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Pt.5: Hearings before the Public Health, Education, Welfare, and Safety Subcommittee.
Aim of study: To examine the prevalence of low intensity symptom severity states in patients taking placebo, rofecoxib 12.5 mg once daily, rofecoxib 25 mg once daily, or ibuprofen 800 mg three times daily using a post-hoc definition of low pain intensity states (BLISS Index) based on the WOMAC Index. Methods: Two 6-week, double-blind, parallel-group, placebocontrolled, ibuprofen-comparator studies were conducted to measure the efficacy of rofecoxib in patients with knee or hip osteoarthritis. These studies employed a flare design requiring a minimum level of symptoms at entry following discontinuation of prior analgesics. The WOMAC Pain subscale (100 mm visual analog scale) was used as the pain measure. In separate analyses, WOMAC pain subscale scores from each patient were compared to five thresholds of pain:%5 mm, %10 mm, %15 mm, %20 mm, and %25 mm. The percent of patients with BLISS states (1) on average over 6 weeks, (2) at any time during the study, and (3) at week 6 was computed for each treatment group and threshold. The treatment group percentages were compared using Fisher’s exact test. Results: During the study, patients received placebo (N Z 143), rofecoxib 12.5 mg (N Z 461), rofecoxib 25 mg (N Z 459), or ibuprofen (N Z 465). For each pain threshold and treatment group, the percent of patients with BLISS states at any time (e.g., 50% for rofecoxib 25 mg) exceeded the percentage at week 6 (e.g., 40% for rofecoxib 25 mg) which, in turn, exceeded the percentage with BLISS states on average (e.g., 32% for rofecoxib 25 mg). The percentages of patients in the active treatment groups with BLISS states on average were significantly different than observed in the placebo group at the%15 mm threshold (8–11% points vs placebo, P ! 0.01), %20 mm level (10–15% points, P ! 0.01), and %25 mm level (14–17% points, P ! 0.001). Significant differences between the active treatments and placebo were also observed at the %10 mm threshold (8–9% points, P ! 0.05) for measurements at week 6 and at the%10 (12–14% points, P !0.001) and%5 mm thresholds (5–7% points, P ! 0.05) for patients with BLISS states at any time. Conclusion: These measures of BLISS states differentiate all three active treatment groups from placebo and further confirm, at an individual patient level, the clinical benefit of rofecoxib in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Furthermore, they provide information on the prevalence of patients achieving low (%15 mm, %20 mm, %25 mm), and very low (%5 mm, %10 mm) pain severity states.
O laser de baixa intensidade (LBI) tem demonstrado efeitos bioestimulatórios na movimentação ortodôntica, acelerando a resposta celular e, reduzindo o tempo de tratamento. Entretanto, o uso do LBI seria mais efetivo com maior potência, menor tempo (única irradiação), ou a junção da menor potência e tempo em aplicação fracionada? Este estudo visou quantificar a movimentação de molares de 64 ratos e suas alterações histológicas, submetidos a uma força ortodôntica, liberada por meio de uma mola fechada de níquel-titânio (Niti/25gf), calibrada em 20gf. Os animais foram divididos em quatro grupos (cada grupo com 16 ratos), de acordo com os seguintes protocolos de irradiação do laser GaAlAs(780nm): grupo controle , submetidos à movimentação ortodôntica mas sem aplicação do LBI ; grupo total 1 (P=60mW/DE=15J/cm²/Et=6J/t=100seg), com a movimentação ortodôntica associada à única aplicação do LBI laser (P=60mW/DE=15J/cm²/Et=6J/t=100seg) no dia zero. Grupo total 2 em que o LBI foi aplicado no dia 0, segundo o protocolo P=20mW/DE=15J/cm²/E=6J/t=300seg;,; e Grupo fracionado em que o LBI foi aplicado nos dias 0, 3 e 7, empregando-se o protocolo (P=20mW/DE=5J/cm²/E=2J/t=100seg). Os sacrifício dos ratos foi realizado em quatro momentos (dias 1,4,8 e 15), sendo que 4 ratos de cada grupo foi sacrificado em cada um dos dias. A quantidade de movimentação ortodôntica foi mensurada in loco por meio de paquímetro digital, antes da instalação das molas e, imediatamente após o sacrifício dos animais. Para o exame histológico, as maxilas foram removidas, preparadas e coradas pelo sistema H/E. Os resultados foram avaliados pela Análise de Variância, seguida do teste Tukey (p<0,05). O grupo fracionado apresentou maior movimentação dentária frente aos demais nos dias 4 e 8, sendo que os grupos total 1 e 2 demonstraram maior movimentação dentária que o controle somente no dia 8. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos total 1 e 2 em todo o período avaliado. Este estudo concluiu que, o laser de baixa intensidade acelerou a movimentação dentária, salientando-se o efeito da aplicação fracionada em relação às aplicações únicas.
O Estágio Pedagógico assumiu-se como um marco de extrema relevância, no processo da formação docente, por possibilitar a aplicação dos conteúdos teóricos em contexto real de ensino. O presente relatório teve por objetivos, a reportagem e a reflexão das experiências vivenciadas nas quatro áreas de intervenção: (1) a prática letiva; (2) as atividades de integração no meio; (3) a atividade de intervenção na comunidade escolar; (4) as atividades de natureza científico-pedagógica. O Estágio Pedagógico teve lugar na Escola Básica e Secundária Gonçalves Zarco no ano letivo de 2012/2013. A prática letiva teve por base uma metodologia assente no diagnóstico, prescrição e controlo, na gestão do processo de ensino/aprendizagem de uma turma do 7ºano. O processo de assistência às aulas foi fundamental no desenvolvimento de um conjunto de competências, decorrentes do contexto real de ensino, que permitiram melhorar a intervenção pedagógica. As atividades de intervenção no meio foram constituídas pelas atividades de direção de turma (Caraterização da Turma e Estudo de Caso), que possibilitaram um conhecimento aprofundado da turma, e pela atividade de extensão curricular que permitiu potenciar a relação entre os diversos agentes intervenientes no contexto de turma, através da exploração de temáticas como a interdisciplinaridade e o combate ao desemprego. A atividade de intervenção na comunidade escolar possibilitou a criação de contextos de prática de atividade física, para toda a comunidade educativa, assumindo um papel de destaque na promoção de estilos de vida saudáveis e no combate ao Sedentarismo. Os Jogos Desportivos Coletivos constituíram-se como a temática de base na discussão inerente às ações de natureza científico-pedagógica, tanto ao nível da sua abordagem metodológica (individual), como ao nível da avaliação em contexto escolar (coletiva). Os desafios decorrentes destas atividades solicitaram a nossa capacidade de gestão e adaptação, fazendo do Estágio Pedagógico, um momento de extrema importância na nossa formação.
The thrust of this report concerns spline theory and some of the background to spline theory and follows the development in (Wahba, 1991). We also review methods for determining hyper-parameters, such as the smoothing parameter, by Generalised Cross Validation. Splines have an advantage over Gaussian Process based procedures in that we can readily impose atmospherically sensible smoothness constraints and maintain computational efficiency. Vector splines enable us to penalise gradients of vorticity and divergence in wind fields. Two similar techniques are summarised and improvements based on robust error functions and restricted numbers of basis functions given. A final, brief discussion of the application of vector splines to the problem of scatterometer data assimilation highlights the problems of ambiguous solutions.
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a gaseous autacoid known to positively regulate vascular tone; however, its role in angiogenesis is unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of CO on angiogenesis and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor-2 phosphorylation. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were cultured on growth factor- reduced Matrigel and treated with a CO-releasing molecule (CORM-2) or exposed to CO gas (250 ppm). Here, we report the surprising finding that exposure to CO inhibits vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-induced endothelial cell actin reorganisation, cell proliferation, migration and capillary-like tube formation. Similarly, CO suppressed VEGF-mediated phosphorylation of VEGFR-2 at tyrosine residue 1175 and 1214 and basic fibroblast growth factor- (FGF-2) and VEGF-mediated Akt phosphorylation. Consistent with these data, mice exposed to 250 ppm CO (1h/day for 14 days) exhibited a marked decrease in FGF-2-induced Matrigel plug angiogenesis (p<0.05). These data establish a new biological function for CO in angiogenesis and point to a potential therapeutic use for CO as an anti-angiogenic agent in tumour suppression.
В статье представлена инструментальная среда для исследования эволюционных стратегий, которые используют механизм аппроксимации целевой функции с помощью аппарата нейронных сетей. Приводится описание алгоритма эволюционной стратегии и подходы к построению метамоделей. Рассмотрены существующие на сегодняшний день алгоритмы оптимизации на основе эволюционных стратегий и метамоделей. Отмечается актуальность применения механизмов адаптации в таких алгоритмах. Описаны основные функции и возможности инструментальной среды. Средством реализации является программный пакет MatLab v.7.1.
Background: Food allergy (FA) is aunique chronic condition as sufferers aregenerally well unless they accidentally ingest an allergen, whereupon symptoms can be life threatening. A good under-standing of the condition is essential forsuccessful self-management, however little is known about children and young teenagers' understanding. This study aimed toexplore understanding of FA in childrenwith and without FA and whether under-standing changes as children get older.Method: Participants aged 6–14 years (53with FA; 89 without), recruited from loc evidence of a prospective associationbetween maternal, perinatal or infant VDIand subsequent IgE-mediated FA schools and allergy clinics took part insemi-structured interviews; data were analysed using thematic analysis.Results: Three themes were identified fromthe data across the different age groups andallergy statuses: food allergy as a sickness, food allergy as an illness and food allergy asintolerance to food. Children aged 6–8 years described FA as a sickness; you were not allowed the food because it makes youpoorly. Children aged 9–11 years also talked about FA as something that makesyou poorly, but many also described it as anillness and understood that symptoms were caused by food. Children aged 12–14 yearsdescribed it as an intolerance or that FA was your body's response to a particularfood. These age-related differences wereseen in children with and without FA. Conclusion: Although sophistication ofknowledge of FA increases with age, it is still a little understood condition by chil-dren and young teenagers. Clear, age-re-lated information about food allergy andhow it should be managed is needed forthose with and without allergy, to avoidmisunderstanding, and aid awareness andbetter self-management of the condition
A dolgozat megírására két váratlan esemény egyidejű bekövetkezése ösztönzött. Az első nagy örömömre szolgált, a második azonban nagy szomorúsággal tölt el. Az örömteli és megtisztelő esemény Zalai Ernő felkérése volt arra, hogy véleményezzem a Közgazdasági Szemlében megjelent kiváló, a Neumann-modellel foglalkozó dolgozatát. Mivel a Zalai Ernő által vezetett kutatások kapcsán a témával én is foglalkoztam korábban, a felkérésnek, amint tudtam, eleget tettem. A dolgozat olvasása közben kaptam a hírt: Bródy András immáron nincsen közöttünk. A váratlan és tragikus hír azért is megrázó volt, mert Zalai Ernő dolgozata éppen azokat a kérdéseket feszegette, amelyeket először Bródy András vetett fel, és amelyek kiváló és máig páratlanul szellemes vizsgálatával közel harminc évvel ezelőtt Bródy András engem is a téma tanulmányozására inspirált.
Az írás arra a kérdésre keresi a választ, hogy a két évtized után tartóssá, vagyis trenddé váló gazdasági és társadalmi eltérések a "posztkommunista" országok között milyen okokra vezethetők vissza. Másodsorban azt elemzi, mi a jelentősége e sokrétű különbségek modellszerű kategorizálásának. Ennek alapja az állami szerepvállalás mértéke és minősége. Végül harmadikként azt a kérdéskört vizsgálja, hogy az eltérések milyen következményekkel járnak. A fő következtetés az, hogy a közösségi választások ugyan jelentősek, ezek szerepe azonban a pályafüggőséghez képest sokkal kisebb, mint azt a legtöbb elmélet föltételezi. Az eredmény - Hayekkel szólva (Hayek [1995]) - emberi cselekvés, ámde nem emberi tervezet szülötte. _____ The article seeks to discover what causes can be traced for the economic and social differences that have become permanent or a trend after two decades. Secondly, it analy-ses what importance this model-like categorization of manifold differences bears. Thirdly and lastly, it examines the sphere of questions to do with the consequences of these differences. The main conclusion is that the community choices are significant, but their role is much less, by comparison with career dependence, than most theories assume. Achievement, to quote Hayek (1995) is borne of human endeavour, not human planning.
Teacher education programs do not sufficiently prepare White teachers to work with Black and Latino students in disciplinary alternative schools. From a critical race theory in education perspective, prepared White teachers are aware of their own ethnocentrism and, subsequently, develop anti-racist pedagogy and curricula.
Even though the popularity and usage of teleconferencing is evident primarily outside the lodging industry, lodging operators cannot choose to ifnore the role teleconferencing will play in meeting the changing needs of guests. The authors discuss the factors that spurred the growth of teleconferencing, the opportunities and threats faced by lodging operators, and suggestions for taking advantage of the technology.
Vol. 20, Issue 60, 8 pages