708 resultados para American Studies.
This flyer promotes the event "El Vedado: History of a Havana Neighborhood Book Presentation by Concepcion Otero".
This flyer promotes the event "Sugar and Revolution ( A Requiem) : Lecture by Duanel Díaz Infante", cosponsored by FlU's Cuban Research Institute, Latin American and Caribbean Center, and the FlU Libraries.
This flyer promotes the event "Cartas a mi hermana en La Habana : Book Presentation by Mercedes Sarduy " sponsored by the School of International and Public Affairs at Florida International University. The event was held and Books & Books in Coral Gables.
This flyer promotes the event "Defining Moments: A Cuban Exile's Story about Discovery and the Search for a Better Future, Lecture by José I. Ramírez",sponsored by the FlU Libraries and the Cuban Research Institute.
Cuba's Judicial System and Transition: Lecture by Antonio G. Rodiles and Amelia Maria Rodríguez Cala
This flyer promotes the event "Cuba's Judicial System and Transition: Lecture by Antonio G. Rodiles and Amelia Maria Rodríguez Cala" cosponsored by the FlU College of Law and the Vaclav Hável Initiative for Human Rights and Diplomacy.
This flyer promotes the event "Cuban Hip-Hop in Miami: A Conversation Moderated by Nora Gámez Torres" hosted by the Cuban Research Institute.
This flyer promotes the event "The Public Health of Cubans and Cuban Americans: A Symposium" cosponsored by the FlU Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine, the Robert Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work, the Latin American and Caribbean Center, and the Center for Research on U.S. Latino HIV/AIDS and Drug Abuse (CRUSADA). Part of the CRI/LACC Cuba and the Professions Lecture Series
This flyer promotes the event "Cuba Faces the Transition : Lecture by Antonio G. Rodilesl", cosponsored by the FlU College of Law, FlU Cuban Research Institute (CRI) and FlU Vaclav Havel Initiative for Human Rights and Democracy.
This flyer promotes the event "Hershey Cuba: Chocolate, Rum, and Nostalgia Lecture by Galina Bakhtiarova".
This flyer promotes the event "Otras mitologías (Other Mythologies) and Catch and Release : Book Presentation by Author Reina María Rodríguez" cosponsored by the School of International and Public Affairs and the Department of Modern Languages and Florida International University. The event was held and Books & Books in Coral Gables.
This flyer promotes the event "The African Roots of Cuban Culture: Artistic and Religious Expressions, A Symposium", cosponsored by the Frost Art Museum and the African & African Diaspora Studies Program at FlU.
This flyer promotes the event "Cuba: La revolución que no fue (Cuba: The Revolution That Wasn't) : Book Presentation by Author Emilio Guede" cosponsored by the School of International and Public Affairs and the Department of Modern Languages and Florida International University. The event was held and Books & Books in Coral Gables.
This flyer promotes the event "¿ Jamaicanos o jamaiquinos? Respectable Blackness and Its Implications for Anti-Racist Activism in 21st-Century Cuba Lecture by Andrea Queeley" hosted by the Cuban Research Institute.
This flyer promotes the event "African Musical Thought in Cuba Lecture by Eurydice Losada" Cosponsored by African and African Diaspora Studies (AADS) at FlU.
This flyer promotes the event "Liberty as Heresy (Why One Writes a Novel) : Lecture by Leonardo Padura" cosponsored by the Cuban Research Institute, FlU's Latin American and Caribbean Center and the Department of Modern Languages and Fundaci6n Amistad.