826 resultados para Asian monsoon precipitation
This paper describes a maximum likelihood method using historical weather data to estimate a parametric model of daily precipitation and maximum and minimum air temperatures. Parameter estimates are reported for Brookings, SD, and Boone, IA, to illustrate the procedure. The use of this parametric model to generate stochastic time series of daily weather is then summarized. A soil temperature model is described that determines daily average, maximum, and minimum soil temperatures based on air temperatures and precipitation, following a lagged process due to soil heat storage and other factors.
We study European options on the ratio of the stock price to its averageand viceversa. Some of these options are traded in the Australian StockExchange since 1992, thus we call them Australian Asian options. Forgeometric averages, we obtain closed-form expressions for option prices.For arithmetic means, we use dierent approximations that produce verysimilar results.
Agency Performance Plan, Division & Commission on the Status of Iowans of Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage
Agency Performance Plan, Division & Commission on the Status of Iowans of Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage
This report outlines the strategic plan for Commission and Division on the Status of Iowans of Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage (CAPI) 2007-2010 Strategic Plan including,goals and mission.
Abstract: Microbial mats very efficiently cycle elements, such as C, 0, N, S and H, which makes them key players of redox processes at the biosphere-lithosphere interface. They are characterized by high metabolic activities and high turnover rates (production and consumption) of biomass, which mainly consists of cell material and of extracellular organic matter (EOM). The EOM forms a matrix, embedding the microbial cells and fulfilling various functions within the microbial mat, including: mat attachment to surfaces; creation of micro-domains within the mat; physical stabilization under hy- drodynamic stress and the protection of the cells in multiple other stress conditions. EOM mainly consists of polysaccharides, amino acids, and a variety of chemical func-tional groups {e.g., -C00H, - SH -OH). These groups strongly bind cations such as Ca2+ and Mg2+ and thus exert a strong control on carbonate mineral formation within the microbial mat. A feedback mechanism between community metabolisms, their prod¬ucts, and the surrounding physicochemical microenvironment thus influences the de¬gree of carbonate saturation favoring either carbonate precipitation or dissolution. We investigated the driving forces and mechanisms of microbialite formation in the Sari ne River, FR, Switzerland, the hypersaline lake, Big Pond, Bahamas and in labo¬ratory experiments. The two fundamentally different natural systems allowed us to compare the geochemical conditions and microbial metabolisms, necessary for car¬bonate formation in microbial mats. Although carbonates are oversaturated in both environments, precipitation does not occur on physicochemical substrates (i.e. out¬side the microbial mats). In the Sarine a high crystal nucleation threshold exceeds the carbonate saturation, despite the high carbonate alkalinity in the water column. Cyanobacterial photosynthesis strongly locally enhances the carbonate alkalinity, whereas the EOM attract and immobilize calcium, which increases the saturation state and finally leads to carbonate precipitation within the EOM (in this case the cyanobacterial sheath) as nucleation template. In Big Pond, the presence of calcium- chelating anions (i.e. sulfate) and EOM, as well as the presence of magnesium, lowers the calcium activity in the water column and mat, and thus inhibits carbonate pre¬cipitation. Coupled with other heterotrophic metabolisms, sulfate reduction uses the EOM as carbon source, degrading it. The resulting EOM consumption creates alkalin¬ity, releases calcium and consumes sulfate in mat-micro domains, which leads to the formation of carbonate layers at the top of the microbial mat. Résumé: Interface biosphère/lithosphère: médiation microbienne de la précipitation de CaC03 dans des environnements en eaux douces et hypersalines Les tapis microbiens engendrent une circulation très efficace des éléments, tels que C, 0, N, S et H, ce qui en fait des acteurs clé pour les processus d'oxydoréduction à l'inter¬face biosphère-lithosphère. Ils sont caractérisés par des taux élevés d'activité méta¬bolique, ainsi que par la production et la consommation de biomasse, principalement constituée de cellules microbiennes et de matière organique extracellulaire (MOE). Dans un tapis microbien, les cellules microbiennes sont enveloppées par une matrice de MOE qui a différentes fonctions dont l'attachement du tapis aux surfaces, la créa¬tion de micro-domaines dans le tapis, la stabilisation physique en situation de stress hydrodynamique, et la protection des cellules dans de multiples autres conditions de stress. La MOE se compose principalement de polysaccharides, d'acides aminés, et d'une variété de groupes fonctionnels chimiques (par exemple, COOH, -SH et -OH). Ces groupes se lient fortement aux cations, tels que Ca2+ et Mg2+, et exercent ainsi un contrôle fort sur la formation de CaC03 dans le tapis microbien. Un mécanisme de rétroaction, entre les métabolismes de la communauté microbienne, leurs produits, et le microenvironnement physico-chimique, influence le degré de saturation de car¬bonate, favorisant soit leur précipitation, soit leur dissolution. Nous avons étudié le moteur et les mécanismes de minéralisation dans des tapis de la Sarine, FR, Suisse et du lac hypersalin, Big Pond, aux Bahamas, ainsi que durant des expériences en laboratoire. Les deux systèmes naturels, fondamentalement dif¬férents, nous ont permis de comparer les conditions géochimiques et les métabolis¬mes nécessaires à la formation des carbonates dans des tapis microbiens. Bien que les carbonates soient sursaturés dans les deux environnements, la précipitation ne se produit pas sur des substrats physico-chimiques (en dehors du tapis microbien). Dans la Sarine, malgré un taux d'alcalinité élevé, les valeurs de seuil pour la nucléa- tion de carbonates sont plus hautes que la saturation du carbonate. La photosynthèse cyanobactérienne augmente localement l'alcalinité, alors que la MOE attire et immo¬bilise le calcium, ce qui augmente l'état de saturation et conduit finalement à la pré¬cipitation des carbonates, en utilisant la MOE comme substrat de nucléation. À Big Pond, la présence de chélateurs de calcium, notamment les anions (p.ex. le sulfate) et la MOE, ainsi que la présence de magnésium, réduit l'activité du calcium et inhibe en conséquence la précipitation des carbonates. Couplée avec d'autres métabolismes hétérotrophes, la réduction des sulfates utilise la MOE comme source de carbone, en la dégradant. Cette consommation de MOE crée l'alcalinité, consomme des sulfates et libère du calcium dans des micro-domaines, conduisant à la formation de couches de carbonates dans le haut du tapis microbien.
We report 30 polymorphic microsatellite markers for five species of Palearctic green toads (Bufo viridis subgroup): 23 in the diploid B. latastii, 19 in diploid B. turanensis, 20 in diploid B. shaartusiensis, 27 in tetraploid B. pewzowi, and 30 in triploid B. baturae. Genetic diversity at these loci, measured for 10-18 individuals per species, ranged from 2 to 19 alleles. These microsatellite loci will be useful for conservation plans (genetic diversity, population structure, evolutionary units), inheritance patterns, and evolution of green toads.
We are pleased to present the 2009 Spring Newsletter summarizing programs and achievements from this past year. Although many challenges lie ahead as this deepening financial crisis takes its toll, CAPI remains steadfast in its commitment to serve the needs of all Asian and Pacific Islanders of Iowa. Thank you for your continued support! We look forward to having another productive year!
In the Spring of 2004, the Iowa legislature passed the bill to establish the Commission on the Status of Iowans of Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage (CAPI) within the Department of Human Rights. Nine (9) commissioners were appointed by the Governor in October. In August 2006, the first division administrator was appointed; thus the Division was established. The duties of the Commission, as established in Iowa Code Chapter 216A.152, define the work of the Division. Vision: All Asian and Pacific Islander Iowans live up to their potential, regardless of ethnicity, station in life, and religion. Mission: To ensure Iowa’s Asians and Pacific Islanders have opportunities equal to other Iowans in education, employment, health care, housing, and safety and to publicize the accomplishments and contributions of the Asian and Pacific Islanders to the state.
In the Spring of 2004, the Iowa legislature passed the bill to establish the Commission on the Status of Iowans of Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage (CAPI) within the Department of Human Rights. Nine (9) commissioners were appointed by the Governor in October. In August 2006, the first division administrator was appointed; thus the Division was established. The duties of the Commission, as established in Iowa Code Chapter 216A.152, define the work of the Division. Vision: All Iowans live up to their potential, regardless of ethnicity, station in life, and religion. Mission: To empower Asians and Pacific Islanders, improve their well-being, and celebrate a diverse Iowa.
In the Spring of 2004, the Iowa legislature passed the bill to establish the Commission on the Status of Iowans of Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage (CAPI) within the Department of Human Rights. Nine (9) commissioners were appointed by the Governor in October. In August 2006, the first division administrator was appointed; thus the Division was established. The duties of the Commission, as established in Iowa Code Chapter 216A.152, define the work of the Division. Vision: All Iowans live up to their potential, regardless of ethnicity, station in life, and religion. Mission: To empower Asians and Pacific Islanders, improve their well-being, and celebrate a diverse Iowa.
Report produced by the The Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, Climatology Bureau.
Report produced by the The Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, Climatology Bureau.
Report produced by the The Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, Climatology Bureau.
Report produced by the The Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, Climatology Bureau.