871 resultados para Aquatic humic substance


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A publication of the IDPH Division of Behavioral Health to find out what's happening with Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment.


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This study investigates the potential stages of drug use. Data from the longitudinal Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors were used (N = 5,116). Drug use (alcohol, tobacco, and 16 illicit drugs) over the previous 12 months was assessed at two time points. Patterns and trajectories of drug use were studied using latent transition analysis (LTA). This study's substantive contributions are twofold. First, the pattern of drug use displayed the well-known sequence of drug involvement (licit drugs to cannabis to other illicit drugs), but with an added distinction between two kinds of illicit drugs ("middle-stage" drugs: uppers, hallucinogens, inhaled drugs; and "final-stage" drugs: heroin, ketamine, GHB/GBL, research chemicals, crystal meth, and spice). Second, subgroup membership was stable over time, as the most likely transition was remaining in the same latent class.


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IN BRIEF • More than one in three 11th graders drank alcohol in the past month. • For every four 11th graders in Iowa, one engaged in binge drinking in the past month. • Binge drinking is defined as four or more drinks for females and five or more for males on the same occasion (i.e., at the same time or within a couple of hours of each other) on at least one day in the past 30 days. • A drink refers to one half ounce of alcohol (one 12-oz beer, one 5-oz glass of wine, or one 1-oz shot of 100 proof distilled spirits).


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Summary of biological water quality data collected during the Floods of 2008.


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A publication of the IDPH Division of Behavioral Health to find out what's happening with Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment.


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A publication of the IDPH Division of Behavioral Health to find out what's happening with Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment.


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Inflammation is one possible mechanism underlying the associations between mental disorders and cardiovascular diseases (CVD). However, studies on mental disorders and inflammation have yielded inconsistent results and the majority did not adjust for potential confounding factors. We examined the associations of several pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α) and high sensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP) with lifetime and current mood, anxiety and substance use disorders (SUD), while adjusting for multiple covariates. The sample included 3719 subjects, randomly selected from the general population, who underwent thorough somatic and psychiatric evaluations. Psychiatric diagnoses were made with a semi-structured interview. Major depressive disorder was subtyped into "atypical", "melancholic", "combined atypical-melancholic" and "unspecified". Associations between inflammatory markers and psychiatric diagnoses were assessed using multiple linear and logistic regression models. Lifetime bipolar disorders and atypical depression were associated with increased levels of hsCRP, but not after multivariate adjustment. After multivariate adjustment, SUD remained associated with increased hsCRP levels in men (β = 0.13 (95% CI: 0.03,0.23)) but not in women. After multivariate adjustment, lifetime combined and unspecified depression were associated with decreased levels of IL-6 (β = -0.27 (-0.51,-0.02); β = -0.19 (-0.34,-0.05), respectively) and TNF-α (β = -0.16 (-0.30,-0.01); β = -0.10 (-0.19,-0.02), respectively), whereas current combined and unspecified depression were associated with decreased levels of hsCRP (β = -0.20 (-0.39,-0.02); β = -0.12 (-0.24,-0.01), respectively). Our data suggest that the significant associations between increased hsCRP levels and mood disorders are mainly attributable to the effects of comorbid disorders, medication as well as behavioral and physical CVRFs.


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AIM: To assess the predictors of a significant decrease or cessation of substance use (SU) in a treated epidemiological cohort of first-episode psychosis (FEP) patients. METHOD: Participants were FEP patients of the Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre in Australia. Patients' medical files were reviewed using a standardized file audit. Data on 432 patients with FEP and baseline co-morbid substance use disorder (SUD) were available for analysis. Predictors of reduction/cessation of SU at follow up were examined using logistic regression analyses. RESULTS: In univariate analyses, a reduction/cessation of SU was predicted by baseline measures reflecting higher education, employment, accommodation with others, cannabis use disorder (CUD) only (rather than poly-SUDs), better global functioning and better premorbid social and occupational functioning, later age at onset of psychosis, and a diagnosis of non-affective psychosis. In multivariate analysis, CUD alone and better premorbid social and occupational functioning remained significant predictors. CONCLUSIONS: Addressing SUDs and social and occupational goals in people with FEP may offer opportunities to prevent SUDs becoming more severe or entrenched. Further longitudinal research on recovery from SU and FEP is needed to disentangle directions of influence and identify key targets for intervention.


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Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan kahden yleisen, veden ympäristökuormitusta aiheuttavan kemikaaliryhmän, ligniinin ja humusaineiden, fotokatalyyttistahapetusta (photocatalytic oxidation, PCO) vesiliuoksessa. Fotokatalyyttina käytettiin titaanidioksidia, jota säteilytettiin ultraviolettivalolla. Työssä selvitettiin useiden eri olosuhdeparametrien vaikutusta fotokatalyysiin. Tutkittavia parametreja olivat mm. kontaminanttien alkukonsentraatio, pH, vetyperoksidilisäys, rauta-ionien lisäys, fotokatalyysimenetelmä, fotokatalyytin pintakonsentraatioja titaanidioksidin määrä lasisissa mikropartikkeleissa. Ultraviolettivalon lähteinä käytettiin sekä keinovaloa että auringonvaloa. Katalyytin kantoaineena käytettiin huokoisia lasisia mikropartikkeleita, joiden pintaan kiinnittynyt titaanidioksidi pystyi hyvin vähentämään kontaminanttien määrää vedessä. Fotokatalyysin tehokkuus kasvoi humusaine- ja ligniinikonsentraatioiden kasvaessa. Korkeimmat hapetustehokkuudet kumallakin kontaminantilla saavutettiin neutraaleissa jalievästi emäksisissä olosuhteissa huolimatta siitä, että paras adsorboituminen tapahtui happamissa olosuhteissa. Tämän perusteella voidaan olettaa, että humusaineiden ja ligniinin hapetus tapahtuu pääosin radikaalimekanismilla. Vetyperoksidin lisääminen humusaineliuokseen lisäsi hapettumisnopeutta, vaikka näennäinen hapetustehokkuus ei muuttunut. Tämän perusteella vetyperoksidi hapetti myös humusaineita referenssinäytteessä. Ligniinin fotokatalyyttinen hapettuminen parani vetyperoksidilisäyksellä happamissa olosuhteissa johtuen lisääntyneestä OH-radikaalien muodostumisesta. Ligniini ei hapettunut vetyperoksidilla, jos fotokatalyyttiä ei¿ollut läsnä. Rauta-ionit eivät lisänneet humushappojen fotokatalyyttistähapettumista, mutta Fe2+-ionien lisäys aina konsentraatioon 0.05 mM johti ligniinin hapettumistehokkuuden voimakkaaseen kasvuun. Rauta-ionikonsentraation kasvattaminen edelleen johti ligniinin hapetustehokkuuden alenemiseen.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine the differences between those who gave informed consent to a study on substance use and those who did not, and to analyze whether differences changed with varying nonconsent rates. METHOD: Cross-sectional questionnaire data on demographics, alcohol, smoking, and cannabis use were obtained for 6,099 French- and 5,720 German-speaking 20-year-old Swiss men. Enrollment took place over 11 months for the Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors (C-SURF). Consenters and nonconsenters were asked to complete a short questionnaire. Data for nearly the entire population were available because 94% responded. Weekly differences in consent rates were analyzed. Regressions examined the associations of substance use with consent giving and consent rates and the interaction between the two. RESULTS: Nonconsenters had higher substance use patterns, although they were more often alcohol abstainers; differences were small and not always significant and did not decrease as consent rates increased. CONCLUSIONS: Substance use currently is a minor sensitive topic among young men, resulting in small differences between nonconsenters and consenters. As consent rates increase, additional individuals are similar to those observed at lower consent rates. Estimates of analytical studies looking at associations of substance use with other variables will not differ at reasonable consent rates of 50%-80%. Descriptive prevalence studies may be biased, but only at very low rates of consent.


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3,537 men enrolling in 2007 for mandatory army recruitment procedures were assessed for the co-occurrence of risky licit substance use among risky cannabis users. Risky cannabis use was defined as at least twice weekly; risky alcohol use as 6+ drinks more than once/monthly, or more than 20 drinks per week; and risky tobacco use as daily smoking. Ninety-five percent of all risky cannabis users reported other risky use. They began using cannabis earlier than did non-risky users, but age of onset was unrelated to other risky substance use. A pressing public health issue among cannabis users stems from risky licit substance use warranting preventive efforts within this age group.


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BACKGROUND: Co-morbid substance misuse is common in psychiatric disorders, has potentially severe adverse consequences and may be frequently undetected. AIMS: To measure the prevalence of substance use among patients admitted to a Swiss psychiatric hospital and to examine the potential utility of routine urine drug screening in this setting. METHOD: 266 inpatients were included. 238 patients completed the interview and 240 underwent a urine drug screening. RESULTS: Lifetime prevalence of substance use among psychiatric patients was very high for alcohol (98%; 95% CI: 96-100), benzodiazepines (86%; 95% CI: 82-91) and cannabis (53%; 95% CI: 47-60), but also for "hard drugs" like cocaine (25% ; 95% CI: 19-30) or opiates (20%; 95% CI: 15-25). Regular current use of alcohol (32%; 95% CI: 26-38) or cannabis (17%; 95% CI: 12-22) was the most frequent. Substance use was associated with male sex, younger age, unmarried status and nicotine smoking. Urine screening confirms reports from patients on recent use, and remained positive for cannabis during hospitalisation, but not for cocaine nor for opiates. CONCLUSION: Substance use is frequent among psychiatric patients. Systematic interviewing of patients about their substance use remains essential, and is usually confirmed by urine screening. Urine screening can be useful to provide specific answers about recent use.