976 resultados para visual evoked potential
Our purpose is to report alterations in contrast sensitivity function (CSF) and in the magno, parvo and koniocellular visual pathways by means of a multichannel perimeter in case of an essential tremor (ET). A complete evaluation of the visual function was performed in a 69-year old patient, including the analysis of the chromatic discrimination by the Fansworth–Munsell 100 hue test, the measurement of the CSF by the CSV-1000E test, and the detection of potential alteration patterns in the magno, parvo and koniocellular visual pathways by means of a multichannel perimeter. Visual acuity and intraocular pressure (IOP) were within the ranges of normality in both eyes. No abnormalities were detected in the fundoscopic examination and in the optical coherence tomography (OCT) exam. The results of the color vision examination were also within the ranges of normality. A significant decrease in the achromatic CSFs for right eye (RE) and left eye (LE) was detected for all spatial frequencies. The statistical global values provided by the multichannel perimeter confirms that there were significant absolute sensitivity losses compared to the normal pattern in RE. In the LE, only a statistically significant decrease in sensitivity was detected for the blue-yellow (BY) channel. The pattern standard deviation (PSD) values obtained in our patient indicated that there were significant localized losses compared to the normality pattern in the achromatic channel of the RE and in the red-green (RG) channel of the LE. Some color vision alterations may be present in ET that cannot be detected with conventional color vision tests, such as the FM 100 Hue.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
The spatial character of our reaching movements is extremely sensitive to potential obstacles in the workspace. We recently found that this sensitivity was retained by most patients with left visual neglect when reaching between two objects, despite the fact that they tended to ignore the leftward object when asked to bisect the space between them. This raises the possibility that obstacle avoidance does not require a conscious awareness of the obstacle avoided. We have now tested this hypothesis in a patient with visual extinction following right temporoparietal damage. Extinction is an attentional disorder in which patients fail to report stimuli on the side of space opposite a brain lesion under conditions of bilateral stimulation. Our patient avoided obstacles during reaching, to exactly the same degree, regardless of whether he was able to report their presence. This implicit processing of object location, which may depend on spared superior parietal-lobe pathways, demonstrates that conscious awareness is not necessary for normal obstacle avoidance.
Gamma activity to stationary grating stimuli was studied non-invasively using MEG recordings in humans. Using a spatial filtering technique, we localized gamma activity to primary visual cortex. We tested the hypothesis that spatial frequency properties of visual stimuli may be related to the temporal frequency characteristics of the associated cortical responses. We devised a method to assess temporal frequency differences between stimulus-related responses that typically exhibit complex spectral shapes. We applied this methodology to either single-trial (induced) or time-averaged (evoked) responses in four frequency ranges (0-40, 20-60, 40-80 and 60-100 Hz) and two time windows (either the entire duration of stimulus presentation or the first second following stimulus onset). Our results suggest that stimuli of varying spatial frequency induce responses that exhibit significantly different temporal frequency characteristics. These effects were particularly accentuated for induced responses in the classical gamma frequency band (20-60 Hz) analyzed over the entire duration of stimulus presentation. Strikingly, examining the first second of the responses following stimulus onset resulted in significant loss in stimulus specificity, suggesting that late signal components contain functionally relevant information. These findings advocate a functional role of gamma activity in sensory representation. We suggest that stimulus specific frequency characteristics of MEG signals can be mapped to processes of neuronal synchronization within the framework of coupled dynamical systems.
This paper presents a case study of the use of a visual interactive modelling system to investigate issues involved in the management of a hospital ward. Visual Interactive Modelling systems are seen to offer the learner the opportunity to explore operational management issues from a varied perspective and to provide an interactive system in which the learner receives feedback on the consequences of their actions. However to maximise the potential learning experience for a student requires the recognition that they require task structure which helps them to understand the concepts involved. These factors can be incorporated into the visual interactive model by providing an interface customised to guide the student through the experimentation. Recent developments of VIM systems in terms of their connectivity with the programming language Visual Basic facilitates this customisation.
Neuronal operations associated with the top-down control process of shifting attention from one locus to another involve a network of cortical regions, and their influence is deemed fundamental to visual perception. However, the extent and nature of these operations within primary visual areas are unknown. In this paper, we used magnetoencephalography (MEG) in combination with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to determine whether, prior to the onset of a visual stimulus, neuronal activity within early visual cortex is affected by covert attentional shifts. Time/frequency analyses were used to identify the nature of this activity. Our results show that shifting attention towards an expected visual target results in a late-onset (600 ms postcue onset) depression of alpha activity which persists until the appearance of the target. Independent component analysis (ICA) and dipolar source modeling confirmed that the neuronal changes we observed originated from within the calcarine cortex. Our results further show that the amplitude changes in alpha activity were induced not evoked (i.e., not phase-locked to the cued attentional task). We argue that the decrease in alpha prior to the onset of the target may serve to prime the early visual cortex for incoming sensory information. We conclude that attentional shifts affect activity within the human calcarine cortex by altering the amplitude of spontaneous alpha rhythms and that subsequent modulation of visual input with attentional engagement follows as a consequence of these localized changes in oscillatory activity. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Recently, we introduced a new 'GLM-beamformer' technique for MEG analysis that enables accurate localisation of both phase-locked and non-phase-locked neuromagnetic effects, and their representation as statistical parametric maps (SPMs). This provides a useful framework for comparison of the full range of MEG responses with fMRI BOLD results. This paper reports a 'proof of principle' study using a simple visual paradigm (static checkerboard). The five subjects each underwent both MEG and fMRI paradigms. We demonstrate, for the first time, the presence of a sustained (DC) field in the visual cortex, and its co-localisation with the visual BOLD response. The GLM-beamformer analysis method is also used to investigate the main non-phase-locked oscillatory effects: an event-related desynchronisation (ERD) in the alpha band (8-13 Hz) and an event-related synchronisation (ERS) in the gamma band (55-70 Hz). We show, using SPMs and virtual electrode traces, the spatio-temporal covariance of these effects with the visual BOLD response. Comparisons between MEG and fMRI data sets generally focus on the relationship between the BOLD response and the transient evoked response. Here, we show that the stationary field and changes in oscillatory power are also important contributors to the BOLD response, and should be included in future studies on the relationship between neuronal activation and the haemodynamic response. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Subjects with Alzheimer's disease (AD) exhibit normal visually evoked potentials (VEP) to pattern reversal stimuli but a delayed P2 flash response. The pattern response may originate in the primary visual cortex via the geniculo-calcarine pathway while the flash P2 may originate in the association areas via the cholinergic-tectal pathway. We now show: a) that the pathology of AD is more prominent in the visual association areas B18/19 than in B17 and b) that the magnetic signal to flash and pattern may originate from B18/19 and B17 respectively.
This work sets out to evaluate the potential benefits and pit-falls in using a priori information to help solve the Magnetoencephalographic (MEG) inverse problem. In chapter one the forward problem in MEG is introduced, together with a scheme that demonstrates how a priori information can be incorporated into the inverse problem. Chapter two contains a literature review of techniques currently used to solve the inverse problem. Emphasis is put on the kind of a priori information that is used by each of these techniques and the ease with which additional constraints can be applied. The formalism of the FOCUSS algorithm is shown to allow for the incorporation of a priori information in an insightful and straightforward manner. In chapter three it is described how anatomical constraints, in the form of a realistically shaped source space, can be extracted from a subject’s Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI). The use of such constraints relies on accurate co-registration of the MEG and MRI co-ordinate systems. Variations of the two main co-registration approaches, based on fiducial markers or on surface matching, are described and the accuracy and robustness of a surface matching algorithm is evaluated. Figures of merit introduced in chapter four are shown to given insight into the limitations of a typical measurement set-up and potential value of a priori information. It is shown in chapter five that constrained dipole fitting and FOCUSS outperform unconstrained dipole fitting when data with low SNR is used. However, the effect of errors in the constraints can reduce this advantage. Finally, it is demonstrated in chapter six that the results of different localisation techniques give corroborative evidence about the location and activation sequence of the human visual cortical areas underlying the first 125ms of the visual magnetic evoked response recorded with a whole head neuromagnetometer.
In this thesis the relationship between visual attention, affordance and action was investigated using a combination of neuroimaging and behavioural studies. Neuronal activity and movement construction were assessed when individuals passively viewed or produced action towards stimuli varying in their affordance and/or attentional attributes. The main findings were: (i) the passive perception of both object and abstract visual patterns was associated with decreased alpha and/or beta activity in sensori-motor cortex, occipito-temporal cortex and cerebellum. These are brain regions associated with the planning and production of visually guided action; (ii) for object patterns, decreased alpha and beta activity was also observed in regions of superior parietal and premotor cortex. These regions contain neurons argued to be essential for matching hand kinematics with manipulate objects; and (iii) in both control participants and a deafferented individual, studies of planned and unplanned pointing manoeuvres revealed that the attentional bias of a stimulus was critical for fast, efficient action production whereas the affordance bias was critical in determining end-point accuracy. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that affordance is not a necessary prerequisite for the potential of motor codes. Rather, affordance enables the construction of motor responses that reflect object functionality and/or manipulability. They further demonstrate that visual attention is associated with the potentiation of motor codes. Indeed, directed visual attention would appear critical for speeded responses. These findings provide new insights into the roles of directed visual attention and affordance upon action.
This study investigated the detrimental effect of central field loss (CFL) on reading ability and general visual function. The aim was to improve the understanding of reading with eccentric retina in order that reading performances of individuals with CFL may be maximised. To improve visual ability of individuals with CFL, it is important to be able to accurately measure the outcome of any intervention. Various methods for determining visual function were therefore compared with perceived visual performance (as measured with a quality of life questionnaire) before and after surgical removal of choroidal new vessels (CNV) in macular disease patients. The results highlight the importance of low contrast measures (low contrast visual acuity and contrast sensitivity) when investigating perceived reading performance. Reading speed was found to be important for reflecting changes in general visual quality of life. Potential causes for reduced peripheral reading ability were investigated using both normally sighted and CFL subjects. For normally sighted subjects reading eccentrically with rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) text, the inferior visual field was a better position (in terms of reading speed) for the presentation of the text. The size of the visual span was found to reduce with increasing eccentricity of fixation, providing a potential reason for reduced peripheral reading performances. The investigation of the ability to use context when reading with peripheral retina resulted in conflicting results. Studies in this thesis found both a reduction and no reduction in the ability of the peripheral retina to utilise context compared to the fovea. Individuals with long-term CFL showed no improvement in peripheral reading ability over that found for normally sighted subjects reading at the same eccentricity.
This thesis first considers the calibration and signal processing requirements of a neuromagnetometer for the measurement of human visual function. Gradiometer calibration using straight wire grids is examined and optimal grid configurations determined, given realistic constructional tolerances. Simulations show that for gradiometer balance of 1:104 and wire spacing error of 0.25mm the achievable calibration accuracy of gain is 0.3%, of position is 0.3mm and of orientation is 0.6°. Practical results with a 19-channel 2nd-order gradiometer based system exceed this performance. The real-time application of adaptive reference noise cancellation filtering to running-average evoked response data is examined. In the steady state, the filter can be assumed to be driven by a non-stationary step input arising at epoch boundaries. Based on empirical measures of this driving step an optimal progression for the filter time constant is proposed which improves upon fixed time constant filter performance. The incorporation of the time-derivatives of the reference channels was found to improve the performance of the adaptive filtering algorithm by 15-20% for unaveraged data, falling to 5% with averaging. The thesis concludes with a neuromagnetic investigation of evoked cortical responses to chromatic and luminance grating stimuli. The global magnetic field power of evoked responses to the onset of sinusoidal gratings was shown to have distinct chromatic and luminance sensitive components. Analysis of the results, using a single equivalent current dipole model, shows that these components arise from activity within two distinct cortical locations. Co-registration of the resulting current source localisations with MRI shows a chromatically responsive area lying along the midline within the calcarine fissure, possibly extending onto the lingual and cuneal gyri. It is postulated that this area is the human homologue of the primate cortical area V4.
This study characterizes the visually evoked magnetic response (VEMR) to pattern onset/offset stimuli, using a single channel BTi magnetometer. The influence of stimulus parameters and recording protocols on the VEMR is studied with inferences drawn about the nature of cortical processing, its origins and optimal recording strategies. Fundamental characteristics are examined, such as the behaviour of successive averaged and unaveraged responses; the effects of environmental shielding; averaging; inter- and intrasubject variability and equipment specificity. The effects of varying check size, field size, contrast and refractive error on latency, amplitude and topographic distribution are also presented. Latency and amplitude trends are consistent with previous VEP findings and known anatomical properties of the visual system. Topographic results are consistent with the activity of sources organised according to the cruciform model of striate cortex. A striate origin for the VEMR is also suggested by the results to quarter, octant and annulus field stimuli. Similarities in the behaviour and origins of the sources contributing to the CIIm and CIIIm onset peaks are presented for a number of stimulus conditions. This would be consistent with differing processing event in the same, or similar neuronal populations. Focal field stimuli produce less predictable responses than full or half fields, attributable to a reduced signal to noise ratio and an increased sensitivity to variations in cortical morphology. Problems with waveform peak identification are encountered for full field stimuli that can only be resolved by the careful choice of stimulus parameters, comparisons with half field responses or with reference to the topographic distribution of each waveform peak. An anatomical study of occipital lobe morphology revealed large inter- and intrasubject variation in calcarine fissure shape and striate cortex distribution. An appreciation of such variability is important for VEMR interpretation, due to the technique's sensitivity to source depth and orientation, and it is used to explain the experimental results obtained.
This thesis describes a series of experimental investigations into the functional organisation of human visual cortex using neuromagnetometry.This technique combines good spatial and temporal resolution enabling identification of the location and temporal response characteristics of cortical neurones within alert humans. To activate different neuronal populations and cortical areas a range of stimuli were used, the parameters of which were selected to match the known physiological properties of primate cortical neurones. In one series of experiments the evoked magnetic response was recorded to isoluminant red/green gratings. Co-registration of signal and magnetic resonance image data indicated a contribution to the response from visual areas V1, V2 and V4. To investigate the spatio-temporal characteristics of neurones within area V1 the evoked response was recorded for a range of stimulus spatial and temporal frequencies. The response to isoluminant red/green gratings was dominated by a major component which was found to have bandpass spatial frequency tuning with a peak at 1-2 cycles/degree, falling to the level of the noise at 6-8 cycles/degree. The temporal frequency tuning characteristics of the response showed bimodal sensitivity with peaks at 0-1Hz and 4Hz. In a further series of experiments the luminance evoked response was recorded to red/black, yellow/black and achromatic gratings and in all cases was found to be more complex than the isoluminant chromatic response, comprising up to three distinct components. The major response peak showed bandpass spatial frequency tuning characteristics, peaking at 6-8 cycles/degree, falling to the level of the noise at 12-16 cycles/degree. The results provide evidence to suggest that within area V1 the same neuronal population encodes both chromatic and luminance information and has spatial frequency tuning properties consistent with single-opponent cells. Furthermore, the results indicate that cells within area V1 encode chromatic motion information over a wide range of temporal frequencies with temporal response characteristics suggestive of the existence of a sub-population of cells sensitive to high temporal frequencies.