998 resultados para Bancos de sangue - Brasil


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Brazil has been considered one of the diversity centers of Gossypium barbadense species. It is believed that a relatively big erosion genetic process occurs with the species, due to economic, cultural and agricultural problems. A local diagnostic about species situation is the first step for reducing the diversity loss and establishing conservation strategies in situ. This research aimed the identification of the presence of Gossypium populations, characterization, determination of the main risks and collection of the accesses to store in germoplam banks, in Para and Amapa States. Expeditions were conducted in November 2004. An interview was carried out with the plant proprietor for characterizing in situ of G. barbadense species and of the environment where the plants were inserted. On hundred seventy nine plants in 22 municipal districts were collected in Para State and 117 plants in nine municipal districts in Amapa State. The majority of plants belong to G. barbadense species (98% in Amapa and 94% in Para). Plants occur in back yards, beside roads and spontaneously. That ones from back yards were more abundant (97% in Amapa and 95% in Para) and maintained as medicinal plants as the principal reason. Plants in natural environments in both states evaluated were not found, therefore, the creation of reserves and the application of others conventional methods of maintenance in situ are not applicable. The plant proprietors do not use to store or process seeds. Seed storage was reported as a practice by only 1% of the plant proprietors from Para and 11% from Amapa. The most plants collected were from two to three years of age (58% in Amapa and 93% in Para). As conclusions G. barbadense is the species most spread in the two studied states and are found in back yards. In Amapa State the botanical variety barbadense or Quebradinho is predominant, whereas in Para State the predominant variety is brasiliense or Rim-de-boi. Adequate conservation of thestudied species must be carried out in germoplasm collections maintained ex situ


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Psychologist s social commitment in scientific articles published in scientific papers in Brazil. A situation analysis of the scientific production concerning psychologist s social commitment can aid the historical constitution of this theme and also subsidize reflections about the course of this profession in Brazil. In order to contribute to this debate, the theme social commitment of psychologist was analyzed in the scientific literature concerning psychologist profession in the country. Specifically, papers about the profession that mentioned the theme social commitment were characterized and their approach of this matter was analyzed. In order to accomplish these goals, two research stages were fulfilled: first, in a systematic search for scientific literature in internet databases, studies about the psychologist profession in the country were gathered; in the second stage, scientific papers relating to social commitment in their titles, abstracts or keywords were selected. 61 papers were retrieved, organized in electronic database and full-text analyzed, based in two axis: scientometric and thematic. The papers were identified, in general, as recent, of theoretic character and aligned with several Psychology subareas; mainly produced in public universities, in country s southwest; were of conjunctural interest to the authors research projects, individually published, by professors in touch with post-graduation; published in open access journals, with high Qualis evaluation. It was verified that there is no consensus on the meaning of the theme, prevailing definitions concerning the understanding of the social reality, to the majority of people or to a progressive-aligned professional performance. Are adduced as committed agents: the psychologist (sometimes together with other kinds of professionals or with users), the academia, and the representative entities of the profession. Depending on the subareas and the nature of study, all papers mentioned at least one of the following criteria: expansion of target-audience, renewal of practices, political direction, defined theoretical approach or adequate technical competence, sometimes relating each other. In short, psychologist s social commitment is a contradictory issue which have earned projection in scientific literature, reiterating the historical custom of evaluate the psychologist profession. As conclusion, it is regarded as indispensable to intensify the reflection about the role whose psychologist plays in a class-cleaved society and the limits and potentials of his performing in that framework.


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Foram estudados parâmetros relacionados ao estado nutricional de 151 adultos sadios, pertencentes à classe média e residindo em Botucatu, SP, Brasil. Valores antropométricos foram maiores nos homens, com exceção da prega tricipital e da área adiposa do braço. O aumento da idade associou-se a aumento dos valores da massa muscular (homens e mulheres) e do peso do corpo, da prega tricipital e da área adiposa do braço (mulheres). Os resultados antropométricos aproximaram-se dos valores referenciais internacionais, mas não foram inteiramente concordantes com eles, sendo inferiores para o peso corpóreo e circunferência e área musculares do braço. Nos indivíduos de menos de 50 anos, os valores da ingestão energética foram ligeiramente inferiores aos níveis recomendados. A ingestão protéica foi adequada. Os valores médios das proteínas e lípides do soro foram similares aos valores de referência. Testes de hipersensibilidade cutânea são apresentados como uma prova funcional para avaliação do estado nutricional.


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Com o objetivo de estudar a soroprevalência de vírus linfotrópico de células T humanas I/II (HTLV-I/II), vírus da imunodeficiência humana, sífilis e toxoplasmose, em gestantes atendidas em unidade básicas de saúde do município de Botucatu - São Paulo - Brasil, bem como os fatores de risco para a infecção pelo HTLV -I/II, foram realizados inquérito sorológico e avaliação dos resultados de exames solicitados na rotina do prénatal. em 913 gestantes, a soroprevalência de HTLV- I e de HTLV- II foi de 0,1%. Sífilis, toxoplasmose e infecção pelo HIV foram encontradas. Nenhum dos fatores de risco pesquisados mostrou-se seguro para identificar gestantes com infecção pelo HTLV- I/II. A comparação da proporção de gestantes infectadas e de doadores de sangue da região sudeste do Brasil com testes reagentes para HTLV- I/II não mostrou diferença estatística.


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This study aimed to characterize, for the first time, the benthic invertebrates that inhabit the region of soft bottoms adjacent to the APARC reefs in order to situate them as an important component of infralittoral coastal areas of Northeast Brazil. Soft bottoms areas of APARC corresponds to infralittoral zones vegetated by seagrass Halodule wrightii and unvegetated infralittoral zones, both subjected to substantial hydrodynamic stress. Through scuba diving, biological and sedimentary samples of both habitats were analyzed, with a cylindrical sampler. We identified 6160 individuals belonging to 16 groups and 224 species. The most abundant macrofaunal group was Polychaeta (43%), followed by Mollusca (25%) and Crustacea (14%), what was expected for these environments. In the first chapter, regarding vegetated areas, we tested three hypotheses: the existence of differences in the faunal structure associated with H. wrightii banks submitted to different hydrodynamic conditions; the occurrence of minor temporal variations on the associated macrofauna of banks protected from hydrodynamic stress; and if the diversity of macrofauna is affected by both benthophagous predators and H. wrightii biomass. It was observed that macrofauna associated at the Exposed bank showed differences in structure when comparing the Protected bank, the granulometry of the sediments, that co-varies with the hydrodynamism, was the cause of these variations. The results also pointed to a lower temporal variation in the macrofaunal structure on the Protected bank and a negative relation between macrofaunal and benthophagous fish abundance. At the Exposed bank, a greater faunal diversity was observed, probably due to the higher seagrass biomass. The second chapter compares the vegetated and non-vegetated areas in order to test the hypothesis that due to greater seasonal stability in tropical environments, seagrass structure would act to distinguish the vegetated and non-vegetated areas macrofauna, over time. It was also expected that depositivores were the most representative invertebrates on non-vegetated environments, on the assumption that the seagrass bank would work as a source of debris to adjacent areas, enriching them. Considering all sampling periods, the total macrofauna abundance and diversity were higher in vegetated areas, when compared to non-vegetated ones. Seasonally, the structural complexity provided by Halodule differentiated more clearly the fauna from vegetated and non-vegetated areas, but only at the climatic extremes, i.e. Dry season (extreme climatic stability, with low hydronamism variation) and Rainy season (great hydrodynamism variation and probably vegetated bank burial). Furthermore, the high organic matter levels measured in the sandy banks coincided with an outstanding trophic importance of deposit feeders, proving the debris-carrying hypothesis. The last chapter focused on the non-vegetated areas, where we tested that the hypothesis infaunal halo in tropical reefs depending on local granulometry. In this context, we also tested the hypothesis that benthophagous fish predation would have an effect on the low abundance of macrofaunal groups due to the high hydrographic stress, thus allowing other predatory groups to have greater importance in these environments. Proving the hypothesis, no spatial variation, both on abundance families neither on community structure, occur along distance of the edge reefs. However, we found that complex combinations of physical factors (grain size and organic matter levels originated from local hydronamic conditions) covary with the distance from the reefs and has stronger influence on macrofauna than considered biological factors, such as predation by benthophagous fishes. Based on the main results, this study shows that unconsolidated areas around APARC reefs are noteworthy from an ecological and conservational point of view, as evidenced by the biota-environment and organismal relations, never before described for these areas


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The aim of this study was the seasonal characterization of the morphology, sedimentology and hydrodynamic of the Açu, Cavalos and Conchas estuaries. These estuaries are inserted in a semi-arid climate area and form the mouth of the hydrographic basin of the Piranhas-Açu river, that represent the discharge of the largest watershed in the state. They are embedded in an environment consisting of a fluvial-marine floodplain, mangrove ecosystem, sandbanks, fields of dunes, spits and sandy beaches. Adjacent to the natural units are the main local socioeconomic activities (oil industry, salt industry, shrimp farming, fishing and tourism) are dependent on this river and its conservation. The environmental monitoring is necessary because it is an area under constant action of coastal processes and at high risk of oil spill. The acquisition and interpretation of hydrodynamic, sonographic and sediment data was conducted in two campaigns, dry season (2010) and rainy season (2011), using respectively the current profiler ADCP Doppler effect, the side-scan sonar and Van Veen sampler. In these estuaries: Açu, Cavalos and Conchas were identified the following types of bedforms: flatbed and Dunes 2-D and 3-D (small to medium size), generated at lower flow regime (Froude number <1). Structures such as ripples were observed in the Açu estuary mouth. The higher values of flow discharge and velocity were recorded in the Açu estuary (434,992 m³.s-¹ and 0,554 m.s-¹). In rainy season, despite the record of highest values of discharge and flow velocities at the mouth, the energy rates upstream did not differ much from the data of the dry season. However, in all estuaries were recorded an increase in speed and flow, with reservation to the flow in the Açu estuary and flow at the mouth of the Conchas estuary. Sediment grain sizes tend to increase towards the mouth of the estuary and these ranged from very fine sand to very coarse sand, medium sand fraction being the most recurrent. Based on the data acquired and analyzed, the estuaries Açu, Cavalos and Conchas are classified as mixed , dominated by waves and tides. According to their morphology, they are classified as estuaries constructed by bar and according to the classification by salinity, estuaries Conchas and Cavalos were ranked as hypersaline estuaries, and Açu as hypersaline and vertically well mixed type C


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Foram estudados os conhecimentos e opiniões dos profissionais de saúde do Município de Botucatu, SP (Brasil), acerca da freqüência e gravidade de treze sintomas e sinais de doenças, visando à comparação com as opiniões emitidas pela população urbana do Município. Foram entrevistados 435 profissionais de saúde ativos (médicos, enfermeiros, auxiliares e atendentes de enfermagem e outros), a maioria do sexo feminino, com idade de 25 a 44 anos. A categoria de atendentes foi a mais numerosa. de modo geral, os cinco últimos sintomas da relação constante do formulário - sangue no escarro, sangramento vaginal, caroço no seio, acessos e sangue na urina, foram considerados menos freqüentes e mais graves, comparativamente aos oito primeiros: falta de ar, febre, fraqueza, dor nas costas, dor no peito, dor de cabeça, tosse e diarréia. Dentre as categorias, os médicos diferenciaram-se atribuindo, com menor freqüência, escores altos para a freqüência e gravidade. Os clínicos valorizaram mais do que os cirurgiões, esses dois fatores, para quase todos os sintomas. O cotejo com a opinião dos leigos entrevistados revelou semelhanças nas tendências, embora tenha havido, por parte destes, maior valorização da freqüência e gravidade.


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A talassemia alfa é uma anemia hereditária resultante da síntese deficiente de cadeias alfa, provocando um excesso relativo de cadeias beta, que vão formar tetrâmeros identificados como hemoglobina H (Hb H) no indivíduo adulto. Para direcionar o diagnóstico laboratorial desta anemia, a análise dos índices eritrocitários, a eletroforese em acetato de celulose em pH neutro e a pesquisa de corpos de inclusão de Hb H são essenciais. O objetivo deste estudo foi traçar o perfil hematológico, por meio dos índices eritrocitários, dos portadores de talassemia alfa das regiões Sudeste e Nordeste do Brasil. Foram analisadas 1.010 amostras de sangue periférico após consentimento informado. Os índices eritrocitários como contagem de glóbulos vermelhos (RBC), dosagem de hemoglobina (HGB), hematócrito (HCT), volume corpuscular médio (VCM), hemoglobina corpuscular média (HCM) e concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média (CHCM) foram fornecidos por aparelhos automatizados com controle de qualidade interno e externo. Para o diagnóstico de talassemia alfa foram utilizados testes de triagem e complementares para talassemias, como eletroforese em pH neutro e pesquisa de corpos de inclusão de Hb H com coloração de azul cresil brilhante. Comparando-se os valores hematológicos observados nos dois grupos, notou-se que, em ambas as regiões, os índices com valores discrepantes foram os níveis de HGB e HCT, sendo a maior freqüência de variação observada entre as mulheres. Nos portadores do fenótipo alfa talassêmico da região Nordeste, todos os índices eritrocitários estavam abaixo dos valores de normalidade. Estes resultados evidenciam a necessidade de melhor avaliação do perfil hematológico de talassemia alfa em diferentes regiões, considerando-se os interferentes ambientais para um diagnóstico mais preciso.


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No período de 1994 a 2004, a população canina de Araçatuba, São Paulo, Brasil, registrou duas importantes zoonoses: a raiva e a leishmaniose visceral. Analisaram-se as mudanças ocorridas nessa população durante esse período, utilizando resultados de censos caninos e de coletas censitárias de sangue realizados em 1994, 1999 e 2004. A relação cão/10 habitantes variou significativamente, passando de 1,7 em 1994 para 2,0 em 1999 e para 1,8 em 2004. A porcentagem de cães com até um ano de idade passou de 20% para 32,5% e o número de eutanásias realizadas também aumentou após 1999, com a introdução da leishmaniose visceral. O número de cães e a estrutura etária variaram nos diversos setores do município e aqueles com maior porcentagem de animais com até dois anos de idade apresentaram maior ocorrência de casos de leishmaniose visceral humana e canina. Tais resultados decorrem de ações de controle adotadas nos setores com casos humanos de leishmaniose visceral, porém, o aumento da população canina mais jovem pode resultar em aumento da susceptibilidade destes cães à doença, favorecendo a manutenção da mesma na área.


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Foram analisados 496 indivíduos de Cubatão, SP (Brasil), cidade com alto teor de poluição industrial, com o objetivo de verificar alterações hematológicas induzidas por poluentes industriais. Dos estudos citológicos dos eritrócitos dessa população estudada, foram observadas 188 (38%) com alterações, isoladas ou combinadas em um único indivíduo, das quais 26% apresentaram policromatofilia, 24% com pontilhados basófilos, 15% com corpos de Heinz, e 8% com reticulocitose. As freqüências de metahemoglobinemia e sulfohemoglobinemia foram,respectivamente, de 35% e 32% em moradores da vila Parisi - um bairro cercado pela maioria das indústrias de Cubatão - 15% e 5% em operários das indústrias, e 12% e 4% em habitantes de áreas distantes entre 3 e 8 km do polo industrial. Esses resultados indicam que as alterações são causadas por poluentes tóxico-oxidantes e que as conseqüências fisio-patológicas no sangue dos moradores de Cubatão parecem indicar que estão relacionadas com o tempo de exposição e com a proximidade dos focos emissores de poluentes.


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Foram analisadas 7.657 amostras de sangue provenientes de 48 cidades das regiões de São José do Rio Preto e de Presidente Prudente, com o objetivo de detectar e conscientizar os portadores de hemoglobinas anormais. As análises efetuadas mostraram que 3,47% tinham hemoglobinas anormais, sendo 2,26% portadores de variantes moleculares (Hbs, AS, AC, SS, SC, AJ, AB2) e 1,21% de talasse-mias (alfa e beta). Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que estudos semelhantes, além de propiciar o melhor conhecimento das causas genéticas, bioquímicas e hematológicas dessas alterações hereditárias, oferecem também a oportunidade de estimar a importância que essas patologias representam para a saúde pública do nosso país. A ação preventiva foi estabelecida por meio de reuniões de esclarecimentos médicos e biológicos aos portadores de hemoglobinas anormais.


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This study aimed to evaluate the seroprevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in blood donors of the core of Patos de Minas Regional Foundation's Hemominas, MG. To this end, tests were used (ELISA) and Reverse Passive Hemagglutination (HPR). Through retrospective study from 1996 to 2006, was considered the result of serological 21,787 donors where 259 (1.2%) were seropositive for T. cruzi infection and the highest number of seropositivity was found in the group of 41-50 years. The total number of donors tested, 15 143 (69.5%) were male and 6644 (30.5%) females giving a seroprevalence rate of 170 (0.8%) and 89 (0.4%) respectively. This seroepidemiological survey showed that still prevail rates of transmission of Chagas disease, which reinforces the idea of the need for serological tests for the prevention of Chagas disease, especially in endemic areas as the region of Triangulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaiba.


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