998 resultados para Órgãos de drenagem
O abastecimento de água e a drenagem de águas residuais são funções essenciais num aquartelamento de campanha. Estas funções influenciam diretamente a manutenção da prontidão e eficácia de uma força militar destacada para uma operação e consequente sucesso da mesma. O consumo de água em campanha pode ser variável consoante o efetivo e as características da força destacada, clima, ambiente operacional e o tempo de permanência previsto para a operação. Apresenta-se nesta dissertação de mestrado uma metodologia de planeamento do sistema de abastecimento de água, do sistema de drenagem e dos órgãos de tratamento de águas residuais, aplicáveis a situações de campanha. Considerando o conteúdo desta dissertação foi realizado um caso de estudo relacionado com o aquartelamento de campanha construído no âmbito da operação militar da UNIFIL, no Líbano. Apresenta-se ainda o enquadramento geográfico do país e a análise da sua situação relativamente ao saneamento, informações essas que podem ser muito importantes na decisão da melhor localização para o aquartelamento. Na análise do caso de estudo procedeu-se ao dimensionamento das redes de abastecimento de água, de drenagem de águas residuais e dos órgãos de tratamento adequados. Foram sugeridas algumas alterações no traçado, diâmetros da rede de drenagem de águas residuais, assim como na geometria da fossa sética existente, pois encontrava-se sobredimensionada. Devido à ausência de tratamento do efluente dela proveniente, o que é nocivo a nível ambiental, sugeriu-se ainda a aplicação de um aterro filtrante como órgão de tratamento complementar.
As infiltrações com origem direta e indireta em eventos pluviométricos são os principais responsáveis por múltiplos problemas nos sistemas de drenagem, tais como, entrada da rede em carga, com possíveis extravasamentos para as ruas, falta de capacidade de tratamento nas devidas estações e aumento da poluição nos meios recetores. Deste modo, pretendeu-se efetuar a caraterização e o controlo das afluências indevidas no sistema de drenagem de águas residuais da vila de Lorvão, recorrendo à construção de um Sistema de Informação Geográfica onde se armazenou toda a informação cadastral recolhida. Desenvolveu-se, ainda, uma estratégia que permitiu aferir o desempenho deste sistema no que respeita aos caudais de infiltração, através da medição dos caudais afluentes à Estação de Tratamento de Águas Residuais, dos dados de distribuição de água, dos dados do reservatório abastecedor de água e da precipitação ocorrida.
O desenvolvimento e a expansão dos núcleos urbanos conduziram a um aumento das taxas de impermeabilização do solo. Em termos de drenagem urbana, este processo é bastante nefasto, visto que reduz a capacidade de infiltração da água pluvial no solo, aumentando o volume de escoamento superficial, e reduzindo os tempos de concentração, provocando um agravamento nos caudais de ponta. A consequência direta dos fenómenos apontados é a ocorrência de inundações, causadas pela falta de capacidade dos sistemas de drenagem face aos novos caudais de ponta decorrentes das novas urbanizações. Para prevenir estas situações podem implementar-se duas soluções distintas: reforçar a capacidade dos sistemas de drenagem existentes (solução bastante dispendiosa e nem sempre exequível) ou implementar soluções de sistemas de drenagem de águas pluviais alternativos. Esta dissertação apresenta uma forma alternativa de gestão das águas pluviais designada de Sistemas Urbanos de Drenagem Sustentáveis (SUDS), que através de técnicas de controlo na origem (soluções que favorecem a infiltração da água pluvial no solo ou aumentam a capacidade de retenção/armazenamento da água pluvial), reduzem o caudal de ponta e, consequentemente, o risco de inundação.
The distribution and mobilization of fluid in a porous medium depend on the capillary, gravity, and viscous forces. In oil field, the processes of enhanced oil recovery involve change and importance of these forces to increase the oil recovery factor. In the case of gas assisted gravity drainage (GAGD) process is important to understand the physical mechanisms to mobilize oil through the interaction of these forces. For this reason, several authors have developed physical models in laboratory and core floods of GAGD to study the performance of these forces through dimensionless groups. These models showed conclusive results. However, numerical simulation models have not been used for this type of study. Therefore, the objective of this work is to study the performance of capillary, viscous and gravity forces on GAGD process and its influence on the oil recovery factor through a 2D numerical simulation model. To analyze the interplay of these forces, dimensionless groups reported in the literature have been used such as Capillary Number (Nc), Bond number (Nb) and Gravity Number (Ng). This was done to determine the effectiveness of each force related to the other one. A comparison of the results obtained from the numerical simulation was also carried out with the results reported in the literature. The results showed that before breakthrough time, the lower is the injection flow rate, oil recovery is increased by capillary force, and after breakthrough time, the higher is the injection flow rate, oil recovery is increased by gravity force. A good relationship was found between the results obtained in this research with those published in the literature. The simulation results indicated that before the gas breakthrough, higher oil recoveries were obtained at lower Nc and Nb and, after the gas breakthrough, higher oil recoveries were obtained at lower Ng. The numerical models are consistent with the reported results in the literature
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
In this work the landscape morphodynamics was used to check the strength and importance of the changes carried out by man on the environment over time, in Natal-RN municipality. The occupation of partially preserved natural areas was analyzed, but environmentally fragile, such as riparian forests, vegetation on the banks of waterways, which play regulatory role of the water flow, and the dunes, which guarantee the rapid recharge of aquifers. The impacts of urban sprawl in Natal Southern and West zones Were identified and characterized, through a detailed mapping in the period between 1969 and 2013 the main Permanent Preservation Areas - PPA (banks of rivers and lagoons, and dunes remaining) and their temporal changes. For this were used aerial photographs and satellite imagery, altimetry data, and pre-existing information, which allowed the creation of a spatial database, and evolution of maps of impervious areas, evolution of the use and occupation and Digital Terrain Model (DTM) from contour lines with contour interval of 1 meter. Based on this study presents a diagnosis of the environmental situation and the state of conservation of natural areas, over the last 44 years, compared to human pressures. In general, it was found that the urban settlement has advanced about 60% of studied natural areas. This advance was growing by the year 2006, when there was a slowdown in the process, except for the Environmental Protection Zone (EPZ) 03, where the river Pitimbú and your PPA, which experienced a more significant loss area. The urban occupation affected the natural drainage and contributed to the contamination of groundwater Natal, due to increased sealed area, the release of liquid and solid waste, as well as the removal of riparian vegetation. Changed irreversibly the natural landscape, and reduced the quality and quantity of water resources necessary for the population. Thus, it is necessary to stimulate the adoption of use and protection of PPA planning measures, to the preservation of the San Valley Region inserted into the EPZ 01, and integrate more remaining dunes, in good condition, this EPZ, due to the importance of those remaining on the environment and the maintenance of quality of life. It is suggested, also, protection of catchment areas, such as PPA ponds and Pitimbú River. Finally, it is expected that this study can assist the managers in making decisions in urban and environmental planning of the municipality
The uncontrolled growth of most Brazilian cities is not accompanied by the development of urban infrastructure. With increasing soil sealing, runoff and decreased infiltration volume, impacts on water resources and on population of the areas affected by urban growth are inevitable. This study aims to evaluate the use and occupation of a watershed and analyze the drainage system in order to control the impact using tools to integrate urban development with the drainage of rainwater in an important watershed in the Natal City, Rio Grande do Norte State. The study involved the characterization of the basin XII.4 on the land use and occupation, for the years 2005 and 2014. With the application of SWMM model was possible to analyze the impacts caused by the urbanization process in the existing drainage system, showing the two years analyzed have their areas very close to percentage saturation of impervious areas. Although the region is still predominantly single family residential, suffers increasing verticalization of mainly commercial buildings. The drainage system is inefficient for the area's needs by the year 2005. The drainage system was also tested for four variations of land use by developing scenarios. Scenario 1 is related to the year 2014, considered current. Scenario 2 was adopted the maximum rate of 80% for land use, allowed for the Natal City. Scenario 3 gives the critical condition of land use, with the area 100% impervious. Scenario 4 is applied to the existence of LID (Low Impact Device). The scenarios analysis showed that all indicate deficiency at some point of the drainage system as a result of the high degree of occupation of the area that generate higher flows than the initial drainage system capacity. With the study it became clear that the adoption of non-structural tools are effective in reducing flooding and improving the drainage system capacity.
The uncontrolled growth of most Brazilian cities is not accompanied by the development of urban infrastructure. With increasing soil sealing, runoff and decreased infiltration volume, impacts on water resources and on population of the areas affected by urban growth are inevitable. This study aims to evaluate the use and occupation of a watershed and analyze the drainage system in order to control the impact using tools to integrate urban development with the drainage of rainwater in an important watershed in the Natal City, Rio Grande do Norte State. The study involved the characterization of the basin XII.4 on the land use and occupation, for the years 2005 and 2014. With the application of SWMM model was possible to analyze the impacts caused by the urbanization process in the existing drainage system, showing the two years analyzed have their areas very close to percentage saturation of impervious areas. Although the region is still predominantly single family residential, suffers increasing verticalization of mainly commercial buildings. The drainage system is inefficient for the area's needs by the year 2005. The drainage system was also tested for four variations of land use by developing scenarios. Scenario 1 is related to the year 2014, considered current. Scenario 2 was adopted the maximum rate of 80% for land use, allowed for the Natal City. Scenario 3 gives the critical condition of land use, with the area 100% impervious. Scenario 4 is applied to the existence of LID (Low Impact Device). The scenarios analysis showed that all indicate deficiency at some point of the drainage system as a result of the high degree of occupation of the area that generate higher flows than the initial drainage system capacity. With the study it became clear that the adoption of non-structural tools are effective in reducing flooding and improving the drainage system capacity.
A presente dissertação de Mestrado baseia-se na pesquisa da “Participação Política das Mulheres nos Órgãos Executivos Camarários do Distrito de Viseu 2005/2009” com especial atenção aos efeitos resultantes da promulgação da Lei da Paridade. Como evoluiu a representação feminina nos Concelhos do Distrito de Viseu, antes e após a promulgação da lei? Qual o perfil sócio/demográfico e profissional das candidatas aos executivos camarários? Como se distribuem partidariamente estas candidatas? Segundo as eleitas, que factores externos estiveram na génese da sua candidatura? Que razões alegam as eleitas, para terem aceitado o desafio de participar nas listas de candidatura aos executivos camarários? Que expectativas e motivações tinham e/ou têm as eleitas após um ano das eleições de 2009? Que obstáculos encontraram quando ingressaram na esfera política? Com que vantagens e/ou desvantagens se depararam com o início e/ou continuação desta etapa política? Que considerações tecem as eleitas quanto à inclusão da mulher nos órgãos de poder local? Que vantagens e/ou desvantagens trouxe a Lei da paridade na perspectiva das eleitas? Estas são algumas questões que nortearam esta investigação que incidiu na análise dos resultados da representatividade feminina, nas listas de candidatos aos executivos camarários, no total dos concelhos do Distrito de Viseu, nas eleições autárquicas de 2005/2009. O estudo permite concluir que houve um aumento da representatividade das mulheres nas listas de candidatura. A promulgação da Lei da Paridade possibilitou às mulheres a mobilidade de lugares de não elegíveis para lugares elegíveis. Nas eleições autárquicas de 2009 registou-se uma maior participação de mulheres que pela primeira vez integraram as listas de candidatura. O Distrito de Viseu tendo cumprido com a lei da Paridade, as eleitas consideram-na uma mais-valia para a inclusão da mulher nos órgãos de poder autárquico, face à fragilidade dos números e fundamentando que as mulheres constituem a maioria de eleitoras. Se por um lado nas eleições de 2009 foi cumprida a lei da paridade, por outro poder-se-á afirmar que, o número das eleitas para os executivos camarários ficam aquém do previsto.
RESUMO A importância das empresas familiares nas economias modernas exige que sejam melhor conhecidos os processos de tomada de decisão nas mesmas, nomeadamente, aqueles que têm origem no seio das famílias que as detêm ou controlam. A separação do património da família e do património afecto ao negócio é uma condição necessária para um bom relacionamento entre estes dois subsistemas. À semelhança dos órgãos de administração da empresa familiar também a família empresária tem os seus órgãos de governo: reunião de família, assembleia de família, conselho familiar, comissões familiares ad-hoc, protocolo familiar e family office. São estes órgãos que vão ser apresentados. ABSTRACT The importance that family firms have in today’s economy requires that one understands the decision making process in these types of firms, particularly the decision making process that stem from within the family circle that controls the firm. In order to understand these processes and the relationship between the two “subsystems of decision-making” one must separate the family’s resources from the family’s resources that has been engaged in the business. The family businesses, likewise the family firm, also have its own bodies of administration, such as family assemblies, family councils, family commissions and meetings, family’ protocols, as well as family office.
Although research in the field of performing arts has substantially advanced over the last century, the actor, in general, still needs a repertoire of specific references to guide or support his practice. But how the actor must work the material foundation of his art that is his own body? Starting from a prerogative of a idiosyncrasy that is part of theater, this study intend, from the description and reflection about one physical experience with the Tai Chi, to weave relations between this experience and the possible developments of acting preparation. This research is also aimed to highlight the elements of connection between the principles that rules Tai Chi and the body without organs, idealized by Artaud, with the perspective of pointing possible contributions for actors work. The work presented here refers to a qualitative study that considers the body experience in practice of Tai Chi as a reference to dialogue and reflect about the acting preparation. The process of acting preparation presupposes a constant redoing of the body by certain practices. My experience with Tai Chi within this research allowed me verify that the work from established body techniques could be a way of technical preparation for the actor. As the body conscience expands, Tai Chi promotes a greater freedom of creation and expression, giving the actor the possibility of experience the body without organs, the artistic equivalent of the daily body, present, conscious, the organic foundation of emotions, in wich it is possible the materiality of ideas