918 resultados para ACTIVITY LEVELS


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Occupational stress is common among nurses. Two factors that may influence stress levels are diet and physical activity. The purpose of this study was to investigate the diets and physical activity levels of nurses and to quantify the relationships between these behaviours and anxiety, depressed mood, stress, and burnout. Nurses (N = 52) from one regional hospital completed a survey assessing physical activity, nutrition, and psychological functioning. Almost two-thirds (65%) of participants had met recommended levels of both moderate and vigorous physical activity in the week prior. Participants met recommended levels for fruit, but not vegetable, consumption. Burnout and stress levels were close to norms for physicians and nurses. Scores for depressed mood, anxiety, and stress symptoms were within one standard deviation of norms for the Australian adult population. Several moderately sized correlations were found between the psychological constructs measured and both physical activity and nutrition. Although most of the participants were physically active and seemed to be consuming nutritious diets, some nurses may need encouragement to adopt similarly healthy behaviours.


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BACKGROUND: As physical activity levels decrease as children age, sustainable and accessible forms of physical activity are needed from a young age. Transportation cycling is one such physical activity and has been associated with many benefits. The aims of the study were to identify whether manipulating micro-environmental factors (e.g. speed limis, evenness of cycle path) within a photographed street influences the perceived supportiveness for transportation cycling; and whether changing these micro-environmental factors has the same effect across different street settings. METHODS: We recruited 305 fifth and sixth grade children and their parents from twelve randomly selected primary schools in Flanders, Belgium. They completed a web-based questionnaire including 12 choice-based conjoint tasks, in which they had to choose between two possible routes depicted on manipulated photographs, which the child would cycle along. The routes differed in four attributes: general street setting (enclosed, half open, open), evenness of cycle path (very uneven, moderately uneven, even), speed limit (70 km/h, 50 km/h, 30 km/h) and degree of separation between a cycle path and motorised traffic (no separation, curb, hedge). Hierarchical Bayes analyses revealed the relative importance of each micro-environmental attribute across the three street settings. RESULTS: For each attribute, children and their parents chose routes that had the best alternative (i.e. open street setting, even cycle path, 30 km/h, a hedge separating the cycle path from motorised traffic). The evenness of the cycle path and lower speed limit had the largest effect for the children, while the degree of separation and lower speed limit had the largest effect for their parents. Interactions between micro-scale and macro-scale factors revealed differences in the magnitude but not direction of their effects on route choice. The results held across the different kinds of street settings tested. CONCLUSIONS: Improving micro-scale attributes may increase the supportiveness of a street for children's transportation cycling. We call for on-site research to test effects of changes in micro-environmental attributes on transportation cycling among children.


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INTRODUCTION: Many American children do not meet recommendations for moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA). Although school-based physical education (PE) provides children with opportunities for MVPA, less than half of PE minutes are typically active. The purpose of this study is to estimate the cost effectiveness of a state "active PE" policy implemented nationally requiring that at least 50% of elementary school PE time is spent in MVPA. METHODS: A cohort model was used to simulate the impact of an active PE policy on physical activity, BMI, and healthcare costs over 10 years for a simulated cohort of the 2015 U.S. population aged 6-11 years. Data were analyzed in 2014. RESULTS: An elementary school active PE policy would increase MVPA per 30-minute PE class by 1.87 minutes (95% uncertainty interval [UI]=1.23, 2.51) and cost $70.7 million (95% UI=$51.1, $95.9 million) in the first year to implement nationally. Physical activity gains would cost $0.34 per MET-hour/day (95% UI=$0.15, $2.15), and BMI could be reduced after 2 years at a cost of $401 per BMI unit (95% UI=$148, $3,100). From 2015 to 2025, the policy would cost $235 million (95% UI=$170 million, $319 million) and reduce healthcare costs by $60.5 million (95% UI=$7.93 million, $153 million). CONCLUSIONS: Implementing an active PE policy at the elementary school level could have a small impact on physical activity levels in the population and potentially lead to reductions in BMI and obesity-related healthcare expenditures over 10 years.


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While migration from low- to high-income countries is typically associated with weight gain, the obesity risks of migration from middle-income countries are less certain. In addition to changes in behaviours and cultural orientation upon migration, analyses of changes in environments are needed to explain post-migration risks for obesity. The present study examines the interaction between obesity-related environmental factors and the pattern of migrant acculturation in a sample of 152 Iranian immigrants in Victoria, Australia. Weight measurements, demographics, physical activity levels and diet habits were also surveyed. The pattern of acculturation (relative integration, assimilation, separation or marginalization) was not related to body mass index, diet, or physical activity behaviours. Three relevant aspects of participants' perception of the Australian environment (physically active environments, social pressure to be fit, unhealthy food environments) varied considerably by demographic characteristics, but only one (physically active environments) was related to a pattern of acculturation (assimilation). Overall, this research highlighted a number of key relationships between acculturation and obesity-related environments and behaviours for our study sample. Theoretical models on migration, culture and obesity need to include environmental factors.


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Congestion pricing schemes have been implemented in cities worldwide as a means of addressing externalities associated with inefficient price signals in transport systems. Limited evidence exists however on the secondary impacts of these schemes, which may include both environmental and health benefits associated with a resultant reduction in motor vehicle usage. There is increasing recognition that transport behaviours may play a role as opportunistic population level targets to reduce physical inactivity. Yet limited evidence currently exists on the effectiveness of transport interventions, such as congestion pricing schemes, for improving physical activity levels.This study aims to examine the physical activity effects of congestion pricing, with the health benefits of physical activity well established. Congestion pricing schemes implemented internationally were considered as 'natural experiments' and evidence of modal shift from vehicle to active forms of transport or physical activity effect was reviewed. Twelve studies were included from a search of peer-reviewed and 'grey' literature, with overall evidence for a physical activity or modal shift effect considered weak. The quality of the available evidence was also considered to be low.This is not to say that congestion pricing schemes may not have important secondary physical activity related health benefits. Instead, this review highlights the paucity of evidence that has been collected from real-world implementation of congestion pricing schemes. Given the growing recognition of the importance of distal mediators and determinants of health and the need for an 'all-of-government' approach more and better quality evidence of effectiveness of transport interventions for a broad range of outcomes, including health, is required. Significant barriers to the collection of such evidence exist, with strategies for overcoming some of these barriers identified. Only with a better understanding of the full range of potential health impacts can transport policy be fully utilised as a tool for population health.


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By restricting physical activity levels, the bed rest simulation of weightlessness could be associated with changes in prefrontal cortex functioning that manifest as cognitive decrements, particularly for executive cognitive functions. We aimed to determine if performance on an executive function task was indeed affected by bed rest. The Iowa Gambling Task, a card game measuring real-life decision making processes, was administered to 25 healthy males (aged 21-45 years) selected to undergo 60 days of 6 degrees head-down tilt bed rest for the 2nd Berlin BedRest Study (BBR2-2). Testing was conducted either 6 days before beginning bed rest (n=13) or on the 51st day of bed rest (n=12). The task performance scores of subjects tested before bed rest were not significantly different from those tested during bed rest. However, subjects tested during bed rest failed to adapt their card selection strategy as the Iowa Gambling Task progressed. This was unlike the subjects tested before bed rest, who switched between decks on consecutive card selections less frequently in latter stages of the task. An influence of prolonged bed rest on decision making could have implications for the planning of human spaceflights to Mars, or for any circumstance in which adequate physical activity levels are not achieved.


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This article is part of a Special Issue SBN 2014. Photoperiod and the hormonal response it triggers are key determinants of reproductive timing in birds. However, other cues and physiological traits may permit flexibility in the timing of breeding and perhaps facilitate adaptation to global change. Opportunistic breeders are excellent models to study the adaptive significance of this flexibility, especially at the individual level. Here, we sought to quantify whether particular male physiological and behavioral traits were linked to reproductive timing and output in wild-derived zebra finches. We repeatedly assessed male stress-induced corticosterone levels (CORT), basal metabolic rate (BMR), and activity before releasing them into outdoor aviaries and quantifying each pair's breeding timing, investment, and output over a seven-month period. Despite unlimited access to food and water, the colony breeding activity occurred in waves, probably due to interpair social stimulations. Pairs adjusted their inter-clutch interval and clutch size to social and temperature cues, respectively, but only after successful breeding attempts, suggesting a facultative response to external cues. When these effects were controlled for statistically or experimentally, breeding intervals were repeatable within individuals across reproductive attempts. In addition, males' first laying date and total offspring production varied with complex interactions between pre-breeding CORT, BMR and activity levels. These results suggest that no one trait is under selection but that, instead, correlational selection acts on hormone levels, metabolism, and behavior. Together our results suggest that studying inter-individual variation in breeding strategy and their multiple physiological and behavioral underpinnings may greatly improve our understanding of the mechanisms underlying the evolution of breeding decisions.


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BACKGROUND: Increasing participation in transportation cycling represents a useful strategy for increasing children's physical activity levels. Knowledge on how to design environments to encourage adoption and maintenance of transportation cycling is limited and relies mainly on observational studies. The current study experimentally investigates the relative importance of micro-scale environmental factors for children's transportation cycling, as these micro-scale factors are easier to change within an existing neighborhood compared to macro-scale environmental factors (i.e. connectivity, land-use mix, …). METHODS: Researchers recruited children and their parents (n = 1232) via 45 randomly selected schools across Flanders and completed an online questionnaire which consisted of 1) demographic questions; and 2) a choice-based conjoint (CBC) task. During this task, participants chose between two photographs which we had experimentally manipulated in seven micro-scale environmental factors: type of cycle path; evenness of cycle path; traffic speed; traffic density; presence of speed bumps; environmental maintenance; and vegetation. Participants indicated which route they preferred to (let their child) cycle along. To find the relative importance of these micro-scale environmental factors, we conducted Hierarchical Bayes analyses. RESULTS: Type of cycle path emerged as the most important factor by far among both children and their parents, followed by traffic density and maintenance, and evenness of the cycle path among children. Among parents, speed limits and maintenance emerged as second most important, followed by evenness of the cycle path, and traffic density. CONCLUSION: Findings indicate that improvements in micro-scale environmental factors might be effective for increasing children's transportation cycling, since they increase the perceived supportiveness of the physical environment for transportation cycling. Investments in creating a clearly designated space for the young cyclist, separated from motorized traffic, appears to be the most effective way to increase perceived supportiveness. Future research should confirm our laboratory findings with experimental on-site research.


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Children spend between 50 and 70 % of their time sitting while at school. Independent of physical activity levels, prolonged sitting is associated with poor health outcomes in adulthood. While there is mixed evidence of health associations among children and adolescents, public health guidelines in the USA, UK, Australia and Canada now recommend young people should break up long periods of sitting as frequently as possible. A potentially effective approach for reducing and breaking up sitting throughout the day is changing the classroom environment. This paper presents an overview of a relatively new area of research designed to reduce youth sitting time while at school by changing the classroom environment (n = 13 studies). Environmental changes included placement of height-adjustable or stand-biased standing desks/workstations with stools, chairs, exercise balls, bean bags or mats in the classroom. These 13 published studies suggest that irrespective of the approach, youth sitting time was reduced by between ~44 and 60 min/day and standing time was increased by between 18 and 55 min/day during classroom time at school. Other benefits include increased energy expenditure and the potential for improved management of students' behaviour in the classroom. However, few large trials have been conducted, and there remains little evidence regarding the impact on children's learning and academic achievement. Nevertheless, with an increasing demand placed on schools and teachers regarding students' learning outcomes, strategies that integrate moving throughout the school day and that potentially enhance the learning experience and future health outcomes for young people warrant further exploration.


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Monitoring daily physical activity plays an important role in disease prevention and intervention. This paper proposes an approach to monitor the body movement intensity levels from accelerometer data. We collect the data using the accelerometer in a realistic setting without any supervision. The ground-truth of activities is provided by the participants themselves using an experience sampling application running on their mobile phones. We compute a novel feature that has a strong correlation with the movement intensity. We use the hierarchical Dirichlet process (HDP) model to detect the activity levels from this feature. Consisting of Bayesian nonparametric priors over the parameters the model can infer the number of levels automatically. By demonstrating the approach on the publicly available USC-HAD dataset that includes ground-truth activity labels, we show a strong correlation between the discovered activity levels and the movement intensity of the activities. This correlation is further confirmed using our newly collected dataset. We further use the extracted patterns as features for clustering and classifying the activity sequences to improve performance.


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BACKGROUND: Insufficient sleep is potentially an important modifiable risk factor for obesity and poor physical activity and sedentary behaviours among children. However, inconsistencies across studies highlight the need for more objective measures. This paper examines the relationship between sleep duration and objectively measured physical activity, sedentary time and weight status, among a sample of Victorian Primary School children.

METHODS: A sub-sample of 298 grades four (n = 157) and six (n = 132) Victorian primary school children (aged 9.2-13.2 years) with complete accelerometry and anthropometry data, from 39 schools, were taken from a pilot study of a larger state based cluster randomized control trial in 2013. Data comprised: researcher measured height and weight; accelerometry derived physical activity and sedentary time; and self-reported sleep duration and hypothesised confounding factors (e.g. age, gender and environmental factors).

RESULTS: Compared with sufficient sleepers (67 %), those with insufficient sleep (<10 hrs/day) were significantly more likely to be overweight (OR 1.97, 95 % CI:1.11-3.48) or obese (OR 2.43, 95 % CI:1.26-4.71). No association between sleep and objectively measured physical activity levels or sedentary time was found.

CONCLUSION: The strong positive relationship between weight status and sleep deprivation merits further research though PA and sedentary time do not seem to be involved in the relationship. Strategies to improve sleep duration may help obesity prevention initiatives in the future.


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This paper examines the opportunity and need for lifestyle interventions for patients attending generalist community nursing services in Australia. This will help determine the scope for risk factor management within community health care by generalist community nurses (GCNs).

This was a quasi-experimental study conducted in four generalist community nursing services in NSW, Australia. Prior to service contacts, clients were offered a computer-assisted telephone interview to collect baseline data on socio-demographics, health conditions, smoking status, physical activity levels, alcohol consumption, height and weight, fruit and vegetable intake and 'readiness-to-change' for lifestyle risk factors.


804 clients participated (a response rate of 34.1%). Participants had higher rates of obesity (40.5% vs 32.1%) and higher prevalence of multiple risk factors (40.4% vs 29.5%) than in the general population. Few with a SNAPW (S moking-N utrition-A lcohol-P hysical-Activity-Weight) risk factor had received advice or referral in the previous 3 months. The proportion of clients identified as at risk and who were open to change (i.e. contemplative, in preparation or in action phase) were 65.0% for obese/overweight; 73.8% for smokers; 48.2% for individuals with high alcohol intake; 83.5% for the physically inactive and 59.0% for those with poor nutrition.


There was high prevalence of lifestyle risk factors. Although most were ready to change, few clients recalled having received any recent lifestyle advice. This suggests that there is considerable scope for intervention by GCNs. The results of this trial will shed light on how best to implement the lifestyle risk factor management in routine practice.


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Serotonin (5-HT) can either increase or decrease anxiety-like behaviour in animals, actions that depend upon neuroanatomical site of action and 5-HT receptor subtype. Although systemic studies with 5-HT(2) receptor agonists and antagonists suggest a facilitatory role for this receptor subtype in anxiety, somewhat inconsistent results have been obtained when such compounds have been directly applied to limbic targets such as the hippocampus and amygdala. The present study investigated the effects of the 5-HT(2B/2C) receptor agonist mCPP bilaterally microinjected into the dorsal hippocampus (DH: 0, 0.3 1.0 or 3.0 nmol/0.2 mu l), the ventral hippocampus (VH: 0, 0.3, 1.0 or 3.0 nmol/0.2 mu l) or the amygdaloid complex (0, 0.15, 0.5, 1.0 or 3.0 nmol/0.1 mu l) in mice exposed to the elevated plus-maze (EPM). Test sessions were videotaped and subsequently scored for conventional indices of anxiety (percentage of open arm entries and percentage of open arm time) and locomotor activity (closed arm entries). Results showed that mCPP microinfusions into the DH or VH failed to affect any behavioural measure in the EPM. However, when injected into the amygdaloid complex, the dose of 1.0 nmol of this 5HT(2B/2C) receptor agonist increased behavioural indices of anxiety without significantly altering general activity levels. This anxiogenic-like effect of mCPP was selectively and completely blocked by local injection of a behaviourally-inactive dose of SDZ SER-082 (10 nmol/0.1 mu l), a preferential 5-HT(2C) receptor antagonist. These data suggest that 5HT(2C) receptors located within the amygdaloid complex (but not the dorsal or ventral hippocampus) play a facilitatory role in plus-maze anxiety in mice. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Physical activity is one of the main components of a healthy lifestyle, responsible for many health benefits. Despite being considered important for both disease prevention and health promotion there is high prevalence of sedentary behavior in the elderly population. Questionnaires are practical and feasible instruments for assessing levels of physical activity. However, they may have limitations in older age ranges. Accelerometers, movement sensors that make physical activity data more objective, emerge as reliable measuring devices. Aim: Determine the validity of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) adapted for elderly with accelerometry in elderly women. Methods: 57 elderly women, with mean age of 66.05 ± 5.98 years who took part in hypertension control and physical activity incentive programs were assessed in relation to objective and subjective measures of physical activity. The accelerometer was used for 07 consecutive days, 24 hours per day before the IPAQ was applied. Data were analyzed using measures of central tendency and dispersion to characterize the sample according to variables collected. To check the validity of the data we used the Spearman correlation test, considering a significance level of p <0.05. Results: With respect to the categories of physical activity obtained by IPAQ, 46.4% developed moderate physical activity, followed by a high (30.3%) and low level (23.2%). There was a negative correlation only between self-reported time spent sitting and time spent on light activities as measured by accelerometry (r = - 0.408; p = 0.003) and mean activity level (counts/min) with physical activity levels evaluated by IPAQ (r = 0.297; p = 0.036). Conclusion: The IPAQ used in elderly women shows moderate to low validity levels according to accelerometry measures. Assessment of sedentary activities exhibited acceptable levels compared to accelerometry; however, moderate (r = 0.096; p > 0.05) to vigorous (r = 0.098; p > 0.05) activities were not correlated, demonstrating the inability of IPAQ to evaluate this type of activity in elderly women


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Bats correspond to 20% of the extant mammal species and, with a few exceptions, use echolocation, a spacial orientation system based on emission and analysis of echoes from sound waves, generally ultrasounds. Echolocation was discovered in the 1940 s and since the 1970 s ultrasound detectors have been commercially available, allowing the investigation of several aspects of the natural history and ecology of bats. Passive acoustic monitoring has been frequently used in habitat use studies, predominantly in North America and Europe, by comparing the number of bat passes between different habitat types. This dissertation presents the first evaluation of the spacial and seasonal variation patterns in the activity of insectivorous bats in the Brazilian biome Pampa, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Since bat activity can vary according to habitat type, time of year and climatic conditions, the following hypotheses were tested: 1. bat activity varies between different types of habitat; 2. bat activity varies seasonally; 3. bat activity is influenced by temperature, humidity and wind speed. The acoustic samples were taken along fixed transects of 1500 meters, which were monitored monthly from April 2009 to March 2010. Five habitat types were sampled: eucalypts, stream, riparian forest, wetland and grassland. In each sample, the number of bat passes was obtained by using an ultrasound detector Pettersson D230. A total of 1183 bat passes were registered. Greater bat activity levels was observed along large eucalypts (1.93 bat passes/3min) and along a stream (1.61 bat passes/3 min). A riparian forest (0.94 bat passes/3 min) and a wetland area (0.61 bat passes/3 min) exhibited statistically equal levels of activity. Bat passes were fewer in grassland areas (0,16 bat passes/3 min). Bat activity was not correlated with abiotic factors. However, bat activity was significantly low in the colder season, winter, and was similar in autumn, spring and summer. The observed preference for vegetation borders and water courses agrees with reports from other countries and is attributed predominantly to the high prey abundance in these types of environments. Additionally, low activity in the winter is probably a response to the reduced availability of insects, and to lower temperatures. Our results indicate which areas of arboreal vegetation and water courses should be priorities for the conservation of bats and that alterations of these habitat types might negatively influence bat activity in the region