485 resultados para Aza-Prins
Problemas de campos y ondas en telecomunicación con soluciones.
Problemas de campos y ondas en telecomunicación con soluciones.
Problemas de campos y ondas en telecomunicación con soluciones.
El principal objetivo de esta tesis es el desarrollo de métodos de síntesis de diagramas de radiación de agrupaciones de antenas, en donde se realiza una caracterización electromagnética rigurosa de los elementos radiantes y de los acoplos mutuos existentes. Esta caracterización no se realiza habitualmente en la gran mayoría de métodos de síntesis encontrados en la literatura, debido fundamentalmente a dos razones. Por un lado, se considera que el diagrama de radiación de un array de antenas se puede aproximar con el factor de array que únicamente tiene en cuenta la posición de los elementos y las excitaciones aplicadas a los mismos. Sin embargo, como se mostrará en esta tesis, en múltiples ocasiones un riguroso análisis de los elementos radiantes y del acoplo mutuo entre ellos es importante ya que los resultados obtenidos pueden ser notablemente diferentes. Por otro lado, no es sencillo combinar un método de análisis electromagnético con un proceso de síntesis de diagramas de radiación. Los métodos de análisis de agrupaciones de antenas suelen ser costosos computacionalmente, ya que son estructuras grandes en términos de longitudes de onda. Generalmente, un diseño de un problema electromagnético suele comprender varios análisis de la estructura, dependiendo de las variaciones de las características, lo que hace este proceso muy costoso. Dos métodos se utilizan en esta tesis para el análisis de los arrays acoplados. Ambos están basados en el método de los elementos finitos, la descomposición de dominio y el análisis modal para analizar la estructura radiante y han sido desarrollados en el grupo de investigación donde se engloba esta tesis. El primero de ellos es una técnica de análisis de arrays finitos basado en la aproximación de array infinito. Su uso es indicado para arrays planos de grandes dimensiones con elementos equiespaciados. El segundo caracteriza el array y el acoplo mutuo entre elementos a partir de una expansión en modos esféricos del campo radiado por cada uno de los elementos. Este método calcula los acoplos entre los diferentes elementos del array usando las propiedades de traslación y rotación de los modos esféricos. Es capaz de analizar agrupaciones de elementos distribuidos de forma arbitraria. Ambas técnicas utilizan una formulación matricial que caracteriza de forma rigurosa el campo radiado por el array. Esto las hace muy apropiadas para su posterior uso en una herramienta de diseño, como los métodos de síntesis desarrollados en esta tesis. Los resultados obtenidos por estas técnicas de síntesis, que incluyen métodos rigurosos de análisis, son consecuentemente más precisos. La síntesis de arrays consiste en modificar uno o varios parámetros de las agrupaciones de antenas buscando unas determinadas especificaciones de las características de radiación. Los parámetros utilizados como variables de optimización pueden ser varios. Los más utilizados son las excitaciones aplicadas a los elementos, pero también es posible modificar otros parámetros de diseño como son las posiciones de los elementos o las rotaciones de estos. Los objetivos de las síntesis pueden ser dirigir el haz o haces en una determinada dirección o conformar el haz con formas arbitrarias. Además, es posible minimizar el nivel de los lóbulos secundarios o del rizado en las regiones deseadas, imponer nulos que evitan posibles interferencias o reducir el nivel de la componente contrapolar. El método para el análisis de arrays finitos basado en la aproximación de array infinito considera un array finito como un array infinito con un número finito de elementos excitados. Los elementos no excitados están físicamente presentes y pueden presentar tres diferentes terminaciones, corto-circuito, circuito abierto y adaptados. Cada una de estas terminaciones simulará mejor el entorno real en el que el array se encuentre. Este método de análisis se integra en la tesis con dos métodos diferentes de síntesis de diagramas de radiación. En el primero de ellos se presenta un método basado en programación lineal en donde es posible dirigir el haz o haces, en la dirección deseada, además de ejercer un control sobre los lóbulos secundarios o imponer nulos. Este método es muy eficiente y obtiene soluciones óptimas. El mismo método de análisis es también aplicado a un método de conformación de haz, en donde un problema originalmente no convexo (y de difícil solución) es transformado en un problema convexo imponiendo restricciones de simetría, resolviendo de este modo eficientemente un problema complejo. Con este método es posible diseñar diagramas de radiación con haces de forma arbitraria, ejerciendo un control en el rizado del lóbulo principal, así como en el nivel de los lóbulos secundarios. El método de análisis de arrays basado en la expansión en modos esféricos se integra en la tesis con tres técnicas de síntesis de diagramas de radiación. Se propone inicialmente una síntesis de conformación del haz basado en el método de la recuperación de fase resuelta de forma iterativa mediante métodos convexos, en donde relajando las restricciones del problema original se consiguen unas soluciones cercanas a las óptimas de manera eficiente. Dos métodos de síntesis se han propuesto, donde las variables de optimización son las posiciones y las rotaciones de los elementos respectivamente. Se define una función de coste basada en la intensidad de radiación, la cual es minimizada de forma iterativa con el método del gradiente. Ambos métodos reducen el nivel de los lóbulos secundarios minimizando una función de coste. El gradiente de la función de coste es obtenido en términos de la variable de optimización en cada método. Esta función de coste está formada por la expresión rigurosa de la intensidad de radiación y por una función de peso definida por el usuario para imponer prioridades sobre las diferentes regiones de radiación, si así se desea. Por último, se presenta un método en el cual, mediante técnicas de programación entera, se buscan las fases discretas que generan un diagrama de radiación lo más cercano posible al deseado. Con este método se obtienen diseños que minimizan el coste de fabricación. En cada uno de las diferentes técnicas propuestas en la tesis, se presentan resultados con elementos reales que muestran las capacidades y posibilidades que los métodos ofrecen. Se comparan los resultados con otros métodos disponibles en la literatura. Se muestra la importancia de tener en cuenta los diagramas de los elementos reales y los acoplos mutuos en el proceso de síntesis y se comparan los resultados obtenidos con herramientas de software comerciales. ABSTRACT The main objective of this thesis is the development of optimization methods for the radiation pattern synthesis of array antennas in which a rigorous electromagnetic characterization of the radiators and the mutual coupling between them is performed. The electromagnetic characterization is usually overlooked in most of the available synthesis methods in the literature, this is mainly due to two reasons. On the one hand, it is argued that the radiation pattern of an array is mainly influenced by the array factor and that the mutual coupling plays a minor role. As it is shown in this thesis, the mutual coupling and the rigorous characterization of the array antenna influences significantly in the array performance and its computation leads to differences in the results obtained. On the other hand, it is difficult to introduce an analysis procedure into a synthesis technique. The analysis of array antennas is generally expensive computationally as the structure to analyze is large in terms of wavelengths. A synthesis method requires to carry out a large number of analysis, this makes the synthesis problem very expensive computationally or intractable in some cases. Two methods have been used in this thesis for the analysis of coupled antenna arrays, both of them have been developed in the research group in which this thesis is involved. They are based on the finite element method (FEM), the domain decomposition and the modal analysis. The first one obtains a finite array characterization with the results obtained from the infinite array approach. It is specially indicated for the analysis of large arrays with equispaced elements. The second one characterizes the array elements and the mutual coupling between them with a spherical wave expansion of the radiated field by each element. The mutual coupling is computed using the properties of translation and rotation of spherical waves. This method is able to analyze arrays with elements placed on an arbitrary distribution. Both techniques provide a matrix formulation that makes them very suitable for being integrated in synthesis techniques, the results obtained from these synthesis methods will be very accurate. The array synthesis stands for the modification of one or several array parameters looking for some desired specifications of the radiation pattern. The array parameters used as optimization variables are usually the excitation weights applied to the array elements, but some other array characteristics can be used as well, such as the array elements positions or rotations. The desired specifications may be to steer the beam towards any specific direction or to generate shaped beams with arbitrary geometry. Further characteristics can be handled as well, such as minimize the side lobe level in some other radiating regions, to minimize the ripple of the shaped beam, to take control over the cross-polar component or to impose nulls on the radiation pattern to avoid possible interferences from specific directions. The analysis method based on the infinite array approach considers an infinite array with a finite number of excited elements. The infinite non-excited elements are physically present and may have three different terminations, short-circuit, open circuit and match terminated. Each of this terminations is a better simulation for the real environment of the array. This method is used in this thesis for the development of two synthesis methods. In the first one, a multi-objective radiation pattern synthesis is presented, in which it is possible to steer the beam or beams in desired directions, minimizing the side lobe level and with the possibility of imposing nulls in the radiation pattern. This method is very efficient and obtains optimal solutions as it is based on convex programming. The same analysis method is used in a shaped beam technique in which an originally non-convex problem is transformed into a convex one applying symmetry restrictions, thus solving a complex problem in an efficient way. This method allows the synthesis of shaped beam radiation patterns controlling the ripple in the mainlobe and the side lobe level. The analysis method based on the spherical wave expansion is applied for different synthesis techniques of the radiation pattern of coupled arrays. A shaped beam synthesis is presented, in which a convex formulation is proposed based on the phase retrieval method. In this technique, an originally non-convex problem is solved using a relaxation and solving a convex problems iteratively. Two methods are proposed based on the gradient method. A cost function is defined involving the radiation intensity of the coupled array and a weighting function that provides more degrees of freedom to the designer. The gradient of the cost function is computed with respect to the positions in one of them and the rotations of the elements in the second one. The elements are moved or rotated iteratively following the results of the gradient. A highly non-convex problem is solved very efficiently, obtaining very good results that are dependent on the starting point. Finally, an optimization method is presented where discrete digital phases are synthesized providing a radiation pattern as close as possible to the desired one. The problem is solved using linear integer programming procedures obtaining array designs that greatly reduce the fabrication costs. Results are provided for every method showing the capabilities that the above mentioned methods offer. The results obtained are compared with available methods in the literature. The importance of introducing a rigorous analysis into the synthesis method is emphasized and the results obtained are compared with a commercial software, showing good agreement.
Inactivation of the genes involved in DNA mismatch repair is associated with microsatellite instability (MSI) in colorectal cancer. We report that hypermethylation of the 5′ CpG island of hMLH1 is found in the majority of sporadic primary colorectal cancers with MSI, and that this methylation was often, but not invariably, associated with loss of hMLH1 protein expression. Such methylation also occurred, but was less common, in MSI− tumors, as well as in MSI+ tumors with known mutations of a mismatch repair gene (MMR). No hypermethylation of hMSH2 was found. Hypermethylation of colorectal cancer cell lines with MSI also was frequently observed, and in such cases, reversal of the methylation with 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine not only resulted in reexpression of hMLH1 protein, but also in restoration of the MMR capacity in MMR-deficient cell lines. Our results suggest that microsatellite instability in sporadic colorectal cancer often results from epigenetic inactivation of hMLH1 in association with DNA methylation.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the HIV nurses and physicians from the two HIV clinics involved in this study (Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam; Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam) for their input and collaboration. We also express our gratitude to the participating patients. Finally, we thank Nicolette Strik-Mulder for her help with transcribing the audio recordings. FUNDING This study was funded by ZonMw (the Netherlands), program “Doelmatigheidsonderzoek” (grant 171002208). This funding source had no role in study design, data collection, analysis, interpretation, or writing of the report.
Inhibitors of DNA methyltransferase, typified by 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine (5-Aza-CdR), induce the expression of genes transcriptionally down-regulated by de novo methylation in tumor cells. We utilized gene expression microarrays to examine the effects of 5-Aza-CdR treatment in HT29 colon adenocarcinoma cells. This analysis revealed the induction of a set of genes that implicated IFN signaling in the HT29 cellular response to 5-Aza-CdR. Subsequent investigations revealed that the induction of this gene set correlates with the induction of signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) 1, 2, and 3 genes and their activation by endogenous IFN-α. These observations implicate the induction of the IFN-response pathway as a major cellular response to 5-Aza-CdR and suggests that the expression of STATs 1, 2, and 3 can be regulated by DNA methylation. Consistent with STAT’s limiting cell responsiveness to IFN, we found that 5-Aza-CdR treatment sensitized HT29 cells to growth inhibition by exogenous IFN-α2a, indicating that 5-Aza-CdR should be investigated as a potentiator of IFN responsiveness in certain IFN-resistant tumors.
The release of vast quantities of DNA sequence data by large-scale genome and expressed sequence tag (EST) projects underlines the necessity for the development of efficient and inexpensive ways to link sequence databases with temporal and spatial expression profiles. Here we demonstrate the power of linking cDNA sequence data (including EST sequences) with transcript profiles revealed by cDNA-AFLP, a highly reproducible differential display method based on restriction enzyme digests and selective amplification under high stringency conditions. We have developed a computer program (GenEST) that predicts the sizes of virtual transcript-derived fragments (TDFs) of in silico-digested cDNA sequences retrieved from databases. The vast majority of the resulting virtual TDFs could be traced back among the thousands of TDFs displayed on cDNA-AFLP gels. Sequencing of the corresponding bands excised from cDNA-AFLP gels revealed no inconsistencies. As a consequence, cDNA sequence databases can be screened very efficiently to identify genes with relevant expression profiles. The other way round, it is possible to switch from cDNA-AFLP gels to sequences in the databases. Using the restriction enzyme recognition sites, the primer extensions and the estimated TDF size as identifiers, the DNA sequence(s) corresponding to a TDF with an interesting expression pattern can be identified. In this paper we show examples in both directions by analyzing the plant parasitic nematode Globodera rostochiensis. Various novel pathogenicity factors were identified by combining ESTs from the infective stage juveniles with expression profiles of ∼4000 genes in five developmental stages produced by cDNA-AFLP.
DNA methylation of tumor suppressor genes is a common feature of human cancer. The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor gene p16/Ink4A is hypermethylated in a wide range of malignant tissues and the p14/ARF gene located 20 kb upstream on chromosome 9p21 is also methylated in carcinomas. p14/ARF (ARF, alternative reading frame) does not inhibit the activities of cyclins or cyclin-dependent kinase complexes; however, the importance of the two gene products in the etiology of cancer resides in their involvement in two major cell cycle regulatory pathways: p53 and the retinoblastoma protein, Rb, respectively. Distinct first exons driven from separate promoters are spliced onto the common exons 2 and 3 and the resulting proteins are translated in different reading frames. Both genes are expressed in normal cells but can be alternatively or coordinately silenced when their CpG islands are hypermethylated. Herein, we examined the presence of methyl-CpG binding proteins associated with aberrantly methylated promoters, the distribution of acetylated histones H3 and H4 by chromatin immunoprecipitation assays, and the effect of chemical treatment with 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine (5aza-dC) and trichostatin A on gene induction in colon cell lines by quantitative reverse transcriptase–PCR. We observed that the methyl-CpG binding protein MBD2 is targeted to methylated regulatory regions and excludes the acetylated histones H3 and H4, resulting in a localized inactive chromatin configuration. When methylated, the genes can be induced by 5aza-dC but the combined action of 5aza-dC and trichostatin A results in robust gene expression. Thus, methyl-CpG binding proteins and histone deacetylases appear to cooperate in vivo, with a dominant effect of DNA methylation toward histone acetylation, and repress expression of tumor suppressor genes hypermethylated in cancers.
Human rhinoviruses, the most important etiologic agents of the common cold, are messenger-active single-stranded monocistronic RNA viruses that have evolved a highly complex cascade of proteolytic processing events to control viral gene expression and replication. Most maturation cleavages within the precursor polyprotein are mediated by rhinovirus 3C protease (or its immediate precursor, 3CD), a cysteine protease with a trypsin-like polypeptide fold. High-resolution crystal structures of the enzyme from three viral serotypes have been used for the design and elaboration of 3C protease inhibitors representing different structural and chemical classes. Inhibitors having α,β-unsaturated carbonyl groups combined with peptidyl-binding elements specific for 3C protease undergo a Michael reaction mediated by nucleophilic addition of the enzyme’s catalytic Cys-147, resulting in covalent-bond formation and irreversible inactivation of the viral protease. Direct inhibition of 3C proteolytic activity in virally infected cells treated with these compounds can be inferred from dose-dependent accumulations of viral precursor polyproteins as determined by SDS/PAGE analysis of radiolabeled proteins. Cocrystal-structure-assisted optimization of 3C-protease-directed Michael acceptors has yielded molecules having extremely rapid in vitro inactivation of the viral protease, potent antiviral activity against multiple rhinovirus serotypes and low cellular toxicity. Recently, one compound in this series, AG7088, has entered clinical trials.
Clear cell-type renal cell carcinomas (clear RCC) are characterized almost universally by loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 3p, which usually involves any combination of three regions: 3p25-p26 (harboring the VHL gene), 3p12-p14.2 (containing the FHIT gene), and 3p21-p22, implying inactivation of the resident tumor-suppressor genes (TSGs). For the 3p21-p22 region, the affected TSGs remain, at present, unknown. Recently, the RAS association family 1 gene (isoform RASSF1A), located at 3p21.3, has been identified as a candidate lung and breast TSG. In this report, we demonstrate aberrant silencing by hypermethylation of RASSF1A in both VHL-caused clear RCC tumors and clear RCC without VHL inactivation. We found hypermethylation of RASSF1A's GC-rich putative promoter region in most of analyzed samples, including 39 of 43 primary tumors (91%). The promoter was methylated partially or completely in all 18 RCC cell lines analyzed. Methylation of the GC-rich putative RASSF1A promoter region and loss of transcription of the corresponding mRNA were related causally. RASSF1A expression was reactivated after treatment with 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine. Forced expression of RASSF1A transcripts in KRC/Y, a renal carcinoma cell line containing a normal and expressed VHL gene, suppressed growth on plastic dishes and anchorage-independent colony formation in soft agar. Mutant RASSF1A had reduced growth suppression activity significantly. These data suggest that RASSF1A is the candidate renal TSG gene for the 3p21.3 region.
We have evaluated two synthetic epothilone analogues lacking the 12,13-epoxide functionality, 12,13-desoxyepothilone B (dEpoB), and 12,13-desoxyepothilone F (dEpoF). The concentrations required for 50% growth inhibition (IC50) for a variety of anticancer agents were measured in CCRF-CEM/VBL1000 cells (2,048-fold resistance to vinblastine). By using dEpoB, dEpoF, aza-EpoB, and paclitaxel, the IC50 values were 0.029, 0.092, 2.99, and 5.17 μM, respectively. These values represent 4-, 33.5-, 1,423- and 3,133-fold resistance, respectively, when compared with the corresponding IC50 in the parent [nonmultiple drug-resistant (MDR)] CCRF-CEM cells. We then produced MDR human lung carcinoma A549 cells by continuous exposure of the tumor cells to sublethal concentrations of dEpoB (1.8 yr), vinblastine (1.2 yr), and paclitaxel (1.8 yr). This continued exposure led to the development of 2.1-, 4,848-, and 2,553-fold resistance to each drug, respectively. The therapeutic effect of dEpoB and paclitaxel was also compared in vivo in a mouse model by using various tumor xenografts. dEpoB is much more effective in reducing tumor sizes in all MDR tumors tested. Analysis of dEpoF, an analog possessing greater aqueous solubility than dEpoB, showed curative effects similar to dEpoB against K562, CCRF-CEM, and MX-1 xenografts. These results indicate that dEpoB and dEpoF are efficacious antitumor agents with both a broad chemotherapeutic spectrum and wide safety margins.