995 resultados para 196
[ES] El objetivo de esta investigación es evaluar la actividad de saltar de un grupo escolar natural de 15 criaturas entre los dos y los cuatro años en el contexto de la Práctica Psicomotriz Aucouturier. La perspectiva teórica adoptada ha sido la teoría psicogenética y dialéctica de Henri Wallon. Según ésta, saltar es un automatismo natural regulado por el aparato funcional del equilibrio que se aprende en la primera infancia. La metodología utilizada ha sido la observacional. El diseño es nomotético, de seguimiento y multidimensional, y el instrumento de observación es el formato de campo "el salto en psicomotricidad durante el tercer año de vida". Los resultados, obtenidos mediante la aplicación prospectiva del análisis secuencial de retardos, informan sobre la adquisición del automatismo o proceso de aprendizaje, sobre el contenido del mismo o manejo del vértigo y sobre su resultante conjunta o tipos básicos de salto en psicomotricidad, sus características y su evolución.
Coleção formada por três volumes, datados de 1735-1746, que contém, respectivamente, 141, 145 e 196 cartas escritas pelo Padre Vieira, que refletem a mais pura prosa da língua portuguesa. Segundo Francisco Freire de Carvalho, no seu Ensaio da história literária de Portugal, "estas cartas têm merecido ser emparelhadas em virtudes de estilo e na pureza de linguagem às de Cícero, ou pouco menos: e, como tais, elogiadas por todos quantos se prezam de bom gosto literário".
Executive Summary: Observations show that warming of the climate is unequivocal. The global warming observed over the past 50 years is due primarily to human-induced emissions of heat-trapping gases. These emissions come mainly from the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and gas), with important contributions from the clearing of forests, agricultural practices, and other activities. Warming over this century is projected to be considerably greater than over the last century. The global average temperature since 1900 has risen by about 1.5ºF. By 2100, it is projected to rise another 2 to 11.5ºF. The U.S. average temperature has risen by a comparable amount and is very likely to rise more than the global average over this century, with some variation from place to place. Several factors will determine future temperature increases. Increases at the lower end of this range are more likely if global heat-trapping gas emissions are cut substantially. If emissions continue to rise at or near current rates, temperature increases are more likely to be near the upper end of the range. Volcanic eruptions or other natural variations could temporarily counteract some of the human-induced warming, slowing the rise in global temperature, but these effects would only last a few years. Reducing emissions of carbon dioxide would lessen warming over this century and beyond. Sizable early cuts in emissions would significantly reduce the pace and the overall amount of climate change. Earlier cuts in emissions would have a greater effect in reducing climate change than comparable reductions made later. In addition, reducing emissions of some shorter-lived heat-trapping gases, such as methane, and some types of particles, such as soot, would begin to reduce warming within weeks to decades. Climate-related changes have already been observed globally and in the United States. These include increases in air and water temperatures, reduced frost days, increased frequency and intensity of heavy downpours, a rise in sea level, and reduced snow cover, glaciers, permafrost, and sea ice. A longer ice-free period on lakes and rivers, lengthening of the growing season, and increased water vapor in the atmosphere have also been observed. Over the past 30 years, temperatures have risen faster in winter than in any other season, with average winter temperatures in the Midwest and northern Great Plains increasing more than 7ºF. Some of the changes have been faster than previous assessments had suggested. These climate-related changes are expected to continue while new ones develop. Likely future changes for the United States and surrounding coastal waters include more intense hurricanes with related increases in wind, rain, and storm surges (but not necessarily an increase in the number of these storms that make landfall), as well as drier conditions in the Southwest and Caribbean. These changes will affect human health, water supply, agriculture, coastal areas, and many other aspects of society and the natural environment. This report synthesizes information from a wide variety of scientific assessments (see page 7) and recently published research to summarize what is known about the observed and projected consequences of climate change on the United States. It combines analysis of impacts on various sectors such as energy, water, and transportation at the national level with an assessment of key impacts on specific regions of the United States. For example, sea-level rise will increase risks of erosion, storm surge damage, and flooding for coastal communities, especially in the Southeast and parts of Alaska. Reduced snowpack and earlier snow melt will alter the timing and amount of water supplies, posing significant challenges for water resource management in the West. (PDF contains 196 pages)
- 访罗湖 忆当年[李佩]
- 怀念同窗益友郭永怀教授[钱伟长]
- 郭永怀追求科学、为国献身的一生[洪友士]
- 深深怀念为核盾牌献身的著名科学家--郭永怀先生 中国工程物理研究院
- 深切怀念郭永怀教授的奠基性贡献 中国空气动力研究与发展中心
- 胸怀长江长城 心系国家安危--纪念我国核防护工程奠基人郭永怀先生[周丰峻]
- 缅怀我们的首任系主任--郭永怀教授[辛厚文 马兴孝 俞书勤 何天敬]
- 科学和技术结合的典范--纪念郭永怀先生诞辰九十周年[郑哲敏 李家春]
- 怀念与感激[俞鸿儒]
- 继承先师遗愿,谈我所冲击动力学的发展--纪念郭永怀副院长诞辰九十周年[陈裕泽]
- 英名长存--纪念郭永怀副院长诞辰九十周年[沈中毅]
- 郭永怀与我国导弹弹头再入气动物理研究[魏叔如]
- 科研工作引路人--纪念郭永怀九十诞辰[胡在军]
- 科技楷模,引路良师--怀念敬爱的郭永怀副院长[朱竟洪 郑百瑛]
- 七律 永怀永怀郭老师[董务民]
- 留得春晖映核魂--怀念我们的好领导好老师郭永怀同志[孙德纶 张克才]
- 难以忘怀--忆郭永怀副院长事迹点滴[孙天雄]
- 研究工作与工程技术工作之间的关系[谈庆明]
- 忆敬爱的郭永怀老师[张兆顺 呼和敖德]
- 根深叶茂 厚积薄发--追忆恩师郭永怀先生教诲我打好基础[严宗毅]
- 力学前辈,科德风范[徐友钜]
- 领导的楷模 学者的典范 青年的导师--怀念郭永怀副院长[于长勤]
- 怀念郭永怀副院长[陈裕泽]
- 关于郭永怀事迹的回顾[张长富]
- 严谨的导师,可亲的长者--忆著名的空气动力学家郭永怀先生[吴兰春]
- 严谨细致 实事求是--纪念郭永怀九十诞辰[李启廉]
- 纪念核武器环境试验技术的奠基人--郭永怀副院长诞辰九十周年[李荣林]
- 郭老精神激励着材料科学研究的不断深入[周维宣 谭云]
- 郭永怀副院长的关怀与我所有机材料研究的发展[陈晓丽]
- 忆与郭永怀副院长的一次谈话[孙德纶]
- 缅怀郭永怀院士[陈家镛]
- 记郭永怀先生二三事[屠善澄]
- Remembering Yunghuai Kuo[C.C.Lin]
- Recall with love and respect[William R.Sears]
- Y.H.Kuo:An appreciation[Frank E.Marble]
- A commemorative tribute to Professor Guo Yonghuai[T.Y.Wu]
- Y.H.Kuo:A great scientist,revered teacher and good friend[Alfred Ritter]
- 氢氧燃烧及爆轰驱动激波管[俞鸿儒]
- 颗粒材料中致密波结构研究[孙锦山 朱建士 贾祥瑞]
- 网格与高精度差分计算问题[张涵信 呙超 宗文刚]
- 植被层湍流的大涡模拟[李家春 谢正桐]
- 半浮区液桥热毛细振荡流[唐泽眉 阿燕 胡文瑞]
- 再入湍流尾迹及其对雷达散射的影响研究[牛家玉 于明]
- 超声射流中CS2分子态分辨转动弛豫研究[陈从香 刘世林 戴静华 张志萍 马兴孝]
- 37mm冲压加速器实验和计算[柳森 简和祥 白智勇 平新红 部绍清]
- 化学体系中噪声诱导的时空有序结构和随机共振[辛厚文 侯中怀 杨灵法]
- 根据守恒律计算热流和摩阻的有限元提法[童秉纲 段占元]
- 高阶精度线性耗散紧致格式的渐近稳定性[邓小刚 毛枚良]
- 离散流体力学:理论和数值方法[高智]
- 2号复合离心机自动控制系统研制[王磊 林明 冯晓军]
- 海沧大桥气动弹性特性风洞试验研究[李明水 陈忻 张大康 王卫华]
- 内爆炸载荷下圆管变形、损伤和破坏规律的研究[李永池 李大红 魏志刚 孙宇新]
- 两种凝聚炸药的静态断裂性能实验研究[罗景润 韦日演 马丽莲]
- 圆柱体侵彻薄靶极限击穿速度估算探讨[吴应白 唐平]
- 动力学修改方法在夹具设计中的应用研究[蒲怀强 唐定勇]
- Numerical simulation of non-linear stability of two-dimensional supersonic boundary layer[Shen Qing Yuan Xiangjiang]
- 1.1 化合物的生成焓,反应焓及燃烧热
- 1.2 热化学定律
- 1.3 热力学平衡与自由能,化学平衡与反应自由能
- 1.4 质量作用定律及可逆反应的平衡常数
- 1.5 平衡常数和标准反应自由能的关系
- 1.6 温度和压力对平衡常数的影响
- 1.7 绝热火焰温度计算
- 1.8 化学动力学中采用的几个基本概念和定义
- 1.9 反应的分类
- 1.10 阿累尼乌斯(Arrhenius)定律
- 1.11 双分子反应碰撞理论
- 1.12 反应分子数及反应级数
- 1.13 影响化学反应的因素
- 1.14 链锁反应
- 5.1 燃烧波的两种形式――缓燃(或火焰正常传播)及爆震
- 5.3 马兰特和利-恰及利耶的简化分析法
- 5.4 层流火焰传播速度的无量纲分析法
- 5.5 泽尔多维奇和弗朗克-卡门涅茨基的分区近似解
- 5.6 分区近似解的改进
- 5.7 精确解
- 5.8 物理化学参数对S1的影响及对火焰厚度的影响
- 5.9 火焰传播界限
- 5.10 用层流火焰传播速度计算化学动力参数的方法
- 5.11 火焰的基本性质及火焰的几何学
- 5.12 本生灯火焰稳定的条件
- 5.13 层流火焰传播速度的实验测定
- 5.14 单组元燃料滴燃烧
196 p. : graf.
196 p. :il.
Antonio Duplá Ansuategui, Piedad Frías Nogales e Iban Zaldúa (editores)
Analisa a legislação que trata do parcelamento ordinário e especial, cuja norma prevê o pagamento de parcelas mensais e consecutivas. No entanto, a Lei nº 12.716, de 21 de setembro de 2012, permitiu a repactuação e suspensão temporária do parcelamento de débitos previdenciários previsto na Lei nº 11.196, de 21 de novembro de 2005, para o Município com situação de emergência ou calamidade pública reconhecidas pelo Governo Federal, em decorrência de eventos ocorridos em 2012. O presente estudo tem por objetivo realizar a análise da proposição referenciada e apresentar o impacto financeiro
The taxonomy of African Clarias was reviewed. It was emphasized that much confusion still exists in this taxonomy. The major sources of this confusion were outlined. There are now only about 33 valid species of the 122 original species so far described in Africa. The implications of the present state of African Clarias taxonomy for the field worker were highlighted. In particular the need for the field worker to be an informed amateur taxonomist in addition to the possession of a good knowledge of the biology of his fish was emphasized. The connection between this and a successful Clarias culture was pointed out
A quadtree-based adaptive Cartesian grid generator and flow solver were developed. The grid adaptation based on pressure or density gradient was performed and a gridless method based on the least-square fashion was used to treat the wall surface boundary condition, which is generally difficult to be handled for the common Cartesian grid. First, to validate the technique of grid adaptation, the benchmarks over a forward-facing step and double Mach reflection were computed. Second, the flows over the NACA 0012 airfoil and a two-element airfoil were calculated to validate the developed gridless method. The computational results indicate the developed method is reasonable for complex flows.
ENGLISH: The growth of yellowfin tuna in the eastern Pacific is described in terms of several measurements taken from the fish and their otoliths (sagittae). Equations are also developed to predict age from the readily available dimensions of fork length and head length. The data for all of these relationships were obtained from a sample of 196 fish collected during 1977 through 1979 from purse seiners fishing north of the equator and east of 137°W. The fork-length range of the sample was 30-170 cm. The number of increments on a sagitta of each fish was used as a direct estimate of its age in days. The correspondence between increments and days has been validated for yellowfin in the length range of 40-110 cm. Circumstantial evidence indicates that the relationship also applies in the intervals of 0-40 cm and 110-170 cm. This circumstancial evidence was derived from: 1) literature on validated increments during early growth for other species, 2) knowledge that structures assumed to be daily increments on yellowfin otoliths have subsequently been validated in the corresponding zone on bluefin otoliths, and 3) a comparison of the growth curve based on increments to others obtained from length frequency modal analysis. Based on this information the age estimates over the entire size range of sampled fish are believed to be accurate. In addition to the general growth and age-predictive relationships, the major conclusions of the study are that: 1) Sexually dimorphic growth exists in terms of fork length, fish weight and the length of the otolith counting path for the entire data set. Examination of the data for 1977 and 1979 also revealed that the fork-length growth of each sex differed within years. 2) For combined sexes there were significant differences among the fork-length growth curves for yellowfin sampled in different years. 3) Yellowfin caught inshore (within 275 miles of the coast) were heavier than those caught offshore for fork lengths between 30 and 110 cm. The situation was reversed for lengths greater than 110 cm. 4) Back-calculated spawning months were distributed uniformly throughout the year in 1974 and 1977, but in 1975-1976 and 1978 spawning activity was apparently concentrated in the latter half of the year. SPANISH: El crecimiento del atún aleta amarilla en el Pacífico oriental se describe en términos de varias medidas obtenidas de peces y otolitos (sagita). Se formularon también ecuaciones para pronosticar la edad, según las dimensiones fácilmente disponibles de la longitud horquilla y longitud de la cabeza. Los datos de todas estas relaciones fueron obtenidos mediante una muestra de 196 peces recolectados desde 1977hasta 1979, en barcos cerqueros que estaban pescando al norte de la línea ecuatorial y al este de los 137°W. El intervalo de la longitud horquilla de la muestra fue de 30-170 cm. Se empleó el número de incrementos en la sagita de cada pez como un estimado directo de la edad en días. Se ha comprobado la relación entre los incrementos y los días en el intervalo de longitud de 40-110 cm del aleta amarilla. La evidencia circunstancial indica que se aplica también la relación a los intervalos de 0-40 cm y 110-170 cm. Esta evidencia circunstancial se dedujo: 1) de las publicaciones sobre incrementos comprobados de otras especies durante el primer crecimiento, 2) del conocimientoque las estructuras que se supone son incrementos diarios en los otolitos del aleta amarilla han sido comprobadas luego en la parte correspondiente de otolitos del aleta azul y 3) por una comparación de la curva de crecimiento, basada en incrementos relacionados a otras curvas obtenidas según el análisis modal frecuencia-talla. Se cree, basados en esta información, que las estimaciones de la edad sobre toda la amplitud de talla de los peces muestreados, es acertada. Además de la relación del crecimiento general y del pronóstico de la edad, las principales conclusiones de este estudio son: 1) En toda la serie de datos existe el crecimiento sexualmente dimórfico en términos de longitud horquilla, peso del pez y longitud del plano de conteo del otolito. El examen de los datos de 1977 y 1979, revelan también que el crecimiento longitud horquilla de cada sexo es diferente en los años. 2) En los sexos combinados hubo diferencias significativas entre las curvas de crecimiento longitud horquilla del aleta amarilla muestreado en diferentes años. 3) El aleta amarilla capturado cerca a la costa (en las primeras 275 millas) fue más pesado que el capturado en las aguas mar afuera, correspondiente a la longitud horquilla entre 30 y 110 cm. La situación fue inversa para tallas de más de 110 cm. 4) En 1974 y 1977, los meses retrocalculados del desove se distribuyeron uniformemente durante el año, pero en 1975-1976 y 1978, la actividad del desove se concentró aparentemente en el último semestre del año. (PDF contains 62 pages.)