876 resultados para ALCOHOL-DRINKING


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Background: Brief motivational intervention (BMI) is one of the few effective strategies targeting alcohol consumption, but has not been tested in young men in the community. We evaluated the efficacy of BMI in reducing alcohol use and related problems among binge drinkers and in maintaining low-risk drinking among non-bingers. Methods: A random sample of a census of men included during army conscription (which is mandatory for 20-year-old males in Switzerland) was randomized to receive a single face-to-face BMI session (N = 199) or no intervention (N = 219). A six-month follow-up rate was obtained for 88.7% of the subjects. Results: Among binge drinkers, there was 20% less drinking in the BMI group versus the control group (incidence rate ratio = 0.80, confidence interval 0.66-0.98, p = 0.03): the BMI group showed a weekly reduction of 1.5 drinks compared to an increase of 0.8 drinks weekly in the control group. Among subjects who experienced one or more alcohol-related consequences over the last 12 months, there was 19% less drinking in the BMI group compared to the control group (incidence rate ratio = 0.81; confidence interval 0.67-0.97, p = 0.04). Among non-bingers, BMI did not contribute to the maintenance of low-risk drinking. Conclusion: BMI reduced the alcohol use of binge drinkers, particularly among those who experienced certain alcohol-related adverse consequences. No preventive effect of BMI was observed among non-bingers. BMI is a plausible secondary preventive option for young binge drinkers. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVES: The present study examines whether depressed mood and external control mediate or moderate the relationship between the number of social roles and alcohol use. PARTICIPANTS: The analysis was based on a national representative sample of 25- to 45-year-old male and female drinkers in Switzerland. METHOD: The influence of depressed mood and external control on the relationship between the number of social roles (parenthood, partnership, employment) and alcohol use was examined in linear structural equation models (mediation) and in multiple regressions (moderation) stratified by gender. All analyses were adjusted for age and education level. RESULTS: Holding more roles was associated with lower alcohol use, lower external control and lower depressed mood. The study did not find evidence of depressed mood or external control mediating the social roles-alcohol relationship. A moderation effect was identified among women only, whereby a protective effect of having more roles could not be found among those who scored high on external control. In general, a stronger link was observed between roles and alcohol use, while depressed mood and external control acted independently on drinking. With the exception of women with high external control, the study found no link between a higher number of social roles and greater alcohol use. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that drinking behaviours are more strongly linked to external control and depressed mood than they are to the number of social roles. The study also demonstrates that in any effective alcohol prevention policy, societal actions that enable individuals to combine more social roles play a central role.


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To better address the issue of underage drinking in the State of Iowa, a State Underage Drinking Task Force was formed to research the problem and develop a strategic plan of action. The Task Force was working on the development of goals and actions when the Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Prevent and Reduce Underage Drinking 2007 was released. Due to the similarity in the goals outlined in the Call to Action with those they had developed, the Task Force, along with the DPAC, is recommending that the document be used as the basis for the plan to curb underage drinking. The Call to Action is based on several overarching principles from which its goals and the means for achieving them were derived.


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BACKGROUND: Social roles influence alcohol use. Nevertheless, little is known about how specific aspects of a given role, here parenthood, may influence alcohol use. The research questions for this study were the following: (i) are family-related indicators (FRI) linked to the alcohol use of mothers and fathers? and (ii) does the level of employment, i.e. full-time, part-time employment or unemployment, moderate the relationship between FRI and parental alcohol use? METHODS: Survey data of 3217 parents aged 25-50 living in Switzerland. Mean comparisons and multiple regression models of annual frequency of drinking and risky single occasion drinking, quantity per day on FRI (age of the youngest child, number of children in the household, majority of child-care/household duties). RESULTS: Protective relationships between FRI and alcohol use were observed among mothers. In contrast, among fathers, detrimental associations between FRI and alcohol use were observed. Whereas maternal responsibilities in general had a protective effect on alcohol use, the number of children had a detrimental impact on the quantity of alcohol consumed per day when mothers were in paid employment. Among fathers, the correlations between age of the youngest child, number of children and frequency of drinking was moderated by the level of paid employment. CONCLUSION: The study showed that in Switzerland, a systematic negative relationship was more often found between FRI and women's drinking than men's. Evidence was found that maternal responsibilities per se may protect from alcohol use but can turn into a detrimental triangle if mothers are additionally in paid employment.


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This study assesses whether severity of physical partner aggression is associated with alcohol consumption at the time of the incident, and whether the relationship between drinking and aggression severity is the same for men and women and across different countries. National or large regional general population surveys were conducted in 13 countries as part of the GENACIS collaboration. Respondents described the most physically aggressive act done to them by a partner in the past 2 years, rated the severity of aggression on a scale of 1 to 10, and reported whether either partner had been drinking when the incident occurred. Severity ratings were significantly higher for incidents in which one or both partners had been drinking compared to incidents in which neither partner had been drinking. The relationship did not differ significantly for men and women or by country. We conclude that alcohol consumption may serve to potentiate violence when it occurs, and this pattern holds across a diverse set of cultures. Further research is needed that focuses explicitly on the nature of alcohol's contribution to intimate partner aggression. Prevention needs to address the possibility of enhanced dangers of intimate partner violence when the partners have been drinking and eliminate any systemic factors that permit alcohol to be used as an excuse. Clinical services for perpetrators and victims of partner violence need to address the role of drinking practices, including the dynamics and process of aggressive incidents that occur when one or both partners have been drinking.


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BACKGROUND: Visual analog scales (VAS) are sometimes used to assess change constructs that are often considered critical for change. Aims of Study: 1.) To determine the association of readiness to change, importance of changing and confidence in ability to change alcohol and tobacco use at baseline with the risk for drinking (more than 21 drinks per week/6 drinks or more on a single occasion more than once per month) and smoking (one or more cigarettes per day) six months later. 2.) To determine the association of readiness, importance and confidence with alcohol (number of drinks/week, number of binge drinking episodes/month) and tobacco (number of cigarettes/day) use at six months. METHODS: This is a secondary analysis of data from a multi-substance brief intervention randomized trial. A sample of 461 Swiss young men was analyzed as a prospective cohort. Participants were assessed at baseline and six months later on alcohol and tobacco use, and at baseline on readiness to change, importance of changing and confidence in ability to change constructs, using visual analog scales ranging from 1-10 for drinking and smoking behaviors. Regression models controlling for receipt of brief intervention were employed for each change construct. The lowest level (1-4) of each scale was the reference group that was compared to the medium (5-7) and high (8-10) levels. RESULTS: Among the 377 subjects reporting unhealthy alcohol use at baseline, mean (SD) readiness, importance and confidence to change drinking scores were 3.9 (3.0), 2.7 (2.2) and 7.2 (3.0), respectively. At follow-up, 108 (29%) reported no unhealthy alcohol use. Readiness was not associated with being risk-free at follow-up, but high importance (OR 2.94; 1.15, 7.50) and high confidence (OR 2.88; 1.46, 5.68) were. Among the 255 smokers at baseline, mean readiness, importance and confidence to change smoking scores were 4.6 (2.6), 5.3 (2.6) and 5.9 (2.7), respectively. At follow-up, 13% (33) reported no longer smoking. Neither readiness nor importance was associated with being a non-smoker, whereas high confidence (OR 3.29; 1.12, 9.62) was. CONCLUSIONS: High confidence in ability to change was associated with favorable outcomes for both drinking and smoking, whereas high importance was associated only with a favorable drinking outcome. This study points to the value of confidence as an important predictor of successful change for both drinking and smoking, and shows the value of importance in predicting successful changes in alcohol use. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: ISRCTN78822107.


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SummaryThe alcohol use of adolescents and young adults is one of the world's most important and costliest health problems. Particularly, binge drinking (i.e. drinking an important amount of alcohol in one occasion) among young people increase the risk of detrimental consequences such as blackouts, injuries, at-risk sexual behaviors, involvement in violent acts, academic failure, and suicide attempts. In countries with mandatory conscription mechanisms, such as Switzerland, the army provides a unique opportunity to reach a large portion of this high risk population. We used this sample to evaluate the prevalence of binge drinking among young men, to test the efficacy of brief motivational interventions (BMI) as a primary and secondary preventive measure, and to examine the mechanisms underlying BMI in this age group.We showed that binge drinking among young French-speaking Swiss men is less of an exception than it is the norm. Of those using alcohol, 75.5% had a binge drinking episode at least monthly, and 69.3% of all consumption reported in a one-week diary was due to binge drinking days.We used two different inclusion modes to evaluate the success of alcohol BMI. In the first randomized controlled trial, inclusion relied on a random selection of conscripts. BMI efficacy was evaluated in a sample of conscripts who visited the army recruitment centre that is potentially generalizable to the entire population. In the second randomized controlled trial, we included subjects voluntarily participating in BMI. This venue might be more realistic for young adults; it is more akin to the MI spirit, in which it is crucial for individuals to control their own decisions.Regarding BMI efficacy as a secondary prevention measure (i.e. to help decrease alcohol use among at-risk drinkers, defined here as those having a binge drinking episode at least monthly), it was effective among randomly selected at-risk drinkers, whereas it was not effective among at-risk drinkers who voluntarily showed up. Individuals who showed interest in BMI had more severe patterns of alcohol use, which may have made change more difficult and calls for treatment that is more intensive. BMI demonstrated a 20% reduction in weekly alcohol use among randomly selected participants, indicating potential interest in BMI implementation within similar community settings.Regarding BMI efficacy as a primary prevention measure (i.e. to help maintain low levels of use among low-risk drinkers), it had significant protective effects among low-risk drinkers voluntarily showing up whereas it was not effective among low-risk drinkers randomly selected. This suggests that BMI might help young individuals keep their drinking at low levels, especially when they are interested in discussing their alcohol use. Therefore, BMI has potentially promising uses in primary prevention efforts. The content of these interventions for low-risk drinkers who do not seek BMI on their own should be further evaluated.BMI mechanisms were addressed since little is known about exactly which elements of it work, or which of the counselor and subject communication behaviors are most effective in triggering behavior changes. The causal chain hypothesis developed in the motivational interviewing (MI) theory was followed, and it was found that counselor behaviors consistent with the MI approach (MICO) were significantly more likely to be followed by participant language in favor of change (change talk, CT), while behaviors inconsistent with MI (MIIN) were significantly less likely to do so. Several CT dimensions measured during BMI (particularly Ability, Desire, and Need to change) were predictive of change in alcohol use. Our findings lend strong support for the use of MICO behaviors and the avoidance of MIIN behaviors in eliciting CT, and point out that particular attention should be paid to the utterances in several sub-dimensions of CT and to the strength of expression, since these are good indicators of potential actual behavior change in future.RésuméLa consommation d'alcool chez les adolescents et les jeunes adultes est un des problèmes de santé les plus importants et les plus coûteux dans le monde. En particulier, les consommations importantes d'alcool en une occasion (binge drinking) parmi les jeunes adultes ont été liées à des conséquences telles que pertes de connaissance, accidents et blessures, comportements sexuels à risque, violences, difficultés scolaires et tentatives de suicide. Les pays qui, comme la Suisse, connaissent un processus de recrutement obligatoire pour l'armée offrent une opportunité unique d'atteindre une large portion de cette population à hauts risques. Nous avons utilisé cet échantillon pour évaluer la prévalence du binge drinking parmi les jeunes hommes, pour tester l'efficacité de l'intervention brève motivationnelle (IBM) comme mesure de prévention primaire et secondaire, et pour examiner les mécanismes sous-tendant ce type d'interventions.La première partie de cette étude montre que le binge drinking est moins une exception que la norme parmi les jeunes hommes suisses francophones. 75.5% des personnes consommant de l'alcool avaient au moins un épisode de binge drinking par mois et 69.3% du total des boissons alcoolisées reportées comme consommation de la semaine précédant le questionnaire avaient été consommées lors d'épisodes de binge drinking.Pour évaluer l'efficacité de l'IBM dans ce cadre, nous avons utilisé deux modes d'inclusion. Dans une première étude randomisée contrôlée, nous avons inclus des personnes sélectionnées au hasard parmi toutes celles se présentant au centre de recrutement, créant ainsi un groupe potentiellement représentatif de l'ensemble du collectif. Dans la deuxième étude randomisée contrôlée, nous avons inclus des sujets se présentant volontairement pour recevoir une IBM, prendre des volontaires pouvant être plus proche de la réalité et plus proche de l'esprit motivationnel dans lequel il est crucial que l'individu contrôle ses décisions.En regardant l'IBM comme mesure de prévention secondaire (c'est-à-dire aider à diminuer la consommation d'alcool chez les consommateurs à risque, définis ici comme au moins un épisode de binge drinking par mois), l'IBM était efficace lorsque les participants étaient inclus au hasard et inefficace lorsqu'ils étaient volontaires. Les jeunes hommes volontaires pour un IBM avaient un mode de consommation particulièrement sévère qui pourrait être plus difficile à changer et nécessiter un traitement plus intensif. Parmi les personnes sélectionnées au hasard, l'IBM permettait une diminution de 20% de la consommation hebdomadaire d'alcool, montrant l'intérêt potentiel d'une implémentation de ce type de mesures dans des contextes communautaires similaires.En ce qui concerne l'IBM comme mesure de prévention primaire (c'est-à-dire aider à maintenir une consommation à bas risque chez les consommateurs à bas risque), l'IBM avaient un effet protectif significatif parmi les jeunes hommes volontaires pour une IBM, mais pas d'effet chez ceux sélectionnés au hasard. Ces résultats suggèrent que l'IBM pourrait aider de jeunes personnes à maintenir un niveau de consommation à bas risque si celles-ci s'intéressent à discuter cette consommation et aurait ainsi un potentiel intéressant comme mesure de prévention primaire. Le contenu de l'IBM pour des consommateurs à bas risque non-volontaires pour une IBM devra encore être évalué.Nous avons ensuite examiné les mécanismes de l'IBM car son fonctionnement est encore peu expliqué et les comportements de l'intervenant et du sujet les plus à même de provoquer le changement ne sont pas bien définis. En suivant l'hypothèse d'une chaine causale développée dans la littérature de l'entretien motivationnel (EM), nous avons pu montrer qu'un discours en faveur du changement chez le sujet était plus probable après des comportements de l'intervenant recommandés dans l'EM et moins probable après des comportements à éviter dans l'EM ; et que plusieurs dimensions de ce discours en faveur du changement (notamment la capacité, le désir et le besoin de changer) prédisaient un changement effectif dans la consommation d'alcool. Ces résultats encouragent donc à utiliser des comportements recommandés dans l'EM pour favoriser un discours en faveur du changement. Ils montrent aussi qu'une attention particulière doit être portée à la fréquence et à la force avec laquelle sont exprimées certaines dimensions de ce discours car ceux-ci indiquent un potentiel changement effectif de comportement.Résumé vulgariséLa consommation d'alcool chez les adolescents et les jeunes adultes est un des problèmes de santé les plus importants et les plus coûteux dans le monde. En particulier, les consommations importantes d'alcool en une occasion (binge drinking) parmi les jeunes adultes augmentent fortement les risques de conséquences telles que pertes de connaissance, accidents et blessures, comportements sexuels à risque, violences, difficultés scolaires et tentatives de suicide. Les pays qui, comme la Suisse, connaissent un processus de recrutement obligatoire pour l'armée offrent une opportunité unique d'atteindre une large portion de cette population à hauts risques. Nous avons utilisé cet échantillon pour évaluer l'importance du phénomène de binge drinking, pour tester l'efficacité de l'intervention brève motivationnelle (IBM) comme mesure de prévention de la consommation à risque d'alcool, et pour examiner comment fonctionne ce type d'interventions.La première partie de cette étude montre que le binge drinking est moins une exception que la norme parmi les jeunes hommes suisses francophones. Trois quart des personnes consommant de l'alcool avaient au moins un épisode de binge drinking par mois. Presque 70% du total des boissons alcoolisées consommées durant la semaine précédant le questionnaire avaient été consommées lors d'épisodes de binge drinking.Nous avons ensuite mené deux études pour évaluer l'efficacité de l'IBM dans ce cadre. Dans une première étude, nous avons sélectionné des personnes au hasard parmi toutes celles se présentant au centre de recrutement, créant ainsi un groupe potentiellement représentatif de l'ensemble du collectif. Dans la deuxième étude, nous avons inclus toutes les personnes se présentant volontairement pour recevoir une IBM, prendre des volontaires pouvant être plus proche de la réalité et plus proche de l'approche motivationnelle dans laquelle il est crucial que l'individu contrôle ses décisions. Dans les deux études, nous testions l'efficacité de l'IBM comme mesure de prévention primaire et secondaire (voir ci-dessous).En regardant l'IBM comme mesure de prévention secondaire (c'est-à-dire aider à diminuer la consommation d'alcool chez les consommateurs à risque, définis ici comme au moins un épisode de binge drinking par mois), l'IBM était efficace lorsque les participants étaient inclus au hasard et inefficace lorsqu'ils étaient volontaires. Les jeunes hommes volontaires pour un IBM avaient un mode de consommation particulièrement sévère qui pourrait être plus difficile à changer et nécessiter un traitement plus intensif. Parmi les personnes sélectionnées au hasard, l'IBM permettait une diminution de 20% de la consommation hebdomadaire d'alcool, montrant l'intérêt potentiel de la mise en place de ce type de mesures dans des contextes communautaires similaires.En ce qui concerne l'IBM comme mesure de prévention primaire (c'est-à-dire aider à maintenir une consommation à bas risque chez les consommateurs à bas risque), l'IBM avaient un effet protectif parmi les jeunes hommes volontaires pour une IBM, mais pas d'effet chez ceux sélectionnés au hasard. Ces résultats suggèrent que l'IBM pourrait aider de jeunes personnes à maintenir un niveau de consommation à bas risque si celles-ci s'intéressent à discuter de cette consommation. Le contenu de l'IBM pour des consommateurs à bas risque non-volontaires pour une IBM devra encore être évalué.Nous avons ensuite examiné le fonctionnement de l'IBM et cherché quels comportements de l'intervenant et du jeune homme pouvaient être les plus à même d'amener à un changement dans la consommation. Nous avons pu montrer que 1) un discours en faveur du changement chez le jeune homme était plus probable après des comportements de l'intervenant recommandés dans l'approche motivationnelle et moins probable après des comportements non-recommandés ; et 2) plusieurs dimensions de ce discours en faveur du changement (notamment la capacité, le désir et le besoin de changer) prédisaient un changement effectif dans la consommation d'alcool. Ces résultats encouragent donc à utiliser des comportements recommandés dans l'EM pour favoriser un discours en faveur du changement. Ils montrent aussi qu'une attention particulière doit être portée à certaines dimensions de ce discours car celles-ci indiquent un potentiel changement effectif de comportement.


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Client change talk (CT) during motivational interviewing and brief motivational interventions (BMIs) have been described as predictors of behavior change, but these links have not been clearly evaluated in research on young people. Within 127 BMIs with 20-year-old men with at-risk alcohol consumption, each CT utterance was categorized and given a strength rating using the Motivational Interviewing Skill Code 2.1. Several ways of categorizing and measuring CT were tested using stepwise regression procedures. Overall CT measures were not significantly related to changes in drinking at 6-month follow-up. Regarding CT sub-dimensions, the frequency of ability/desire/need to change and of ability/desire/need not to change, as well as the average strength of ability/desire/need, predicted significant change in the expected direction. CT length was not significantly linked to outcome. The frequency and strength with which some CT sub-dimensions are expressed during BMI seemed to be important predictors of change in drinking among young men and might thus be especially important for clinicians to notice.


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Aims :¦Several studies have questioned the validity of separating the diagnosis of alcohol abuse from that of alcohol dependence, and the DSM-5 task force has proposed combining the criteria from these two diagnoses to assess a single category of alcohol use disorders (AUD). Furthermore, the DSM-5 task force has proposed including a new 2-symptom threshold and a severity scale based on symptom counts for the AUD diagnosis. The current study aimed to examine these modifications in a large population-based sample.¦Method :¦Data stemmed from an adult sample (N=2588 ; mean age 51.3 years (s.d.: 0.2), 44.9% female) of current and lifetime drinkers from the PsyCoLaus study, conducted in the Lausanne area in Switzerland. AUDs and validating variables were assessed using a semi-structured diagnostic interview for the assessment of alcohol¦and other major psychiatric disorders. First, the adequacy of the proposed 2- symptom threshold was tested by comparing threshold models at each possible cutoff and a linear model, in relation to different validating variables. The model with the smallest Akaike Criterion Information (AIC) value was established as the best¦model for each validating variable. Second, models with varying subsets of individual AUD symptoms were created to assess the associations between each symptom and the validating variables. The subset of symptoms with the smallest AIC value was established as the best subset for each validator.¦Results :¦1) For the majority of validating variables, the linear model was found to be the best fitting model. 2) Among the various subsets of symptoms, the symptoms most frequently associated with the validating variables were : a) drinking despite having knowledge of a physical or psychological problem, b) having had a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control drinking and c) craving. The¦least frequent symptoms were : d) drinking in larger amounts or over a longer period than was intended, e) spending a great deal of time in obtaining, using or recovering from alcohol use and f) failing to fulfill major role obligations.¦Conclusions :¦The proposed DSM-5 2-symptom threshold did not receive support in our data. Instead, a linear AUD diagnosis was supported with individuals receiving an increasingly severe AUD diagnosis. Moreover, certain symptoms were more frequently associated with the validating variables, which suggests that these¦symptoms should be considered as more severe.


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Excessive alcohol consumption represents a major risk factor for morbidity and mortality. It is therefore indispensable to be able to detect at-risk drinking. Ethyl glucuronide (EtG) is a specific marker of alcohol consumption. The determination of ethyl glucuronide in urine or blood can be used to prove recent driving under the influence of alcohol, even if ethanol is no longer detectable. The commercialization of an EtG specific immunological assay now allows to obtain preliminary results rapidly and easily with satisfying sensitivity. Moreover, the detection of ethyl glucuronide in hair offers the opportunity to evaluate an alcohol consumption over a long period. The EtG concentration in hair is in correlation with the amount of ingested alcohol. Thus, the analysis of ethyl glucuronide can be used to monitor abstinence, to detect alcohol relapse and to identify at-risk drinkers. However, a cut off allowing to detect chronic alcohol abuser reliably still does not exist. Therefore, it is recommended to perform the analysis of ethyl glucuronide in complement to the existing blood markers. A study financed by the Swiss Foundation for Alcohol Research is actually conducted by the West Switzerland University Center of Legal Medicine in order to establish an objective cut-off.


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This study assesses whether severity of physical partner aggression is associated with alcohol consumption at the time of the incident, and whether the relationship between drinking and aggression severity is the same for men and women and across different countries. National or large regional general population surveys were conducted in 13 countries as part of the GENACIS collaboration. Respondents described the most physically aggressive act done to them by a partner in the past 2 years, rated the severity of aggression on a scale of 1 to 10, and reported whether either partner had been drinking when the incident occurred. Severity ratings were significantly higher for incidents in which one or both partners had been drinking compared to incidents in which neither partner had been drinking. The relationship did not differ significantly for men and women or by country. We conclude that alcohol consumption may serve to potentiate violence when it occurs, and this pattern holds across a diverse set of cultures. Further research is needed that focuses explicitly on the nature of alcohol's contribution to intimate partner aggression. Prevention needs to address the possibility of enhanced dangers of intimate partner violence when the partners have been drinking and eliminate any systemic factors that permit alcohol to be used as an excuse. Clinical services for perpetrators and victims of partner violence need to address the role of drinking practices, including the dynamics and process of aggressive incidents that occur when one or both partners have been drinking.


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Brief alcohol interventions (BAI) have shown the potential to decrease problematic alcohol use among adolescents and young adults. Most of the BAI studies have been efficacy trials designed to achieve high internal validity but have raised questions regarding the feasibility of large-scale implementation. Providing interventions for those voluntarily wanting them might offer an alternative, and studies using this design would be more similar to effectiveness studies. The present research compares randomly selected 20-year-old men who took part in a scientific trial (efficacy) with those who voluntarily sought an intervention (effectiveness). Sampling took place during army recruitment procedures that are mandatory for all males in Switzerland. At-risk drinking (20+ drinks per week, or more than one risky drinking occasion of 6+ drinks per month) was determined a posteriori; there was no screening. There were a higher percentage of at-risk drinkers in the volunteer arm at baseline, but at-risk drinkers did not differ from those in the trial arm on any of the assessed alcohol measures. This suggests that offering BAI on a large-scale, voluntary basis may reach at-risk drinkers as effectively as do more scientifically oriented trials, without needing to adhere to screening and stringent research procedures. Nevertheless, BAI was more effective for at-risk drinkers who were invited for trial participation versus those who volunteered. This could be due to behavior that is already consolidated and is difficult to change. Lacking further modifications, real-world implementations of BAI for young men may be less effective than randomized controlled trials designed to test the efficacy of BAI.


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Background: Visual analog scales (VAS) are used to assess readiness to changeconstructs, which are often considered critical for change.Objective: We studied whether 3 constructs -readiness to change, importance of changing and confidence inability to change- predict risk status 6 months later in 20 year-old men with either orboth of two behaviors: risky drinking and smoking. Methods: 577 participants in abrief intervention randomized trial were assessed at baseline and 6 months later onalcohol and tobacco consumption and with three 1-10 VAS (readiness, importance,confidence) for each behavior. For each behavior, we used one regression model foreach constructs. Models controlled for receipt of a brief intervention and used thelowest level (1-4) in each construct as the reference group (vs medium (5-7) and high(8-10) levels).Results: Among the 475 risky drinkers, mean (SD) readiness, importance and confidence to change drinking were 4.0 (3.1), 2.8 (2.2) and 7.2 (3.0).Readiness was not associated with being alcohol-risk free 6 months later (OR 1.3[0.7; 2.2] and 1.4 [0.8; 2.6] for medium and high readiness). High importance andhigh confidence were associated with being risk free (OR 0.9 [0.5; 1.8] and 2.9 [1.2;7.5] for medium and high importance; 2.1 [1.0;4.8] and 2.8 [1.5;5.6] for medium andhigh confidence). Among the 320 smokers, mean readiness, importance andconfidence to change smoking were 4.6 (2.6), 5.3 (2.6) and 5.9 (2.6). Neitherreadiness nor importance were associated with being smoking free (OR 2.1 [0.9; 4.7]and 2.1 [0.8; 5.8] for medium and high readiness; 1.4 [0.6; 3.4] and 2.1 [0.8; 5.4] formedium and high importance). High confidence was associated with being smokingfree (OR 2.2 [0.8;6.6] and 3.4 [1.2;9.8] for medium and high confidence).Conclusions: For drinking and smoking, high confidence in ability to change wasassociated -with similar magnitude- with a favorable outcome. This points to thevalue of confidence as an important predictor of successful change.