929 resultados para 3-D screening
β-(1→3)-Glucanases were produced by Trichoderma harzianum Rifai PAMB-86 cultivated on botryosphaeran in a bench-fermenter and optimised by the response surface method. Maximal enzyme titres occurred at 5 days, initial pH 5.5 and aeration of 1.5vvm. β-(1→3)-The β-glucanolytic enzyme complex produced by T. harzianum Rifai PAMB- 86 was fractionated by gel filtration into 2 fractions (F-I, F-II), and employed to produce gluco-oligosaccharides from algal paramylon ((1→3)-β-D-glucan) and lichen pustulan ((1→6)-β-D-glucan). Both enzymes attacked paramylon to the extent of ~15-20% in 30 min releasing glucose and laminaribiose as major end-products, and laminarioligosaccharides of degree of polymerization (DP) ≥3. Only F-I degraded pustulan resulting in ~2% degradation at 30 min, with glucose, gentiobiose and gentio-oligosaccharides of DP ≥4 as major products. The difference in the nature of the hydrolysis products can be explained by the substrate specificities of each enzyme fraction, and the structural differences of the β-D-glucans attacked.
Four liquid crystals (LC) 3,7a-bis(4-alkyloxyphenyl)-7,7a-dihydro-6H-isoxazolo[2,3-d][1,2,4]oxadiazol-6-yl)acetic acid (7a-d) were synthesised and the mesomorphic behaviour reported. The LCs were characterised as 2: 1 bisadducts, which were obtained from a double [3+2] 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition. In the first step, the cycloaddition of 4-alkyloxyphenylnitrile oxide (4a-d) and vinylacetic acid (5) gave the initial unobserved 1:1 cycloadducts 2-[3-(4-alkyloxyphenyl)-4,5-dihydroisoxazol-5-yl]acetic acid (6a-d). In the second step, the addition of a second equivalent of 4 to 6 yielded the 2: 1 bisadducts 7a-d without any traces of 6. All compounds 7a-d were unstable during the transition from the mesophase to the isotropic state upon first heating as evidenced by the large peaks in the differential scanning calorimetry traces. Due to the chemical instability of the compounds upon heating, the transition temperature related to the smectic C to smectic A transitions was acquired by means of an image processing method. X-Ray diffraction experiments were also used to analyse the liquid-crystalline phases. A theoretical calculation was performed using density functional theory (DFT) methods at the PBE1PBE/6-311+G(2d,p) level (with solvent effect) in order to get information about the energetic profile of the 2: 1 cycloaddition. DFT studies revealed that the cycloaddition process is controlled by the HOMO(dipolarophile) - LUMO(1,3-dipole), and that the double [3+2] 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction is quite possible.
In dieser Arbeit wurden im Rahmen der UTOPIHAN- und HOHPEX04-Projekte Peroxid- und Formaldehydmessungen in der Troposphäre durchgeführt und wissenschaftlich interpretiert. Die Messungen während UTOPIHAN fanden dabei an Bord eines für Forschungszwecke umgerüsteten Flugzeuges (Learjet 35A) im Wesentlichen in der freien, insbesondere in der oberen Troposphäre über Europa statt. Die Messungen während HOHPEX04 waren hingegen als Bodenmessungen an der sich abwechselnd in der bodennahen Grenzschicht und in von dieser Schicht entkoppelten Luftmassen liegenden Bergstation Hohenpeißenberg (bayerisches Voralpenland) konzipiert. Um eine quantitative Auswertbarkeit der Messungen sicherzustellen, wurden die verwendeten, auf chemischer Derivatisierung und fluorimetrischer Detektion basierenden Messgeräte AL 2001CA (Peroxide) und AL 4021 (Formaldehyd) (AEROLASER) genau charakterisiert. Dabei wurde speziell die bekannte Ozoninterferenz beider Geräte in einer großen Zahl von Laborexperimenten mit unterschiedlichen Randbedingungen bezüglich Wasserdampf- und Kohlenwasserstoffgehalt der Luft untersucht. Für beide Verbindungen wurden Höhen- sowie Breitenprofile erstellt und mit Ergebnissen eines 3D-Chemie-Transport-Modells (CTM) sowie früherer Studien verglichen. In einem weiteren Kapitel werden Ergebnisse einer quantitativen Studie zum Einfluss hochreichender Konvektion auf das HCHO-Budget in der mittleren und oberen Troposphäre präsentiert. Diese Studie kommt zu dem Schluss, dass der rasche Aufwärtstransport von Vorläufergasen von HCHO und HOx wie Methanol, Aceton und sogar gut löslicher Spurengase wie CH3OOH beziehungsweise H2O2 aus der Grenzschicht einen signifikanten, auf Grund der längeren Lebensdauer von NOx über mehrere Tage andauernden und damit großräumigen Einfluss auf die Budgets von HCHO, HOx und auch O3 in der oberen Troposphäre haben kann. Die Befunde der Studie legen desweiteren nahe, dass fehlerhafte Modellvorhersagen für die NO-Mischungsverhältnisse in der Tropopausenregion, die zum Beispiel mit Mängeln des Modells bezüglich der Höhe der Konvektion und des Stratosphären-Troposphären-Austauschs zu tun haben, hauptverantwortlich sind für gefundene Differenzen zwischen Messdaten und dem verwendeten 3D-Chemie-Transport-Modell. Um die Signifikanz der Aussagen zu erhöhen, wurde eine Sensitivitätsstudie durchgeführt, in der die Konzentration einiger chemischer Verbindungen sowie die Photolyseraten variiert wurden. Eine weitere Studie zum Einfluss verschiedener Parameter auf das CH3OOH/H2O2-Verhältnis kommt zu dem Schluss, dass dieses Verhältnis keinen idealen Indikator für Wolkenprozessierung von Luftmassen darstellt, während eine signifikant positive Abweichung vom H2O2/H2O-Verhältnis in der oberen Troposphäre ein guter Indikator für rasch aufwärts transportierte Luftmassen sein kann. Im Rahmen dieser Studie werden auch Höhen- und Breitenprofile des CH3OOH/H2O2-Verhältnisses diskutiert. In einer letzten Untersuchung zu HCHO-Messungen am Observatorium Hohenpeißenberg im Sommer 2004 werden für die in zwei Windrichtungssektoren eingeteilten Daten Korrelationen anderer Spurengase wie O3, PAN, CO, NOy und Isopren mit HCHO interpretiert. In diesem Zusammenhang wird auch versucht, den beobachteten Tagesgang von HCHO zu erklären.
Noninvasive imaging of atherosclerosis is being increasingly used in clinical practice, with some experts recommending to screen all healthy adults for atherosclerosis and some jurisdictions mandating insurance coverage for atherosclerosis screening. Data on the impact of such screening have not been systematically synthesized.
Como en todos los medios de transporte, la seguridad en los viajes en avión es de primordial importancia. Con los aumentos de tráfico aéreo previstos en Europa para la próxima década, es evidente que el riesgo de accidentes necesita ser evaluado y monitorizado cuidadosamente de forma continúa. La Tesis presente tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un modelo de riesgo de colisión exhaustivo como método para evaluar el nivel de seguridad en ruta del espacio aéreo europeo, considerando todos los factores de influencia. La mayor limitación en el desarrollo de metodologías y herramientas de monitorización adecuadas para evaluar el nivel de seguridad en espacios de ruta europeos, donde los controladores aéreos monitorizan el tráfico aéreo mediante la vigilancia radar y proporcionan instrucciones tácticas a las aeronaves, reside en la estimación del riesgo operacional. Hoy en día, la estimación del riesgo operacional está basada normalmente en reportes de incidentes proporcionados por el proveedor de servicios de navegación aérea (ANSP). Esta Tesis propone un nuevo e innovador enfoque para evaluar el nivel de seguridad basado exclusivamente en el procesamiento y análisis trazas radar. La metodología propuesta ha sido diseñada para complementar la información recogida en las bases de datos de accidentes e incidentes, mediante la provisión de información robusta de los factores de tráfico aéreo y métricas de seguridad inferidas del análisis automático en profundidad de todos los eventos de proximidad. La metodología 3-D CRM se ha implementado en un prototipo desarrollado en MATLAB © para analizar automáticamente las trazas radar y planes de vuelo registrados por los Sistemas de Procesamiento de Datos Radar (RDP) e identificar y analizar todos los eventos de proximidad (conflictos, conflictos potenciales y colisiones potenciales) en un periodo de tiempo y volumen del espacio aéreo. Actualmente, el prototipo 3-D CRM está siendo adaptado e integrado en la herramienta de monitorización de prestaciones de Aena (PERSEO) para complementar las bases de accidentes e incidentes ATM y mejorar la monitorización y proporcionar evidencias de los niveles de seguridad. ABSTRACT As with all forms of transport, the safety of air travel is of paramount importance. With the projected increases in European air traffic in the next decade and beyond, it is clear that the risk of accidents needs to be assessed and carefully monitored on a continuing basis. The present thesis is aimed at the development of a comprehensive collision risk model as a method of assessing the European en-route risk, due to all causes and across all dimensions within the airspace. The major constraint in developing appropriate monitoring methodologies and tools to assess the level of safety in en-route airspaces where controllers monitor air traffic by means of radar surveillance and provide aircraft with tactical instructions lies in the estimation of the operational risk. The operational risk estimate normally relies on incident reports provided by the air navigation service providers (ANSPs). This thesis proposes a new and innovative approach to assessing aircraft safety level based exclusively upon the process and analysis of radar tracks. The proposed methodology has been designed to complement the information collected in the accident and incident databases, thereby providing robust information on air traffic factors and safety metrics inferred from the in depth assessment of proximate events. The 3-D CRM methodology is implemented in a prototype tool in MATLAB © in order to automatically analyze recorded aircraft tracks and flight plan data from the Radar Data Processing systems (RDP) and identify and analyze all proximate events (conflicts, potential conflicts and potential collisions) within a time span and a given volume of airspace. Currently, the 3D-CRM prototype is been adapted and integrated in AENA’S Performance Monitoring Tool (PERSEO) to complement the information provided by the ATM accident and incident databases and to enhance monitoring and providing evidence of levels of safety.
Validating modern oceanographic theories using models produced through stereo computer vision principles has recently emerged. Space-time (4-D) models of the ocean surface may be generated by stacking a series of 3-D reconstructions independently generated for each time instant or, in a more robust manner, by simultaneously processing several snapshots coherently in a true ?4-D reconstruction.? However, the accuracy of these computer-vision-generated models is subject to the estimations of camera parameters, which may be corrupted under the influence of natural factors such as wind and vibrations. Therefore, removing the unpredictable errors of the camera parameters is necessary for an accurate reconstruction. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm that can jointly perform a 4-D reconstruction as well as correct the camera parameter errors introduced by external factors. The technique is founded upon variational optimization methods to benefit from their numerous advantages: continuity of the estimated surface in space and time, robustness, and accuracy. The performance of the proposed algorithm is tested using synthetic data produced through computer graphics techniques, based on which the errors of the camera parameters arising from natural factors can be simulated.
The cyclic β-(1→3),β-(1→6)-d-glucan synthesis locus of Bradyrhizobium japonicum is composed of at least two genes, ndvB and ndvC. Mutation in either gene affects glucan synthesis, as well as the ability of the bacterium to establish a successful symbiotic interaction with the legume host soybean (Glycine max). B. japonicum strain AB-14 (ndvB::Tn5) does not synthesize β-glucans, and strain AB-1 (ndvC::Tn5) synthesizes a cyclic β-glucan lacking β-(1→6)-glycosidic bonds. We determined that the structure of the glucan synthesized by strain AB-1 is cyclodecakis-(1→3)-β-d-glucosyl, a cyclic β-(1→3)-linked decasaccharide in which one of the residues is substituted in the 6 position with β-laminaribiose. Cyclodecakis-(1→3)-β-d-glucosyl did not suppress the fungal β-glucan-induced plant defense response in soybean cotyledons and had much lower affinity for the putative membrane receptor protein than cyclic β-(1→3),β-(1→6)-glucans produced by wild-type B. japonicum. This is consistent with the hypothesis presented previously that the wild-type cyclic β-glucans may function as suppressors of a host defense response.
1. Risālah fī ādāb al-muṭālaʻah / Ḥāmid ibn Burhān ibn Abī Dharr al-Ghifārī (ff. 1r-6v) -- 2. Ādāb ʻUthmānīyah (ff. 7r-14r) -- 3. Ādāb Sharīfīyah fī al-munāẓarah / al-Sayyid al-Sharīf al-Jurjānī (ff. 15r-27r) -- 4. Sharḥ ādāb al-baḥth fī ʻilm al-munāẓarah lil-ʻAḍudī (ff. 28r-46v) -- 5. Ḥāshiyah ʻalá Sharḥ Ādāb al-Ḥanafī (ff. 47r-55v).
t.1. 2. éd., 1862.--t.2. 2. éd., 1862.--t.3. 3. éd., 1864.--t.4. 2. éd., 1863.--t.5. 2. éd., 1863.--t.6. 5. éd., 1864.--t.7. 1864.
[v. 1]: 3. éd., rev. et augm. de quelques notes.
This study aimed to determine the accuracy (and usability) of the Retinomax, a hand-held autorefractor, compared to measurements taken from hand-held retinoscopy (HHR) in a sample of normal 1-year-old children. The study was a method comparison set at four Community Child Health Clinics. Infants (n = 2079) of approximately 1 year of age were identified from birth/immunization records and their caregivers were contacted by mail. A total of 327 infants ranging in age from 46 weeks to 81 weeks (mean 61 weeks) participated in the study. The children underwent a full ophthalmic examination. Under cycloplegia, refraction was measured in each eye by streak retinoscopy (HHR) and then re-measured using the Retinomax autorefractor. Sphere, cylinder, axis of cylinder and spherical equivalent measurements were recorded for HHR and Retinomax instruments, and compared. Across the range of refractive errors measured, there was generally close agreement between the two examination methods, although the Retinomax consistently read around 0.3 D less hyperopic than HHR. Significantly more girls (72 infants, 47.7%), struggled during examination with the Retinomax than boys (52 infants, 29.5%) (P < 0.001). Agreement deteriorated between the two instruments if the patient struggled during the examination (P < 0.001). In general, the Retinomax would appear to be a useful screening instrument in early childhood. However, patient cooperation affects the accuracy of results and is an important con-sideration in determining whether this screening instrument should be adopted for measuring refractive errors in early infancy.
This research project is concerned with the design, synthesis and development of new phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitors with improved selectivities and lower toxicities. Two series of a 5 member and a 6 member ring fused heterocyclic compounds were designed, and synthesized. By alteration of starting materials and fragments, two virtual libraries, each is consisted of close to hundred compounds, were obtained successfully. The screening of sexual stimulation activity with rabbits demonstrated both groups of compounds were able to stimulate rabbit penile erection significantly. The following toxicity studies revealed 2-(substituted-sulfonylphenyl)-imidazo [1,5-a]-1,3,5-triazine-4-(3H)-one group possessed an unacceptable toxicity with oral LD50 about 200mg/kg; while 2-(substituted-sulfonylphenyl)-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-one group showed an acceptable toxicity with oral LD50 over 2000mg/kg. The continued bioactivity studies showed yonkenafil, the representative of 2-(substituted-sulfonylphenyl)-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-one group, has a better selectivity towards PDE5 and PDE6 than sildenafil and a better overall profile of sexual stimulation on animals than sildenafil. Chronic toxicity studies of yonkenafil further confirmed yonkenafil did not cause any serious side effect and damage on animal models and most actions were explainable. Based on evidences of the above studies, yonkenafil were recommended to enter clinical trials by the regulation authority of China, SFDA. Currently yonkenafil has been through the Phase I clinical trials and ready to progress into Phase II. Hopefully, yonkenafil will provide an alternative to the ED patients in the future.
Open skull surgery of deeply located intracerebral lesions requires precise determination of the treatment area in 3-dimensional (3-D) space. 3-D MRI can give important additional information in presurgical determination of the surgical approach to the target, taking into account highly functional brain areas and important vascular structures. The day before surgery, a grid composed of 9 tubings intersecting at 90° at 1 cm intervals and filled with a Q1SO4 solution is firmly attached to the skin of the patient’s head in the presumed region of the craniotomy. A 3-D turbo-FLASH sequence is then performed in the sagittal plane after intravenous Gd-DOTA injection on a IT Magnetom. 3-D surface reconstruction of the cortical gyri and sulci is performed. Once the gyri are identified, the 3-D program is then implemented in order to perform a color display of the cortical veins and of the tumor boundaries. The surgical access is then chosen by the surgeon, taking into account highly functional areas. Finally, the boundaries of the tumor are projected on the cortex reconstruction and on the external reference placed on the skin. The entry place for surgery as well as the size of craniotomy are drawn on the skin and the tubed grid is removed. The accuracy of this method tested in 9 patients with deeply located brain tumors or arteriovenous malformations was very satisfactory. In daily practice, this method is a valuable technique providing important clinical information in determining the shortest and safest way through the brain tissue, decreasing possible functional deficit and reducing craniotomy size in cases of difficult to access deep brain areas. Our method does not require a stereotactic frame permanently fixed to the head of the patient during surgery. © 1994 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Turnip crinkle virus (TCV) and Pea enation mosaic virus (PEMV) are two positive (+)-strand RNA viruses that are used to investigate the regulation of translation and replication due to their small size and simple genomes. Both viruses contain cap-independent translation elements (CITEs) within their 3´ untranslated regions (UTRs) that fold into tRNA-shaped structures (TSS) according to nuclear magnetic resonance and small angle x-ray scattering analysis (TCV) and computational prediction (PEMV). Specifically, the TCV TSS can directly associate with ribosomes and participates in RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) binding. The PEMV kissing-loop TSS (kl-TSS) can simultaneously bind to ribosomes and associate with the 5´ UTR of the viral genome. Mutational analysis and chemical structure probing methods provide great insight into the function and secondary structure of the two 3´ CITEs. However, lack of 3-D structural information has limited our understanding of their functional dynamics. Here, I report the folding dynamics for the TCV TSS using optical tweezers (OT), a single molecule technique. My study of the unfolding/folding pathways for the TCV TSS has provided an unexpected unfolding pathway, confirmed the presence of Ψ3 and hairpin elements, and suggested an interconnection between the hairpins and pseudoknots. In addition, this study has demonstrated the importance of the adjacent upstream adenylate-rich sequence for the formation of H4a/Ψ3 along with the contribution of magnesium to the stability of the TCV TSS. In my second project, I report on the structural analysis of the PEMV kl-TSS using NMR and SAXS. This study has re-confirmed the base-pair pattern for the PEMV kl-TSS and the proposed interaction of the PEMV kl-TSS with its interacting partner, hairpin 5H2. The molecular envelope of the kl-TSS built from SAXS analysis suggests the kl-TSS has two functional conformations, one of which has a different shape from the previously predicted tRNA-shaped form. Along with applying biophysical methods to study the structural folding dynamics of RNAs, I have also developed a technique that improves the production of large quantities of recombinant RNAs in vivo for NMR study. In this project, I report using the wild-type and mutant E.coli strains to produce cost-effective, site-specific labeled, recombinant RNAs. This technique was validated with four representative RNAs of different sizes and complexity to produce milligram amounts of RNAs. The benefit of using site-specific labeled RNAs made from E.coli was demonstrated with several NMR techniques.