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The scope of this research work was to investigate biogas production and purification by a two-step bench-scale biological system, consisting of fed-batch pulse-feeding anaerobic digestion of mixed sludge, followed by methane enrichment of biogas by the use of the cyanobacterium Arthrospira platensis. The composition of biogas was nearly constant, and methane and carbon dioxide percentages ranged between 70.5-76.0% and 13.2-19.5%, respectively. Biogas yield reached a maximum value (about 0.4 m(biogas)(3)/kgCOD(i)) at 50 days-retention time and then gradually decreased with a decrease in the retention time. Biogas CO(2) was then used as a carbon source for A. platensis cultivation either under batch or fed-batch conditions. The mean cell productivity of fed-batch cultivation was about 15% higher than that observed during the last batch phase (0.035 +/- 0.006 g(DM)/L/d), likely due to the occurrence of some shading effect under batch growth conditions. The data of carbon dioxide removal from biogas revealed the existence of a linear relationship between the rates of A. platensis growth and carbon dioxide removal from biogas and allowed calculating carbon utilization efficiency for biomass production of almost 95%. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Nitroheterocyclic compounds (NC) were candidate drugs proposed for Chagas disease chemotherapy. In this study, we investigated the complexation of hydroxymethylnitrofurazone (NFOH), a potential antichagasic compound, with alpha-cyclodextrin (alpha-CD), beta-cyclodextrin (beta-CD), Hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HP-beta-CD), Dimethyl-beta-cyclodextrin (DM-beta-CD) and gamma-cyclodextrin (gamma-CD) by fluorescence spectroscopy and molecular modeling studies. Hildebrand-Benesi equation was used to calculate the formation constants of NFOH with cyclodextrins based on the fluorescence differences in the CDs solution. The complexing capacity of NFOH with different CDs was compared through the results of association constant according to the following order: DM-beta-CD > beta-CD > alpha-CD > HP-beta-CD > gamma-CD. Molecular modeling studies give support for the experimental assignments, in favor of the formation of an inclusion complex between cyclodextrins with NFOH. This is an important study to investigate the effects of different kinds of cyclodextrins on the inclusion complex formation with NFOH and to better characterize a potential formulations to be used as therapeutic options for the oral treatment of Chagas disease.
Rosiglitazone (RSG), a thiazolidinedione antidiabetic drug, is metabolized by CYP450 enzymes into two main metabolites: N-desmethyl rosiglitazone (N-Dm-R) and rho-hydroxy rosiglitazone (rho-OH-R). In humans, CYP2C8 appears to have a major role in RSG metabolism. On the other hand, the in vitro metabolism of RSG in animals has not been described in literature yet. Based on these concerns, the kinetic metabolism study of RSG using rat liver microsomal fraction is described for the first time. Maximum velocity (V (max)) values of 87.29 and 51.09 nmol/min/mg protein were observed for N-Dm-R and rho-OH-R, respectively. Michaelis-Menten constant (K (m)) values were of 58.12 and 78.52 mu M for N-Dm-R and rho-OH-R, respectively. Therefore, these results demonstrated that this in vitro metabolism model presents the capacity of forming higher levels of N-Dm-R than of rho-OH-R, which also happens in humans. Three other metabolites were identified employing mass spectrometry detection under positive electrospray ionization: ortho-hydroxy-rosiglitazone (omicron-OH-R) and two isomers of N-desmethyl hydroxy-rosiglitazone. These metabolites have also been observed in humans. The results observed in this study indicate that rats could be a satisfactory model for RSG metabolism.
The potential of using carbonized slash pine bark as a substitute for activated carbon was examined in this study. The bark was carbonized by slow heating in nitrogen for 6.5 h to 672 degrees C. The BET-N-2 surface area, average micropore and mesopore diameter, and micropore volume were 332 m(2) g(-1) 21.7 Angstrom, and 0.125 cm(3) g(-1), respectively. The adsorption capacities for phenol and pentachlorophenol (PCP) at pH 2 and pH 8 were evaluated. The Langmuir equation provided a slightly better fit than the Freundlich equation to two sets of phenol data. The calculated Freundlich constants, K = 0.41 - 0.58 mmol/g/(mmol dm(-3))(1/n) and 1/n = 0.30 - 0.41, were lower and higher, respectively, than literature values for activated carbons. The adsorption capacity of the carbonized bark was much lower for PCP than for phenol. The protonated and anionic PCP isotherms were Type II or III, respectively, in the Brunauer classification. The BET equation provided the best fit to protonated PCP isotherm data. The anionic PCP data were fitted to both the BET model and an equation used in the literature to represent phosphate adsorption on activated carbons. Nonlinear regression of the data for both phenol and PCP adsorption with the Freundlich, Langmuir and BET equations generally gave more accurate parameters, compared with the use of linearized equations to obtain the parameters. (C) 1998 SCI.
A version of the Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM) capable of simulating the key agronomic aspects of intercropping maize between legume shrub hedgerows was described and parameterised in the first paper of this series (Nelson et al., this issue). In this paper, APSIM is used to simulate maize yields and soil erosion from traditional open-field farming and hedgerow intercropping in the Philippine uplands. Two variants of open-field farming were simulated using APSIM, continuous and fallow, for comparison with intercropping maize between leguminous shrub hedgerows. Continuous open-field maize farming was predicted to be unsustainable in the long term, while fallow open-field farming was predicted to slow productivity decline by spreading the effect of erosion over a larger cropping area. Hedgerow intercropping was predicted to reduce erosion by maintaining soil surface cover during periods of intense rainfall, contributing to sustainable production of maize in the long term. In the third paper in this series, Nelson et al. (this issue) use cost-benefit analysis to compare the economic viability of hedgerow intercropping relative to traditional open-field farming of maize in relatively inaccessible upland areas. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We have performed MRI examinations to determine the water diffusion tensor in the brain of six patients who were admitted to the hospital within 12 h after the onset of cerebral ischemic symptoms. The examinations have been carried out immediately after admission, and thereafter at varying intervals up to 90 days post admission. Maps of the trace of the diffusion tensor, the fractional anisotropy and the lattice index, as well as maps of cerebral blood perfusion parameters, were generated to quantitatively assess the character of the water diffusion tensor in the infarcted area. In patients with significant perfusion deficits and substantial lesion volume changes, four of six cases, our measurements show a monotonic and significant decrease in the diffusion anisotropy within the ischemic lesion as a function of time. We propose that retrospective analysis of this quantity, in combination with brain tissue segmentation and cerebral perfusion maps, may be used in future studies to assess the severity of the ischemic event. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Inc.
An automated method for extracting brain volumes from three commonly acquired three-dimensional (3D) MR images (proton density, T1 weighted, and T2-weighted) of the human head is described. The procedure is divided into four levels: preprocessing, segmentation, scalp removal, and postprocessing. A user-provided reference point is the sole operator-dependent input required, The method's parameters were first optimized and then fixed and applied to 30 repeat data sets from 15 normal older adult subjects to investigate its reproducibility. Percent differences between total brain volumes (TBVs) for the subjects' repeated data sets ranged from .5% to 2.2%. We conclude that the method is both robust and reproducible and has the potential for wide application.
Aims Topical sunscreens are routinely applied to the skin by a large percentage of the population. This study assessed the extent of absorption of a number of common chemical sunscreen agents into and through human skin following application of commercially available products. Methods Sunscreen products were applied to excised human epidermis in Franz diffusion cells with the amount penetrating into and across the epidermis assessed by h.p.l.c. for 8 h following application. Results All sunscreen agents investigated penetrated into the skin (0.25 g m(-2) or 14% of applied dose), but only benzophenone-3 passed through the skin in significant amounts (0.08 g m(-2) or 10% of the applied dose). With one exception, suncreen agents in corresponding products marketed for adults and children had similar skin penetration profiles. Conclusions Whilst limited absorption across the skin was observed for the majority of the sunscreens tested, benzophenone-3 demonstrated sufficiently high penetration to warrant further investigation of its continued application.
The estrogen receptor alpha (ER alpha) is implicated in the development of breast cancer. The immunophilins, cyclophilin 40 (CyP40) and FKBP52, are associated with ER alpha and other steroid receptors in mutually exclusive heterocomplexes and may differentially modulate receptor activity. Since previous studies have not assessed the levels of these immunophilins in breast cancer, we examined 10 breast cancer cell lines for mRNA and protein expression of CyP40 and FKBP52 and for amplification of the CyP40 gene. In addition, 26 breast carcinomas, including seven with matched normal breast tissue, were examined for mRNA expression of both immunophilins. CyP40 and FKBP52 were ubiquitously expressed in breast cancer cell lines, but there were significant differences in their pattern of expression. FKBP52 protein levels were generally an order of magnitude greater than those for CyP40. FKBP52 mRNA expression correlated strongly with protein expression and was significantly higher in ER alpha-positive compared with ER alpha-negative cell lines. However, CyP40 mRNA expression did not correlate with protein expression, nor did expression of this immunophilin correlate with ER alpha status. Relatively high expression of CyP40 in one cell line (BT-20) could be attributed to amplification of the CyP40 gene. Both immunophilins were also ubiquitously expressed in breast carcinomas, and we demonstrate for the first time that both CyP40 and FKBP52 mRNA are overexpressed in breast tumors compared to matched normal breast controls. The overexpression of CyP40 and FKBP52, coupled with relative differences in their expression in tumors, may have important functional implications for ER alpha and other steroid receptors in breast cancer.
Objective: To determine whether mammographic screening has affected the presentation of invasive breast cancer in Western Australia. Design: Population-based reviews of the presentation of all invasive breast cancers diagnosed in Western Australia in 1989 and 1994. Setting: Western Australia (population 1.8 million), Active recruitment of women aged 50-69 years for mammographic screening began in 1989. Main outcome measures: Size and stage of invasive breast cancers at diagnosis. Results: From 1989 to 1994, the age-standardised incidence rose from 109 to 123 per 100 000 woman-years, based on 584 and 750 cases, respectively. The proportion of all invasive breast cancers detected as a result of a mammogram increased from 9.2% in 1989 to 34.5% in 1994. Among the cases where relevant information was recorded, the proportion of impalpable tumours increased from 7.7% in 1989 to 27.6% in 1994, and the average size of palpable tumours fell. There was an unexpected increase in the proportion of tumours that were negative on assays for oestrogen and progesterone receptors. Conclusions: A relatively simple and inexpensive clinical review has boosted confidence that the outlay of public monies required to establish and conduct screening in Australia appears likely to yield the reductions in mortality from breast cancer that would be predicted on the basis of the earlier controlled trials of mammography.
Thirty steers were used in two pen experiments (Expts 1 and 2). and 27 of these in a third (Expt 3), to quantify their responses of hay intake, rumen ammonia nitrogen (RAN) concentrations, and liveweight to inputs of rumen soluble nitrogen (urea) and rumen undegradable protein (formaldehyde-treated casein; F-casein) when added to a basal diet of low quality hays. The hays were made From unimproved native pastures typical of those grazed by cattle in the subtropics of Australia and contained 7.8 g N/kg dry matter (DM) with coefficient of organic matter digestibility of 0.503 in Expts 1 and 2, and 5.2 g N/kg DM with a digestibility range from 0.385 to 0.448 in Expt 3. The steers (15 months old) were either Brahman (B), Hereford (H) or the F-1 Brahman x Hereford (BH) cross. Steers were offered supplementary minerals with the hays in each experiment. In Expt 1 (35 days) urea was sprayed on part of the hay, allowing for daily urea intakes (g/steer) of either 0, 5, 11, 16 or 26. In Expt 2 (42 days), F-casein was offered daily (g/steer) at either 0, 75, 150, 225 or 300 and in Expt 3 (56 days) discrete offerings were made of soluble casein (225 g/day), of urea (18 g/day) + F-casein (225 g/day) or of nil. There were significant linear effects of urea intake upon hay intake and liveweight change of steers. However, B steers had smaller increases in intake and liveweight change than did H steers, and B steers did not have a linear increase in RAN concentrations with increasing urea intake as did H and SH steers. In Expt 2 there were significant linear effects of F-casein supplements on hay intake and liveweight change of steers and a significant improvement in their feed conversion ratio (i.e. DM intake:liveweight change). The B steers did not differ from H and BH steers in liveweight change but had significantly lower hay intakes and non-significantly smaller increases in RAN with increasing F-casein intake. In Expt 3, hay intake of the steers increased with soluble casein (by 16.8 %) and with urea + F-casein (24.5 %). Only steers given urea + F-casein had a high RAN concentration (94 mg/l) and a high liveweight gain. The B steers had a liveweight loss and a lower hay intake than H or BH steers in Expt 3 but a higher RAN concentration. These studies have indicated the importance of the form and quantity of additional N required by cattle of differing breed types to optimize their feed intake and liveweight gain when offered low-N, low-digestible hays.
Purpose: Cyclophilin 40 (CyP40) is an estrogen receptor-associated protein which appears to modify receptor function. The aim of this study was to determine the extent of allelic loss at the CyP40 locus in a panel of breast carcinomas using a newly characterized microsatellite marker located upstream of the CyP40 gene and then to correlate this with losses at chromosomal sites for cancer-associated genes. Methods: Allelic loss at CyP40 was determined from patients' matched tumor and normal breast tissue using Genescan 672 software analysis of fluorescently labeled, PAGE-separated PCR products incorporating the marker. For each patient, allelic loss at CyP40 was then assessed and compared with losses at markers for various cancer-associated genes. Results: Allelic loss was detected in 30% of breast carcinomas from patients heterozygous for the CyP40 marker. All carcinomas demonstrating allelic loss were grade II or III invasive ductal carcinomas and generally showed multiple losses at other sites near known cancer-associated genes. Conclusions: The polymorphic marker which we characterized was useful in determining allelic loss at the CyP40 locus in breast cancer patients and when applied in these studies in conjunction with various cancer-associated gene markers, suggests that deletions in the region of the CyP40 gene might be a late event in breast tumor progression.
MHC class II expression is regulated in dendritic cells independently of invariant chain degradation
We have investigated the mechanisms that control MHC class II (MHC II) expression in immature and activated dendritic cells (DC) grown from spleen and bone marrow precursors. Degradation of the MHC II chaperone invariant chain (li), acquisition of peptide cargo by MHC II, and delivery of MHC II-peptide complexes to the cell surface proceeded similarly in both immature and activated DC. However, immature DC reendocytosed and then degraded the MHC II-peptide complexes much faster than the activated DC. MHC II expression in DC is therefore not controlled by the activity of the protease(s) that degrade Ii, but by the rate of endocytosis of peptide-loaded MHC II. Late after activation, DC downregulated MHC II synthesis both in vitro and in vivo.