934 resultados para 10-HZ REPETITION RATE


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We report poor fluorinated graphene sheets produced by thermal exfoliation embedding in carboxymethylcellulose polymer composite (GCMC) as an efficient mode locker for erbium doped fiber laser. Two GCMC mode lockers with different concentration have been fabricated. The GCMC based mode locked fiber laser shows stable soliton output pulse shaping with repetition rate of 28.5MHz and output power of 5.5 mW was achieved with the high concentration GCMC, while a slightly higher output power of 6.9 mW was obtained using the low concentration GCMC mode locker.


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We present an optimization procedure to improve the propagation properties of the depressed cladding, buried micro-structured waveguides formed in a z-cut lithium niobate (LN) crystal by high repetition rate femtosecond (fs) laser writing. It is shown that the propagation wavelength for which the confinement losses of ordinary (O) and extraordinary ordinary (E) polarizations are below 1 dB/cm can be optimized beyond 3 micro meter for hexagonal WG structures with seven rings of tracks.


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We experimentally study the generation and amplification of stable picosecond-short optical pulses by a master oscillator power-amplifier configuration consisting of a monolithic quantum-dot-based gain-guided tapered laser and amplifier emitting at 1.26 μm without pulse compression, external cavity, gain-or Q-switched operation. We report a peak power of 42 W and a figure-of-merit for second-order nonlinear imaging of 38.5 W2 at a repetition rate of 16 GHz and an associated pulse width of 1.37 ps.


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We demonstrate generation of sub-100 fs pulses at 1.5 μm in a mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser using a 45°-tilted fiber grating element. The laser features a genuine all-fiber configuration. Based on the unique polarization properties of the 45°-tilted fiber grating, we managed to produce sub-100 fs laser pulses through proper dispersion management. To the best of our knowledge, this is the shortest pulse generated from modelocked lasers with fiber gratings. The output pulse has an average power of 8 mW, with a repetition rate of 47.8 MHz and pulse energy of 1.68 nJ. The performance of laser also matches well the theoretical simulations. © 2013 Optical Society of America.


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A single-pulse actively mode-locked fibre laser with a cavity length exceeding 1 km has been developed and investigated for the first time. This all-fibre erbium-doped laser has a normal intracavity dispersion and generates dissipative 8-ns solitons with a fundamental repetition rate of 163.8 kHz; the energy per pulse reaches 34 nJ. The implemented mode locking, based on the use of intracavity intensity modulator, provides self-triggering and high stability of pulsed lasing. A possibility of continuous tuning of the centre lasing wavelength in the range of 1558 - 1560 nm without any tunable spectral selective elements in the cavity is demonstrated. The tuning occurs when controlling the modulation signal frequency due to the forced change in the pulse repetition time (group delay) under the conditions of intracavity chromatic dispersion. © 2013 Kvantovaya Elektronika and Turpion Ltd.


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We demonstrate an all-fiber passively Q-switched erbiumdoped fiber laser (EDFL) using a gold-nanosphere (GNS) based saturable absorber (SA) with evanescent field interaction. Using the interaction of evanescent field for fabricating SAs, long nonlinear interaction length of evanescent wave and GNSs can be achieved. The GNSs are synthesized from mixing solution of chloroauricacid (HAuCl4) and sodium citrate by the heating effects of the microfiber's evanescent field radiation. The proposed passively Q-switched EDFL could give output pulses at 1562 nm with pulse width of 1.78 μs, a repetition rate of 58.1 kHz, a pulse energy of 133 nJ and a output power of 7.7 mWwhen pumped by a 980 nm laser diode of 237 mW. © 2014 Optical Society of America.


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The development of new all-optical technologies for data processing and signal manipulation is a field of growing importance with a strong potential for numerous applications in diverse areas of modern science. Nonlinear phenomena occurring in optical fibres have many attractive features and great, but not yet fully explored, potential in signal processing. Here, we review recent progress on the use of fibre nonlinearities for the generation and shaping of optical pulses and on the applications of advanced pulse shapes in all-optical signal processing. Amongst other topics, we will discuss ultrahigh repetition rate pulse sources, the generation of parabolic shaped pulses in active and passive fibres, the generation of pulses with triangular temporal profiles, and coherent supercontinuum sources. The signal processing applications will span optical regeneration, linear distortion compensation, optical decision at the receiver in optical communication systems, spectral and temporal signal doubling, and frequency conversion. © Copyright 2012 Sonia Boscolo and Christophe Finot.


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Cascade transitions of rare earth ions involved in infrared host fiber provide the potential to generate dual or multiple wavelength lasing at mid-infrared region. In addition, the fast development of saturable absorber (SA) towards the long wavelengths motivates the realization of passively switched mid-infrared pulsed lasers. In this work, by combing the above two techniques, a new phenomenon of passively Q-switched ~3 μm and gain-switched ~2 μm pulses in a shared cavity was demonstrated with a Ho3+-doped fluoride fiber and a specifically designed semiconductor saturable absorber (SESAM) as the SA. The repetition rate of ~2 μm pulses can be tuned between half and same as that of ~3 μm pulses by changing the pump power. The proposed method here will add new capabilities and more flexibility for generating mid-infrared multiple wavelength pulses simultaneously that has important potential applications for laser surgery, material processing, laser radar, and free-space communications, and other areas.


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A diode-cladding-pumped mid-infrared passively Q-switched Ho 3+-doped fluoride fiber laser using a reverse designed broad band semiconductor saturable mirror (SESAM) was demonstrated. Nonlinear reflectivity of the SESAM was measured using an in-house Yb3+-doped mode-locked fiber laser at 1062 nm. Stable pulse train was produced at a slope efficient of 12.1% with respect to the launched pump power. Maximum pulse energy of 6.65 μJ with a pulse width of 1.68 μs and signal to noise ratio (SNR) of ~50 dB was achieved at a repetition rate of 47.6 kHz and center wavelength of 2.971 μm. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first 3 μm region SESAM based Q-switched fiber laser with the highest average power and pulse energy, as well as the longest wavelength from mid-infrared passively Q-switched fluoride fiber lasers. © 2014 SPIE.


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We report on ring thulium-doped fiber laser hybrid mode-locked by single-walled carbon nanotubes and nonlinear polarization evolution generating 600-fs pulses at 1910-1980nm wavelength band with 72.5MHz repetition rate. Average output power reached 300mW in single-pulse operation regime, corresponding to 4.88kW peak power and 2.93nJ pulse energy.


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We experimentally demonstrate pabively Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL) operation using a saturable absorber (SA) based on Fe3O4 nanoparticles (FONPs). As a type of transition metal oxide, the FONPs have a large nonlinear optical response and fast response time. The FONPbased SA pobebes a modulation depth of 8.2% and nonsaturable absorption of 56.6%. Stable pabively Q-switched EDFL pulses with an output pulse energy of 23.76 nJ, a repetition rate of 33.3 kHz, and a pulse width of 3.2 μs were achieved when the input pump power was 110mW. The laser features a low threshold pump power of > 15mW.


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At the level of fundamental research, fibre lasers provide convenient and reproducible experimental settings for the study of a variety of nonlinear dynamical processes, while at the applied research level, pulses with different and optimised features – e.g., in terms of pulse duration, temporal and/or spectral intensity profile, energy, repetition rate and emission bandwidth – are sought with the general constraint of developing efficient cavity architectures. In this talk, we review our recent progress on the realisation of different regimes of pulse generation in passively mode-locked fibre lasers through control of the in-cavity propagation dynamics. We report on the possibility to achieve both parabolic self-similar and triangular pulse shaping in a mode-locked fibre laser via adjustment of the net normal dispersion and integrated gain of the cavity [1]. We also show that careful control of the gain/loss parameters of a net-normal dispersion laser cavity provides the means of achieving switching among Gaussian pulse, dissipative soliton and similariton pulse solutions in the cavity [2,3]. Furthermore, we report on our recent theoretical and experimental studies of pulse shaping by inclusion of an amplitude and phase spectral filter into the cavity of a laser. We numerically demonstrate that a mode-locked fibre laser can operate in dif- ferent pulse-generation regimes, including parabolic, flattop and triangular waveform generations, depending on the amplitude profile of the in-cavity spectral filter [4]. An application of technique using a flat-top spectral filter is demonstrated to achieve the direct generation of sinc-shaped optical Nyquist pulses of high quality and of a widely tuneable bandwidth from the laser [5]. We also report on a recently-developed versa- tile erbium-doped fibre laser, in which conventional soliton, dispersion-managed soli- ton (stretched-pulse) and dissipative soliton mode-locking regimes can be selectively and reliably targeted by programming different group-velocity dispersion profiles and bandwidths on an in-cavity programmable filter [6]. References: 1. S. Boscolo and S. K. Turitsyn, Phys. Rev. A 85, 043811 (2012). 2. J. Peng et al., Phys. Rev. A 86, 033808 (2012). 3. J. Peng, Opt. Express 24, 3046-3054 (2016). 4. S. Boscolo, C. Finot, H. Karakuzu, and P. Petropoulos, Opt. Lett. 39, 438-441 (2014). 5. S. Boscolo, C. Finot, and S. K. Turitsyn, IEEE Photon. J. 7, 7802008 (2015). 6. J. Peng and S. Boscolo, Sci. Rep. 6, 25995 (2016).


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We report on the record-high pulse energy of nearly 1.7 μJ obtained directly from a self-mode-locked all-fiber erbium laser with a linear-ring cavity owing its extreme elongation up to several kilometers. Specially selected telecommunication fibers, providing large normal net cavity dispersion in the vicinity of 1.55 μm, have been used for this purpose. Along with compensation for polarization instability in the longer linear arm of the cavity, such approach has ensured stable wavebreaking- free mode-locked lasing with an ultra-low pulse repetition rate of 35.1 kHz. © 2010 by Astro Ltd.


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We demonstrate a Q-switched Raman fiber laser using molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) as a saturable absorber (SA). The SA is assembled by depositing a mechanically exfoliated MoS2 onto a fiber ferrule facet before it is matched with another clean ferrule via a connector. It is inserted in a Raman fiber laser cavity with a total cavity length of about 8km to generate a Q-switching pulse train operating at 1560.2 nm. A 7.7-km-long dispersion compensating fiber with 584 ps·nm?1km?1 of dispersion is used as a nonlinear gain medium. As the pump power is increased from 395mW to 422mW, the repetition rate of the Q-switching pulses can be increased from 132.7 to 137.4 kHz while the pulse width is concurrently decreased from 3.35μs to 3.03 μs. The maximum pulse energy of 54.3 nJ is obtained at the maximum pump power of 422mW. These results show that the mechanically exfoliated MoS2 SA has a great potential to be used for pulse generation in Raman fiber laser systems.


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Temporal dynamics of Raman fibre lasers tend to have very complex nature, owing to great cavity lengths and high nonlinearity, being stochastic on short time scales and quasi-continuous on longer time scales. Generally fibre laser intensity dynamics is represented by one-dimensional time-series, which in case of quasi-continuous wave generation in Raman fibre lasers gives little insight into the processes underlying the operation of a laser. New methods of analysis and data representation could help to uncover the underlying physical processes, understand the dynamics or improve the performance of the system. Using intrinsic periodicity of laser radiation, one dimensional intensity time series of a Raman fibre laser was analysed over fast and slow variation time. This allowed to experimentally observe various spatio-temporal regimes of generation, such as laminar, turbulent, partial mode-lock, as well as transitions between them and identify the mechanisms responsible for the transitions. Great cavity length and high nonlinearity also make it difficult to achieve stable high repetition rate mode-locking in Raman fibre lasers. Using Faraday parametric instability in extremely simple linear cavity experimental configuration, a very high order harmonic mode-locking was achieved in ò.ò kmlong Raman fibre laser. The maximum achieved pulse repetition rate was 12 GHz, with 7.3 ps long Gaussian shaped pulses. There is a new type of random lasers – random distributed feedback Raman fibre laser, which temporal properties cannot be controlled by conventionalmode-locking or Q-switch techniques and mechanisms. By adjusting the pump configuration, a very stable pulsed operation of random distributed feedback Raman fibre laser was achieved. Pulse duration varied in the range from 50 to 200 μs depending on the pump power and the cavity length. Pulse repetition rate scaling on the parameters of the system was experimentally identified.