1000 resultados para Égée, Mer
Grâce à l'amélioration de la chirurgie cardiaque, les enfants avec une malformation cardiaque congénitale atteignent actuellement en grande majorité l'âge adulte avec une bonne qualité de vie. Un suivi cardiaque régulier est toutefois recommandé. La période de l'adolescence coïncide souvent avec la survenue de complications à moyen et long termes et la nécessité d'une reprise chirurgicale ou par cathétérisme interventionnel, en particulier chez les patients avec cardiopathie complexe. Par conséquent, il est primordial de débuter le processus de transition assez tôt et de la poursuivre jusqu'à l'âge adulte. Nous avons élaboré un programme de transition formel, adapté aux patients avec cardiopathie congénitale. With the improvement of congenital heart surgery, most children with congenital heart disease will survive into adulthood with a good quality of life. Regular cardiac follow-up is recommended for all patients. The adolescent period coincides often with medium and long term consequences and complications and repeat surgery or catheter interventions might be needed. It is therefore of prime importance to begin the transition process early and to pursue it well into adulthood. We have elaborated a formal transition program adapted to youngsters with congenital heart disease.
José de San Martín vivió en esta casa ubicada en Boulogne-sur- Mer durante los últimos dos años de vida, entre 1848 y 1850. La"casa del exilio" sirvió para inaugurar el museo que conserva el primer"Liure d´Or" fechado el 5 de octubre de 1934. El Museo"Libertador General San Martín" cubre hoy este pasado histórico que ha gozado la localidad francesa, y forma parte del proyecto que ha unido a Francia con Argentina, y que ha garantizado la unión cultural, política y comercial.
OBJECTIVES: Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the elderly population. We evaluated the adequacy of prescribing (miss and under used) with respect to STOPP-START criteria. METHODS: A sample of 100 patients hospitalized in cardiovascular specialty divisions (medicine or surgery) or in the different sectors making up the geriatric network (day-care hospital, short or rehabilitation ward, nursing home) has been considered. Drug prescriptions at the admission time were analysed. RESULTS: Eight hundred and seventy-four prescriptions were analysed. In 65% of patients, from 5 to 10 medications were prescribed and in 28% over 10. Fifty-four percent of patients had, at least, one potentially inappropriate prescription (PIP) by STOPP. Among them, 48% of PIP prescriptions contained 1, 41% 2 and 11% 3 or more. The omission of one medication according to START criteria concerned 57% of the sample. Among them, 46% had one omission, 44% 2 to 3 and 10% 4 omissions or over. The cardiovascular system is the one most concerned by the PIP. Whether 28.1% of the PIP by STOPP criteria concerned cardiovascular drugs, the omission of prescription, according to START criteria, was 41.8%. There was no significant difference between the different settings studied. There was no effect of age or sex on the impact of PIP (P>0.20) or being polymédiqué (P=0.44). According to the criteria STOPP-A, the prescription of antiplatelet (indication and dose) was highlighted. Prescribing omission also concerned antiplatelet agents but also statins in patients with atherosclerosis as well as antiplatelet and anticoagulant in patients with permanent atrial fibrillation and inhibitor of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) after myocardial infarction or with chronic heart failure. CONCLUSION: Potentially inappropriate prescribing medications were very common in elderly patients with cardiovascular conditions. They concerned as much as underusing of important drugs with potential benefits and prescribing commission of treatment that did not fit with patients' comorbidities and/or characteristics.
In elderly patients, a blunt trauma of the chest is associated with a significant risk of complications and mortality. The number of ribs fractures (≥ 4), the presence of bilateral rib fractures, of a pulmonary contusion, of existent comorbidities or acute extra-thoracic traumatic lesions, and lastly the severity of thoracic pain, are indeed important risk factors of complications and mortality. Their presence may require hospitalization of the patient. When complications do occur, they are represented by alveolar hypoventilation, pulmonary atelectasia and broncho-pulmonary infections. When hospitalization is required, it may allow for the specific treatment of thoracic pain, including locoregional anesthesia techniques.
Persistent schizophrenias and delusional disorders are classified as primary psychiatric pathologies amongst the elderly. It is crucial to distinguish them from secondary psychotic disorders associated with physical illnesses, such as acute confusion and psychotic symptoms caused by dementia or other somatic pathologies. Employing the concept of a primary psychiatric disorder occurring in an elderly patient is not simple, and each term used to define the concept refers back to an array of various criteria in clinical, psychological, biological, neurological, and cognitive fields. What about very late-onset schizophrenia, occurring after the age of 60 years, for instance? Is this a primary psychiatric illness occurring very late or a secondary pathology caused by brain disease, particularly a degenerative one? Studies reveal controversial results and it is still being debated as to whether the disease has neurodevelopmental or neurodegenerative causes. Due to the variable symptoms and psychiatric, somatic, and cognitive comorbidities associated with psychosis in elderly patients, patient healthcare must not be limited to prescribing an antipsychotic. Once it has been determined whether the psychosis is secondary or primary (old-agerelated schizophrenia, late-onset or very late-onset schizophrenia, or late-onset delusional disorder), an aetiological or symptomatic treatment must follow, including a psychotherapeutic approach, close surveillance of the drug treatment and its potential side-effects, rehabilitation steps through community-based care, and psychoeducational support for the family and other professionals in charge of the patient. Our article's aim has been restricted to summarising our understanding regarding late-onset schizophrenias and delusional disorders amongst the elderly.