854 resultados para Astronomía naútica


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Con el fin de establecer una cartografía europea unificada, se hace indispensable la conversión de las coordenadas de los Marcos de los Sistemas Geodésicos Nacionales al Marco ETRF89, lo cual sólo es posible a través de la determinación de transformaciones y superficies de ajuste desde uno a otro marco. Tal determinación requiere el conocimiento de ambas clases de coordenadas en un número muy elevado de estaciones uniformemente distribuidas, debiendo este número ser tanto mayor cuantas más irregularidades presente el Marco local. En el caso de la Península y Archipiélagos, el IGN decidió resolver el problema mediante el Proyecto REGENTE (Red Geodésica Nacional por Técnicas Espaciales), consistente en el establecimiento de una densa red GPS de alta precisión con estaciones coincidentes con vértices de ROI y con clavos de las líneas NAP. La densidad media quedó fijada en una estación por Hoja del MTN 1:50.000, es decir, de una estación por cada 300 km2. REGENTE quedará perfectamente enlazada con la red de referencia europea ETRF89 por medio de las redes ibéricas IBERIA95 y BALEAR98. REGENTE Canarias se apoya, como estación de referencia, en la estación GPS de Maspalomas, incluida en la red ITRF93.


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El Instituto Geográfico Nacional, por medio del Área de Geodesia, está llevando a cabo el establecimiento de una Red de Estaciones Permanentes GPS que permitan obtener coordenadas muy precisas, así como sus campos de velocidades en un Sistema de Referencia Global (ITRFxx). Dichas estaciones pertenecen a la Red de Estaciones Permanentes de EUREF (EUropean REference Frame) y constituyen el orden cero de la Geodesia Española.


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The increase of orbital debris and the consequent proliferation of smaller objects through fragmentation are driving the need for mitigation strategies. The issue is how to deorbit the satellite with an efficient system that does not impair drastically the propellant budget of the satellite and, consequently, reduces its operating life. We have been investigating, in the framework of a European-Community-funded project, a passive system that makes use of an electrodynamics tether to deorbit a satellite through Lorentz forces. The deorbiting system will be carried by the satellite itself at launch and deployed from the satellite at the end of its life. From that moment onward the system operates passively without requiring any intervention from the satellite itself. The paper summarizes the results of the analysis carried out to show the deorbiting performance of the system starting from different orbital altitudes and inclinations for a reference satellite mass. Results can be easily scaled to other satellite masses. The results have been obtained by using a high-fidelity computer model that uses the latest environmental routines for magnetic field, ionospheric density, atmospheric density and a gravity field model. The tether dynamics is modelled by considering all the main aspects of a real system as the tether flexibility and its temperature-dependent electrical conductivity. Temperature variations are computed by including all the major external and internal input fluxes and the thermal flux emitted from the tether. The results shows that a relatively compact and light system can carry out the complete deorbit of a relatively large satellite in a time ranging from a month to less than a year starting from high LEO with the best performance occurring at low orbital inclinations.


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The global Hands-on Universe association is producing and distributing free resources world- wide to implement Inquire Based Scienti?c Education (IBSE) at secondary and high school levels. The materials are inspired in astronomical research and space exploration. The association is implementing the Galileo Teacher Training Program world-wide. In this contribution, a summary on the most recent resources being implemented by HOU-Espa~na and developed with Spanish participation is presented.


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A novel concept for active space debris removal known as Ion Beam Shepherd (IBS) which has been recently presented by our group is investigated. The concept makes use of a highly collimated ion beam to exert the necessary force on a generic debris to modify its orbit and/or attitude from a safe distance in a controlled manner, without the need of docking. After describing the main characteristics of the IBS system, some of the key aspects of thruster plasma and its interaction with the debris are studied, namely, (1) the modeling of the expansion of an plasma beam, based on the quasi-selfsimilarity exhibited by hypersonic plumes, (2) the characterization of the force and torque exerted upon the target debris, and (3) a preliminary evaluation of other plasma-body interactions.


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Numerical explorations show how the known periodic solutions of the Hill problem are modified in the case of the attitude-orbit coupling that may occur for large satellite structures. We focus on the case in which the elongation is the dominant satellite’s characteristic and find that a rotating structure may remain with its largest dimension in a plane parallel to the plane of the primaries. In this case, the effect produced by the non-negligible physical length is dynamically equivalent to the perturbation produced by an oblate central body on a mass-point satellite. Based on this, it is demonstrated that the attitude-orbital coupling of a long enough body may change the dynamical characteristics of a periodic orbit about the collinear Lagrangian points.


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In this article, the authors examine the current status of different elements that integrate the landscape of the municipality of Olias del Rey in Toledo (Spain). A methodology for the study of rural roads, activity farming and local hunting management. We used Geographic Information Technologies (GIT) in order to optimize spatial information including the design of a Geographic Information System (GIS). In the acquisition of field data we have used vehicle "mobile mapping" instrumentation equipped with GNSS, LiDAR, digital cameras and odometer. The main objective is the integration of geoinformation and geovisualization of the information to provide a fundamental tool for rural planning and management.


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In 1998 the EXPORT team monitored microlensing event light curves using a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera on the IAC 0.8-m telescope on Tenerife to evaluate the prospect of using northern telescopes to find microlens anomalies that reveal planets orbiting the lens stars. The high airmass and more limited time available for observations of Galactic bulge sources make a northern site less favourable for microlensing planet searches. However, there are potentially a large number of northern 1-m class telescopes that could devote a few hours per night to monitor ongoing microlensing events. Our IAC observations indicate that accuracies sufficient to detect planets can be achieved despite the higher airmass.


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A substellar-mass object in orbit at about 300 astronomical units from the young low-mass star G 196-3 was detected by direct imaging. Optical and infrared photometry and low- and intermediate-resolution spectroscopy of the faint companion, hereafter referred to as G 196-3B, confirm its cool atmosphere ?15 Jupiter masses. The separation and allow its mass to be estimated at 25?10 between the objects and their mass ratio suggest the fragmentation of a collapsing cloud as the most likely origin for G 196-3B, but alternatively it could have originated from a protoplanetary disc that has been dissipated. Whatever the formation process was, the young age of the primary star (about 100 million years) demonstrates that substellar companions can form on short time scales.


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Two extensions of the fast and accurate special perturbation method recently developed by Peláez et al. are presented for respectively elliptic and hyperbolic motion. A comparison with Peláez?s method and with the very efficient Stiefel- Scheifele?s method, for the problems of oblate Earth plus Moon and continuous radial thrust, shows that the new formulations can appreciably improve the accuracy of Peláez?s method and have a better performance of Stiefel-Scheifele?s method. Future work will be to include the two new formulations and the original one due to Peláez into an adaptive scheme for highly accurate orbit propagation


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Numerical explorations show how the known periodic solutions of the Hill problem are modified in the case of the attitude-orbit coupling that may occur for large satellite structures. We focus on the case in which the elongation is the dominant satellite?s characteristic and find that a rotating structure may remain with its largest dimension in a plane parallel to the plane of the primaries. In this case, the effect produced by the non-negligible physical dimension is dynamically equivalent to the perturbation produced by an oblate central body on a masspoint satellite. Based on this, it is demonstrated that the attitude-orbital coupling of a long enough body may change the dynamical characteristics of a periodic orbit about the collinear Lagrangian points.


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The maximum performance of bare electrodynamic tethers as power generating systems under OML-theory is analyzed. Results show that best performance in terms of power density is achieved by designing the tether in such a way to increase ohmic impedance with respect to plasma contact impedance, hence favoring longer and thinner tethers. In such condition the corresponding optimal value of the load impedance is seen to approach the ohmic impedance of the conducting tether. At the other extreme, when plasma contact impedance dominates (which is not optimal but can be relevant for some applications) optimum power generation is found by matching the load impedance with an effective tether-plasma contact impedance whose expression is derived.


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We derive a semi-analytic formulation that permits to study the long-term dynamics of fast-rotating inert tethers around planetary satellites. Since space tethers are extensive bodies they generate non-keplerian gravitational forces which depend solely on their mass geometry and attitude, that can be exploited for controlling science orbits. We conclude that rotating tethers modify the geometry of frozen orbits, allowing for lower eccentricity frozen orbits for a wide range of orbital inclination, where the length of the tether becomes a new parameter that the mission analyst may use to shape frozen orbits to tighter operational constraints.