples is found to be smaller than that in the plain samples. The smallest magnetization drop is found for sample II, with the centered rectangular lattice. This result is confirmed by the numerical models. In each sample, the relative drops that are calculated independently with the three different models are in good agreement. As observed experimentally, the magnetization drop calculated in the sample II is the smallest one and its relative value is comparable to the measured one. By contrast, the measured magnetization drop in sample (1) is much larger than that predicted by the simulations, most likely because of a change of the microstructure during the drilling process.


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We provide experimental evidence for a vortex migration phenomenon in YBa2Cu3O7-δ (YBCO) thin film caused by travelling magnetic wave. The experiment is carried out on a 2 in. diameter YBCO thin film with a circular-type magnetic flux pump. We found that the travelling wave helps the vortices migrate into the centre of the sample: after the zero-field cooling process, the increase of the flux density in the centre is four times larger than the amplitude of the travelling wave. The reason for this massive vortex migration is probably due to the magnetic stress variation caused by the travelling wave: the magnetic stress increases locally in the crest region while decreases locally in the trough region, which could help the vortices to move locally. A comparison shows that the magnetization by standing wave can be easily predicted by Bean's model while travelling wave causes vortex migration generally much larger than the prediction of Bean's model. It is possible that travelling magnetic wave can be an effective way to magnetize a type II superconductor in considering this unusual vortex dynamics. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Web应用服务器是Web计算环境下的新型中间件,为基于组件的分布式Web应用提供了基础运行平台.组件静态分布限制了事务性Web应用在运行期间适应执行环境变化的能力.为了满足Web应用的动态分布需求,Web应用服务器需在底层为组件提供一种动态迁移的能力.如何维持组件迁移前后的一致性是组件迁移中最棘手的问题之一.为解决此问题,定义了组件迁移一致性约束CMC(component migration constrains),并给出了在 J2EE(Java 2 platform enterprise edition)应用服务器中支持EJB(enterprise Java Bean)动态分布的组件迁移模型和 sLB_Copy,SFB_Copy,EB-Copy 3个迁移算法.分析得出sLB_Copy,SFB_copy和EB_copy均满足CMC约束.迁移模型和算法已在自主研制的Web应用服务器WebFrame2.0中实现,并已应用到自适应负载平衡、失效恢复等多个方面.


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为了探明多年免耕下农田恶性杂草发生的机理,提高保护性耕作下作物对农田恶性杂草持久稳定的抑制效果,依据陕西安塞田间4a的定位试验,采用小区调查取样和室内实验相结合的方法,从物种组成、密度特征、多样性以及相似性特征等方面,研究了黄土丘陵旱作农区大豆(Glycine max)、玉米(Zea mays)、红小豆(Semen Phaseoli)、马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum)在翻耕化肥(CF)、翻耕有机肥(CM)、翻耕无肥(CN)、免耕化肥(NF)、免耕有机肥(NM)、免耕无肥(NN)等水平下的农田土壤种子库。结果表明:(1)4种作物24种土样中共萌发出12个物种1965株幼苗,隶属于7科12属。1年生杂草占94%,棒头草(fugax nees ex steud)、苋菜(Acalypha australis)、马唐(Digitaria sanguinalis)、早熟禾(Poasphondylodes)为优势种,占87%。(2)在0~20cm土层不同处理间,土壤种子库的密度变动于(282.9±63.4)~(7482.5±1078.3)粒.m-2,其中,红小豆小区>马铃薯小区>大豆小区>玉米小区;翻耕小区>免...


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GaP/Si is a promoting heterostructure for Si-based optoelectronic devices since lattice constants of GaP and Si are so closed that they can match with each other. GaP was successfully grow on (100) Si subtracts by Gas-Source Molecular Bean Epitaxy (GS-MBE) in the study. The GaP/Si heterostructure was characterized by X-ray double crystal diffraction, Anger electron spectrograph, X-ray photonic spectrograph and photoluminescence (PL) measurements. The results showed that the epitaxial GaP layers are single crystalline, in which a parallel to and a (perpendicular to)are 0.54322 and 0.54625 nm, respectively. The peaks in PL spectra of GaP epitaxial layer grown on Si are 650, 627 and 640 nm, respectively. The study demonstrated that GaP/Si is a kind of lattice matched heterostructures and will be a promoting materials for future integrated photonics.


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通过野外天然降雨产流及人工模拟降雨试验,研究不同植被对坡面土壤侵蚀及土壤铜元素流失的影响及降雨过程中铜元素的流失规律。结果表明:(1)紫花苜蓿、绿豆、荒草3种植被覆盖小区的年径流量为5183.8,5 366.2,3 867.3 m~3/km~2,比裸地减少33%,30.8%和50.1%;侵蚀模数为379.18.482.3,15.78 t/km~2,比裸地减少34.7%,16.4%和97.2%;全年全铜流失量为12.9,25.5,0.46 kg/km~2,有效铜流失量为6.22,11.01,0.15 kg/ km~2,分别比裸地减少67.3%,35.3%,98.8%和54.6%,19.6%,98.9%;(2)在模拟降雨过程中,农地小区的产流产沙强度过程呈现波动上升趋势,产沙过程波动较产流过程剧烈。铜元素流失强度过程与产流产沙强度过程相似,但其峰值多于产流产沙过程,且最高峰出现时间不同。有效铜流失强度变化率略高于全铜。


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The sedimentary-volcanic tuff (locally called "green-bean rock") formed during the early Middle Triassic volcanic event in Guizhou Province is characterized as being thin, stable, widespread, short in forming time and predominantly green in color. The green-bean rock is a perfect indicator for stratigraphic division. Its petrographic and geochemical features are unique, and it is composed mainly of glassy fragments and subordinately of crystal fragments and volcanic ash balls. Analysis of the major and trace elements and rare-earth elements ( REE), as well as the related diagrams, permits us to believe that the green-bean rock is acidic volcanic material of the calc-alkaline series formed in the Indosinian orogenic belt on the Sino-Vietnam border, which was atmospherically transported to the tectonically stable areas and then deposited as sedimentary-volcanic rocks there. According to the age of green-bean rock, it is deduced that the boundary age of the Middle-Lower Triassic overlain by the sedimentary-volcanic tuff is about 247 Ma.


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In the early part of this century, with the change from the seller's market to the buyer market, the competition between companies changed from product competition, selling competition to corporate image competition, and companies began to consciously build corporate reputation through fast developed mass media. As a result, a series of methods to build corporate image were created, such as advertising, public relations and corporate identify system(CIS), which ,in turn, promoted the development of the research of corporate image. The factors of corporate image have been the central issue of the corporate image research, for the probe of this issue is of great significance to both the development of corporate image theory and the practice of corporate image building. As far as the literature we have gathered is concerned, the exiting research on this topic either remains at the level of qualitative investigating and induction, or is limited in some particular industry. Therefore. There bean no commonly accepted corporate image theory so far. In the recent years, with the introduction of competition mechanism and the establishment of the company. As subject position in the market, the building of corporate image gas been developed quickly in our country, and the development of practice imperatively requires the guide of scientific theory. On the basis of the analysis and summarization of the research of the predecessors, the present dissertation attempts to do some investigation and research work on the common and individual characteristics of corporate image factors of the companies in different industries in our country. The method of questionnaire survey is used in the present research. The subject sample is gathered on the basis of convenience and feasibility, and at the mean time, some consideration is also given to straticulate randomization principles. The subjects are asked to select one of their most familiar companies, and determine the important of even item in the questionnaire to the selected company(i.e. the importance assessment), and then, determine the grades the selected company gains on every item(i.e. the image assessment). The discriminant analysis of corporate image of different industries. The selected sample is grouped and coded according to the standard of industry classification. The discriminant analysis is done with the selected companies as the sample and the grades of image assessment as the variables. The result indicates that industry variable is an important standard of the classification of corporate image, and the companies in the same industry are more similar in corporate image. The analysis of the common and individual characteristics of corporate image of different industries. Firstly, in every industry, the items are sieved according to the grades of importance assessment, and exploratory factor analysis is done with grades of image assessment on the selected items as the variables. Secondly, the factors drawn from every industry in arranged in order according to their importance. The result indicates that the corporate image of different industries shares some common characteristics, for there exist common factors among different industries. In the mean while, the corporate image of different industries has its individual characteristics, that is, there is some difference in the domain of the factors, and in the order of the factors(including the difference of the principle factor).