994 resultados para 718
The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of glyphosate and 2,4-D for the Commelina benghalensis, Commelina diffusa and Commelina erecta. Three experiments were conducted in a greenhouse in a completely randomized in factorial scheme 3x7+1 (three herbicides x seven periods - hour after application) for two methods for measuring absorption of herbicides (simulated rain and cut the leaves applied), and a control without application, with four replications. The herbicides used were: glyphosate (1,080 g ha(-1)), 2,4-D amine (720 g ha(-1)) and, mixture glyphosate + 2,4-D (720 + 720 g ha(-1)). It was evaluated seven time intervals for washing (simulating rainfall after application) and cut (simulation abortion as a strategy of defense) the leaves applied: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 24 hours after herbicide application (HHA). The minimum period for absorption of glyphosate alone and in mixture with 2,4 -D presented a satisfactory control (> 90.0%) was around 12 HHA to C. benghalensis, C. diffusa and C. erecta, independently of washing or cut the leaves applied. This observed behavior can influence the time required without rain after herbicide application, besides that, the plants aborted part of the stem with injuries to avoid the herbicide translocation, especially when was used the 2,4-D alone. Concluded that glyphosate alone and in mixture with 2,4-D were efficient and that the differences in the control of species may be due to variation of time to absorb the herbicide.
The pathogenic fungus, Histoplasma capsulatum, causes the respiratory and systemic disease 'histoplasmosis'. This disease is primarily acquired via inhalation of aerosolized microconidia or hyphal fragments of H. capsulatum. Evolution of this respiratory disease depends on the ability of H. capsulatum yeasts to survive and replicate within alveolar macrophages. It is known that adhesion to host cells is the first step in colonization and biofilm formation. Some microorganisms become attached to biological and non-biological surfaces due to the formation of biofilms. Based on the importance of biofilms and their persistence on host tissues and cell surfaces, the present study was designed to investigate biofilm formation by H. capsulatum yeasts, as well as their ability to adhere to pneumocyte cells. H. capsulatum biofilm assays were performed in vitro using two different clinical strains of the fungus and biofilms were characterized using scanning electron microscopy. The biofilms were measured using a 2,3-bis(2-methoxy-4-nitro-5-sulfophenyl)-5-[(phenylamino)carbonyl]-2H-tetrazolium-hydroxide (XTT) reduction assay. The results showed that both the H. capsulatum strains tested were very efficient at adhering to host cells and forming biofilm. Therefore, this is a possible survival strategy adopted by this fungus.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A mancha bacteriana do maracujá, causada pela bactéria Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae, ocorre em todas as regiões produtoras do País, sendo responsável por grandes perdas econômicas na cultura do maracujazeiro-amarelo. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos testar a eficiência de argila silicatada na inibição da bactéria X. axonopodis pv. passiflorae in vitro e no controle preventivo e curativo da mancha bacteriana em mudas de maracujazeiro-amarelo. A argila silicatada foi adicionada ao meio de cultura batata-dextrose-ágar fundente, nas concentrações de 0,0; 0,5; 1,0; 1,5 e 2,0%; vertido em placas de Petri. Após resfriamento do meio, repicou-se a suspensão bacteriana (10(7) UFC.mL-1) com uma alça, incubando-se as placas a 28 °C por três dias, quando se avaliou o crescimento bacteriano. Posteriormente, o produto, nas mesmas concentrações citadas, foi pulverizado em mudas de maracujá 'Afruvec' de forma preventiva ou curativa. A inoculação da bactéria foi realizada através de pulverização foliar da suspensão bacteriana (10(7) UFC.mL-1), 24 h antes ou após os tratamentos curativo e preventivo, respectivamente. A severidade da doença foi avaliada com auxílio de uma escala diagramática nas quatro primeiras folhas verdadeiras contadas de baixo para cima. Nas concentrações avaliadas, a argila silicatada inibiu a bactéria in vitro e os sintomas da mancha bacteriana no tratamento curativo, enquanto no tratamento preventivo, controle significativo foi obtido a partir de 1,0% de argila silicatada. Com base nestes resultados, a argila silicada pode ser recomendada, na concentração de 1,0-2,0%, para o controle da mancha bacteriana do maracujazeiro em pulverizações foliares.
The bacterial spot in yellow passion fruit plants, caused by the bacteria Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae, occurs in all producing areas of the country, and is responsible for great economic losses in the culture of passion fruit. This study aimed to test the efficiency of the silicate clay in the inhibition of the bacteria Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae in vitro, and in both preventive and curative control of the bacterial spot in seedlings of yellow passion fruit plants. The silicate clay was added to the growth medium at concentrations of. 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0%, placed in Petri dishes. After the culture medium was cooler, the bacterial suspension was inoculates (10(7) UFC.mL(-1)) with a handle, and left incubating at 28 degrees C for three days, and then the bacterial growth was evaluated. Subsequently, the product at the same concentrations above was sprayed on seedlings of 'Afruvec' passion fruit, as preventive or curative. The inoculation of the bacteria was made by foliar spraying of bacterial suspension (10(7) ufc.mL(-1)), 24 hours before or after the curative and preventive treatments, respectively. The severity of the disease was measured comparing each four true leaves from bottom up, with a diagrammatic scale. In the concentrations evaluated, the silicate clay inhibited both bacteria in vitro and symptoms of bacterial spot in the curative treatment. In preventive treatment, significant results were obtained using more than 1.0% of clay silicates. Based on these results, the clay silicate can be recommended, the concentration of 1.0-2.0% for the control of bacterial spot of passion fruit plants, in foliar sprays.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Background. Little information exists regarding factors influencing perioperative cardiac arrests and their outcome. This survey evaluated the incidence, causes and outcome of perioperative cardiac arrests in a Brazilian tertiary general teaching hospital between April 1996 and March 2005.Methods. The incidence of cardiac arrest during anaesthesia was prospectively identified from an anaesthesia database. There were 53 718 anaesthetics during the study period. Data collected included patient characteristics, surgical procedures (elective, urgent or emergency), ASA physical status classification, anaesthesia provider information, type of surgery, surgical areas and outcome. All cardiac arrests were retrospectively reviewed and grouped by cause of arrest and death into one of four groups: totally anaesthesia related, partially anaesthesia related, totally surgery related or totally patient disease or condition related.Results. One hundred and eighty-six cardiac arrests (34.6:10 000) and 118 deaths (21.97:10 000) were found. Major risk factors for cardiac arrest were neonates, children under 1 yr and the elderly (P < 0.05), male patients with ASA III or poorer physical status (P < 0.05), in emergency surgery (P < 0.05) and under general anaesthesia (P < 0.05). Patient disease/condition was the major cause of cardiac arrest or death (P < 0.05). There were 18 anaesthesia-related cardiac arrests (3.35:10 000)-10 totally attributed (1.86:10 000) and 8 partially related to anaesthesia (1.49:10 000). There were 6 anaesthesia-related deaths (1.12:10 000)-3 totally attributable and 3 partially related to anaesthesia (0.56:10 000 in both cases). The main causes of anaesthesia-related cardiac arrest were respiratory events (55.5%) and medication-related events (44.5%).Conclusions. Perioperative cardiac arrests were relatively higher in neonates, infants, the elderly and in males with severe underlying disease and under emergency surgery. All anaesthesia-related cardiac arrests were related to airway management and medication administration which is important for prevention strategies.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O diagnóstico da situação da tuberculose pulmonar nos Municípios de Botucatu, Conchas, São Manuel e Avaré, SP, Brasil, baseou-se na prevalência e risco de infecção em escolares de lª série, em 1972, e em dados de morbidade e mortalidade específica, de 1963 a 1972. Realizou-se inquérito tuberculínico em 2.913 escolares, com PPD 23 RT-2UT; foram analisados os prontuários de 718 casos inscritos no CSI de Botucatu e os atestados de óbito de residentes, incluindo-se os ocorridos em hospitais especializados. As taxas de prevalência de infecção para os quatro Municípios foram respectivamente 2,4%; 6,8%; 1,9% e 4,5%. Para a idade de 7,5 anos, os riscos de infecção foram: 0,27%; 0,32; 0,20% e 0,34%. O nível de infecção apurado caracterizou o conjunto como área de média prevalência da tuberculose pulmonar. Os índices de prevalência de infecção relacionaram-se diretamente à incidência de casos bacilíferos de cada Município. em 530 casos com baciloscopia, houve 62,0% de positividade. As formas radiológicas moderada e avançada predominaram principalmente em adultos jovens do sexo masculino. Foram registradas alta taxa de abandono (39,5%}, baixo percentual de cura (17,9%) e 3,4% de óbitos; ao redor de 32,0% estava em tratamento. Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas das proporções de abandono, segundo procedência por Município ou formas da doença. Invocaram-se razões técnico-administrativas do sistema vigente para explicar esses achados. A incidência média de casos confirmados, no período, foi de 35,4 em Conchas, 33,1 em Avaré, 23,7 em Botucatu e 18,5 em São Manuel (por 100.000). Com casos confirmados e suspeitos os índices foram: 57,6; 48,8; 43,8 e 35,3. Os índices médio-anuais de mortalidade, foram: 7,6 em Botucatu, 12,14 em Conchas, 5,0 em São Manuel e 18,7 em Avaré (por 100.000). Apenas em Botucatu registrou-se declínio das taxas de mortalidade de 1963 a 1972. A mortalidade específica em adultos jovens ainda era elevada, predominando no sexo masculino, principalmente em Conchas. Sublinhou-se a necessidade de descentralizar as atividades antituberculose para atingir um controle eficiente.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Sibutramine is a drug globally used for the treatment of obesity. The aim of this study was to investigate male reproductive disorders caused by sibutramine in adult rats. Wistar rats were treated for 28 consecutive days (gavage) with 10 mg/kg of sibutramine. Control animals received only vehicle (dimethylsulfoxide and saline). The rats were sacrificed for evaluation of body and reproductive organ weights, sperm parameters, hormone levels (luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and testosterone), testicular and epididymal histopathology, sexual behavior, fertility and in vitro contractility of the epididymal duct. Sibutramine decreased (P < .05) weights of the epididymis and ventral prostate, but not of other reproductive organs. The sperm number and transit time in the epididymal cauda were decreased (P < .001), but the daily sperm production was not altered. Moreover, morphology and sperm motility, histopathology of the testes and epididymis, sexual behavior, fertility, and serum hormone levels were not altered by the treatment. Sibutramine increased the potency of norepinephrine and, per se, increased the mechanical activity of the epididymal duct in vitro. Thus, although sibutramine in these experimental conditions did not interfere with the reproductive process of rats, it provoked acceleration of the sperm transit time and a decrease in the sperm reserves in the epididymal cauda. This alteration is probably related to the sympathomimetic effect of this drug, as shown by the in vitro assays. In humans, use of this drug might present a threat for male fertility because sperm reserves in men are naturally lower than those in rats.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)