995 resultados para Arc-melting


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A digital image analysis(DIA) technique can be applied directly to the image obtained by polarizing microscope. The time-resolved DIA apparatus including image collecting, showing and data analysis has been home-made. As an example, it has been used to study the banded spherulite in the blends of poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) and poly(styrene-ran-acrylonitrile) (SAN).


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Poly(ether ether ketone)/poly(ether diphenyl ether ketone) blend containing 30 wt% PEDEK was used to investigate the melting behaviour of immiscible PEEK/PEDEK blends. The results measured from differential scanning calorimetry (d.s.c.) and wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) showed that immiscible PEEK/PEDEK blends isothermally crystallized at a temperature between Tg and Tm-2 (PEEK's normal melting point) from the glassy state also exhibited the multi-melting behaviour like poly(aryl ether ketones) homopolymers. In addition, the low-temperature melting peak was independent of composition of poly(aryl ether ketones) blends and only associated with the thermal history. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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The nonisothermal crystallization behavior and melting process of the poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL)/poly(ethylene oxide) (PEG) diblock copolymer in which the weight fraction of the PCL block is 0.80 has been studied by using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Only the PCL block is crystallizable, the PEO block with 0.20 weight fraction cannot crystallize. The kinetics of the PCL/PEO diblock copolymer under nonisothermal crystallization conditions has been analyzed by Ozawa's equation. The experimental data shows no agreement with Ozawa's theoretical predictions in the whole crystallization process, especially in the later stage. A parameter, kinetic crystallinity, is used to characterize the crystallizability of the PCL/PEO diblock copolymer. The amorphous and microphase separating PEO block has a great influence on the crystallization of the PCL block. It bonds chemically with the PCL block, reduces crystallization entropy, and provides nucleating sites for the PCL block crystallization. The existence of the PEO block leads to the occurrence of the two melting peaks of the PCL/PEO diblock copolymer during melting process after nonisothermal crystallization. The comparison of nonisothermal crystallization of the PCL/PEO diblock copolymer, PCL/PEO blend, and PCL and PEO homopolymers has been made. It showed a lower crystallinity of the PCL/PEO diblock copolymer than that of others and a faster crystallization rate of the PCL/PEO diblock copolymer than that of the PCL homopolymer, but a slower crystallization rate than that of the PCL/PEO blend. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Poly(ether diphenyl ether ketone) (PEDEK) synthesized by the nucleophilic route has the following chemical structure: [GRAPHICS] At some given temperatures for a given time isothermally crystallized PEDEK sample exhibits two endothermic peaks which are similar to PEEK and PEEKK The melting behavior of PEDEK crystallized from the glassy state is investigated through differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). We consider that the high-melting peak is related to the perfect crystals and the low-melting peak is associated with a few imperfect crystals. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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The melting of the nascent state nylon 1010 samples melt condensation polymerized with different M(eta) have been studied by DSC. The relations of melting point, content of higher order crystal with M(eta) are similar, the plots like a peak, at M(eta)=1.48x10(4) have the maximum. The melting heat, melting entropy and crystallinity are decreased gradually with M(eta) increasing.


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The isothermal crystallization and melting behavior of the poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL)/poly(ethylene oxide)(PEO) diblock copolymer has been studied by WAXD, SAXS, and DSC methods. Only the PCL block is crystallizable; the PEO block of weight fraction 20% cannot crystallize, although its corresponding homopolymer has strong crystallizability. The long period, amorphous layer, and crystalline lamella of the PCL/PEO block copolymer all increase with the rise in the crystallization temperature, and the thickness of the amorphous layer is much larger than that of crystalline lamella due to the existence of the PEO block in the amorphous region. The isothermal crystallization of the PCL/PEO block copolymer is investigated by using the theory of Turnbull and Fischer. It is found that the amorphous PEO block has a great influence on the nucleation of PCL block crystallization, and the extent of this influence depends on crystallization conditions, especially temperature. The outstanding characteristics are the phenomenon of the double melting peaks in the melting process of the PCL/PEO block copolymer after isothermal crystallization at different temperatures and the transformation of melting peaks from double peaks to a single peak with variations in the crystallization condition. They are related mainly to the existence of the PEO block bonding chemically with the PCL block. In summing up results of investigations into the crystallization and melting behavior of the PCL/PEO block copolymer, it is interesting to notice that when the PCL/PEO block copolymer crystallizes at three different crystallization temperatures, i.e., below 0 degrees C, between 0 and 35 degrees C, and above 35 degrees C, the variation of peak melting temperature is similar to that of overall crystallization rates in the process of isothermal crystallization. The results can be elucidated by the effect of the PEO block on the crystallization of the PCL block, especially its nucleation. (C) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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The melting behavior of drawn, compression-molded isotactic polypropylene has been examined in terms of the influence of drawing conditions on the observed properties. Two endothermic peaks were observed on differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) for samples when high draw ratios and high heating rates were used during DSC tests. The peak at lower temperature is influenced by draw ratio, temperature, and rate, and exhibits a strong superheating effect. The species associated with this peak can partially recrystallize into another species associated with the peak at higher temperature during DSC measurements. The position of the peak at higher temperature depends only on draw ratio. It is proposed that the double-melting peaks at lower and higher temperature result from extremely thin quasi-amorphous or crystalline layers between microfibrils and the lamellar crystals within microfibrils, respectively. (C) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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The radiation induced depression of the melting and crystallization temperatures of PTFE irradiated at various temperatures followed by heat treatment at 380-degrees-C, and their relationship to structural changes, were investigated. The G(-units) values obtained in this work are different from those of samples which have not undergone heat treatment and seem to be more closely associated with radiation induced branched structures.


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We explore the tectono-magmatic processes in the western West Philippine Basin, Philippine Sea Plate, using bathymetric data acquired in 2003 and 2004. The northwestern part of the basin formed through a series of northwestward propagating rifts. We identify at least five sequences of propagating rifts, probably triggered by mantle flow away from the mantle thermal anomaly that is responsible for the origin of the Benham and Urdenata plateaus. Gravitational forces caused by along-axis topographic gradient and a similar to 30 degrees ridge reorientation appear to also be driving the rift propagations. The along-axis mantle flow appears to be reduced and deflected along the Luzon-Okinawa fracture zone, because the spreading system remained stable west of this major fault zone. North-east of the Benham plateau, a left-lateral fracture zone has turned into a NE-SW-trending spreading axis. As a result, a microplate developed at the triple junction.


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The variolitic andesite from the Susong County in the Dabie Mountains implies that it was erupted in water. The mineralogy of the varioles is primarily radiate plagioclase (albite sind oligoclase), with little pyroxene, hornblende and quartz (derived from alteration). The pyroxene, hornblende and quartz are in the interstices between plagiocalse. The matrix consists of glass, hornblende, chlorite, epidote and zoisite. It is clearly subjected an extensive alteration. The andesite has an uncommon chemical composition. The SiO2 content is about 56.8%, TiO2 = 0.9%, MgO = 6.4%, Fe2O3 (tot) = 6.7%similar to 7.6%, 100Mg/(Mg + Fe) = 64.1 similar to 66.2. Mg-# is significantly high. The andesite has high abundances of large-lithophile trace elements (e.g. K, Ba. Sr, LREE), e.g. La/Nb = 5.56 similar to 6.07, low abundances of high-strength-field elements (HFSE e.g. Ta, Nb, P, Ti), particularly Ta and Nb strongly depleted. These are consistent with the characteristics of subduction-related magmas. In the spider diagram of trace elements, from Ce to right hand, the abundances of elements decrease quickly, showing a character of the continental margins. There has a strong punishment of light-rare-earth elements, with a significant diffraction of REEs (the mean value of (La/Yb)(N) is 32.84). No Eu anomaly, but there are anomaly high (La/Yb)(N) = 28.63 similar to 36.74, (La/Y)(N) = 70.33 similar to 82.4. The elements Y and Yb are depleted greatly, Y<20 g/g, Y-N = 2.74 similar to 2.84, Yb-N = 2.18 similar to 2.35. From the La-(La/Sm) diagram, the andesite is derived from partial melting. But the epsilone value of Nd is - 18.7 similar to -19.2, so that the material source may be the mantle materials affected by the crustal materials. The Nd model age is 1.9 Ga indicating that the variolitic basaltic andesite was resulted from the mantle wedge of North China block, which had the Nd model age of 2.5Ga, when the Yangze block which had the Nd model age of 1.7Ga subducted beneath it. So the variolitic andesite has characteristics of the island-are volconic rocks oil a continental basement in the vicinity of the destructive continental margin.


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Modal composition and mineral composition of harzburgites from the southern Mariana fore-arc show that they are highly refractory. There are a few modals of clinopyroxene (0.7 vol %) in harzburgites. Two types of amphibole are found in these harzburgites: magnesiohornblende accompanied by clinopyroxene with higher Al2O3 content (> 7%) and lower Mg-#; tremolite around orthopyroxene with lower Al2O3 content (< 2%) and higher Mg-#. Trace element of clinopyroxene and two types of amphibole are analyzed. Primitive mantle-normalised REE patterns for clinopyroxene and magnesio hornblende are very similar and both show HREE enrichment relative to LREE, while magnesiohornblende has higher content of trace element than clinopyroxene. The contents of trace element of tremolite are much lower than those of magnesiohornblende. Clinopyroxene shows enrichment of most of the trace element except HREE and Ti relative to clinopyroxene in abyssal peridotites. Petrology and trace element characteristic of clinopyroxene and two types of amphibole indicate that southern Mariana fore-arc harzburgites underwent two stages of metasomatism. The percolation of a hydrous melt led to mobility of Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, Na, and large amounts of trace element. LILE and LREE can be more active in hydrous melt than HREE and Ti, and the activities of most of the trace element except some of LILE are influenced by temperature and pressure.


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To look for gas hydrate, 22 multi-channel and 3 single-channel seismic lines on the East China Sea (ECS) shelf slope and at the bottom of the Okinawa Trough were examined. It was found that there was indeed bottom simulating reflector (BSR) occurrence, but it is very rare. Besides several BSRs, a gas seepage was also found. As shown by the data, both the BSR and gas seepage are all related with local geological structures, such as mud diapir, anticline, and fault-controlled graben-like structure. However, similar structural "anomalies" are quite common in the tectonically very active Okinawa Trough region, but very few of them have developed BSR or gas seepage. The article points out that the main reason is probably the low concentration of organic carbon of the sediment in this area. It was speculated that the rare occurrence of gas hydrates in this region is governed by structure-controlled fluid flow. Numerous faults and fractures form a network of high-permeability channels in the sediment and highly fractured igneous basement to allow fluid circulation and ventilation. Fluid flow in this tectonic environment is driven primarily by thermal buoyancy and takes place on a wide range of spatial scales. The fluid flow may play two roles to facilitate hydrate formation: to help gather enough methane into a small area and to modulate the thermal regime.


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With increasing applied voltage, three types of anodic coatings, passive film, micro-spark ceramic coating and spark ceramic coating were made by micro-arc oxidization (MAO) technique on AZ91D magnesium alloy in alkali-silicate solution. The structure, composition characteristics and the electrochemical properties of coatings were also studied with SEM, XRD and EIS (electrochemical impedance spectroscopy) technique, respectively. It is found that the electrochemical properties are closely related to the structure and composition characteristics of the anodic coatings. At the same time, the characteristics of the three types of anodic coatings differ significantly, among them, the micro-spark ceramic coating, prepared in the voltage range of 170similar to220V exhibits compact, homogeneous structure and highest corrosion-resistance.


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Many garnet peridotite bodies are enclosed in ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) gneisses and/or migmatites in worldwide UHP terranes formed by subduction of continental crust. On the basis of petrochemical data, a group of garnet peridotites have been derived from depleted mantle and were subsequently metasomatized by melts and/or fluids derived from the subducted continental crust. However, their depletion and enrichment processes and tectonic evolutions are still in conflicts. New evidences for metamorphism of garnet lherzolite from Zhimafang, Donghai County, Sulu UHP terrane are reported. The garnet lherzolite have experienced a prolonged multistage metamorphic history. At least seven stages of recrystallization have been identified based on detailed analysis of reaction textures and mineral compositions. Stage I was a high-pressure and high-temperature enriched garnet lherzolite stage, which is inferred from the presence of high Ca-Cr core of garnet porphyroclast and inclusions of high-Mg clinopyroxene, high-Al-Cr orthopyroxene and high-Mg olivine. Stage II is a high-temperature and low-pressure depleted spinel-hurzbergite or spinel-dunite stage, as indicated by the presence of relict Al-rich spinel, very high-Mg and low-Ni olivine and high-Mg orthopyroxene included in the low-Cr mantle of the porphyroclastic garnet and core of fine-grained neoblastic garnet, clinopyroxene is absent in this stage. Stage III is an hydrous amphibole spinel-lherzolite stage, which recorded events of cooling and metasomatic re-enrichment, this stage is manifested by metasomatic origin of amphibole and phlogopite-bearing porphyroblastic clinopyroxene, and porphyroblastic orthopyroxene. Stage IV is a high-pressure amphibole garnet-lherzolite stage, which is indicated by the formation of low-Cr mantle of the porphyroclastic garnet and amphibole-bearing low-Cr core of neoblastic garnet. Stage V is an UHP metamorphic garnet-lherzolite stage, which is characterized by the formation of high-Cr rim of both porphyroclastic and neoblastic garnet and recrystallization of olivine, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene in the matrix. During UHP metamorphism, the garnet lherzolite is dehydrated, hornblende decomposed to clinopyroxene and olivine. Stage VI is a high-pressure decompression amphibole garnet-lherzolite stage, indicated by formation of later coarse-grained pargasitic hornblende and phlogopite in the garnet stability field. Stage VII is a low-pressure decompression amphibole-chlorite spinel-lherzolite stage, indicated by replacement of garnet by kelyphite of high-Al orthopyroxene + aluminous spinel + tremolitic amphibole + chlorite + talc. The metamorphic evolutions of Zhimafang garnet lherzolite suggest that it displays progressive mantle wedge convection during the subduction of previous oceanic and subsequent continental slab. We propose that the Zhimafang garnet lherzolite were originated from enriched deep mantle wedge above the previously subducted oceanic slab, subduction of oceanic slab resulted in their convection to shallower back arc and sub-arc setting, decompressional melting transformed the enriched garnet-lherzolite to depleted spinel-hurzbergite or spinel-dunite, the spinel-hurzbergite or spinel dunite was then convected to the hydrous mantle wedge corner driven by corner flow and was cooled and metasomatized by slab-derived melts/fluids, and was transformed to enriched lherzolite. The lherzolites formed a downward mantle wedge layer above successively subducted continental crust. The peridotite subducted together with the underlying continental crust and suffered UHP metamorphism. Finally, the garnet-lherzolite exhumed to the earth surface together with the UHP terrane. Detailed analyses of reaction textures and mineral compositions revealed several stages of metasomatism related to continental subduction and exhumation.