997 resultados para 315-C0001E


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In big data image/video analytics, we encounter the problem of learning an over-complete dictionary for sparse representation from a large training dataset, which cannot be processed at once because of storage and computational constraints. To tackle the problem of dictionary learning in such scenarios, we propose an algorithm that exploits the inherent clustered structure of the training data and make use of a divide-and-conquer approach. The fundamental idea behind the algorithm is to partition the training dataset into smaller clusters, and learn local dictionaries for each cluster. Subsequently, the local dictionaries are merged to form a global dictionary. Merging is done by solving another dictionary learning problem on the atoms of the locally trained dictionaries. This algorithm is referred to as the split-and-merge algorithm. We show that the proposed algorithm is efficient in its usage of memory and computational complexity, and performs on par with the standard learning strategy, which operates on the entire data at a time. As an application, we consider the problem of image denoising. We present a comparative analysis of our algorithm with the standard learning techniques that use the entire database at a time, in terms of training and denoising performance. We observe that the split-and-merge algorithm results in a remarkable reduction of training time, without significantly affecting the denoising performance.


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This paper reports the time-mean and phase-locked response of nonreacting as well as reacting flow field in a coaxial swirling jet/flame (nonpremixed). Two distinct swirl intensities plus two different central pipe flow rates at each swirl setting are investigated. The maximum response is observed at the 105 Hz mode in the range of excitation frequencies (0-315 Hz). The flow/flame exhibited minimal response beyond 300 Hz. It is seen that the aspect ratio change of inner recirculation zone (IRZ) under nonreacting conditions (at responsive modes) manifests as a corresponding increase in the time-mean flame aspect ratio. This is corroborated by similar to 25% decrease in the IRZ transverse width in both flame and cold flow states. In addition, 105 Hz excited states are found to shed high energy regions (eddies) asymmetrically when compared to dormant 315 Hz pulsing frequency. The kinetic energy (KE) of the flow field is subsequently reduced due to acoustic excitation and a corresponding increase (similar to O (1)) in fluctuation intensity is witnessed. The lower swirl intensity case is found to be more responsive than the high swirl case as in the former flow state the resistance offered by IRZ to incoming acoustic perturbations is lower due to inherently low inertia. Next, the phase-locked analysis of flow and flame structure is employed to further investigate the phase dependence of flow/flame response. It is found that the asymmetric shifting of IRZ mainly results at 270 deg acoustic forcing. The 90 deg phase angle forcing is observed to convect the IRZ farther downstream in both swirl cases as compared to other phase angles. The present work aims primarily at providing a fluid dynamic view point to the observed nonpremixed flame response without considering the confinement effects.


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The wastage behaviour of four low alloy steels, suitable for use as evaporator tubing in industrial atmospheric fluidized bed combustors (AFBCs), was examined in a laboratory-scale test rig. Specimens exposed in the test apparatus experienced a high flux of impacts at low particle velocities similar to conditions in a FBC boiler. The influence of time, velocity and temperature on the wastage behaviour was examined and incubation times and velocity exponents were determined and their values discussed. Since high-temperature oxidation played an important role in this process, the short-term oxidation rate of each of the steels was measured. The mechanisms of material loss across the temperature range were discussed and the behaviour of the low alloy steels in the current work was compared with that of high alloy and stainless steels in earlier studies. © 1995.


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Resumen: El presente estudio, de tipo descriptivo-correlacional por encuesta, tuvo como propósito examinar la relación entre el modelo multidimensional de bienestar psicológico de Ryff y el modelo de los cinco factores de personalidad en estudiantes universitarios. Para ello se aplicaron las Escalas de Bienestar Psicológico y el Inventario de los Cinco Grandes a 315 estudiantes de pregrado de la Universidad de Concepción (Chile). Los resultados mostraron que, tal como se predecía, el bienestar psicológico y sus dimensiones se relacionaron de forma inversa con el Neuroticismo y de forma directa con los restantes factores de personalidad, y que los factores de Responsabilidad y Neuroticismo eran los que tenían mayor influencia en el bienestar psicológico. También se encontraron diferencias a favor de las mujeres en Neuroticismo, Amabilidad y Responsabilidad.


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Anodic bonding of Pyrex glass/Al/Si is an important bonding technique in micro/nanoelectromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS) industry. The anodic bonding of Pyrex 7740 glass/Aluminum film/Silicon is completed at the temperature from 300 degrees C to 375 degrees C with a bonding voltage between 150 V and 450 V. The fractal patterns are formed in the intermediate Al thin film. This pattern has the fractal dimension of the typical two-dimensional diffusion-limited aggregation (2D DLA) process, and the fractal dimension is around 1.7. The fractal patterns consist of Al and Si crystalline grains, and their occurrences are due to the limited diffusion, aggregation, and crystallization of Si and Al atoms in the intermediate Al layers. The formation of the fractal pattern is helpful to enhance the bonding strength between the Pyrex 7740 glass and the aluminum thin film coated on the crystal silicon substrates.


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Se efectuó una prueba de alimentación usando el diseño de parcela dividida con un arreglo completamente al azar, con 36 terneras provenientes del cruce Holstein y Pardo Suizo, para comparar el efecto de dos edades de destete 4 y 8 semanas, y tres sistemas de alimentación en el crecimiento de terneras de lecheria. Los tratamientos fueron los siguientes: a) leche integra suministrada en forma gradual y el destete a las 4 semanas; b) leche integra suministrada en forma constante y el destete a las 4 semanas; c) sustituto de leche por 4 semanas; d, e y f, similares a los tratamientos anteriores en lo referente al alimento liquido pero con destete a las 8 semanas. El resto de la racion consistio en alimentos concentrados; iniciador, desarrollo y heno. Desde las 9 a las 20 semanas las terneras pasaron en grupos de seis a corrales comunes. El iniciador suministrado a las terneras de los tratamientos a y d se ofreció a razón de 144 gr. por litro de leche integra, previa disolución en agua, y el iniciador que consumieron las terneras de los tratamientos c y f se administro a razón de 0.90 kg hasta el destete. El concentrado de desarrollo se ofreció a los tratamientos a, b, d y a donde la 1 a las 20 semanas y en los tratamientos c y f después del destete hasta alcanzar un máximo de 2.7 kg. Todos los tratamientos tuvieron a disposición a partir del destete heno de estrella (Cynodon sp). La ganancia de peso vivo promedio total, de 66.48 kg obtenida por las terneras del tratamiento e, fue similar a las de 56.84, 50.74, 53.72 y 55.53 kg logradas por las terneras de los tratamientos b, c,d y f, pero significativamente diferente (P<0.05), a 43.42 kg alcanzada por las terneras del tratamiento a. El promedio de ganancias de peso vivo por día desde la 1 hasta las 20 semanas de edad fue 0.31, 0.41, 0.36, 0.38, 0.47 y 0.40 kg para los tratamientos a al f respectivamente. La mayor ganancia promedio en altura a la cruz 20.32 cm lograda por las terneras del tratamiento II fue similar a la de 17.97 cm obtenida por las terneras del tratamiento III, pero significativamente diferentes (P<0.01), con la de 15.94 cm alcanzada por las terneras del sistema I. El promedio de ganancia en perímetro toraxico fue 22.23, 27.30, 26.29, 26.29, 30.35 y 26.29 cm para los tratamientos a al f respectivamente. Estas ganancias no fueron significativas (P<0.05). Los costos totales de alimentación por ternera desde la 1 hasta las 20 semanas fueron 245.98, 315.74, 283.41, 318.41, 457.48 y 335.33 córdobas para los tratamientos a al f respectivamente. Los costos correspondientes por kg de aumento en peso vivo, fueron 5.67, 5.55, 5.59, 5.93, 6.88 y 6.04 respectivamente.


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