994 resultados para Asymptotic Test


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Classical fracture mechanics is based on the premise that small scale features could be averaged to give a larger scale property such that the assumption of material homogeneity would hold. Involvement of the material microstructure, however, necessitates different characteristic lengths for describing different geometric features. Macroscopic parameters could not be freely exchanged with those at the microscopic scale level. Such a practice could cause misinterpretation of test data. Ambiguities arising from the lack of a more precise range of limitations for the definitions of physical parameters are discussed in connection with material length scales. Physical events overlooked between the macroscopic and microscopic scale could be the link that is needed to bridge the gap. The classical models for the creation of free surface for a liquid and solid are oversimplified. They consider only the translational motion of individual atoms. Movements of groups or clusters of molecules deserve attention. Multiscale cracking behavior also requires the distinction of material damage involving at least two different scales in a single simulation. In this connection, special attention should be given to the use of asymptotic solution in contrast to the full field solution when applying fracture criteria. The former may leave out detail features that would have otherwise been included by the latter. Illustrations are provided for predicting the crack initiation sites of piezoceramics. No definite conclusions can be drawn from the atomistic simulation models such as those used in molecular dynamics until the non-equilibrium boundary conditions can be better understood. The specification of strain rates and temperatures should be synchronized as the specimen size is reduced to microns. Many of the results obtained at the atomic scale should be first identified with those at the mesoscale before they are assumed to be connected with macroscopic observations. Hopefully, "mesofracture mechanics" could serve as the link to bring macrofracture mechanics closer to microfracture mechanics.


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In the present paper, a rubber wedge compressed by a line load at its tip is asymptotically analyzed using a special constitutive law proposed by Knowles and Sternberg (K-S elastic law) [J. Elasticity 3 (1973) 67]. The method of dividing sectors proposed by Gao [Theoret. Appl. Fract, Mech. 14 (1990) 219] is used. Domain near the wedge tip can be divided into one expanding sector and two narrowing sectors. Asymptotic equations of the strain-stress field near the wedge tip are derived and solved numerically. The deformation pattern near a wedge tip is completely revealed. A special case. i.e. a half space compressed by a line load is solved while the wedge angle is pi.


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Although approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) has become a popular technique for performing parameter estimation when the likelihood functions are analytically intractable there has not as yet been a complete investigation of the theoretical properties of the resulting estimators. In this paper we give a theoretical analysis of the asymptotic properties of ABC based parameter estimators for hidden Markov models and show that ABC based estimators satisfy asymptotically biased versions of the standard results in the statistical literature.


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Peel test measurements and simulations of the interfacial mechanical parameters for the Al/Epoxy/Al2O3 system are performed in the present investigation. A series of Al film thicknesses between 20 and 250 microns and three peel angles of 90, 135 and 180 degrees are considered. Two types of epoxy adhesives are adopted to obtain both strong and weak interface adhesions. A finite element model with cohesive zone elements is used to identify the interfacial parameters and simulate the peel test process. By simulating and recording normal stress near the crack tip, the separation strength is obtained. Furthermore, the cohesive energy is identified by comparing the simulated steady-state peel force and the experimental result. It is found from the research that both the cohesive energy and the separation strength can be taken as the intrinsic interfacial parameters which are dependent on the thickness of the adhesive layer and independent of the film thickness and peel angle.


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The plane strain asymptotic fields for cracks terminating at the interface between elastic and pressure-sensitive dilatant material are investigated in this paper. Applying the stress-strain relation for the pressure-sensitive dilatant material, we have obtained an exact asymptotic solution for the plane strain tip fields for two types of cracks, one of which lies in the pressure-sensitive dilatant material and the other in the elastic material and their tips touch both the bimaterial interface. In cases, numerical results show that the singularity and the angular variations of the fields obtained depend on the material hardening exponent n, the pressure sensitivity parameter mu and geometrical parameter lambda.


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Based on a constitutive law which includes the shear components of transformation plasticity, the asymptotic solutions to near-tip fields of plane-strain mode I steadity propagating cracks in transformed ceramics are obtained for the case of linear isotropic hardening. The stress singularity, the distributions of stresses and velocities at the crack tip are determined for various material parameters. The factors influencing the near-tip fields are discussed in detail.


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El presente estudio plantea como objetivo evaluar la comprensión de emociones en niños, aspecto central del funcionamiento reflexivo, a través del Test de Rorschach. Para lograrlo se seleccionó una muestra de 30 niños a quienes se administró el “Test of Emotion Comprehension” y el Test de Rorschach. Se presentan los resultados obtenidos a partir de la correlación entre los datos arrojados por ambas técnicas, lo cual permitió identificar determinados indicadores Rorschach (determinantes/ contenidos/ localizaciones/ cómputos) que se modifican de acuerdo al nivel de comprensión de emociones del niño y que, por ende, podrían resultar útiles para evaluarlo. Además, dichos resultados muestran que los niños con alto nivel de comprensión de emociones presentan un protocolo Rorschach mucho más rico, de lo cual se deduce la presencia de mayor cantidad de recursos emocionales en este grupo en comparación con los niños de bajo nivel de comprensión de emociones.


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Cracking of ceramics with tetragonal perovskite grain structure is known to appear at different sites and scale level. The multiscale character of damage depends on the combined effects of electromechanical coupling, prevailing physical parameters and boundary conditions. These detail features are exhibited by application of the energy density criterion with judicious use of the mode I asymptotic and full field solution in the range of r/a = 10(-4) to 10(-2) where r and a are, respectively, the distance to the crack tip and half crack length. Very close to the stationary crack tip, bifurcation is predicted resembling the dislocation emission behavior invoked in the molecular dynamics model. At the macroscopic scale, crack growth is predicted to occur straight ahead with two yield zones to the sides. A multiscale feature of crack tip damage is provided for the first time. Numerical values of the relative distances and bifurcation angles are reported for the PZT-4 ceramic subjected to different electric field to applied stress ratio and boundary conditions that consist of the specification of electric field/mechanical stress, electric displacement/mechanical strain, and mixed conditions. To be emphasized is that the multiscale character of damage in piezoceramics does not appear in general. It occurs only for specific combinations of the external and internal field parameters, elastic/piezoelectric/dielectric constants and specified boundary conditions. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Peel test measurements have been performed to estimate both the interface toughness and the separation strength between copper thin film and Al2O3 substrate with film thicknesses ranging between 1 and 15 mu m. An inverse analysis based on the artificial neural network method is adopted to determine the interface parameters. The interface parameters are characterized by the cohesive zone (CZ) model. The results of finite element simulations based on the strain gradient plasticity theory are used to train the artificial neural network. Using both the trained neural network and the experimental measurements for one test result, both the interface toughness and the separation strength are determined. Finally, the finite element predictions adopting the determined interface parameters are performed for the other film thickness cases, and are in agreement with the experimental results.


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El presente trabajo se llevó a cabo entre los meses de Julio a Septiembre del año 1965, en los Laboratorios de la Escuela Nacional de Agricultura y Ganadería. Se recurrió a la prueba del Ring-Test, para diagnosticar la Brucelosis en hatos situados en los departamentos de Managua, León, Carazo, Masaya, Granada, Rivas y Boaco; se obtuvieron ciertos datos estadísticos al objeto de hacer un estudio de productividad de leche. Los resultados de este trabajo fueron: 1). Las fincas positivas se encuentran localizadas en los departamentos de Managua, Carazo, Granada y Rivas. 2). Los porcentajes de hatos Negativos, positivos y sospechosos por departamento fueron los siguientes: % de hatos N., Managua 80,76. % de hatos P. 9.62, % de hatos S. 3.91, Leon % de hatos N. 100.00, % de hatos P. 9.62, % de hatos S. 0, Granada % de hatos N. 86.66, % de Hatos P. 0, % de hatos S. 0, Rivas % de hatos N. 46.15, % de hatos P. 53.85, % de hatos S. 0. No se hace mención de los porcentajes de los departamentos de Masaya, Carazo y Boaco, debido a los pocos hatos examinados en ellos. 3). El porcentaje de vacas en producción del total de vacas adultas es de 54.10% en la cuenca lechera y la zona del pacifico y el 54% en los hatos examinados. 4). La cantidad de leche para la venta es de 3.22 litros por vaca.


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El presente estudio se realizó con el objetivo de proporcionar una nueva herramienta de diagnóstico de mastitis subclínica bovina a nivel de campoy reducir las pérdidas económicas ocasionadas por la mastitis subclínica a los productores mediante el diagnóstico temprano, esto se pretende lograr mediante la comparación de dos métodos de diagnóstico como son California Mastitis Test y Detector de mastitis subclínica DRAMINSKI 4Q, el estudio se realizó en la finca “Santana” ubicada en el municipio de Diriamba, departamento de Carazo, ubicada en las coordenadas 11°49´59.9” latitud norte y de 86°14´21.1”longitud oeste con una altura aproximada a 580msnm, fueron utilizados 19 hembras las cuales estaban entre dos y tres lactancias, fueron muestreadas por cinco semanas consecutivas en el segundo ordeño, se utilizaron ambos métodos de diagnóstico iniciando por el DRAMINSKI debido a las indicaciones del equipo, se deben utilizar los primeros chorros de leche para obtener mejores resultados, posteriormente se utilizó la prueba california en las mismas vacas, de los cuartos que dieron positivo a uno o ambos métodos de diagnóstico se procedió a tomar la muestra de leche para llevarlo al laboratorio y de esta forma verificar el resultado mediante aislamiento e identificación bacteriana. Los datos fueron analizados mediante la realización de bases de datos Excel y mediante la utilización de la prueba de dependencia para CHI-CUADRADO, en los resultados se obtuvo que no hubo dependencia entre los métodos diagnósticos, pero las diferencias obtenidas no fueron significativas entre uno y otro. En el porcentaje de efectividad en los diagnósticos, para los resultados de DRAMINSKI se obtuvo un 97.38 % de efectividad en el diagnóstico correcto y un 2.62 % de diagnósticos incorrectos versus un 96.11 % de diagnósticos correctos y un 3.89 % de diagnósticos incorrectos que obtuvo la prueba California, los microorganismos aislados causantes de mastitis fueron Staphylococos aureus y Pseudomona aeruginosa.