458 resultados para BRIGHTNESS


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The poison frogs (family Dendrobatidae) are terrestrial anuran amphibians displaying a wide range of coloration and toxicity. These frogs generally have been considered to be aposematic, but relatively little research has been carried out to test the predictions of this hypothesis. Here we use a comparative approach to test one prediction of the hypothesis of aposematism: that coloration will evolve in tandem with toxicity. Recently, we developed a phylogenetic hypothesis of the evolutionary relationships among representative species of poison frogs, using sequences from three regions of mitochondrial DNA. In our analysis, we use that DNA-based phylogeny and comparative analysis of independent contrasts to investigate the correlation between coloration and toxicity in the poison frog family (Dendrobatidae). Information on the toxicity of different species was obtained from the literature. Two different measures of the brightness and extent of coloration were used. (i) Twenty-four human observers were asked to rank different photos of each different species in the analysis in terms of contrast to a leaf-littered background. (ii) Color photos of each species were scanned into a computer and a computer program was used to obtain a measure of the contrast of the colors of each species relative to a leaf-littered background. Comparative analyses of the results were carried out with two different models of character evolution: gradual change, with branch lengths proportional to the amount of genetic change, and punctuational change, with all change being associated with speciation events. Comparative analysis using either method or model indicated a significant correlation between the evolution of toxicity and coloration across this family. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that coloration in this group is aposematic.


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Although females prefer to mate with brightly colored males in numerous species, the benefits accruing to such females are virtually unknown. According to one hypothesis of sexual selection theory, if the expression of costly preferred traits in males (such as conspicuous colors) is proportional to the male's overall quality or reveals his quality, a well-developed trait should indicate good condition and/or viability for example. A female choosing such a male would therefore stand to gain direct or indirect fitness benefits, or both. Among potential phenotypic indicators of an individual's quality are the amount and brightness of its carotenoid-based colors and its boldness, as measured by its willingness to risk approaching predators without being killed. Here, we show experimentally that in the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata) the visual conspicuousness of the color pattern of males correlates positively with boldness toward, and with escape distance from, a cichlid fish predator. Bold individuals are thus more informed about nearby predators and more likely to survive encounters with them. Mate-choice experiments showed that females prefer colorful males as mates, but prefer bolder males irrespective of their coloration when given the opportunity to observe their behavior toward a potential fish predator. By preferentially mating with colorful males, female guppies are thus choosing on average, relatively bold, and perhaps more viable, individuals. In doing so, and to the extent that viability is heritable, they potentially gain indirect fitness benefits by producing more viable offspring than otherwise.


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Green fluorescent protein (GFP) is widely used as a reporter gene in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. However, the fluorescence levels of wild-type GFP (wtGFP) are not bright enough for fluorescence-activated cell sorting or flow cytometry. Several GFP variants were generated that are brighter or have altered excitation spectra when expressed in prokaryotic cells. We engineered two GFP genes with different combinations of these mutations, GFP(S65T,V163A) termed GFP-Bex1, and GFP(S202F,T203I,V163A) termed GFP-Vex1. Both show enhanced brightness and improved signal-to-noise ratios when expressed in mammalian cells and appropriately excited, compared with wtGFP. Each mutant retains only one of the two excitation peaks of the wild-type protein. GFP-Bex1 excites at 488 nm (blue) and GFP-Vex1 excites at 406 nm (violet), both of which are available laser lines. Excitation at these wavelengths allows for the independent analyses of these mutants by fluorescence-activated cell sorting, permitting simultaneous, quantitative detection of expression from two different genes within single mammalian cells.


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar o desempenho físico-mecânico e a durabilidade de painéis de partículas de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar com resina bicomponente a base de mamona (BCP) e compará-los com painéis de partículas de madeira comerciais (Medium Density Particleboard - MDP). Os painéis de bagaço de cana de açúcar foram fabricados com um teor de resina poliuretana a base de óleo de maona de 15%. O desempenho físico e mecânico dos painéis particulados foi analisado com base nas prescrições dos documentos normativos vigentes. Ambos os materiais foram revestidos superficialmente com resina poliuretana bicomponente à base de óleo de mamona. Avaliou-se a influência do tratamento das bordas na deterioração e no desempenho dos painéis. O acompanhamento das propriedades físico-mecânicas foi realizado antes e após os ensaios de envelhecimento por exposição natural durante 3, 6 e 12 meses, envelhecimento acelerado e de intemperismo artificial. Foi feita a avaliação, da suscetibilidade ao crescimento gerada pelo ataque de fungos emboloradores e apodrecedores nos materiais durante o envelhecimento natural e no ensaio acelerado. Foi realizada a análise colorimétrica para a identificação de mudanças de cor e brilho nos materiais após os ensaios de deterioração. Foram utilizadas as técnicas de densitometria de raios X, espectroscopia por infravermelho próximo (NIR). Os resultados obtidos indicaram a selagem lateral permitiu avaliar a superfície exposta do material permitindo a entrada da água pela superfície avaliando o efeito dos agentes de deterioração. A porcentagem de retenção para o Módulo de ruptura após o ensaio de envelhecimento por imersão em agua e secagem (APA D1) foi de 87% e 3% para BCP e MDP sem revestimento respectivamente e de 90% e 3% para BCP e MDP com revestimento. A porcentagem de retenção das propriedades mecânicas em ambos os submetidos à exposição natural diminuiu em função do tempo. Entretanto o porcentagem de retenção para os materiais BCP e MDP com revestimento superficial foi de 76% e 60% para MOR. A exposição natural mostrou que os fungos emboloradores foram predominantes em ambos os materiais. Ambos os materiais com revestimento superficial apresentaram entre 1-10% de colonização com um 70% de probabilidade. Revestimento de resina de óleo de mamona reduz o crescimento de fungos em ambos os materiais no ensaio acelerado. O perfil de densitometria permitiu analisar o processo de fabricação dos painéis e permitiu identificar a deterioração gradativa do ambos os materiais após os ensaios de envelhecimento. A intepretação mediante a analise de componentes principais (ACP) na aplicação do NIR comportou a classificação das características relacionadas a cada ensaio de deterioração de ambos os materiais sem revestimento superficial. Com base nos resultados deste trabalho, foram propostas contribuições para ajustes de metodologias para a avaliação da durabilidade e do desempenho físico e mecânico dos painéis particulados, tendo em vista a sua viabilidade técnica, em sistemas construtivos da construção civil.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver e avaliar diferentes formulações de sorbets probióticos e simbióticos a base de polpa de juçara (Euterpe edulis), de modo a combinar os efeitos benéficos à saúde dos compostos fenólicos deste fruto com os benefícios dos probióticos e prebióticos. Para isso, foram utilizados os microrganismos L. acidophilus e L. paracasei e a fibra polidextrose, além da elaboração de uma amostra controle sem tais elementos para efeito de comparação. Primeiramente, a polpa de juçara pasteurizada utilizada na produção dos sorbets foi avaliada de acordo com suas características físico-químicas e seus compostos bioativos, tendo apresentado resultados adequados para o emprego na matriz alimentícia em questão. Em seguida, os sorbets foram caracterizados através de diversos parâmetros. Assim, a análise centesimal mostrou sorbets com alto índice de carboidratos e baixo valor calórico, enquanto os teores de sólidos solúveis apresentaram-se coerentes em todas as formulações analisadas. Os valores de overrun e densidade aparente relevaram que a incorporação de ar dos sorbets não foi tão elevada quanto de um sorvete lácteo, embora as amostras adicionadas de polidextrose - capaz de mimetizar as propriedades de corpo e espessamento da gordura - tenham obtido resultados mais próximos aos gelados tradicionais. Foram ainda mensurados os efeitos do armazenamento dos produtos a -18 °C durante 120 dias, através de avaliações de pH, coloração instrumental, estabilidade dos compostos fenólicos e antocianinas e viabilidade dos probióticos. O pH das amostras manteve-se constante durante todo o experimento, com valores entre 4,4 e 4,8, enquanto os parâmetros de coloração caracterizaram as amostras como vermelhas e apontaram tendência à perda de luminosidade. Já os polifenóis e antocianinas apresentaram teores elevados, decorrentes da adição da polpa de juçara, sem a ocorrência de degradação destes compostos ao longo da estocagem das amostras sob congelamento. As populações de ambos os microrganismos adicionados apresentaram-se estáveis em cerca de 8 log UFC/ g durante todo o período de armazenamento, o que corresponde a um resultado bastante satisfatório e superior ao recomendado pela legislação brasileira. Por outro lado, a sobrevivência in vitro de tais probióticos quando submetidos aos fluidos gastrointestinais não apresentou resultados adequados para a garantia da funcionalidade destes produtos, com queda de viabilidade superior a 4 ciclos logarítmicos. A aceitabilidade sensorial e intenção de compra apresentaram resultados positivos para todas as formulações, com maior aceitação das amostras probióticas em relação ao controle e menor interesse pelas amostras com adição de prebiótico. Tal resultado demonstra que a incorporação destas bactérias em sorbets de juçara é capaz de melhorar a qualidade do produto, enquanto a adição de polidextrose pode diminuir sua aceitabilidade nas condições empregadas. Em síntese, os sorbets elaborados apresentaram resultados satisfatórios, demonstrando a viabilidade na produção deste tipo de alimento funcional adicionado de probióticos, prebiótico e rico em polifenóis, sendo a combinação de tais elementos capaz de potencializar os efeitos benéficos destes compostos e trazer vantagens fundamentais à microbiota intestinal e à saúde de quem os consome.


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Context. Galaxies, which often contain ionised gas, sometimes also exhibit a so-called low-ionisation nuclear emission line region (LINER). For 30 years, this was attributed to a central mass-accreting supermassive black hole (more commonly known as active galactic nucleus, AGN) of low luminosity, making LINER galaxies the largest AGN sub-population, which dominate in numbers over higher luminosity Seyfert galaxies and quasars. This, however, poses a serious problem. While the inferred energy balance is plausible, many LINERs clearly do not contain any other independent signatures of an AGN. Aims. Using integral field spectroscopic data from the CALIFA survey, we compare the observed radial surface brightness profiles with what is expected from illumination by an AGN. Methods. Essential for this analysis is a proper extraction of emission lines, especially weak lines, such as Balmer H beta lines, which are superposed on an absorption trough. To accomplish this, we use the GANDALF code, which simultaneously fits the underlying stellar continuum and emission lines. Results. For 48 galaxies with LINER-like emission, we show that the radial emission-line surface brightness profiles are inconsistent with ionisation by a central point-source and hence cannot be due to an AGN alone. Conclusions. The most probable explanation for the excess LINER-like emission is ionisation by evolved stars during the short but very hot and energetic phase known as post-AGB. This leads us to an entirely new interpretation. Post-AGB stars are ubiquitous and their ionising effect should be potentially observable in every galaxy with the gas present and with stars older than ~1 Gyr unless a stronger radiation field from young hot stars or an AGN outshines them. This means that galaxies with LINER-like emission are not a class defined by a property but rather by the absence of a property. It also explains why LINER emission is observed mostly in massive galaxies with old stars and little star formation.


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Os grãos de quinoa possuem excelente balanço nutricional além das propriedades funcionais, comparativamente superior à dos cereais. A quinoa é cultivada em diversos países e, devido às suas características, têm aumentado o interesse de pesquisadores e consumidores. A quinoa contém pericarpo branco, no entanto, existem grãos com pericarpo vermelho e preto, e todos os tipos são utilizados como alimento em diferentes preparações. Com o objetivo de avaliar as características de grãos de quinoa, amostras de cor branca, preta e vermelha foram analisadas quanto às propriedades físico-químicas e funcionais dos grãos e do amido extraído das diferentes amostras. O amido, extraído pelo método alcalino, foi submetido as análises de teor de amilose, difração de raios X, microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), propriedades térmicas (por DSC-Differential Scanning Calorimeter) e propriedades de pasta (por RVA- Rapid Visco Analyser), além de suscetibilidade à hidrólise enzimática e cor. A composição físico-química dos grãos de quinoa apresentou como principais diferenças o teor de cinzas, fibras e amido. O teor de amilose variou de 13,6% a 21,3%, entre as amostras de amido; os padrões de cristalinidade dos amidos foram de tipo A, típico dos cereais; e, a cristalinidade relativa variou de 25,4 a 29,6 %; as micrografias obtidas por MEV apresentaram as formas poliédricas dos grânulos de amido. Os viscoamilogramas, obtidos para os diferentes amidos, mostraram um comportamento semelhante entre as amostras brancas e pretas. As propriedades térmicas de retrogradação das amostras de quinoa vermelha apresentaram uma menor taxa de retrogradação que variou de 7,5 a 8,5 %; as cultivares brancas apresentaram as maiores taxas de retrogradação de 19,0 a 25,4 %. A hidrólise enzimática dos grânulos de amido, analisada em equivalentes de maltose, variou de 7,2 a 8,7 mg/mL, com uma velocidade maior para a cultivar BSyB, em 60 minutos. O amido extraído das amostras brancas de quinoa apresentou valor de luminosidade de 99,0 e os amidos extraídos das amostras de cor vermelha e preta apresentaram em torno de 97,0. As análises realizadas neste estudo ampliam o conhecimento das características da quinoa de cor branca, vermelha e preta, além de mostrar que a cultivar brasileira (BSyB) apresenta características diferenciadas em vários parâmetros. Devido as suas propriedades todas as amostras analisadas possuem potencial para futuras aplicações tecnológicas.


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A dedicated mission to investigate exoplanetary atmospheres represents a major milestone in our quest to understand our place in the universe by placing our Solar System in context and by addressing the suitability of planets for the presence of life. EChO—the Exoplanet Characterisation Observatory—is a mission concept specifically geared for this purpose. EChO will provide simultaneous, multi-wavelength spectroscopic observations on a stable platform that will allow very long exposures. The use of passive cooling, few moving parts and well established technology gives a low-risk and potentially long-lived mission. EChO will build on observations by Hubble, Spitzer and ground-based telescopes, which discovered the first molecules and atoms in exoplanetary atmospheres. However, EChO’s configuration and specifications are designed to study a number of systems in a consistent manner that will eliminate the ambiguities affecting prior observations. EChO will simultaneously observe a broad enough spectral region—from the visible to the mid-infrared—to constrain from one single spectrum the temperature structure of the atmosphere, the abundances of the major carbon and oxygen bearing species, the expected photochemically-produced species and magnetospheric signatures. The spectral range and resolution are tailored to separate bands belonging to up to 30 molecules and retrieve the composition and temperature structure of planetary atmospheres. The target list for EChO includes planets ranging from Jupiter-sized with equilibrium temperatures T_ eq up to 2,000 K, to those of a few Earth masses, with T _eq \u223c 300 K. The list will include planets with no Solar System analog, such as the recently discovered planets GJ1214b, whose density lies between that of terrestrial and gaseous planets, or the rocky-iron planet 55 Cnc e, with day-side temperature close to 3,000 K. As the number of detected exoplanets is growing rapidly each year, and the mass and radius of those detected steadily decreases, the target list will be constantly adjusted to include the most interesting systems. We have baselined a dispersive spectrograph design covering continuously the 0.4–16 μm spectral range in 6 channels (1 in the visible, 5 in the InfraRed), which allows the spectral resolution to be adapted from several tens to several hundreds, depending on the target brightness. The instrument will be mounted behind a 1.5 m class telescope, passively cooled to 50 K, with the instrument structure and optics passively cooled to \u223c45 K. EChO will be placed in a grand halo orbit around L2. This orbit, in combination with an optimised thermal shield design, provides a highly stable thermal environment and a high degree of visibility of the sky to observe repeatedly several tens of targets over the year. Both the baseline and alternative designs have been evaluated and no critical items with Technology Readiness Level (TRL) less than 4–5 have been identified. We have also undertaken a first-order cost and development plan analysis and find that EChO is easily compatible with the ESA M-class mission framework.


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This paper is part of a multiwavelength study aimed at using complementary photometric, polarimetric and spectroscopic data to achieve an understanding of the activity process in late-type stars. Here, we present the study of FR Cnc, a young, active and spotted star. We performed analysis of All Sky Automated Survey 3 (ASAS-3) data for the years 2002–08 and amended the value of the rotational period to be 0.826518 d. The amplitude of photometric variations decreased abruptly in the year 2005, while the mean brightness remained the same, which was interpreted as a quick redistribution of spots. BVR_C and I_C broad-band photometric calibration was performed for 166 stars in FR Cnc vicinity. The photometry at Terskol Observatory shows two brightening episodes, one of which occurred at the same phase as the flare of 2006 November 23. Polarimetric BVR observations indicate the probable presence of a supplementary source of polarization. We monitored FR Cnc spectroscopically during the years 2004–08. We concluded that the radial velocity changes cannot be explained by the binary nature of FR Cnc. We determined the spectral type of FR Cnc as K7V. Calculated galactic space-velocity components (U, V, W) indicate that FR Cnc belongs to the young disc population and might also belong to the IC 2391 moving group. Based on Li Iλ6707.8 measurement, we estimated the age of FR Cnc to be between 10 and 120 Myr. Doppler tomography was applied to create a starspot image of FR Cnc. We optimized the goodness of fit to the deconvolved profiles for axial inclination, equivalent width and v sin i, finding v sin  i=46.2 km s^−1 and i= 55°. We also generated a syntheticV-band light curve based on Doppler imaging that makes simultaneous use of spectroscopic and photometric data. This synthetic light curve displays the same morphology and amplitude as the observed one. The starspot distribution of FR Cnc is also of interest since it is one of the latest spectral types to have been imaged. No polar spot was detected on FR Cnc.


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We report the detection of the first extrasolar planet, ET-1 (HD 102195b), using the Exoplanet Tracker (ET), a new-generation Doppler instrument. The planet orbits HD 102195, a young star with solar metallicity that may be part of the local association. The planet imparts radial velocity variability to the star with a semiamplitude of 63.4 ± 2.0 m s^-1 and a period of 4.11 days. The planetary minimum mass (m sin i) is 0.488MJ ± 0.015M_J. The planet was initially detected in the spring of 2005 with the Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO) 0.9 m coudé feed telescope. The detection was confirmed by radial velocity observations with the ET at the KPNO 2.1 m telescope and also at the 9 m Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET) with its High Resolution Spectrograph. This planetary discovery with a 0.9 m telescope around a V = 8.05 magnitude star was made possible by the high throughput of the instrument: 49% measured from the fiber output to the detector. The ET's interferometer-based approach is an effective method for planet detection. In addition, the ET concept is adaptable to multiple-object Doppler observations or very high precision observations with a cross-dispersed echelle spectrograph to separate stellar fringes over a broad wavelength band. In addition to spectroscopic observations of HD 102195, we obtained brightness measurements with one of the automated photometric telescopes at Fairborn Observatory. Those observations reveal that HD 102195 is a spotted variable star with an amplitude of ~0.015 mag and a 12.3 ± 0.3 day period. This is consistent with spectroscopically observed Ca II H and K emission levels and line-broadening measurements but inconsistent with rotational modulation of surface activity as the cause of the radial velocity variability. Our photometric observations rule out transits of the planetary companion.


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Este trabalho aborda o problema de casamento entre duas imagens. Casamento de imagens pode ser do tipo casamento de modelos (template matching) ou casamento de pontos-chaves (keypoint matching). Estes algoritmos localizam uma região da primeira imagem numa segunda imagem. Nosso grupo desenvolveu dois algoritmos de casamento de modelos invariante por rotação, escala e translação denominados Ciratefi (Circula, radial and template matchings filter) e Forapro (Fourier coefficients of radial and circular projection). As características positivas destes algoritmos são a invariância a mudanças de brilho/contraste e robustez a padrões repetitivos. Na primeira parte desta tese, tornamos Ciratefi invariante a transformações afins, obtendo Aciratefi (Affine-ciratefi). Construímos um banco de imagens para comparar este algoritmo com Asift (Affine-scale invariant feature transform) e Aforapro (Affine-forapro). Asift é considerado atualmente o melhor algoritmo de casamento de imagens invariante afim, e Aforapro foi proposto em nossa dissertação de mestrado. Nossos resultados sugerem que Aciratefi supera Asift na presença combinada de padrões repetitivos, mudanças de brilho/contraste e mudanças de pontos de vista. Na segunda parte desta tese, construímos um algoritmo para filtrar casamentos de pontos-chaves, baseado num conceito que denominamos de coerência geométrica. Aplicamos esta filtragem no bem-conhecido algoritmo Sift (scale invariant feature transform), base do Asift. Avaliamos a nossa proposta no banco de imagens de Mikolajczyk. As taxas de erro obtidas são significativamente menores que as do Sift original.


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Nighttime satellite imagery from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Operational Linescan System (OLS) has a unique capability to observe nocturnal light emissions from sources including cities, wild fires, and gas flares. Data from the DMSP OLS is used in a wide range of studies including mapping urban areas, estimating informal economies, and estimating urban populations. Given the extensive and increasing list of applications a repeatable method for assessing geolocation accuracy, performing inter-calibration, and defining the minimum detectable brightness would be beneficial. An array of portable lights was designed and taken to multiple field sites known to have no other light sources. The lights were operated during nighttime overpasses by the DMSP OLS and observed in the imagery. A first estimate of the minimum detectable brightness is presented based on the field experiments conducted. An assessment of the geolocation accuracy was performed by measuring the distance between the GPS measured location of the lights and the observed location in the imagery. A systematic shift was observed and the mean distance was measured at 2.9km. A method for in situ radiance calibration of the DMSP OLS using a ground based light source as an active target is presented. The wattage of light used by the active target strongly correlates with the signal measured by the DMSP OLS. This approach can be used to enhance our ability to make inter-temporal and inter-satellite comparisons of DMSP OLS imagery. Exploring the possibility of establishing a permanent active target for the calibration of nocturnal imaging systems is recommended. The methods used to assess the minimum detectable brightness, assess the geolocation accuracy, and build inter-calibration models lay the ground work for assessing the energy expended on light emitted into the sky at night. An estimate of the total energy consumed to light the night sky globally is presented.


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O buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L.) é um fruto rico em carotenoides, ácidos graxos e compostos fenólicos com grande potencial de industrialização. Entretanto, sua vida útil reduzida dificulta a comercialização e um maior aproveitamento. Dessa forma, tecnologias de processamento podem ser empregadas para que haja maior utilização e expansão do buriti. Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar polpa de buriti congelada, liofilizada e atomizada, quantificando os compostos bioativos (carotenoides e ácidos graxos), a composição centesimal e mineral, além de avaliar a estabilidade química e funcional da polpa submetida a esses tratamentos ao longo do tempo de armazenamento. Polpas de buriti oriunda da Comunidade Boa Vista, zona rural do município de Arinos, MG, foram submetidas a três processamentos: congelamento (eleito como controle), liofilização e atomização (com adição de maltodextrina como coadjuvante de tecnologia). Após o processamento, as polpas foram acondicionadas em embalagens laminadas compostas por poliéster, alumínio e polietileno (25 x 25 cm), com capacidade para 100 g cada, e armazenadas a -23 °C para o congelamento e a temperatura ambiente para as polpas desidratadas. As análises físicas, químicas, nutricionais e funcionais foram realizadas logo após o processamento, para caracterização das polpas e nos períodos: 1, 14, 28, 42 e 56 dias, para avaliação da estabilidade. O delineamento experimental empregado constituiu-se de dois fatores (processamento e período) e a interação entre eles. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente por meio da Análise de Variância Univariada (ANOVA) com nível de significância de 5 %. Constatou-se que durante a estocagem a polpa liofilizada apresentou maior brilho, menor opacidade, valores inferiores para o pH, menor variação da atividade de água e maior acidez titulável. Esses parâmetros são importantes indicadores de qualidade da polpa durante a sua estocagem, visto que dificultam o desenvolvimento microbiano. A adição da maltodextrina no processo de atomização acarretou maiores teores de sólidos solúveis em relação aos demais tratamentos. Os resultados demonstraram que, ao longo do armazenamento, a liofilização contribuiu para a melhor preservação dos carotenoides totais. A quantificação dos carotenoides e dos ácidos graxos na polpa congelada demonstrou que houve melhor preservação de carotenoides do tipo alfa e beta caroteno, dos ácidos graxos oleico, indicando maior valor nutricional para a alimentação humana. Apesar dos resultados satisfatórios para a polpa congelada, durante o tempo analisado a polpa congelada apresentou maiores perdas em relação à polpa liofilizada. Para a classe dos compostos fenólicos, a liofilização apresentou melhores resultados ao longo da estocagem. O uso de baixas temperaturas foi mais efetivo para a preservação dos compostos bioativos analisados. Portanto, pode-se concluir que o emprego da liofilização é a alternativa mais adequada entre as avaliadas, para o aproveitamento da polpa de buriti na indústria de alimentos, uma vez que esse tratamento preservou todos os constituintes avaliados durante a estocagem.


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We present an analysis of a series of four consecutive Chandra high-resolution transmission gratings observations, amounting to a total of 150 ks, of the Be X-ray source HD 119682 (=1WGA J1346.5–6255), a member of the new class of γ Cas analogs. The Chandra light curve shows significant brightness variations on timescales of hours. However, the spectral distribution appears rather stable within each observation and during the whole campaign. A detailed analysis is not able to detect any coherent pulsation up to a frequency of 0.05 Hz. The Chandra High Energy Transmission Gratings spectrum seems to be devoid of any strong emission line, including Fe Kα fluorescence. The continuum is well described with the addition of two collisionally ionized plasmas of temperatures kT ≈ 15 keV and 0.2 keV, respectively, by the apec model. Models using photoionized plasma components (mekal) or non-thermal components (powerlaw) give poorer fits, providing support for the pure thermal scenario. These two components are absorbed by a single column with N H = (0.20+0.15 –0.03) × 1022 cm–2 compatible with the interstellar value. We conclude that HD 119682 can be regarded as a pole-on γ Cas analog.


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Background: The pupillary light reflex characterizes the direct and consensual response of the eye to the perceived brightness of a stimulus. It has been used as indicator of both neurological and optic nerve pathologies. As with other eye reflexes, this reflex constitutes an almost instantaneous movement and is linked to activation of the same midbrain area. The latency of the pupillary light reflex is around 200 ms, although the literature also indicates that the fastest eye reflexes last 20 ms. Therefore, a system with sufficiently high spatial and temporal resolutions is required for accurate assessment. In this study, we analyzed the pupillary light reflex to determine whether any small discrepancy exists between the direct and consensual responses, and to ascertain whether any other eye reflex occurs before the pupillary light reflex. Methods: We constructed a binocular video-oculography system two high-speed cameras that simultaneously focused on both eyes. This was then employed to assess the direct and consensual responses of each eye using our own algorithm based on Circular Hough Transform to detect and track the pupil. Time parameters describing the pupillary light reflex were obtained from the radius time-variation. Eight healthy subjects (4 women, 4 men, aged 24–45) participated in this experiment. Results: Our system, which has a resolution of 15 microns and 4 ms, obtained time parameters describing the pupillary light reflex that were similar to those reported in previous studies, with no significant differences between direct and consensual reflexes. Moreover, it revealed an incomplete reflex blink and an upward eye movement at around 100 ms that may correspond to Bell’s phenomenon. Conclusions: Direct and consensual pupillary responses do not any significant temporal differences. The system and method described here could prove useful for further assessment of pupillary and blink reflexes. The resolution obtained revealed the existence reported here of an early incomplete blink and an upward eye movement.