947 resultados para BARKHAUSEN NOISE
[EU]Gradu amaierako lan hau merkatuan dauden kalitate kontroleko azterketa mota batzuen azterketan oinarritzen da, batez ere materialaren gainazaleko gogortasunaren azterketan metodo berri baten erabilpenaz. Metodo berri hau, metodo ez suntsikorra da eta Barkhausen soinuan oinarritzen da non gogortasunaren estimazio hurbildu bat egitea lortu nahi den. Lan honetan metodo berri honen inplantazioaren onurak eta berau zertan datzan azaltzen da etorkizunean materialaren gainazaleko gogortasunaren neurketan erabili ahal izateko enpresen onurarako kanlitateko kontroleko sailean.
We wished to replicate evidence that an experimental paradigm of speech illusions is associated with psychotic experiences. Fifty-four patients with a first episode of psychosis (FEP) and 150 healthy subjects were examined in an experimental paradigm assessing the presence of speech illusion in neutral white noise. Socio-demographic, cognitive function and family history data were collected. The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) was administered in the patient group and the Structured Interview for Schizotypy-Revised (SIS-R), and the Community Assessment of Psychic Experiences (CAPE) in the control group. Patients had a much higher rate of speech illusions (33.3% versus 8.7%, ORadjusted: 5.1, 95% CI: 2.3-11.5), which was only partly explained by differences in IQ (ORadjusted: 3.4, 95% CI: 1.4-8.3). Differences were particularly marked for signals in random noise that were perceived as affectively salient (ORadjusted: 9.7, 95% CI: 1.8-53.9). Speech illusion tended to be associated with positive symptoms in patients (ORadjusted: 3.3, 95% CI: 0.9-11.6), particularly affectively salient illusions (ORadjusted: 8.3, 95% CI: 0.7-100.3). In controls, speech illusions were not associated with positive schizotypy (ORadjusted: 1.1, 95% CI: 0.3-3.4) or self-reported psychotic experiences (ORadjusted: 1.4, 95% CI: 0.4-4.6). Experimental paradigms indexing the tendency to detect affectively salient signals in noise may be used to identify liability to psychosis.
A waveguide amplifier is fabricated by Ag+-Na+ two-step ion exchange on Er/Yb-doped phosphate glass. The spectroscopic performance of glass and the properties of channel waveguide are characterized. A double-pass configuration is adopted to measure the gain and noise figure (NF) of the waveguide amplifier, and the comparison of gain and NF for the single and double-pass configuration of the waveguide amplifier is presented. The results show that the double-pass configuration can make the gain increase from 8.8dB (net gain 2.2dB/cm) of the single-pass one to 14.6 dB (net gain 3.65 dB/cm) for small input power at 1534 nm, and the NF are all lower than 5.5dB for both the configurations.