534 resultados para Asylum seeker


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This essay seeks to unpack some of the issues concerning representation when performing refugee stories using playback theatre. It questions the reductive influence of narrative structure and, using the framework of artist as ethnographer, it argues that strong aesthetic production is required to overcome the dampening effect of empathy when performing personal stories in refugee/asylum contexts. The tension that emerges among the key imperatives of accountable, accurate and aesthetic representation in refugee performance is then explored as a dialogic space.


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Tony Abbott has claimed that before he “stopped the boats”, they were coming in at a rate of 50,000 a year. Is that true? David Tittensor, a research fellow to the UNESCO Chair, with Deakin’s Centre for Citizenship and Globalisation, checks the claim.


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A longstanding, successful and frequently controversial career spanning more than four decades establishes David Bowie as charged with individual agency. The notion of ‘agency’ here refers particularly to the ‘ability of people, individually and collectively to influence their own lives and the society in which they live’ (Germov and Poole, 2007: 7). That Bowie has influenced many lives is undeniable to his fans. He has long demonstrated an avid curiosity for the enduring patterns of social life which is reflected in his art. Bowie’s opus contains the elements of ideological narratives around sexual (mis)adventure, expressivity, and; resistance to ‘normative’ behaviour. He requisitions his audiences, through frequently indirect lyrics and images, to critically question sanity, identity and essentially what it means to be ‘us’ and why we are here. Here, in this context, ‘dancing with madness’ assumes an intimate relationship, even if brief, where ideas and emotions come passionately together for the purpose of creative expression much like the intertwining and energetic performance of the partner dance Tango. As such, ‘dancing’ is argued here to be an appropriate descriptor for how Bowie has engaged with creative cultural forms but not meant to be self-conscious nor indicate superficiality or ignorance. The idea of madness for its part is a theme in many of his compositions, for example the original album cover for The Man Who Sold the World (1971)  depicts an asylum and includes the song ‘All The Madmen’ and Aladdin Sane (1973)—a lad insane--are but two examples. This paper argues that Bowie’s frequently astute contemplations, manifest through his art over a period now spanning more than forty years, continues to draw fans of like mind to his work with the result that he has a legitimate claim to influence and affect.


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Research was conducted in order to define a "buyer behavior" process for the purchase of sponsorship at a corporate level. A series of interviews was carried out with a number of organizations that are currently involved in sponsorship of varying kinds. A consideration was made to include a balance of sponsorship types-small and large-as well as arts, sports, and events, although no attempt was made to identify how the process differs across sponsorship type. Our results show that while sponsorship and fundraising are flipsides of the same coin from the nonprofit sponsorship-seeker's perspective, the sponsorship provider sees the act of sponsorship as a commercial profit-making venture. This is a conundrum that has wide-reaching consequences for the sector. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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In the 1980s and 1990s, Australian-Malaysian relations reached a critical juncture due to a series of crises, such as the 1986 capital punishment of convicted drug smugglers Barlow and Chambers, and the 1993 "recalcitrant" jibe by Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating. Following the election of the Howard government in 1996, relations continued to be on a roller coaster with the Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad leading anti-Australia protests over the "Howard Doctrine," the Australian leadership of the 1999 intervention in East Timor, and the "Deputy Sheriff" controversy. Despite this, defense relations between the two remained strong. The success of this cooperation rests on shared political commitment to the security of the region. This article examines the impact that positive cooperation in "high politics" has had in mitigating the negative aspects of crises in "low politics." It argues that close bilateral defense relations have worked to prevent the emergence of further critical junctures in 2012 following the collapse of the Australian-Malaysian refugee swap deal and statements by Australian politicians about Malaysia's poor treatment of asylum seekers, and in 2013 over the overt support by many Australian politicians of the opposition, especially Anwar Ibrahim, during the Malaysian general elections.


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In 2008, Melbourne became the first Australian city to host the Homeless World Cup (HWC), an annual international sporting event that aims to raise the profile of homelessness and social marginalisation. This article first examines relevant print media articles relating to the HWC by identifying key themes through thematic and content analysis. It then examines the polarised reporting of the HWC by two print media outlets, The Age and the Herald Sun, and argues that each outlet's coverage served to reinforce its own established position on the key political and social issues, in this instance homelessness, asylum seeking and immigration. The divergence in the discourses constructed in each paper provides a demonstrative example of the capacity of the media to use events of all sorts to consolidate their political and commercial positions.


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Some may argue that the introduction of the Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA) has benefited only celebrities and asylum-seekers. Others contend that the HRA is a significant piece of legislation that has the potential to promote and protect the rights of the most vulnerable in our society. A few years after the Act's introduction this contribution considers the impact it has had on mental health practice in the UK.


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 Dark legacies combined with ‘moral panic’ and ‘extraordinary measures’ have slowly shaped attitudes in Australia and Italy towards asylum-seekers into something increasingly dangerous.


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A simple model incorporating rent-seeking into the standard neoclassical model of capital accumulation is presented. It embodies the idea that the performance of an economy depends on the efficiency of its institutions. It is shown that welfare is positively affected by the institutional efficiency, although output is not necessarily so. It is also shown that an economy with a monopolistic rent-seeker performs better than one with a competitive rent-seeking industry.


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As pessoas idosas constituem hoje um novo grupo populacional! Também é novo o conhecimento de suas características e do processo do envelhecimento. A pesquisa acadêmica em torno dos diversos aspectos da população de mais idade tem tido um significativo desenvolvimento e a cada ano, mais e mais estudos têm sido feitos. Entretanto, estes são praticamente desconhecidos no Brasil. Ao mesmo tempo, as pessoas idosas estão se tornando cada vez mais importantes sob o ponto de vista da política social e a questão da previdência social e da aposentadoria têm sido debatidas em torno do problema de como a sociedade deveria prover esta etapa da vida. Nosso estudo é sobre a forma de atendimento das pessoas idosas comum no Brasil, isto é, a forma institucional de recolhimento: o asilo. Estudamos três deles, descrevendo suas características e dinâmica interna mostrando a condição de total dependência em que se encontram as pessoas idosas que vivem ali. A finalidade específica do estudo de campo foi a de oferecer uma perspectiva com relação a Psicologia do Envelhecimento e a discussão do papel preventivo e profilático que o psicólogo pode ter no campo do envelhecimento.