484 resultados para Authenticity
La prova informatica richiede l’adozione di precauzioni come in un qualsiasi altro accertamento scientifico. Si fornisce una panoramica sugli aspetti metodologici e applicativi dell’informatica forense alla luce del recente standard ISO/IEC 27037:2012 in tema di trattamento del reperto informatico nelle fasi di identificazione, raccolta, acquisizione e conservazione del dato digitale. Tali metodologie si attengono scrupolosamente alle esigenze di integrità e autenticità richieste dalle norme in materia di informatica forense, in particolare della Legge 48/2008 di ratifica della Convenzione di Budapest sul Cybercrime. In merito al reato di pedopornografia si offre una rassegna della normativa comunitaria e nazionale, ponendo l’enfasi sugli aspetti rilevanti ai fini dell’analisi forense. Rilevato che il file sharing su reti peer-to-peer è il canale sul quale maggiormente si concentra lo scambio di materiale illecito, si fornisce una panoramica dei protocolli e dei sistemi maggiormente diffusi, ponendo enfasi sulla rete eDonkey e il software eMule che trovano ampia diffusione tra gli utenti italiani. Si accenna alle problematiche che si incontrano nelle attività di indagine e di repressione del fenomeno, di competenza delle forze di polizia, per poi concentrarsi e fornire il contributo rilevante in tema di analisi forensi di sistemi informatici sequestrati a soggetti indagati (o imputati) di reato di pedopornografia: la progettazione e l’implementazione di eMuleForensic consente di svolgere in maniera estremamente precisa e rapida le operazioni di analisi degli eventi che si verificano utilizzando il software di file sharing eMule; il software è disponibile sia in rete all’url http://www.emuleforensic.com, sia come tool all’interno della distribuzione forense DEFT. Infine si fornisce una proposta di protocollo operativo per l’analisi forense di sistemi informatici coinvolti in indagini forensi di pedopornografia.
L’ordinamento giuridico cinese contemporaneo si è, recentemente, impegnato in una riforma che ha interessato le norme vigenti in materia di registrazione immobiliare con l’intento di realizzare un sistema unitario dell’istituto. Dal momento che la modernizzazione del diritto civile cinese è iniziata - a partire dalla fine del XIX secolo – tramite il recepimento del diritto civile occidentale, la disamina delle esperienze europee in materia di pubblicità immobiliare assume una notevole importanza, al fine di esaminare le norme vigenti in Cina e i cambiamenti scaturenti dalla riforma. Pertanto, l’obiettivo della mia ricerca è stato quello di avanzare una tesi che possa rivelarsi quale strumento utile per la riforma in Cina, attraverso uno studio comparato dei modelli europei in materia di registrazione immobiliare. A tal fine, il lavoro è stato suddiviso in due parti: nella prima si è presentata un’analisi dettagliata del diritto di proprietà, del dualismo delle proprietà fondiarie e relative problematiche, del sistema dei diritti reali costituito dalla Legge sui diritti reali del 2007, da cui è partita la riforma dell’istituto della registrazione immobiliare. Un approfondimento particolare è dedicato al pluralismo dei regimi di registrazione immobiliare vigenti nel diritto cinese contemporaneo e all’introduzione dei cambiamenti apportati dal nuovo regolamento del 2015. Nella seconda parte dell’elaborato, attraverso lo studio comparato dei diversi modelli Europei (Francese, Tedesco e Inglese), si è tentato di illustrare le esperienze europee in materia di pubblicità immobiliare maturate nei tre temi maggiormente rappresentativi e concreti, quali la tutela degli interessi privatistici, l’autenticità dei titoli e il ruolo del notaio, la procedura della pubblicità immobiliare, al fine di individuare una via percorribile per il perfezionamento del sistema unitario della registrazione nell’ordinamento cinese. Nelle conclusioni, infine, sono state inserite anche alcune riflessioni circa l’importanza dello studio del diritto comparato per l’esperienza Cinese.
In this thesis, I have chosen to translate from Italian into Arabic Canto I of the Inferno, from Dante Alighieri’s epic poem the Divine Comedy (La Divina Commedia) because it’s a masterpiece in both Italian and world literature. Also I have selected it for its artistic value and the universal themes that it depicts. In fact, my purpose in translating this great work into Arabic is to extol the cultural and universal aspects that can be common to human beings everywhere. My paper is written in Arabic and has six sections: A brief introduction on Dante’s life, an introduction to the Divine Comedy, a summary of Canto 1 of the Inferno and its analysis, Canto I of the Inferno in Italian, its translation into Arabic and finally a comment on the translation. The first part -a summary of Dante’s life was presented. The second part of my paper is an introduction to the Divine Comedy, the allegorical epic poem, consisting of three parts: The Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory), and Paradiso (Paradise). The third part is a summary and analysis of Canto 1 of the Inferno, Dante’s most renowned verses. The analysis of Canto highlights the everlasting conflict of man– sinning and giving in to temptation but then trying to repent and search for his soul’s salvation. He reflects on sin, existence, truth, God, love and salvation in his struggle through the dark and gloomy forest which symbolizes conflict and temptations man may succumb to. The influence of Christianity and the Middle ages here shows his commitment to religion and faith. Moreover, his meeting of Virgil, who guides him to the mountain during his journey to salvation, reflects the positive impact of Virgil’s philosophy on Dante. The fourth part presents the Italian version of Canto 1 of the Inferno. The fifth section of my paper is the translation of Canto 1 of the Inferno from Italian to Arabic. Translating an excerpt of Dante’s masterpiece was not an easy task: I had to consult several critique texts besides the Italian source text with explanations, and also some English versions to overcome any translation difficulties. As a student of translation, my goal was to be faithful in relaying to the Arabic audience the authenticity of Dante’s work, his themes, passions and aesthetic style. Finally, I present a conclusion including a comment on the translation and the bibliography of the sources I have consulted.
Die vorliegende kulturwissenschaftlich ausgerichtete Arbeit befasst sich mit der Konstruktion und Inszenierung von Realität, insbesondere im Verhältnis zu Körperdiskursen und Körperpraktiken in Makeover-Sendungen sowie mit deren komplexen politischen und kulturellen Implikationen. Die leitenden Fragen der vorliegenden Arbeit sind: Wie wird der Körper in den ausgewählten Formaten dargestellt? Wie wird er erzählt und mit welchen (Film-)Techniken in Szene gesetzt? Welche expliziten und impliziten Körperbilder liegen den Darstellungen zu Grunde? Welche kulturellen und politischen Normen werden über den Körper konstruiert? Welche Rolle spielt diese Konstruktion des Körpers für die Darstellung von „Realität“ in den entsprechenden Formaten? Was ist der größere gesellschaftliche Zusammenhang dieser Darstellung? rnTrotz der Vielzahl und Komplexität der Darstellungsweisen des Körpers soll anhand verschiedener repräsentativ ausgewählter Reality-TV-Formate eine Annäherung an die heterogene kulturelle sowie politische Tragweite derselben geleistet werden. Hierzu werden insbesondere Formate bevorzugt, die explizit die Transformation des Körpers thematisieren. Dies kann durch kosmetische, d.h. nicht-operative Veränderungen (Kleidung, Make-up, Frisur), Fitness und Ernährung bis hin zu medizinischen Eingriffen wie etwa plastischer Chirurgie erfolgen.rnAls erstes wird der Untersuchungsgegenstand genauer eingegrenzt, wobei sich zeigt, dass sich exakte Grenzziehungen aufgrund des schwer greifbaren Reality-TV-Genres und der transmedialen Eigenschaft des Makeover-Fensehtextes als Herausforderung erweisen. Danach werden die kulturwissenschaftlichen Annahmen, die dieser Arbeit zugrunde liegen, ausgeführt. Darüber hinaus wird das revolutionäre Forschungsfeld der Fat Studies eruiert und auch der körpertheoretische Zugang erläutert. Abschließend wird näher auf den filmnarratologischen Zugang, der den Analysen als theoretische, aber auch methodische Grundlage dient, eingegangen. Zudem wird behandelt wie der Körper in den behandelten Makeover-Formaten zunächst erzählbar gemacht und erzählt wird. Die Körper der Teilnehmer werden zunächst in einen ökonomischen Diskurs der Maße und Zahlen überführt, um im weiteren Verlauf die „Transformation“ auch diskursiv dramatisieren zu können. Die über die Ökonomisierung vorbereitete, zumeist als märchenhaft dargestellte, Verwandlung der Teilnehmer, kulminiert immer in der Gegenüberstellung des „Vorher“-Bildes und des „Nachher“-Bildes. Diese Ökonomisierung ist allerdings nur die narrative Grundlage einer viel umfassenderen, in den Sendungen meist implizit vermittelten Selbstregierungstechnologie, der „Gouvernementalität“, die kontrovers im Hinblick auf Vertreter einer Affekttheorie, die die Vermittlung der besagten Gouvernementalität in Zweifel ziehen, diskutiert wird. Die Kernthese der vorliegenden Arbeit, die den Körper als entscheidendes, die „Realität“ der Makeover-Formate affirmierendes Element versteht, ist ferner eng mit dem Begriff der „Authentizität“ verknüpft. „Authentische“ Effekte sind oft das selbsterklärte Ziel der Einsätze des Körpers im Reality-TV und äußern sich in unterschiedlichen Erzähltechniken wie den autobiografischen Elementen der Formate. Die bereits im Genre des Reality-TV angelegte Selbstreflexivität sowohl auf Inhalts- als auch auf Produktionsseite wird abschließend kontextualisiert und bewertet. Letztendlich stellt sich die Frage, welche kulturellen Widerstände und Spielarten trotz der sehr dogmatisch wirkenden Inhalte der Makeover-Serien erhalten bleiben.
Our growing understanding of human mind and cognition and the development of neurotechnology has triggered debate around cognitive enhancement in neuroethics. The dissertation examines the normative issues of memory enhancement, and focuses on two issues: (1) the distinction between memory treatment and enhancement; and (2) how the issue of authenticity concerns memory interventions, including memory treatments and enhancements. rnThe first part consists of a conceptual analysis of the concepts required for normative considerations. First, the representational nature and the function of memory are discussed. Memory is regarded as a special form of self-representation resulting from a constructive processes. Next, the concepts of selfhood, personhood, and identity are examined and a conceptual tool—the autobiographical self-model (ASM)—is introduced. An ASM is a collection of mental representations of the system’s relations with its past and potential future states. Third, the debate between objectivist and constructivist views of health are considered. I argue for a phenomenological account of health, which is based on the primacy of illness and negative utilitarianism.rnThe second part presents a synthesis of the relevant normative issues based on the conceptual tools developed. I argue that memory enhancement can be distinguished from memory treatment using a demarcation regarding the existence of memory-related suffering. That is, memory enhancements are, under standard circumstances and without any unwilling suffering or potential suffering resulting from the alteration of memory functions, interventions that aim to manipulate memory function based on the self-interests of the individual. I then consider the issue of authenticity, namely whether memory intervention or enhancement endangers “one’s true self”. By analyzing two conceptions of authenticity—authenticity as self-discovery and authenticity as self-creation, I propose that authenticity should be understood in terms of the satisfaction of the functional constraints of an ASM—synchronic coherence, diachronic coherence, and global veridicality. This framework provides clearer criteria for considering the relevant concerns and allows us to examine the moral values of authenticity. rn
Scott Joplin’s (1867–1917) opera Treemonisha is the only opera in existence about the Reconstruction era African-American experience written by a black man who actually lived through it. This fact alone makes the opera a work of tremendous significance. Further, Joplin’s music is profoundly expressive and as stylistically unique as anything ever created in America. Through his score and libretto, Joplin vividly documented a culture that has left us few other artifacts: The echoes of the “field hollers,” spirituals, fiddle tunes, revival hymns, and ancient African dances of his rural childhood are all heard, along with the dialects of his people rising up from slavery. Yet for all of its obvious significance, Treemonisha has been a deeply misunderstood work. The opera was complex and virtually unprecedented, two reasons why 1910s America could not embrace it. And tragically, Joplin's original 1911 materials for the opera were almost entirely destroyed in the early 1960s. In the early 1970s several attempts were made to reconstruct it, but for the most part these were not concerned with the opera’s cultural origins or historic authenticity. But now, on the centennial of this extraordinary creation, comes this new recording of a completely authentic reconstruction of Treemonisha by Rick Benjamin, based on eighteen years of research.
In this article, I examine the values and meanings that adhere to objects made by Maithil women at a development project in Janakpur, Nepal – objects collectors have called ‘Janakpur Art’. I seek to explain how and why changes in pictorial content in Janakpur Art – shifts that took place over a period of five or six years in the 1990s – occurred, and what such a change might indicate about the link between Maithil women’s lives, development, and tourism. As I will demonstrate, part of the appeal for consumers of Janakpur Art has been that it is produced at a ‘women’s development project’ seeking to empower its participants. And yet, the project’s very successes threaten to displace the producers (and what they produce) from their perceived qualities/identities as ‘traditional’ and ‘primitive,’ thereby bringing into question the authenticity of the ‘art’ they produce. The conundrum begs this question: can developing women produce primitive art?
In this thesis, I explore the meaning behind sustainable living among organic farmers and their families in two countries. It is based on original, ethnographic research that I conducted in New Zealand in fall 2012 and Peru in summer 2012 with support from the Department of Sociology and Anthropology Meerwarth Undergraduate Research Fund. In carrying out my research I relied on participant-observation, semi-structured interviews, focus groups, and writing ethnographic fieldnotes. Drawing on contemporary scholarship in the anthropology of food and the environment, my thesis contributes to cross-culturally understandings of sustainability and local and global foodways. Specifically, I will interpret the meaning and significance of my informants’ decision to live sustainably through their participation in wwoofing. The global network of wwoofing aims to connect volunteers interested in learning about organic farming techniques with farmers looking for labor assistance. Volunteers exchange work for food, accommodation, knowledge, and experience. As a method of farming and a subjective ideological orientation, this global movement allows travelers from all over the world to experience organic lifestyles worldwide. In my thesis, I connect my experiences of organic living in Peru and New Zealand. In comparing wwoofing practices in these two field sites, I argue that despite observable differences in organic practices, a global organic culture is emerging. Here I highlight some shared features of this global organic culture, such as food authenticity, sustainability of the earth, and a personal connection of individuals to the land. The global organic culture emphasizes a conscious awareness of what is going into one’s body and why. Using food as an expression of values and beliefs, organic farmers reconnect to the land and their food in attempts to construct an alternative identity. By focusing on food authenticity, my informants develop vast relationships with the land, which shapes their identity and creates new forms of self-enhancement.
Die Radio Frequenz Identifikation (RFID) gilt als wichtigste technologische Neuerung in der Informationslogistik. Wird RFID in der produzierenden Industrie hauptsächlich zur Betriebsdaten-erfassung und im Handel zur Wareneingangs-/ Warenausgangskontrolle verwendet, so können ins-besondere in der Pharmazeutischen Industrie die Vorteile der Technologie voll ausgereizt werden. Die wohl wichtigste Anwendung ist die lückenlose Rückverfolgung entlang der Lieferkette, wie sie in den USA bereits in einigen Staaten für alle pharmazeutischen Produkte vorgeschrieben und auch in Deutschland für bestimmte Produkte erforderlich ist. Zudem können die RFID Transponder auf der Produktver-packung als fälschungssicheres Merkmal eingesetzt werden. Bei temperatursensiblen Produkten können Transponder mit zusätzlicher Sensorik zur Überwachung der Kühlkette dienen. Gleichzeitig kann der Transponder auch als Diebstahlsicherung im innerbetrieblichen Bereich sowie auch im Handel dienen und ermöglicht dabei eine höhere Sicherheit als die bisher eingesetzten 1-Bit Transponder. Die Trans-pondertechnologie kann außerdem den Barcode ganz oder teilweise ersetzen und so einen großen Beitrag zur Prozessautomatisierung leisten.
Distinguishing organic and conventional products is a major issue of food security and authenticity. Previous studies successfully used stable isotopes to separate organic and conventional products, but up to now, this approach was not tested for organic grassland hay and soil. Moreover, isotopic abundances could be a powerful tool to elucidate differences in ecosystem functioning and driving mechanisms of element cycling in organic and conventional management systems. Here, we studied the delta N-15 and delta C-13 isotopic composition of soil and hay samples of 21 organic and 34 conventional grasslands in two German regions. We also used Delta delta N-15 (delta N-15 plant - delta N-15 soil) to characterize nitrogen dynamics. In order to detect temporal trends, isotopic abundances in organic grasslands were related to the time since certification. Furthermore, discriminant analysis was used to test whether the respective management type can be deduced from observed isotopic abundances. Isotopic analyses revealed no significant differences in delta C-13 in hay and delta C-13 in both soil and hay between management types, but showed that delta C-13 abundances were significantly lower in soil of organic compared to conventional grasslands. delta C-15 values implied that management types did not substantially differ in nitrogen cycling. Only delta C-13 in soil and hay showed significant negative relationships with the time since certification. Thus, our result suggest that organic grasslands suffered less from drought stress compared to conventional grasslands most likely due to a benefit of higher plant species richness, as previously shown by manipulative biodiversity experiments. Finally, it was possible to correctly classify about two third of the samples according to their management using isotopic abundances in soil and hay. However, as more than half of the organic samples were incorrectly classified, we infer that more research is needed to improve this approach before it can be efficiently used in practice.
Verbal thoughts (such as negative cognitions) and sensory phenomena (such as visual mental imagery) are usually conceptualised as distinct mental experiences. The present study examined to what extent depressive thoughts are accompanied by sensory experiences and how this is associated with symptom severity, insight of illness and quality of life. A large sample of mildly to moderately depressed patients (N = 356) was recruited from multiple sources and asked about sensory properties of their depressive thoughts in an online study. Diagnostic status and symptom severity were established over a telephone interview with trained raters. Sensory properties of negative thoughts were reported by 56.5% of the sample (i.e., sensation in at least one sensory modality). The highest prevalence was seen for bodily (39.6%) followed by auditory (30.6%) and visual (27.2%) sensations. Patients reporting sensory properties of thoughts showed more severe psychopathological symptoms than those who did not. The degree of perceptuality was marginally associated with quality of life. The findings support the notion that depressive thoughts are not only verbal but commonly accompanied by sensory experiences. The perceptuality of depressive thoughts and the resulting sense of authenticity may contribute to the emotional impact and pervasiveness of such thoughts, making them difficult to dismiss for their holder.