968 resultados para Axial Symmetry
In case of violation of CPT- and Lorentz Symmetry, the minimal Standard Model Extension (SME) of Kostelecky and coworkers predicts sidereal modulations of atomic transition frequencies as the Earth rotates relative to a Lorentz-violating background field. One method to search for these modulations is the so-called clock-comparison experiment, where the frequencies of co-located clocks are compared as they rotate with respect to the fixed stars. In this work an experiment is presented where polarized 3He and 129Xe gas samples in a glass cell serve as clocks, whose nuclear spin precession frequencies are detected with the help of highly sensitive SQUID sensors inside a magnetically shielded room. The unique feature of this experiment is the fact that the spins are precessing freely, with transverse relaxation times of up to 4.4 h for 129Xe and 14.1 h for 3He. To be sensitive to Lorentz-violating effects, the influence of external magnetic fields is canceled via the weighted difference of the 3He and 129Xe frequencies or phases. The Lorentz-violating SME parameters for the neutron are determined out of a fit on the phase difference data of 7 spin precession measurements of 12 to 16 hours length. The result of the fit gives an upper limit for the equatorial component of the neutron parameter b_n of 3.7×10^(−32) GeV at the 95% confidence level. This value is not limited by the signal-to-noise ratio, but by the strong correlations between the fit parameters. To reduce the correlations and therewith improve the sensitivity of future experiments, it will be necessary to change the time structure of the weighted phase difference, which can be realized by increasing the 129Xe relaxation time.
In dieser Arbeit wurde die paritätsverletzende Asymmetrie in derrnquasielastischen Elektron-Deuteron-Streuung bei Q^2=0.23 (GeV/c)^2 mitrneinem longitudinal polarisierten Elektronstrahl bei einer Energie von 315rnMeV bestimmt. Die Messung erfolgte unter Rückwärtswinkeln. Der Detektor überdeckte einen polaren Streuwinkelbereichrnzwischen 140 und 150 deg. Das Target bestand aus flüssigemrnDeuterium in einer Targetzelle mit einer Länge von 23.4 cm. Dierngemessene paritätsverletzende Asymmetrie beträgt A_{PV}^d = (-20.11 pm 0.87_{stat} pm 1.03_{syst}), wobei der erste Fehler den statistischenrnFehlereitrag und der zweite den systematischen Fehlerbeitrag beschreibt. Ausrnder Kombination dieser Messung mit Messungen der paritätsverletzendenrnAsymmetrie in der elastischen Elektron-Proton-Streuung bei gleichem Q^2rnsowohl bei Vorwärts- als auch bei Rückwärtsmessungen können diernVektor-Strange-Formfaktoren sowie der effektive isovektorielle und isoskalarernVektorstrom des Protons, der die elektroschwachen radiativen Anapolkorrekturenrnenthält, bestimmt werden. Diese Arbeit umfasst ausserdem die Bestimmungrnder Asymmetrien bei einem transversal polarisierten Elektronstrahl sowohl beirneinem Proton- als auch einem Deuterontarget unter Rückwärtswinkeln beirnImpulsüberträgen von Q^2=0.10 (GeV/c)^2, Q^2=0.23 (GeV/c)^2rnund Q^2=0.35 (GeV/c)^2. Die im Experiment beobachteten Asymmetrien werdenrnmit theoretischen Berechnungen verglichen, welche den Imaginärteil der Zweiphoton-Austauschamplitude beinhalten.
Il collasso di diverse colonne, caratterizzate da danneggiamenti simili, quali ampie fessure fortemente inclinate ad entrambe le estremità dell’elemento, lo schiacciamento del calcestruzzo e l’instabilità dei ferri longitudinali, ha portato ad interrogarsi riguardo gli effetti dell’interazione tra lo sforzo normale, il taglio ed il momento flettente. Lo studio è iniziato con una ricerca bibliografica che ha evidenziato una sostanziale carenza nella trattazione dell’argomento. Il problema è stato approcciato attraverso una ricerca di formule della scienza delle costruzioni, allo scopo di mettere in relazione lo sforzo assiale, il taglio ed il momento; la ricerca si è principalmente concentrata sulla teoria di Mohr. In un primo momento è stata considerata l’interazione tra solo due componenti di sollecitazione: sforzo assiale e taglio. L’analisi ha condotto alla costruzione di un dominio elastico di taglio e sforzo assiale che, confrontato con il dominio della Modified Compression Field Theory, trovata tramite ricerca bibliografica, ha permesso di concludere che i risultati sono assolutamente paragonabili. L’analisi si è poi orientata verso l’interazione tra sforzo assiale, taglio e momento flettente. Imponendo due criteri di rottura, il raggiungimento della resistenza a trazione ed a compressione del calcestruzzo, inserendo le componenti di sollecitazione tramite le formule di Navier e Jourawsky, sono state definite due formule che mettono in relazione le tre azioni e che, implementate nel software Matlab, hanno permesso la costruzione di un dominio tridimensionale. In questo caso non è stato possibile confrontare i risultati, non avendo la ricerca bibliografica mostrato niente di paragonabile. Lo studio si è poi concentrato sullo sviluppo di una procedura che tenta di analizzare il comportamento di una sezione sottoposta a sforzo normale, taglio e momento: è stato sviluppato un modello a fibre della sezione nel tentativo di condurre un calcolo non lineare, corrispondente ad una sequenza di analisi lineari. La procedura è stata applicata a casi reali di crollo, confermando l’avvenimento dei collassi.
The aim of this study was to examine the wear behavior of conical crowns of gold alloy and zirconium dioxide ceramics facing electroplated gold copings.
We study QCD with twelve light flavors at intermediate values of the bare lattice coupling. We contrast the results for the order parameter with different theoretical models motivated by the physics of the Goldstone phase and of the symmetric phase, and we perform a model independent analysis of the meson spectrum inspired by universal properties of chiral symmetry. Our analysis favors chiral symmetry restoration.
This study examines the links between human perceptions, cognitive biases and neural processing of symmetrical stimuli. While preferences for symmetry have largely been examined in the context of disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder and autism spectrum disorders, we examine various these phenomena in non-clinical subjects and suggest that such preferences are distributed throughout the typical population as part of our cognitive and neural architecture. In Experiment 1, 82 young adults reported on the frequency of their obsessive-compulsive spectrum behaviors. Subjects also performed an emotional Stroop or variant of an Implicit Association Task (the OC-CIT) developed to assess cognitive biases for symmetry. Data not only reveal that subjects evidence a cognitive conflict when asked to match images of positive affect with asymmetrical stimuli, and disgust with symmetry, but also that their slowed reaction times when asked to do so were predicted by reports of OC behavior, particularly checking behavior. In Experiment 2, 26 participants were administered an oddball Event-Related Potential task specifically designed to assess sensitivity to symmetry as well as the OC-CIT. These data revealed that reaction times on the OC-CIT were strongly predicted by frontal electrode sites indicating faster processing of an asymmetrical stimulus (unparallel lines) relative to a symmetrical stimulus (parallel lines). The results point to an overall cognitive bias linking disgust with asymmetry and suggest that such cognitive biases are reflected in neural responses to symmetrical/asymmetrical stimuli.
In this article we review the phenomenological consequences of radiative flavor-violation (RFV) in the MSSM. In the model under consideration the U(3)^3 flavor symmetry of the gauge sector is broken in a first step to U(2)^3 by the top and bottom Yukawa couplings of the superpotential (and possibly also by the bilinear SUSY-breaking terms). In a second step the remaining U(2)^3 flavor symmetry is softly broken by the trilinear A-terms in order to obtain the measured quark masses and the CKM matrix of the Standard Model (SM) at low energies. The phenomenological implications of this model depend on the actual choice of the SUSY breaking A-terms. If the CKM matrix is generated in the down sector (by A^d), Bs->mu^+mu^- receives non-decoupling contributions from Higgs penguins which become important already for moderate values of tan(beta). Also the Bs mixing amplitude can be significantly modified compared to the SM prediction including a potential induction of a new CP-violating phase (which is not possible in the MSSM with MFV).
To evaluate the correlation between symmetry of the craniofacial skeleton and aesthetics of the nose and upper lip in children with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate (CUCLP).
The objective of this study was to evaluate the association between nasolabial symmetry and aesthetics in children with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate (CUCLP). Frontal and basal photographs of 60 consecutively treated children with CUCLP (cleft group: 41 boys and 19 girls, mean (SD) age 11 (2) years) and 44 children without clefts (control group: 16 boys and 28 girls, mean (SD) age 11(2) years), were used for evaluation of nasolabial symmetry and aesthetics. Nasal and labial measurements were made to calculate the coefficient of asymmetry (CA). The 5-grade aesthetic index described by Asher-McDade et al. was used to evaluate nasolabial appearance. Correlation and regression analysis were used to identify an association between aesthetics and CA, sex, and the presence of CUCLP. Ten measurements in the cleft, and 2 in the control, group differed significantly between the cleft and non-cleft (or right and left) sides, respectively. The significantly higher values of 9 of 11 CA in the children with CUCLP indicated that they had more asymmetrical nasolabial areas than children without clefts. However, the regression analyses showed that only a few CA were associated with nasolabial aesthetics. In conclusion, nasolabial aesthetics and nasolabial symmetry seem to be only weakly associated in patients with CUCLP.
To demonstrate the potential benefits of biochemical axial T2 mapping of intervertebral discs (IVDs) regarding the detection and grading of early stages of degenerative disc disease using 1.5-Tesla magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in a clinical setting.