997 resultados para 10041050 TM-14


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Sustainable aquaculture Peter Edwards writes on rural aquaculture Edwards, P. Mussel farming initiatives in North Kerala, India: A case of successful adoption of technology leading to rural livelihood transformation Laxmilatha, P., Thomas, S., Asokan, P.K., Surendranathan, V.G., Sivadasan, M.P., and Ramachandran, N.P. Selective study on the availability in indigenous fish species having ornamental value in some districts of West Bengal Panigrahi, A.K., Dutta, S. and Ghosh, I. Aquaculture livelihoods service centres in Aceh, Indonesia: A novel approach to improving the livelihoods of small scale fish farmers Ravikumar, B. and Yamamoto, K. Research and farming techniques e-Sagu Aqua - an innovative information and communication technology model for transfer of technology for aquaculture Vimala, D. D., Ravisankar, T., Mahalakshmi, P., and Kumaran, M. Freshwater pearl crop: an emerging enterprise in the Indian subcontinent Misra, G., Jena, J. and Kumar, K. Genetics and biodiversity Preliminary risk assessment of Pacific white leg shrimp (P. vannamei) introduced to Thailand for aquaculture Senanan, W., Panutrakul, S., Barnette, P., Chavanich, S., Mantachitr, V., Tangkrock-Olan, N., and Viyakarn, V. Farmer profile Aquatic animal health Asian fish health experts visit Australia Olsen, L. and Ingram, B. (Fisheries Victoria) Black gill disease of cage-cultured ornate rock lobster Panulirus ornatus in central Vietnam caused by Fusarium species Nha, V.V., Hoa, D.T. and Khoa, L.V. Marine Finfish Aquaculture Network Effects of the partial substitution fish oil by soybean oil in the diets on muscle fatty acid composition of juvenile cobia (Rachycentron canadum) Hung, P.D. and Mao, N.D. Growth response of cobia Rachycentron canadum (Pisces: Rachycentridae) under the hypersaline conditions of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Yousif, O.M.*, Kumar, K.K. and Abdul-Rahman, A.F.A. NACA Newsletter


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Guia docente de la asignatura Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) en la Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería de Leioa para el curso 14/15. realizado por la comisión de TFG.


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Lan hau Jarduera Fisiko eta Kirol jokoetan oinarritutako udaleku baten egitasmoa da. Kirol jokoek duten hezigarritasuna kontutan izanik proiektua deskribatu eta aztertzen da jardueren izaeraren ikuspuntutik. Lanak izaera profesionalizantea du eta lan jardunera bideratua dago.


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Lan honetan Laudio Ikastolaren azterketa pedagogikoa egin dut eta Laud io Ikastolaren funtzionamendua hobeto ulertzeko baliagarria izan zait. Azterketa honetarako hainbat gauzetan arreta jarri behar izan dut eta informazio asko jaso. Esan daiteke b ehaketa lana puntu gar rantzitsu bat izan dela lan hau burutzeko. Behaketa lan h onekin irakaslearen jokabidean arreta handia ipini dut eta horrek , egiten dituen gauza onak eta baita txarrak ere detektatzeko baliagarria izan zait.


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This report contains results from the second cruise of the Modis Optical Characterization Experiment (MOCE). Data presented here were obtained on the Mexican Research Vessel El Puma between 29 March and 13 April along the Pacific coast of Baja California and in the Gulf of California. Three types of data are reported: high spectral resolution radiometry at three depths for 13 stations; salinity, temperature beam attenuation and chlorophyll-a fluorescence, profiles at the same stations; and total suspended matter and suspended organic carbon and nitrogen.(PDF is 90 pages.)


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The Chesapeake and Delaware Canal is a man-made waterway connecting the upper Chesapeake Bay with the Delaware Bay. It started in 1829 as a private barge canal with locks, two at the Delaware end, and one at the Chesapeake end. For the most part, natural tidal and non-tidal waterways were connected by short dredged sections to form the original canal. In 1927, the C and D Canal was converted to a sea-level canal, with a controlling depth of 14 feet, and a width of 150 feet. In 1938 the canal was deepened to 27 feet, with a channel width of 250 feet. Channel side slopes were dredged at 2.5:1, thus making the total width of the waterway at least 385 feet in those segments representing new cuts or having shore spoil area dykes rising above sea level. In 1954 Congress authorized a further enlargement of the Canal to a depth of 35 feet and a channel width of 450 feet. (pdf contains 27 pages)


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Refletindo sobre homossexualidade, Aids e seus desdobramentos sociais e subjetivos nos últimos 30 anos, procuramos nesta dissertação discutir o fenômeno bareback sexo sem camisinha - nomeado nos Estados Unidos na segunda metade da década de 1990. Sua disseminação na mídia tem causado, com frequência, reações que reconectam a homossexualidade a loucura, doença e morte. Devido à restrita produção acadêmica no Brasil, objetivamos contribuir por meio deste trabalho com algumas considerações essenciais ao debate. Percorremos alguns deslocamentos historicamente importantes relativos à homossexualidade, a condução das condutas - práticas de governo, risco, Aids e ao próprio bareback. Neste sentido, o trabalho associa um estudo teórico sobre este objeto a entrevistas realizadas na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A pesquisa empírica exploratoria recolheu dados e discursos sobre este fenômeno em nossa realidade e contexto, tendo como terreno a Associação Brasileira Interdisciplinar de Aids (ABIA) e o Grupo Pela Vidda-RJ, duas organizações não-governamentais que trabalham com a Aids, e no Grupo Arco-íris, ONG integrante do Movimento LGBT. Duas pessoas de cada uma destas ONGs foram entrevistadas. Buscamos entender como essas instituições, locais privilegiados de nossa incursão, vêm abordando o fenômeno, quais suas posições e impressões. Paralelamente, contactamos alguns voluntários adeptos do sexo bareback, por considerarmos seus discursos indispensáveis e capazes de tornar este trabalho mais rico e diverso, no entendimento do bareback, a partir de suas experiências individuais. Para tal, utilizamos dois sites de bareback internacionais (barebackrt.com e bareback.com) que hospedam perfis de brasileiros, alguns residentes na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, onde três praticantes foram integrados à pesquisa. Nossa hipótese é que as tentativas em decifrar o bareback, dar-lhe um sentido, uma verdade, acabam percorrendo trilhas normativas que têm seus limites expostos à medida que percebemos que a diversidade das práticas erótico-sexuais, da singularidade e subjetividade dos sujeitos transcendem qualquer tentativa de normatização / normalização. Assim, acreditamos que o que chamamos de bareback, seja fenômeno, subcultura, prática ou comportamento, não pode ser definido enquanto conjunto coeso de discursos, fantasias e práticas erótico-sexuais, mas pelo contrário, apresenta-se por meio de múltiplas faces ainda mais variadas, restando apenas à alusão que lhe é característica: o sexo sem camisinha, que nem sempre significará sexo sem proteção. Desta forma, tendo como perspectiva a noção de condução das condutas e cuidado de si proposta por Michel Foucault, discutimos o significado das práticas sexuais dissidentes e as questões referentes a normalização, patologização e formas de resistência.


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Recent research has shown that the biomass of bacteria in lakes and other water-bodies can attain significant values. The huge production of bacteria is brought about by their great rate of reproduction. In a series of cases their biomass exceeds the biomass of phytoplankton. Therefore in a study of the biological productivity of water bodies it is necessary to calculate the biomass and production not only of the phyto- and zooplankton, but also of bacteria.The authors uses different methods and formulae to to compare the time of one generation of the bacteria.


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The original method, proposed by Yentsch (1957), of determination of chlorophyll directly in the cells, attracts attention by its simplicity. In order to measure the content of chlorophyll by this method, a determined volume of suspension of algae is filtered through a membrane filter. The latter is dried a little, clarified by immersion oil, clamped between two glasses, and spectrophotometrized. Extinction is read off at , wavelengths equal to 670 millimicrons (around the maximum absorption of chlorophyll a in the cell) and 750 millimicrons (correction for non- specific absorption and dispersion of light by particles of the preparation). The method of Yentsch was employed by the authors for determination of chlorophyll-a in samples of phytoplankton. They conclude that in spite of the simplicity and convenience of determination the method must be applied sufficiently carefully. It is more suitable for analysis of cultures of algae, where, non-specific absorption of light is insignificant.


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As is known, copepods play an important role in the nutrition of fish. Therefore with a view to facilitating research on the study of the quantitative side of feeding, there have recently appeared a considerable number of papers devoted to the development of methods for determining the wet. weight of these crustaceans. For the further facilitating of research in the nutrition of fish it would be of great interest to clarify the problem, is there not some kind of rule in the growth of the crustaceans during metamorphosis, and if there is such a rule is it not possible, to determine the length of the larvae at each stage, not by measuring them, but by using the formulae derived on the basis of these rules. This article examines the growth curves of different species of freshwater Copepoda, obtained on the basis of experimental observations in cultures or by way of measurement of mass material at all stages of development in samples from water-bodies. The authors study in particular the ratio of the mean diameter of the eggs to the mean length of the egg-bearing females.


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The river perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) is most active in the daytime hours, and displays seasonal changes of diel rhythm with a break of the rhythm in spring and autumn. In the present work data were obtained on the motor activity of 3 perch measuring l8-20 cm, caught by net in the littoral of a reservoir and spawned under laboratory conditions. The degree of intensity of movement of perch was judged by special experiments. The results are summarised in this short paper.


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Utilization of the heavy isotope of nitrogen as a tracer has found numerous applications in soil biology. It allows better definition of different stages of the nitrogen cycle, in particular the immobilization-mineralization cycle. In this work, the authors report the results of calculations of natural isotope ratios of nitrogen in samples of water, soil and vegetation prevailing in Dombes and discuss the possibilities of errors and coefficients of fractionation.