980 resultados para 380


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OBJETIVO: averiguar se ocorrem alterações nos parâmetros da dopplervelocimetria em usuárias do dispositivo intra-uterino (DIU) T cobre 380, por meio do estudo das artérias uterinas antes e depois da inserção do DIU em mulheres lactantes e não lactantes. MÉTODOS: ensaio clínico prospectivo, analítico, com 100 pacientes, em que avaliamos à dopplervelocimetria: índice de resistência (IR), índice de pulsatilidade (IP) e relação sístole/diástole (SD). As pacientes selecionadas foram submetidas à avaliação pré-inserção do DIU e a novos exames pós-inserção, realizados com 30 dias (um ciclo) e com 90 dias (três ciclos). RESULTADOS: os valores obtidos nas artérias uterinas no grupo antes da inserção do DIU foram de 0,9 para o IR, de 2,4 para o IP e de 10,0 para a relação SD. Os valores 30 dias após a inserção do DIU foram de 0,9 para o IR, de 2,5 para o IP e de 10,7 para a relação SD. Após três ciclos aferimos um valor de 0,9 para o IR, de 2,5 para o IP e de 10,7 para a relação SD. A comparação dos resultados obtidos antes e depois da inserção do DIU mostrou valor p de 0,51 para o IR, de 0,37 para o IP e de 0,51 para a relação SD, demonstrando que após a inserção, não houve modificações significativas na dopplervelocimetria. CONCLUSÕES: o uso do DIU T cobre 380 não tem efeito nos índices de dopplervelocimetria das artérias uterinas tanto em pacientes amamentando ou não.


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OBJETIVOS: estudar o efeito de um único implante de acetato de nomegestrol (Uniplant) sobre função ovariana, produção do muco cervical e penetração espermática, quando inserido na fase pré-ovulatória. MÉTODOS: estudo clínico aberto, comparativo, incluindo 20 mulheres com ciclos menstruais regulares que foram estudadas durante um ciclo menstrual antes (controle) e um ciclo menstrual depois da inserção do implante. Dosagens de hormônio luteinizante (LH), estradiol e progesterona, ultra-sonografia vaginal, coleta de muco cervical e teste de penetração espermática foram realizados. Para comparação estatística, foi utilizado o Student t-test para grupos pareados e o teste Wilcoxon não paramétrico. Os valores estão mostrados como médias ± erro padrão. RESULTADOS: todos os ciclos controles foram ovulatórios com parâmetros normais. Os níveis pré-ovulatórios de estradiol e LH diminuíram significativamente de 603,2 ± 78,0 pmol/l e 22,5 ± 6,5 UI/l na pré-inserção do implante para 380,7 ± 51,9 pmol/l e 4,9 ± 1,3 UI/l 48 horas após a inserção (p < 0,05 e p < 0,01, respectivamente). Os níveis de progesterona mantiveram-se sem variação significativa após a inserção do implante (ciclo controle = 49,8 ± 3,3 nmol/l e ciclo tratado = 43,2 ± 5,2 nmol/l). Muco cervical e penetração espermática foram profundamente afetados em 10,5% das usuárias após 20 horas da inserção do implante, em 68,5% das usuárias após 24 horas e em 100% após 48 horas. Ruptura folicular ocorreu na maioria dos ciclos tratados após 48 horas da inserção. CONCLUSÕES: o uso de um único implante de acetato de nomegestrol inserido na fase pré-ovulatória afetou os picos pré-ovulatórios de estradiol e LH, a produção do muco cervical e a penetração espermática, mas não foi capaz de impedir a ovulação, o que reforça a necessidade da inserção do implante nos 5 primeiros dias do ciclo menstrual.


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OBJETIVO: investigar os fatores determinantes da alta incidência do parto cesáreo e a sua inter-relação com a esterilização. MÉTODOS: a pesquisa é parte de estudo multicêntrico sobre saúde reprodutiva no Brasil, realizado de 1998 a 2000, que incluiu os estados do Rio Grande do Norte, Minas Gerais, São Paulo e Rio Grande do Sul. Caracterizou-se como longitudinal prospectivo, no qual foram entrevistadas mulheres, provenientes do serviço público e do privado, em três momentos: no início da gravidez (até a 22ª. semana de gestação), no final (entre 30 e 40 dias antes da data provável do parto) e após o nascimento do bebê (entre 15 e 45 dias pós-parto). As entrevistadas deveriam satisfazer aos critérios de elegibilidade: ter entre 18 e 40 anos e residir e ter o filho no município de Natal. Foram realizadas 433 entrevistas no primeiro momento, 380 no segundo e 269 no terceiro. Os dados foram submetidos ao teste x² a uma significância de alfa=5%, para comprovação da associação entre as variáveis anos de estudo (de 0 a 8 e 9 ou +) e as variáveis representativas da saúde reprodutiva. RESULTADOS: das entrevistadas que tiveram seguimento (269), 119 tiveram parto por cesárea (55% do setor privado), sendo 45% previamente marcadas e 60% delas dias antes do parto. Os resultados revelaram relação estatisticamente significante (p<0,05) entre a escolaridade e as variáveis paridade, serviço procurado, classe social, estarem trabalhando e consultas de pré-natal. Assim, ficou demonstrado que a maior escolaridade predomina entre aquelas mulheres provenientes do serviço privado, de classe social mais elevada e com maior número de consultas de pré-natal. Embora sem significância estatística, observou-se para as mulheres desse serviço uma maior realização do parto cesáreo, provavelmente pela facilidade da interação entre o médico e a paciente, quando o desejo pela cesárea é frustrado para 43% daquelas provenientes do serviço público, bem como o desejo para fazer uma ligadura de trompas na hora do parto (57%). CONCLUSÕES: esses resultados mostraram os grandes diferenciais existentes entre as categorias público e privado, demonstrando um claro favorecimento do setor privado, e que a prática obstétrica no Brasil, precisa mudar e melhorar, tanto entre aquelas mulheres com acesso ao serviço privado, que conseguem a realização da cesárea sem consistentes indicações médicas, quanto entre as mulheres com acesso ao serviço público, que enfrentam dificuldades para realização desse procedimento, mesmo com procedentes indicações médicas, de modo a proporcionar igualdade no direito reprodutivo dessas mulheres.


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Yleissuunnitelma on laadittu ensisijaisesti viljelijöiden käyttöön. Yleissuunnitelmat auttavat maanomistajaa kohdentamaan vesiensuojelua ja luonnon monimuotoisuutta edistäviä toimenpiteitä ympäristön kannalta tehokkaammin. Yleissuunnitelmassa esitettyjen toimenpiteiden toteuttaminen on maanomistajille vapaaehtoista. Monivaikutteisella kosteikolla tarkoitetaan kosteikkoa, joka tuottaa niin luonnon monimuotoisuus kuin vesiensuojeluhyötyjäkin. Lisäksi monivaikutteiset kosteikot monipuolistavat maisemaa ja lisäävät virkistyskäyttöä. Monivaikutteisten kosteikkojen yleissuunnitelma laadittiin Loviisanjoen valuma-alueelle. Valuma-alueen pinta-ala on noin 117 km². Loviisanjoen valuma-alueella on vain vähän järviä. Valuma-alueesta kolmannes on peltoa. Osalla alueesta kärsitään toistuvista tulvista. Kosteikot voivat osaltaan vähentää myös tulvaongelmia tasaamalla veden virtaamaa ja keräämällä kiintoainesta. Yleissuunnitelman kosteikkoehdotukset perustuvat maastokartoituksiin. Kartoitukset kohdistettiin Loviisanjokeen laskeviin uomiin. Kosteikkoehdotukset sijaitsevat pääosin peltoympäristössä varsinaisen viljelyksen ulkopuolisilla alueilla. Loviisanjoen maatalousvaltaisista alueista yli puolet on hyvinkin tasaista peltoaukeaa. Lapinjärven Rutumissa on runsaimmin kosteikoiksi soveltuvia alueita. Loviisanjoen valuma-alueelle on laadittu vuonna 2002 myös suojavyöhykkeiden yleissuunnitelma. Etenkin alueille, jonne kosteikon perustaminen ei ole tarkoituksenmukaista, on suositeltavaa perustaa suojavyöhykkeitä. Loviisanjoen monivaikutteisten kosteikkojen yleissuunnitelmassa esitettiin 45 kosteikon perustamista. Lisäksi alueelle ehdotettiin lukuisien pohjapatoketjujen perustamista. Yleissuunnitelman kosteikkoehdotuksissa pyrittiin luomaan kokonaisuuksia. Useammat pienempialaiset kosteikot valuma-alueella ovat usein ympäristön kannalta tehokkaampi ratkaisu kuin yksi suuri. Yleissuunnitelman valmistumisen jälkeen kohde-ehdotusten toteutumista on tarkoitus edistää tarjoamalla maanomistajalle neuvonta-ja asiantuntija-apua.


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The main aims of the present report are to describe the current state of railway transport in Russia, and to gather standpoints of Russian private transportation logistics sector towards the development of new railway connection called Rail Baltica Growth Corridor, connecting North-West Russia with Germany through the Baltic States and Poland. North-West Russia plays important role not only in Russian logistics, but also wider European markets as in container sea ports handling is approx. 2.5 mill. TEU p.a. and handling volume in all terminals is above 190 million tons p.a. The whole transportation logistics sector is shortly described as an operational environment for railways – this is done through technical and economic angles. Transportation development is always going in line with economics of the country, so the analysis on economical development is also presented. Logistics integration of the country is strongly influenced by its engagement in the international trade. Although, raw material handling at sea ports and container transports (imports) are blossoming, domestic transportation market is barely growing (in long-term perspective). Thus, recent entrance of Russia into World Trade Organization (WTO) is analyzed theme in this research, as the WTO is an important regulator of the foreign trade and enabler of volume growth in foreign trade related transportation logistics. However, WTO membership can influence negatively the development of Russia’s own industry and its volumes (these have been uncompetitive in global markets for decades). Data gathering in empirical part was accomplished by semi-structured case study interviews among North-West Russian logistics sector actors (private). These were conducted during years 2012-2013, and research compiles findings out of ten case company interviews. Although, there was no sea port involved in the study, most of the interviewed companies relied in European Logistics within significant parts in short sea shipping and truck combined transportation chains (in Russian part also using railways). As the results of the study, it could be concluded that Rail Baltica is seen as possible transport corridor in most of the interviewed companies, if there is enough cargo available. However, interviewees are a bit sceptical, because major and large-scale infrastructural improvements are needed. Delivery time, frequency and price level are three main factors influencing the attractiveness of Rail Baltica route. Price level is the most important feature, but if RB can offer other advantages such as higher frequency, shorter lead times or more developed set of value-added services, then some flexibility is possible for the price level. Environmental issues are not the main criteria of today, but are recognized and discussed among customers. Great uncertainty exists among respondents e.g. on forthcoming sulphur oxide ban on Baltic Sea shipping (whether or not it is going to be implemented in Russia). Rather surprisingly, transportation routes to Eastern Europe and Mediterranean area are having higher value and price space than those to Germany/Central Europe. Border crossing operations (traction monopoly at rails and customs), gauge widths as well as unclear decision-making processes (in Russia), are named as hindering factors. Performance standards for European connected logistics among Russian logistics sector representatives are less demanding as compared to neighbourhood countries belonging to EU.


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It is known already from 1970´s that laser beam is suitable for processing paper materials. In this thesis, term paper materials mean all wood-fibre based materials, like dried pulp, copy paper, newspaper, cardboard, corrugated board, tissue paper etc. Accordingly, laser processing in this thesis means all laser treatments resulting material removal, like cutting, partial cutting, marking, creasing, perforation etc. that can be used to process paper materials. Laser technology provides many advantages for processing of paper materials: non-contact method, freedom of processing geometry, reliable technology for non-stop production etc. Especially packaging industry is very promising area for laser processing applications. However, there are only few industrial laser processing applications worldwide even in beginning of 2010´s. One reason for small-scale use of lasers in paper material manufacturing is that there is a shortage of published research and scientific articles. Another problem, restraining the use of laser for processing of paper materials, is colouration of paper material i.e. the yellowish and/or greyish colour of cut edge appearing during cutting or after cutting. These are the main reasons for selecting the topic of this thesis to concern characterization of interaction of laser beam and paper materials. This study was carried out in Laboratory of Laser Processing at Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland). Laser equipment used in this study was TRUMPF TLF 2700 carbon dioxide laser that produces a beam with wavelength of 10.6 μm with power range of 190-2500 W (laser power on work piece). Study of laser beam and paper material interaction was carried out by treating dried kraft pulp (grammage of 67 g m-2) with different laser power levels, focal plane postion settings and interaction times. Interaction between laser beam and dried kraft pulp was detected with different monitoring devices, i.e. spectrometer, pyrometer and active illumination imaging system. This way it was possible to create an input and output parameter diagram and to study the effects of input and output parameters in this thesis. When interaction phenomena are understood also process development can be carried out and even new innovations developed. Fulfilling the lack of information on interaction phenomena can assist in the way of lasers for wider use of technology in paper making and converting industry. It was concluded in this thesis that interaction of laser beam and paper material has two mechanisms that are dependent on focal plane position range. Assumed interaction mechanism B appears in range of average focal plane position of 3.4 mm and 2.4 mm and assumed interaction mechanism A in range of average focal plane position of 0.4 mm and -0.6 mm both in used experimental set up. Focal plane position 1.4 mm represents midzone of these two mechanisms. Holes during laser beam and paper material interaction are formed gradually: first small hole is formed to interaction area in the centre of laser beam cross-section and after that, as function of interaction time, hole expands, until interaction between laser beam and dried kraft pulp is ended. By the image analysis it can be seen that in beginning of laser beam and dried kraft pulp material interaction small holes off very good quality are formed. It is obvious that black colour and heat affected zone appear as function of interaction time. This reveals that there still are different interaction phases within interaction mechanisms A and B. These interaction phases appear as function of time and also as function of peak intensity of laser beam. Limit peak intensity is the value that divides interaction mechanism A and B from one-phase interaction into dual-phase interaction. So all peak intensity values under limit peak intensity belong to MAOM (interaction mechanism A one-phase mode) or to MBOM (interaction mechanism B onephase mode) and values over that belong to MADM (interaction mechanism A dual-phase mode) or to MBDM (interaction mechanism B dual-phase mode). Decomposition process of cellulose is evolution of hydrocarbons when temperature is between 380- 500°C. This means that long cellulose molecule is split into smaller volatile hydrocarbons in this temperature range. As temperature increases, decomposition process of cellulose molecule changes. In range of 700-900°C, cellulose molecule is mainly decomposed into H2 gas; this is why this range is called evolution of hydrogen. Interaction in this range starts (as in range of MAOM and MBOM), when a small good quality hole is formed. This is due to “direct evaporation” of pulp via decomposition process of evolution of hydrogen. And this can be seen can be seen in spectrometer as high intensity peak of yellow light (in range of 588-589 nm) which refers to temperature of ~1750ºC. Pyrometer does not detect this high intensity peak since it is not able to detect physical phase change from solid kraft pulp to gaseous compounds. As interaction time between laser beam and dried kraft pulp continues, hypothesis is that three auto ignition processes occurs. Auto ignition of substance is the lowest temperature in which it will spontaneously ignite in a normal atmosphere without an external source of ignition, such as a flame or spark. Three auto ignition processes appears in range of MADM and MBDM, namely: 1. temperature of auto ignition of hydrogen atom (H2) is 500ºC, 2. temperature of auto ignition of carbon monoxide molecule (CO) is 609ºC and 3. temperature of auto ignition of carbon atom (C) is 700ºC. These three auto ignition processes leads to formation of plasma plume which has strong emission of radiation in range of visible light. Formation of this plasma plume can be seen as increase of intensity in wavelength range of ~475-652 nm. Pyrometer shows maximum temperature just after this ignition. This plasma plume is assumed to scatter laser beam so that it interacts with larger area of dried kraft pulp than what is actual area of beam cross-section. This assumed scattering reduces also peak intensity. So result shows that assumably scattered light with low peak intensity is interacting with large area of hole edges and due to low peak intensity this interaction happens in low temperature. So interaction between laser beam and dried kraft pulp turns from evolution of hydrogen to evolution of hydrocarbons. This leads to black colour of hole edges.


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Foram investigados a prevalência e os fatores de risco da leptospirose bovina no Estado do Maranhão. O Estado foi dividido em quatro circuitos amostrais com base em parâmetros de produção distintos que variam conforme os diferentes sistemas de produção, as práticas de manejo, a finalidade de exploração, o tamanho médio dos rebanhos e os sistemas de comercialização. Objetivou-se estudar as características epidemiológicas da leptospirose bovina no Estado do Maranhão, de modo a determinar a prevalência em bovinos e em rebanhos, detectar as sorovariedades de Leptospira spp. presentes, identificar os fatores de risco eventualmente associados à leptospirose em bovinos e diferenciar os circuitos pecuários entre si no que se refere à prevalência de leptospirose. A pesquisa foi realizada em 136 propriedades rurais pertencentes ao circuito I, no qual 841 fêmeas bovinas com idade igual ou superior a 24 meses foram analisadas; 238 do circuito II, com 2.582 fêmeas analisadas; 122 do circuito III, com 869 fêmeas analisadas; e 77 do circuito IV, com 540 fêmeas analisadas; no total, 573 propriedades e 4.832 fêmeas foram estudadas. A presença de anticorpos contra Leptospira spp. foi verificada pela técnica de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM). Das 4.832 fêmeas bovinas analisadas, 1.904 (35,94%; IC 95% = 33,01% - 38,98%) foram reagentes. Das 573 propriedades analisadas, 380 (64,81%; IC 95% = 61,10% - 68,35%) foram consideradas positivas. As sorovariedades Hardjo e Wolffi foram as mais frequentes em todo o Estado. O circuito III foi o que apresentou menor prevalência de leptospirose em todas as comparações. As variáveis identificadas como fatores de risco de leptospirose foram: presença de equinos (p = 0,000), presença de capivaras (p = 0,034) e rebanhos bovinos com 32 ou mais fêmeas adultas (p = 0,002).


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Carcass inspection is important for the detection of certain diseases and for monitoring their prevalence in slaughterhouses. The objective of this study was to assess the occurrence of aspergillosis caused by Aspergillus fumigatus in commercial poultry, through mycological and histopathological diagnosis, and to verify the causal association between the aspergillosis diagnosis criteria and condemnation due to airsacculitis in broilers through a case-control study. The study was carried out with 380 samples. Lungs were collected from broilers that were condemned (95) or not condemned (285) due to airsacculitis directly from the slaughter line. Forty-six (12%) lung samples were positive for A. fumigatus in mycological culture. Among all samples, 177 (46.6%) presented histopathological alterations, with necrotic, fibrinous, heterophilic pneumonia; heterophilic pneumonia and lymphoid hyperplasia being the most frequent. Out of the 380 lungs analyzed, 65.2% (30) showed histopathological alterations and isolation of fungi. The statistical analysis (McNemar's chi-square test) indicated a significant association between the presence of histopathological lesions and the isolation of A. fumigatus. Mycological cultivation and histopathological diagnosis increase the probability of detecting pulmonary alterations in birds condemned by the Final Inspection System, which suggests that such diagnostic criteria can improve the assessment and condemnation of birds affected by airsacculitis.


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Visando-se determinar as características e frequência das doenças na população suína na região de abrangência do Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária (LPV) da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo de todos os diagnósticos de necropsias realizadas nesta espécie no período de 1964 a 2011. Foram separados 564 casos com diagnósticos conclusivos. A criação suína na região de abrangência do estudo é predominantemente familiar e as doenças diagnosticadas, refletem esta realidade. As doenças infecciosas e parasitárias foram as mais prevalentes [380(68,1%)], seguidas, em ordem decrescente, das doenças metabólicas e nutricionais [64(11,5%)], intoxicações e toxi-infecções [33(5,9%)], e distúrbios do desenvolvimento [15(2,7%)]. Outras alterações de diversas etiologias, sobretudo de trauma, foram causa de morte em pouco mais de 11% dos protocolos examinados. Doenças bacterianas foram responsáveis por mais da metade das causas de morte ou razão para eutanásia dos suínos estudados, revelando a influência de fatores de manejo, ambientais e nutricionais regional de criação de suínos. A principal doença diagnosticada em suínos na região de abrangência do estudo foi a doença do edema e juntamente com outras formas de infecção por Escherichia coli é responsável por 23% das mortes. Doenças de etiologia viral e neoplasia não são importantes causas de morte em suínos na região estudada. Hepatose nutricional e aflatoxicose são importantes doenças da região e se devem, sobretudo, a fatores de manejo nutricional.


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1818/08/07 (Numéro 380).


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No ano agríco la de 1978/79 instalou-se um ensaio na área experimental da Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", USP, em Piracicaba, SP, tendo por objetivo estudar os efeitos de reguladores vegetais, em diferentes doses e épocas de aplicação, sobre a cultura do algodoeiro (Gossypium hirsutum L. ). Os tratamentos utilizados foram: cloreto de mepiquat (DPC) nas concentrações de 84, 167 e 250ppm, cloreto de clorocolina (CCC) nas dosagens de 250, 380 e 450ppm e ethephon (CEPA) nas concentrações 1670, 3340 e 6880ppm, sendo cada substância aplicada 51, 65 e 143 dias após a germinação, respectivamente. CCC e DPC tornaram mais compacta a arquitetura das plantas de algodoeiro, assim como promoveram reduções nos parâmetros da análise de crescimento. O número de ramos produtivos e de maçãs não foi afetado por esses reguladores. Foram notadas algumas variações nos parâmetros de produtividade, sendo que CCC, DPC e CEPA tenderam a aumentar o peso médio de algodão por planta . Esses produtos não depreciaram os caracteres agronômicos do algodão, nem as características tecnológicas.


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Foram conduzidos três ensaios com o objetivo de estudar os efeitos de diferentes métodos de quebra de dormência das sementes, da qualidade da luz e da profundidade de semeadura na germinação e emergência do Xanthium strumarim L. (carrapichão). No primeiro ensaio, sob condições de câmara de crescimento, os tratamentos constaram de 5 métodos de quebra de dormência: mecânico (lixa), químico (H2SO4 conc. por 10 min.), pré-tratamento em água (imersão por 2 horas), físico (choque térmico: água à 80oC por 2 min.) e testemunha, que proporcionaram 100%, 93%, 93%, 87% e 80% de germinação, respectivamente, sem haver diferença estatística entre os mesmos. O pré-tratamento em água apresentou menor índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG) e os demais não diferiram significativamente entre si. No segundo ensaio, também sob condições de câmara de crescimento, os tratamentos de qualidade da luz constaram de 6 filtros de luz, que resultaram nas seguintes porcentagens de germinação: azul - com refletividade máxima a 450 nm (13%), verde-500 nm (33%), vermelho-700 nm (13%), vermelho/distante-760 nm (7%), ausência de luz (26%) e transparente - sem absortividade na região de 380 a 760 nm (testemunha, 73%), indicando sensibilidade das sementes à qualidade de luz. No terceiro ensaio, sob condições de casa-de-vegetação, os tratamentos foram diferentes profundidades de semeadura (0 a 20 cm, em intervalos de 2 cm), sendo que o máximo de emergência ocorreu no intervalo de 0 a 8 cm, no qual foi observado 67% de emergência do carrapichão, com maior índice de velocidade emergência (IVE), sendo que após os 16 cm, praticamente não houve emergência.


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The aim of the present set of studies was to explore primary school children’s Spontaneous Focusing On quantitative Relations (SFOR) and its role in the development of rational number conceptual knowledge. The specific goals were to determine if it was possible to identify a spontaneous quantitative focusing tendency that indexes children’s tendency to recognize and utilize quantitative relations in non-explicitly mathematical situations and to determine if this tendency has an impact on the development of rational number conceptual knowledge in late primary school. To this end, we report on six original empirical studies that measure SFOR in children ages five to thirteen years and the development of rational number conceptual knowledge in ten- to thirteen-year-olds. SFOR measures were developed to determine if there are substantial differences in SFOR that are not explained by the ability to use quantitative relations. A measure of children’s conceptual knowledge of the magnitude representations of rational numbers and the density of rational numbers is utilized to capture the process of conceptual change with rational numbers in late primary school students. Finally, SFOR tendency was examined in relation to the development of rational number conceptual knowledge in these students. Study I concerned the first attempts to measure individual differences in children’s spontaneous recognition and use of quantitative relations in 86 Finnish children from the ages of five to seven years. Results revealed that there were substantial inter-individual differences in the spontaneous recognition and use of quantitative relations in these tasks. This was particularly true for the oldest group of participants, who were in grade one (roughly seven years old). However, the study did not control for ability to solve the tasks using quantitative relations, so it was not clear if these differences were due to ability or SFOR. Study II more deeply investigated the nature of the two tasks reported in Study I, through the use of a stimulated-recall procedure examining children’s verbalizations of how they interpreted the tasks. Results reveal that participants were able to verbalize reasoning about their quantitative relational responses, but not their responses based on exact number. Furthermore, participants’ non-mathematical responses revealed a variety of other aspects, beyond quantitative relations and exact number, which participants focused on in completing the tasks. These results suggest that exact number may be more easily perceived than quantitative relations. As well, these tasks were revealed to contain both mathematical and non-mathematical aspects which were interpreted by the participants as relevant. Study III investigated individual differences in SFOR 84 children, ages five to nine, from the US and is the first to report on the connection between SFOR and other mathematical abilities. The cross-sectional data revealed that there were individual differences in SFOR. Importantly, these differences were not entirely explained by the ability to solve the tasks using quantitative relations, suggesting that SFOR is partially independent from the ability to use quantitative relations. In other words, the lack of use of quantitative relations on the SFOR tasks was not solely due to participants being unable to solve the tasks using quantitative relations, but due to a lack of the spontaneous attention to the quantitative relations in the tasks. Furthermore, SFOR tendency was found to be related to arithmetic fluency among these participants. This is the first evidence to suggest that SFOR may be a partially distinct aspect of children’s existing mathematical competences. Study IV presented a follow-up study of the first graders who participated in Studies I and II, examining SFOR tendency as a predictor of their conceptual knowledge of fraction magnitudes in fourth grade. Results revealed that first graders’ SFOR tendency was a unique predictor of fraction conceptual knowledge in fourth grade, even after controlling for general mathematical skills. These results are the first to suggest that SFOR tendency may play a role in the development of rational number conceptual knowledge. Study V presents a longitudinal study of the development of 263 Finnish students’ rational number conceptual knowledge over a one year period. During this time participants completed a measure of conceptual knowledge of the magnitude representations and the density of rational numbers at three time points. First, a Latent Profile Analysis indicated that a four-class model, differentiating between those participants with high magnitude comparison and density knowledge, was the most appropriate. A Latent Transition Analysis reveal that few students display sustained conceptual change with density concepts, though conceptual change with magnitude representations is present in this group. Overall, this study indicated that there were severe deficiencies in conceptual knowledge of rational numbers, especially concepts of density. The longitudinal Study VI presented a synthesis of the previous studies in order to specifically detail the role of SFOR tendency in the development of rational number conceptual knowledge. Thus, the same participants from Study V completed a measure of SFOR, along with the rational number test, including a fourth time point. Results reveal that SFOR tendency was a predictor of rational number conceptual knowledge after two school years, even after taking into consideration prior rational number knowledge (through the use of residualized SFOR scores), arithmetic fluency, and non-verbal intelligence. Furthermore, those participants with higher-than-expected SFOR scores improved significantly more on magnitude representation and density concepts over the four time points. These results indicate that SFOR tendency is a strong predictor of rational number conceptual development in late primary school children. The results of the six studies reveal that within children’s existing mathematical competences there can be identified a spontaneous quantitative focusing tendency named spontaneous focusing on quantitative relations. Furthermore, this tendency is found to play a role in the development of rational number conceptual knowledge in primary school children. Results suggest that conceptual change with the magnitude representations and density of rational numbers is rare among this group of students. However, those children who are more likely to notice and use quantitative relations in situations that are not explicitly mathematical seem to have an advantage in the development of rational number conceptual knowledge. It may be that these students gain quantitative more and qualitatively better self-initiated deliberate practice with quantitative relations in everyday situations due to an increased SFOR tendency. This suggests that it may be important to promote this type of mathematical activity in teaching rational numbers. Furthermore, these results suggest that there may be a series of spontaneous quantitative focusing tendencies that have an impact on mathematical development throughout the learning trajectory.