378 resultados para Ansys


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Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP) is used as an artificial lift technique. However, pumping viscous oil is generally associated with low Reynolds number flows. This condition leads to a performance degradation respect to the performance expected from the regular operation with water that most of the centrifugal pumps are originally designed for. These issues are considered in this investigation through a numerical study of the flow in two different multistage, semi-axial type ESPs. This investigation is carried out numerically using a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) package, where the transient RANS equations are solved numerically. The turbulence is modeled using the SST model. Head curves for several operating conditions are compared with manufacturer’s curves and experimental data for a three-stage ESP, showing good agreement for a wide range of fluid viscosities and rotational speeds. Dimensionless numbers (n, n, n e Re) are used to investigate performance degradation of the ESPs. In addition, flow phenomena through the impellers of the ESPs are investigated using flow field from numerical results. Results show that performance degradation is directly related to rotational Reynolds number, Re. In addition, it was verified that performance degradation occurs for constant normalized specific speedn, which shows that performance degradation occurs similarly for different centrifugal pumps. Moreover, experimental data and numerical results agreed with a correlation from literature between head and flow correction factors proposed by Stepanoff (1967). A definition of modified Reynolds number was proposed and relates the head correction factor to viscosity. A correlation between head correction factor and the modified Reynolds number was proposed, which agreed well with numerical and experimental data. Then, a method to predict performance degradation based on the previous correlations was proposed. This method was compared with others from literature. In general, results and conclusions from this work can also be useful to bring more information about the flow of highly viscous fluids in pumps, especially in semi-axial, multistage ESPs.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, 2015.


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Centrifugal pumps are vastly used in many industrial applications. Knowledge of how these components behave in several circumstances is crucial for the development of more efficient and, therefore, less expensive pumping installations. The combination of multiple impellers, vaned diffusers and a volute might introduce several complex flow characteristics that largely deviate from regular inviscid pump flow theory. Computational Fluid Dynamics can be very helpful to extract information about which physical phenomena are involved in such flows. In this sense, this work performs a numerical study of the flow in a two-stage centrifugal pump (Imbil ITAP 65-330/2) with a vaned diffuser and a volute. The flow in the pump is modeled using the software Ansys CFX, by means of a multi-block, transient rotor-stator technique, with structured grids for all pump parts. The simulations were performed using water and a mixture of water and glycerin as work fluids. Several viscosities were considered, in a range between 87 and 720 cP. Comparisons between experimental data obtained by Amaral (2007) and numerical head curves showed a good agreement, with an average deviation of 6.8% for water. The behavior of velocity, pressure and turbulence kinetic energy fields was evaluated for several operational conditions. In general, the results obtained by this work achieved the proposed goals and are a significant contribution to the understanding of the flow studied.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade Gama, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Biomédica, 2015.


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This thesis describes the development and correlation of a thermal model that forms the foundation of a thermal capacitance spacecraft propellant load estimator. Specific details of creating the thermal model for the diaphragm propellant tank used on NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale spacecraft using ANSYS and the correlation process implemented are presented. The thermal model was correlated to within +/- 3 Celsius of the thermal vacuum test data, and was determined sufficient to make future propellant predictions on MMS. The model was also found to be relatively sensitive to uncertainties in applied heat flux and mass knowledge of the tank. More work is needed to improve temperature predictions in the upper hemisphere of the propellant tank where predictions were found to be 2-2.5 Celsius lower than the test data. A road map for applying the model to predict propellant loads on the actual MMS spacecraft in 2017-2018 is also presented.


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Wood is considered an ideal solution for floors and roofs building construction, due the mechanical and thermal properties, associated with acoustic conditions. These constructions have good sound absorption, heat insulation and relevant architectonic characteristics. They are used in many civil applications: concert and conference halls, auditoriums, ceilings, walls… However, the high vulnerability of wooden elements submitted to fire conditions requires the evaluation of its structural behaviour with accuracy. The main objective of this work is to present a numerical model to assess the fire resistance of wooden cellular slabs with different perforations. Also the thermal behaviour of the wooden slabs will be compared considering different material insulation, with different sizes, inside the cavities. A transient thermal analysis with nonlinear material behaviour will be solved using ANSYS© program. This study allows to verify the fire resistance, the temperature evolution and the char-layer, throughout a wooden cellular slab with perforations and considering the insulation effect inside the cavities.


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The aim of this thesis is to test the ability of some correlative models such as Alpert correlations on 1972 and re-examined on 2011, the investigation of Heskestad and Delichatsios in 1978, the correlations produced by Cooper in 1982, to define both dynamic and thermal characteristics of a fire induced ceiling-jet flow. The flow occurs when the fire plume impinges the ceiling and develops in the radial direction of the fire axis. Both temperature and velocity predictions are decisive for sprinklers positioning, fire alarms positions, detectors (heat, smoke) positions and activation times and back-layering predictions. These correlative models will be compared with a 3D numerical simulation software CFAST. For the results comparison of temperature and velocity near the ceiling. These results are also compared with a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis, using ANSYS FLUENT.


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Os aneurismas cerebrais são dilatações patológicas das artérias cerebrais e são conhecidos como um dos eventos cerebrovasculares mais comuns e graves. A maioria dos aneurismas cerebrais não provocam sintomas até que se tornem grandes, começando a vazar sangue ou a romperem-se. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é a caracterização do comportamento biomecânico de aneurismas, tendo em consideração diferentes parâmetros geométricos e fisiológicos, de forma a analisar o comportamento da parede de um vaso sanguíneo aquando a formação de um aneurisma. O estudo numérico foi efetuado considerando diferentes modelos constitutivos híper-elásticos, que é o caso dos vasos sanguíneos, com intuito de verificar qual o que melhor se adequa a este tipo de estudos e de analisar e calcular os deslocamentos e as deformações ocorridas no aneurisma cerebral. Os diferentes modelos constitutivos foram aproximados por uma curva de tensão/deformação que contém valores experimentais de um ensaio de tração até à rutura de uma mucosa vaginal. Foram utilizados dois módulos do software Ansys®, sendo estes o Fluent e o Static Structural. O primeiro utilizou-se determinar a pressão exercida pelo fluido na parede interior do canal, sendo este resultado exportado para o Static Structural, permitindo assim fazer o estudo estrutural do canal com aneurisma. Concluiu-se que a nível qualitativo, qualquer modelo constitutivo estudado pode ser utilizado, pois todos mostram o mesmo tipo de distribuição de deslocamentos e deformações. No entanto, os modelos mais fiáveis a nível quantitativo é o modelo de Mooney-Rivlin 5 Parameter e o Polynomial 2nd Order, pois apresentam os mesmos resultados.


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The behaviour of bone tissue during drilling has been subject of recent studies due to its great importance. Because of thermal nature of the bone drilling, high temperatures and thermal mechanical stresses are developed during drilling that affect the process quality. However, there is still a lack information with regard to the distribution of mechanical and thermal stresses during bone drilling. The present paper describes a sequentially coupled thermal-stress analysis to assess the mechanical and thermal stress distribution during bone drilling. A three-dimensional thermo-mechanical model was developed using the ANSYS/LSDYNA finite element code under different drilling conditions. The model incorporates the dynamic characteristics of drilling process, as well as the thermo-mechanical properties of the involved materials. Experimental tests with polyurethane foam materials were also carried out. It was concluded that the use of higher feed-rates lead to a decrease of normal stresses and strains in the foam materials. The experimental and numerical results were compared and showed good agreement. The proposed numerical model could be used to predict the better drilling parameters and minimize the bone injuries.


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Oil production and exploration techniques have evolved in the last decades in order to increase fluid flows and optimize how the required equipment are used. The base functioning of Electric Submersible Pumping (ESP) lift method is the use of an electric downhole motor to move a centrifugal pump and transport the fluids to the surface. The Electric Submersible Pumping is an option that has been gaining ground among the methods of Artificial Lift due to the ability to handle a large flow of liquid in onshore and offshore environments. The performance of a well equipped with ESP systems is intrinsically related to the centrifugal pump operation. It is the pump that has the function to turn the motor power into Head. In this present work, a computer model to analyze the three-dimensional flow in a centrifugal pump used in Electric Submersible Pumping has been developed. Through the commercial program, ANSYS® CFX®, initially using water as fluid flow, the geometry and simulation parameters have been defined in order to obtain an approximation of what occurs inside the channels of the impeller and diffuser pump in terms of flow. Three different geometry conditions were initially tested to determine which is most suitable to solving the problem. After choosing the most appropriate geometry, three mesh conditions were analyzed and the obtained values were compared to the experimental characteristic curve of Head provided by the manufacturer. The results have approached the experimental curve, the simulation time and the model convergence were satisfactory if it is considered that the studied problem involves numerical analysis. After the tests with water, oil was used in the simulations. The results were compared to a methodology used in the petroleum industry to correct viscosity. In general, for models with water and oil, the results with single-phase fluids were coherent with the experimental curves and, through three-dimensional computer models, they are a preliminary evaluation for the analysis of the two-phase flow inside the channels of centrifugal pump used in ESP systems


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Energy consumption in heating and cooling around the world has been a major contributor to global warming. Hence, many studies have been aimed at finding new techniques to save and control energy through energy efficient measures. Most of this energy is used in residential, agricultural and commercial buildings. It is therefore important to adopt energy efficiency measures in these buildings through new technologies and novel building designs. These new building designs can be developed by employing various passive cooling systems. Earth pipe cooling is one of these which can assist to save energy without using any customary mechanical units. This paper investigates the earth pipe cooling performance in a hot humid subtropical climate of Rockhampton, Australia. A thermal model is developed using ANSYS Fluent for measuring its performance. Impacts of air velocity, air temperature, relative humidity and soil temperature on room cooling performance are also assessed. A temperature reduction of around 2 °C was found for the system. This temperature reduction contributed to an energy saving of a maximum of 866.54 kW (8.82%) per year for a 27.23 m3 room.


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Energy crisis is one of the major problems facing the progress of human society. There are several energy-efficient technologies that can be applied to save energy and make a sustainable environment. Passive air cooling of earth pipe cooling technology is one of them to reduce the energy consumption for hot and humid subtropical climates. The technology works with a long buried pipe with one end for intake air and the other end for providing air cooled by soil to the desired space such as residential, agricultural, or industrial buildings. It can be an attractive economical alternative to conventional cooling since there are no compressors or any customary mechanical unit. This chapter reports the performance of a vertical earth pipe cooling system for a hot and humid subtropical climatic zone in Queensland, Australia. A series of buried pipes were installed in vertical arrangement in order to increase earth pipe cooling performance. To measure the performance of the system, a numerical model was developed and simulated using the CFD software Fluent in ANSYS 15.0. Data were collected from two modeled rooms built from two shipping containers and installed at the Sustainable Precinct at Central Queensland University, Rockhampton, Australia. The impact of air temperature and velocity on room cooling performance has also been assessed. A temperature reduction of 1.82 °C was observed in the room connected to the vertical earth pipe cooling system, which will save the energy cost for thermal cooling in buildings.


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Energy efficiency of a building has become a major requirement since the building sector produces 40%-50% of the global greenhouse gas emissions. This can be achieved by improving building’s performance through energy savings, by adopting energy efficient technologies and reducing CO2 emissions. There exist several technologies with less or no environmental impact that can be used to reduce energy consumption of the buildings. Earth pipe cooling system is one of them, which works with a long buried pipe with one end for intake air and the other end for providing air cooled by soil to the building. It is an approach for cooling a room in a passive process without using any habitual mechanical unit. The paper investigates the thermal performance of a horizontal earth pipe cooling system in a hot and humid subtropical climatic zone in Queensland, Australia. An integrated numerical model for the horizontal earth pipe cooling system and the room (or building) was developed using ANSYS Fluent to measure the thermal performance of the system. The impact of air temperature, soil temperature, air velocity and relative humidity on room cooling performance has also been assessed. As the soil temperature was below the outdoor minimum temperature during the peak warming hours of the day, it worked as an effective heat sink to cool the room. Both experimental and numerical results showed a temperature reduction of 1.11oC in the room utilizing horizontal earth pipe cooling system which will assist to save the energy cost in the buildings.


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degli elementi vegetali nella dinamica e nella dispersione degli inquinanti nello street canyon urbano. In particolare, è stato analizzata la risposta fluidodinamica di cespugli con altezze diverse e di alberi con porosità e altezza del tronco varianti. Il modello analizzato consiste in due edifici di altezza e larghezza pari ad H e lunghezza di 10H, tra i quali corre una strada in cui sono stati modellizati una sorgente rappresentativa del traffico veicolare e, ai lati, due linee di componenti vegetali. Le simulazioni sono state fatte con ANSYS Fluent, un software di "Computational Fluid Dynamics"(CFD) che ha permesso di modellizare la dinamica dei flussi e di simulare le concentrazioni emesse dalla sorgente di CO posta lungo la strada. Per la simulazione è stato impiegato un modello RANS a chiusura k-epsilon, che permette di parametrizzare i momenti secondi nell'equazione di Navier Stokes per permettere una loro più facile risoluzione. I risultati sono stati espressi in termini di profili di velocità e concentrazione molare di CO, unitamente al calcolo della exchange velocity per quantificare gli scambi tra lo street canyon e l'esterno. Per quanto riguarda l'influenza dell'altezza dei tronchi è stata riscontrata una tendenza non lineare tra di essi e la exchange velocity. Analizzando invece la altezza dei cespugli è stato visto che all'aumentare della loro altezza esiste una relazione univoca con l'abbassamento della exchange velocity. Infine, andando a variare la permeabilità delle chiome degli alberi è stata trovatta una variazione non monotonica che correla la exchange velocity con il parametro C_2, che è stata interpretata attraverso i diversi andamenti dei profili sopravento e sottovento. In conclusione, allo stadio attuale della ricerca presentata in questa tesi, non è ancora possibile correlare direttamente la exchange velocity con alcun parametro analizzato.


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The objective of this study is to identify the optimal designs of converging-diverging supersonic and hypersonic nozzles that perform at maximum uniformity of thermodynamic and flow-field properties with respect to their average values at the nozzle exit. Since this is a multi-objective design optimization problem, the design variables used are parameters defining the shape of the nozzle. This work presents how variation of such parameters can influence the nozzle exit flow non-uniformities. A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software package, ANSYS FLUENT, was used to simulate the compressible, viscous gas flow-field in forty nozzle shapes, including the heat transfer analysis. The results of two turbulence models, k-e and k-ω, were computed and compared. With the analysis results obtained, the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was applied for the purpose of performing a multi-objective optimization. The optimization was performed with ModeFrontier software package using Kriging and Radial Basis Functions (RBF) response surfaces. Final Pareto optimal nozzle shapes were then analyzed with ANSYS FLUENT to confirm the accuracy of the optimization process.