930 resultados para tourist destination
This paper develops a theory of tourist satisfaction which is tested by using a consumerist gap scale derived from the Ragheb and Beard Leisure Motivation Scale. The sample consists of 1127 holiday makers from the East Midlands, UK. The results confirm the four dimensions of the original scale, and are used to develop clusters of holidaymakers. These clusters are found to be determinants of attitudes towards holiday destination attributes, and are independent of socio-demographic variables. Other determinants of holiday maker satisfaction are also examined. Among the conclusions drawn are the continuing importance of life cycle stages and previous holiday maker satisfaction. There is little evidence found for the travel career hypothesis developed by Professor Philip Pearce.
The following paper attempts to encompass the opportunities for applying QR codes for museums and exhibits through the example of the Hungarian Museum of Environmental Protection and Water Management (Esztergom, Hungary). Besides providing interactivity in the museum for the mobile phone generation through the utilization of a device and a method that they are familiar with, it is important to explain how and why it is worthwhile to “adorn” the exhibits with these codes. In this paper we also touch upon the technical issues of how an existing mobile phone application can be incorporated into and used for the presentation of the museum.
The following paper presents an application of QR code marking of digital iconographical collections for their outdoor mobile access and exploring through the GUIDE@HAND audio tourist guide.
A desztináció menedzsment valamennyi desztinációs versenyképesség modell középponti eleme, és „csodaszerként” jelenik meg, különösen azokban az országokban, amelyek a desztináció menedzsment eszközrendszerét a közelmúltban vezették be, annak érdekében, hogy a desztinációk lépést tudjanak tartani a versenytársaikkal, mint ahogyan ez hazánkban is történt. Jelen tanulmány alapját a témában írt PhD Értekezésem (Sziva, I. (2010)) adja, amelynek fókuszában a desztinációs versenyképesség értelmezése, az ex ante oldali tényezők feltárása állt. A téziskutatás során feltárt tényezők, és a Bírálóim konstruktív fejlesztési javaslatai a téma továbbkutatására ösztönöztek. Mindezért tartottam elengedhetetlennek, hogy a tézisemben összefoglalt hazai és osztrák kutatások legfontosabb eredményeit további nemzetközi színtéren, ezúttal Dániában vizsgáljam, jelen esetben a fókuszt a desztináció menedzsment tényezőire, és annak kiemelt kontextusaira helyezve. Jelen tanulmány legfontosabb célja az, hogy egyrészt összefoglalást adjon a desztináció menedzsment szerepéről a desztinációs versenyképesség elméleti megközelítéseit tekintve. Továbbá, hogy a hazai tapasztalatok összevetésre kerüljenek a szakértői interjúk során megismert dán tapasztalatokkal és további kutatási irányok kerüljenek meghatározásra. Ezúton szeretném megköszönni dániai kutatásom interjú-alanyainak részvételét és a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem TÁMOP 4.2.1.B-09/1/KMR-2010-0005 projekt keretében nyújtott támogatását! _________ Destination management is the central element of the model concerning destinations’ competitiveness, and appears as „wonder medicine”, particularly in those countries, where the tools of destination management was introduced in the near past, as it happened in Hungary. The baseline of this study is given by my PhD Dissertation (Sziva, I. (2010)), which was focusing on interpretation and the ex ante factors of destinations’ competitiveness. The factors identified during my thesis research, and the constructive recommendations of my Reviewer gave the motivation for further analysis. That is why was it important to make further researchers based on the results identified in the Hungarian and Austrian cases of my thesis research, and add further international, this time Danish context to the research, by focusing on destination management among the factors of competitiveness. The aim of the article is to give a summary about the theoretical approach of destination management and compare the Hungarian experiences with that of the results of the Danish research based on experts’ interviews. Hereby I would like to thank my interviewees their participation, and the support of Corvinus University Budapest in the framework of TÁMOP 4.2.1.B-09/1/KMR-2010-0005 project.
A hazai turizmus gyakorlatával kapcsolatos vizsgálatok tapasztalatai nyomán az egri Eszterházy Károly Főiskola (EKF) turizmusmenedzsment-kurzusának oktatói célszerűnek ítélték a témára vonatkozó tananyag fejlesztését. A cikk szerzői azt remélik azonban, hogy az utóbbi munka egyes megállapításai minden, a gazdasági földrajz, a turizmus (idegenforgalom), a térségfejlesztés valamely szegmensével foglalkozó szakembernek, kiemelten: vezetőnek – s több más gazdasági ág illetékeseinek – az érdeklődésére számot tarthatnak, ezért ezekről jelen cikkben is beszámolnak. _____ In this article the authors reviewed first the different types of tourist attractions (destinations) and they analysed the common evaluation methods of their attractiveness (e.g. the possibilities and limits of the tourism statistics). Then they tried to display the existing information on the main Hungarian attractions and their attractiveness. In this study revealed that there exist no generally recognized list of the most visited attractions, and the real measures of their attractiveness are not known either. The authors emphasize that shaping a comprehensive concept on the above mentioned issue would highly contribute to the elaboration of a successful and achievable tourism strategy, thus it would be of great importance.
This dissertation aims to improve the performance of existing assignment-based dynamic origin-destination (O-D) matrix estimation models to successfully apply Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) strategies for the purposes of traffic congestion relief and dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) in transportation network modeling. The methodology framework has two advantages over the existing assignment-based dynamic O-D matrix estimation models. First, it combines an initial O-D estimation model into the estimation process to provide a high confidence level of initial input for the dynamic O-D estimation model, which has the potential to improve the final estimation results and reduce the associated computation time. Second, the proposed methodology framework can automatically convert traffic volume deviation to traffic density deviation in the objective function under congested traffic conditions. Traffic density is a better indicator for traffic demand than traffic volume under congested traffic condition, thus the conversion can contribute to improving the estimation performance. The proposed method indicates a better performance than a typical assignment-based estimation model (Zhou et al., 2003) in several case studies. In the case study for I-95 in Miami-Dade County, Florida, the proposed method produces a good result in seven iterations, with a root mean square percentage error (RMSPE) of 0.010 for traffic volume and a RMSPE of 0.283 for speed. In contrast, Zhou's model requires 50 iterations to obtain a RMSPE of 0.023 for volume and a RMSPE of 0.285 for speed. In the case study for Jacksonville, Florida, the proposed method reaches a convergent solution in 16 iterations with a RMSPE of 0.045 for volume and a RMSPE of 0.110 for speed, while Zhou's model needs 10 iterations to obtain the best solution, with a RMSPE of 0.168 for volume and a RMSPE of 0.179 for speed. The successful application of the proposed methodology framework to real road networks demonstrates its ability to provide results both with satisfactory accuracy and within a reasonable time, thus establishing its potential usefulness to support dynamic traffic assignment modeling, ITS systems, and other strategies.
The phenomenon of at-destination search activity and decision processes utilized by visitors to a location is predominantly an academic unknown. As destinations and organizations increasingly compete for their share of the travel dollar, it is evident that more research need to be done regarding how consumers obtain information once they arrive at a destination. This study examined visitor referral recommendations provided by hotel and non-hotel ''locals" in a moderately-sized community for lodging, food service, and recreational and entertainment venues.
In Ecotourism, interpretation by a guide creates or shapes the experience for the tourist, differentiating one episode from another. As such, the guide S interpretation adds value to the tourism product and contributes to the visitor S experience. This paper discussed the role of interpretation by guides in the State of Amazonas, Brazil, finding in them patterns from which lessons may be drawn. Given the intangibility of the Ecotourism product, this paper argues that it is the guide who defines the quality of the product. The guide may draw the tourist toward or away from sustainable practices, and significantly contributes to the success or failure of the escotouristic venture. The State of Amazonas in Brazil already has guides, but this study questions their education and training in interpretive skills as well as their professional organization and working conditions
Canada expends a large amount of money on tourism and advertising in the U.S., but growth has not kept up. The author surveys Floridians as to their attitudes toward Canada as a tourism destination.
The aim of this study is to analyze the perception of European destinations through the eyes of Indian Bollywood film viewers to determine how perception is influenced by what is viewed in films. Researchers surveyed Indian consumers and collected 670 usable surveys. European destinations were divided into top five and bottom five destinations for Indian tourists, and data was then compared to world tourism statistics. Results indicate differences in destination preference among Bollywood viewers and worldwide tourist trends. Findings indicate that prominently featuring a landscape within Bollywood films can significantly impact Indians’ perception on the destinations’ image. European countries frequently portrayed in films have higher marks on multiple perception categories than those not featured in blockbuster Bollywood films.
The primary purpose of this study was to examine how much different types of media affect a tourist’s decision when choosing a destination to travel. Further, this study attempted to investigate the impact of the different types of media on a tourist’s behavioral intentions. A primary field survey was designed for this study to collect data and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was performed to analyze the data and test the hypotheses. As a result, the most influential media form for choosing a destination to travel was social media, while brochure ranked the last. Subsequently, demographic factors showed noticeable propensities for the different types of media. Lastly, media types had a significant impact on three behavioral intentions for traveling as well. Study findings are expected to provide valuable information to better utilize the media as a marketing tool for the tourism industry.