975 resultados para AQUATIC ECOSYSTEM


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Changes in sustainability of aquatic ecosystems are likely to be brought about by the global warming that has been widely predicted. In this article, the effects of water temperature on water-bodies (lakes, oceans and rivers) are reviewed followed by the effects of temperature on aquatic organisms. Almost all aquatic organisms require exogenous heat before they can metabolise efficiently. An organism that is adapted to warm temperatures will have a higher rate of metabolism of food organisms and this increases feeding rate. In addition, an increase in temperature raises the metabolism of food organisms, so food quality can be altered. Where populations have a different tolerance to temperature the result is habitat partitioning. One effect of prolonged high temperature is that it causes water to evaporate readily. In the marine littoral this is not an important problem as tides will replenish water in pools. Small rain pools are found in many tropical countries during the rainy season and these become incompletely dried at intervals. The biota of such pools must have resistant stages within the life cycle that enable them to cope with periods of drying. The most important potential effects of global warming include (i) the alteration of existing coastlines, (ii) the development of more deserts on some land masses, (iii) higher productivity producing higher crop production but a greater threat of algal blooms and (iv) the processing of organic matter at surface microlayers.


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Data on the distribution of aquatic bugs in Scotland was compiled with a widely-used biological recording software called RECORDER supplemented by a mapping program (DMAP) and a program that linked the two. Status lists are given with a brief account of the distribution of each species. Common and widespread species are listed in group one, including Velia caprai and Gerris lacustris, with less common species in group two such as Hydrometra stagnorum and Microvelia reticulata. Rare, uncommon or under-recorded species are also listed. These include Hebrus ruficeps, Gerris najas and Cymatia coleoptrata.


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This article explores aspects of sustainability and the importance of sustainable development, including the place of the crucially important resource of fresh water and of freshwater ecosystems. It examines the treatment of natural resources by the economic system that underpins global business, outlines some progress towards more sustainable approaches to business, and recommends steps to re-establish science as the driver of wise policies that contribute to sustainable development.


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Climate change is amongst the most dreaded problems of the new millennium. Bangladesh is a coastal country bounded by Bay of Bengal on its southern part and here natural disasters are an ongoing part of human life. This paper discusses about the possible impact of climate change through tropical cyclones, storm surges, coastal erosion and sea level rise in the coastal community of Bangladesh and how they cope with these extreme events by the help of mangrove ecosystem. Both qualitative and quantitative discussions are made by collected data from different research work those are conducted in Bangladesh. Mangrove ecosystem provides both goods and services for coastal community, helps to improve livelihood options and protect them from natural disaster by providing variety of environmental support


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A major part of the support for fundamental research on aquatic ecosystems continues to be provided by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). Funds are released for ”thematic” studies in a selected special topic or programme. ”Testable Models of Aquatic Ecosystems” was a Special Topic of the NERC, initiated in 1995, the aim of which was to promote ecological modelling by making new links between experimental aquatic biologists and state-of-the-art modellers. The Topic covered both marine and freshwater systems. This paper summarises projects on aspects of the responses of individual organisms to the effects of environmental variability, on the assembly, permanence and resilience of communities, and on aspects of spatial models. The authors conclude that the NERC Special Topic has been highly successful in promoting the development and application of models, most particularly through the interplay between experimental ecologists and formal modellers.


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Ponds and shallow lakes are likely to be strongly affected by climate change, and by increase in environmental temperature in particular. Hydrological regimes and nutrient cycling may be altered, plant and animal communities may undergo changes in both composition and dynamics, and long-term and difficult to reverse switches between alternative stable equilibria may occur. A thorough understanding of the potential effects of increased temperature on ponds and shallow lakes is desirable because these ecosystems are of immense importance throughout the world as sources of drinking water, and for their amenity and conservation value. This understanding can only come through experimental studies in which the effects of different temperature regimes are compared. This paper reports design details and operating characteristics of a recently constructed experimental facility consisting of 48 aquatic microcosms which mimic the pond and shallow lake environment. Thirty-two of the microcosms can be heated and regulated to simulate climate change scenarios, including those predicted for the UK. The authors also summarise the current and future experimental uses of the microcosms.


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Ponds are unjustly neglected habitats. This paper aims to raise awareness of the potential interaction between angling and the macrophyte vegetation of ponds. The work described by the author followed on from a study of 57 ponds in East Yorkshire, northeast England, by Linton & Goulder (2000). They found that the species richness of aquatic vascular plants (macrophytes) is greater in ponds that are used for angling and suggest that to some extent there are more species because disturbance by anglers leads to greater habitat diversity. This article describes how the hypothesis was tested by comparing species richness at fished sites with that at non-fished sites around the margins of ponds in two localities in East Yorkshire. The localities were investigated during August-September 1999.


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Upland stream systems have been extensively investigated in Europe, North America and Australasia and many of the central ideas concerning their function are based on these systems. One central paradigm, the river continuum concept is ultimately derived from those North American streams whose catchments remain forested with native vegetation. Streams of the tropics may or may not fit the model. They have been little studied. The Amani Nature Reserve in the East Usambara Mountains of north-eastern Tanzania offers an opportunity to bring these naturally forested systems to the attention of the ecological community. This article describes a comparison made between two lengths of the River Dodwe in this area. The work was carried out by a group of postgraduate students from eighteen European and African countries with advice from five staff members, as part of a course organised by the Tropical Biology Association. Rigorous efforts were made to standardise techniques, in a situation where equipment and laboratory facilities were very basic, through a management structure and deliberate allocation of work to specialists in each area.The article offers a summary of invertebrate communities found in the stream and its biomass. Crabs seem to be the key organism in both sections of the streams.


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The method of E.V. Borutski was used for determining the production of chironomids, that is, the dynamics of the number and biomass of the larvae were analysed, their death, a calculation of emergence and the number of deposited egg layings was carried out. In addition to the method of Borutski, the authors also calculated the seasonal dynamics of the number of larvae of the younger age stages in the microbenthos.


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Recent research has shown that the biomass of bacteria in lakes and other water-bodies can attain significant values. The huge production of bacteria is brought about by their great rate of reproduction. In a series of cases their biomass exceeds the biomass of phytoplankton. Therefore in a study of the biological productivity of water bodies it is necessary to calculate the biomass and production not only of the phyto- and zooplankton, but also of bacteria.The authors uses different methods and formulae to to compare the time of one generation of the bacteria.


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A great deal has been written on the part which birds play in the dispersal of freshwater fauna. This article summarises literature on the dispersal of aquatic animals by birds and aquatic insects.


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The zooplankton and macrobenthic communities of Lake Victoria were sampled by lift net and Ponar grab, respectively. The zooplankton comprised copepods and cladocerans, rotifers and aquatic insect larvae. Most taxa exhibited wide distribution in the lake, with the exception of rotifers which were rare in deep offshore waters. The main components in the macro-benthos were chaoborid and chironomid larvae and molluscs. Caridina nilotica (Roux) and other groups were rare in the samples. Zooplankton density ranged from 100000 or more to 4 million ind. m2 and increased from the shallow inshore to deep offshore waters. Numerical dominance of cyclopoids and nauplius larvae was a common feature at all stations sampled. Most macrobenthic taxa were also widely distributed, although chaoborid and chironomid larvae were rare in the samples. Rastrineobola argentea (Pellegrin) and larval Lates niloticus (L.) ate mainly cyclopoid copepods, while cichlids showed a strong preference for adult insects. High ecological stability of the cyclopoids, and the zooplankton community in general, despite radical ecosystem changes in recent years, coupled with what appears to be high predation pressure, offers good prospects for the pelagic fishery in the lake.


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This study focusses on the plants in the open parts of the lake - mostly aquatic charophytes and mosses, in what are called in Lake Sevan (Armenia), the ”zones of chara and moss”. Distribution and other ecological conditions are reviewed. Quantity of chara in the littoral zone of lake Sevan is provided


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Since 1975 the wildlife interest of the Somerset Levels and Moors have been assessed. Detailed information has been obtained on the conservation interest of meadows, breeding and wintering bird populations and the botany of aquatic habitats (rhynes). Little work to date has been carried out on the terrestrial and aquatic invertebrate fauna. The prime aim of this survey was to sample a wide variety of rhynes in order to obtain information on the nature and distribution of aquatic invertebrates.