474 resultados para talent


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Psychological characteristics are crucial to identifying talents, which is why these are being incorporated in today’s multidimensional talent models. In addition to multidimensionality, talent studies are increasingly drawing on holistic theories of development, leading to the use of person-oriented approaches. The present study adopts such an approach by looking at the influence that motivational characteristics have on the development of performance, in a person-oriented way. For this purpose, it looks at how the constructs achievement motive, achievement goal orientation and self-determination interact with one another, what patterns they form and how these patterns are linked to subsequent sports success. 97 top young football players were questioned twice. Another year later, it was enquired which of these players had been selected for the U15 national team. At both measuring points, four patterns were identified, which displayed a high degree of structural and individual stability. As expected, the highly intrinsically achievement-oriented players were significantly more likely to move up into the U15 national team. The results point to the importance of favourable patterns of motivational variables in the form of specific types, for medium-term performance development among promising football talents, and thus provide valuable clues for the selection and promotion of those.


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Die vorliegende Dissertation verfolgt das Ziel, zu untersuchen, wie sich ehemalige Schweizer Nachwuchs-Elite-Athleten unter dem Aspekt des sportlichen Erfolgs entwickelt haben und wie sich ihre heutige Lebenssituation präsentiert. Zudem will die Arbeit ergründen, inwiefern der sportliche Erfolg durch ausgewählte institutionelle, sportwissenschaftliche und individuelle Parameter vorhergesagt werden kann. Zu diesem Zweck wurden alle deutschsprachigen Nachwuchs-Elite-Athleten untersucht (N = 221), welche im Jahre 1999 Inhaber einer Swiss Olympic Talent-Card waren. Die Prädiktoren stammen teilweise aus einer ersten schriftlichen Befragung, welche 1999 durchgeführt wurde (Rücklauf: 79%). Die Daten für die Beschreibung der Laufbahn sowie der heutigen Situation wurden im Sommer 2011 durch eine weitere schriftliche Befragung erhoben (Rücklauf: 48%). Die Daten wurden mit deskriptiven, inferenzstatistischen, cluster- sowie regressionsanalytischen Verfahren ausgewertet. Die Resultate zeichnen insgesamt ein positives Bild. Trotz verschiedener Hürden im Nachwuchsalter schafften die meisten befragten Athleten den Sprung in die Elite-Stufe. Knapp ein Drittel von ihnen konnte dabei grosse Erfolge (Medaillengewinn) an bedeutenden internationalen Wettkämpfen erringen. Die bereits zurückgetretenen Athleten scheinen das Laufbahnende grösstenteils gut bewältigt zu haben, was wohl damit zusammenhängt, dass die Mehrheit von ihnen freiwillig zurückgetretenen ist und konkrete Pläne für die nachsportliche Laufbahn hatte. Insgesamt deuten die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass sich ein Engagement im Leistungssport nicht negativ auf die Entwicklung in anderen Lebensbereichen auszuwirken scheint. So zeigte sich, dass sich die heutige Situation der ehemaligen Nachwuchs-Elite-Athleten in gesundheitlicher, psychologischer, sozialer, beruflicher und finanzieller Hinsicht durchwegs positiv präsentiert – in gesundheitlicher, beruflicher und finanzieller Hinsicht sogar besser als jene von gleichaltrigen Vergleichspersonen der Schweizer Bevölkerung. Bei der Vorhersage des sportlichen Erfolgs zeigte sich, dass Athleten aus weniger geförderten und weniger bedeutenden Sportarten später insgesamt erfolgreicher sind an bedeutenden internationalen Wettkämpfen. Darüber hinaus erwies sich die mentale Stärke als langfristiger Erfolgsfaktor. Die Ergebnisse erweitern das bestehende Wissen über Laufbahnen von Leistungssportlern sowie über Determinanten von sportlichem Erfolg generell, besonders aber hinsichtlich des Schweizer Sportsystems. Athleten und ihr Umfeld erhalten dadurch einen vertieften Einblick in die Chancen und Risiken eines Engagements im Leistungssport. Swiss Olympic und die Verbände gewinnen ein besseres Verständnis darüber, wie sich Nachwuchs-Elite-Athleten in ihrer sportlichen Entwicklung noch besser unterstützen lassen. Bund, Kantone und Gemeinden können anhand der Ergebnisse besser abschätzen, inwiefern sich die Förderung des Spitzensports durch öffentliche Gelder rechtfertigen lässt.


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Purpose – The authors sought to explain why and how protean career attitude might influence self‐initiated expatriates' (SIEs) experiences positively. A mediation model of cultural adjustment was proposed and empirically evaluated. Design/methodology/approach – Data from 132 SIEs in Germany containing measures of protean career attitude, cultural adjustment, career satisfaction, life satisfaction, and intention to stay in the host country were analysed using path analysis with a bootstrap method. Findings – Empirical results provide support for the authors' proposed model: the positive relations between protean career attitude and the three expatriation outcomes (career satisfaction, life satisfaction and intention to stay in the host country) were mediated by positive cross‐cultural adjustment of SIEs. Research limitations/implications – All data were cross‐sectional from a single source. The sample size was small and included a large portion of Chinese participants. The study should be replicated with samples in other destination countries, and longitudinal research is suggested. Practical implications – By fostering both a protean career attitude in skilled SIE employees and their cultural adjustment, corporations and receiving countries could be able to retain this international workforce better in times of talent shortage. Originality/value – This study contributes to the scarce research on the conceptual relatedness of protean career attitude and SIEs, as well as to acknowledging the cultural diversity of the SIE population.


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Purpose This paper aims to provide conceptual clarity by distinguishing self‐initiated expatriates (SIEs) from company‐assigned expatriates (AEs), and skilled migrants; most importantly, it introduces an overarching conceptual framework based on career capital theory to explain SIEs’ career success. Design/methodology/approach This conceptual framework is based on a review of the relevant literature on SIE, expatriation, career studies, cross‐cultural studies, migration, and other related areas. Findings Protean career attitude, career networks, and cultural intelligence are identified as three major types of career capital influencing SIEs career success positively; the predicting relationships between these are mediated by cultural adjustment in the host country. Cultural distance acts as the moderator, which highlights the influence of macro‐contextual factors on SIEs’ career development. Research limitations/implications The current paper applied career capital theory and did not integrate the impact of family and labour market situation on SIEs’ career development. Further research should test the proposed framework empirically, and integrate the impact of family‐ and career‐related factors into a holistic approach. Practical implications When constructing international talent acquisition and retention strategies, organizations and receiving countries should understand the different career development needs and provide SIEs with opportunities to increase career capital during expatriation. Furthermore, the current framework suggests how to adjust to the host country in order to meet career development goals. Originality/value The multi‐level and sequential framework adds value by identifying specific types of career capital for SIEs and providing a conceptual underpinning for explaining how they interact and foster SIEs’ career success. Moreover, the framework embraces SIEs from both developed and developing economies.


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Einleitung Im Fußball entscheidet der Trainer, welche Spieler in eine Leistungsmannschaft selektioniert werden. Die Frage, nach welchen Kriterien Trainer die Spieler beurteilen und selektionieren, wurde bislang allerdings unzureichend untersucht (Williams & Reilly, 2000). In der vorliegenden qualitativen Studie wird der Frage nachgegangen, welche Talentkriterien aus Trainersicht für den späteren Erfolg im Spitzenfußball ausschlaggebend sind. Methode Interviewpartner waren sechs männliche Fußballtrainer (MAlter = 39.5; SD = 7.18), die hauptberuflich für die Nachwuchsabteilung (Altersklasse 13 – 17 Jahre) eines Schweizer Fußballvereins der höchsten nationalen Spielklasse (Super League) arbeiten und zum Zeitpunkt des Interviews mindestens die UEFA-A-Lizenz besaßen. Die Bestimmung der subjektiven Talentkriterien erfolgte mithilfe eines Interviewleitfadens, der sich an der Konstruktbestimmung der Repertory Grid Technik (vgl. Fromm, 2004) orientierte. Ausge-wertet wurden die Interviews mit einer qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse (Kvale, 1996). Ergebnisse und Diskussion Die Untersuchung zeigt, dass sich die subjektiven Talentkriterien von Trainern sprachlich differenziert erheben lassen. Die befragten Trainer formulierten jeweils sechs bis acht Talentkriterien, die Aspekte aus den Bereichen Persönlichkeit, kognitiv-perzeptuelle Fertigkeiten, konditionelle Fähigkeiten, Technik, physische Konstitution und Umfeld beinhalten. Dass einige Kriterien Aspekte mehrere dieser Bereiche beinhalten und inhaltlich nicht den Kriterien der anderen Trainer entsprechen, kann als Hinweis auf die Subjektivität und Individualität dieser Talentkriterien gedeutet werden. Beinahe die Hälfte der genannten Kriterien beinhalten Persönlichkeitsaspekte. Facetten der Leistungsmotivation wurden dabei am häufigsten genannt, gefolgt von Lernfähigkeit und Lernbereitschaft sowie anderen Aspekten wie z.B. zur Selbsteinschätzung und Zielorientierung. Die Er-gebnisse zeigen, dass die untersuchten Trainer eine differenzierte Wahrnehmung von entwicklungsförderlichen Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen haben. Die Bedeutung der Persönlichkeit aus Trainersicht für das Erreichen eines Spitzenniveaus ist vergleichbar mit den Ergebnissen vorheriger Untersuchungen (z.B. Christensen, 2009). Literatur Christensen, M. K. (2009). "An Eye for Talent": Talent Identification and the "Practical Sense" of Top-Level Soccer Coaches. Sociology of Sport Journal, 26, 365–382. Fromm, M. (2004). Introduction to the Repertory Grid Interview. Münster: Waxmann. Kvale, S. (1996). InterViews: An introduction to qualitative researching interviewing. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Williams, A. M. & Reilly, T. (2000). Talent identification and development in soccer. Journal of Sports Sciences, 18, 657-667.


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Multidimensional talent models represent the current state of the art. However, it remains unclear how these different dimensions interact. Based on current theories of human development, person-oriented approaches seem to be particularly appropriate for talent research. The present study adopts this approach by looking at how a holistic system consisting of the dimensions motivation, motor behaviour and the stage of development goes along with athletic performance. For this purpose, it has to be examined which patterns were formed by the constructs net hope, motor abilities, technical skills and the so far achieved percentage of the predicted adult height and how these patterns are related to subsequent sporting success. 119 young elite football players were questioned and tested three times at intervals of one year, beginning at the age of 12. At the age of 15, the performance level the players had reached was examined. At all three measuring points, four patterns were identified which displayed partial structural and high individual stability. As expected, the players showing values above average in all factors were significantly more likely to advance to the highest performance level. Physically strong, precocious developed players though having some technical weaknesses, have good chances to reach the middle performance level. The results point to the importance of holistic approaches for the prediction of performance among promising football talents in the medium-term and thus provide valuable clues for their selection and promotion.


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Sport-motor tests play an important role in football talent selections. However, single tests represent only parts of the complex game performance. The best game performance therefore does not necessarily need to go hand in hand with the best results in all tests of a test battery. Considering the complexity of the game performance appropriately, a holistic perspective together with a person-oriented approach are applied. Thereby, systems consisting of several variables are identified and analysed in a longitudinal study. Following this idea, six sport-motor tests were aggregated into a subsystem. 106 young male elite football players were tested three times (2011, 2012, 2013; Mage, t2011=12.26, SD=0.29). One year later (2014) their performance level was enquired. Data were analysed using the LICUR method, a cluster analytical method. Four patterns were identified, which remained stable at all measuring points. The players frequently show intraindividual and structurally similar patterns over time. At the third measuring point, a pattern occurred out of which the players are significantly more likely to advance to the highest performance level one year later. This pattern appears consistently above average, but does not always show best test performances. The significantly frequent development along structurally stable patterns suggests a predictive validity of the subsystem sport-motor tests between the ages of 12 to 15. Above average, but not necessarily outstanding performances both in the motor abilities as well as in the football specific tests appears to be particularly promising. This finding emphasizes the need of a holistic perspective in the talent selection.


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Sport-motor tests play an important role in football talent selections. However, single tests represent only parts of the complex game performance. The best game performance therefore does not necessarily need to go hand in hand with the best results in all tests of a test battery. Considering the complexity of the game performance appropriately, a holistic perspective together with a person-oriented approach are applied. Thereby, systems consisting of several variables are identified and analysed in a longitudinal study. Following this idea, six sport-motor tests were aggregated into a subsystem. 106 young male elite football players were tested three times (2011, 2012, 2013; Mage, t2011=12.26, SD=0.29). One year later (2014) their performance level was enquired. Data were analysed using the LICUR method, a cluster analytical method. Four patterns were identified, which remained stable at all measuring points. The players frequently show intraindividual and structurally similar patterns over time. At the third measuring point, a pattern occurred out of which the players are significantly more likely to advance to the highest performance level one year later. This pattern appears consistently above average, but does not always show best test performances. The significantly frequent development along structurally stable patterns suggests a predictive validity of the subsystem sport-motor tests between the ages of 12 to 15. Above average, but not necessarily outstanding performances both in the motor abilities as well as in the football specific tests appears to be particularly promising. This finding emphasizes the need of a holistic perspective in the talent selection.


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Multidimensional talent models represent the current state of the art. However, it remains unclear how these different dimensions interact. Based on current theories of human development, person-oriented approaches seem to be particularly appropriate for talent research. The present study adopts this approach by looking at how a holistic system consisting of the different dimensions motivation, motor behaviour and the stage of development goes along with athletic performance. For this purpose, it has to be examined which patterns were formed by the constructs net hope (Elbe et al., 2003), motor abilities (3 motor tests; Höner et al., 2014), technical skills (3 motor tests; Höner et al., 2014) and the so far achieved percentage of the predicted adult height (Mirwald et al, 2002) and how these patterns are related to subsequent sporting success. 119 young elite football players were questioned and tested three times at intervals of one year, beginning at the age of 12. At the age of 15, the performance level the players had reached was examined (national, regional or no talent card). At all three measuring points, four patterns were identified which displayed partial structural and high individual stability. As expected, the players showing values above average in all factors were significantly more likely to advance to the highest performance level (Odds ratio = 2.2, p < .01). Physically strong, precocious developed players though having some technical weaknesses, have good chances to reach the middle performance level (OR = 1.6, p = .01). Players showing values under average, have an one and a half times higher probability to advance to the lowest performance level (p < .01). The results point to the importance of holistic approaches for the prediction of performance among promising football talents in the medium-term and thus provide valuable clues for their selection and promotion.


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PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to identify morphologic factors affecting type I endoleak formation and bird-beak configuration after thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR). METHODS Computed tomography (CT) data of 57 patients (40 males; median age, 66 years) undergoing TEVAR for thoracic aortic aneurysm (34 TAA, 19 TAAA) or penetrating aortic ulcer (n = 4) between 2001 and 2010 were retrospectively reviewed. In 28 patients, the Gore TAG® stent-graft was used, followed by the Medtronic Valiant® in 16 cases, the Medtronic Talent® in 8, and the Cook Zenith® in 5 cases. Proximal landing zone (PLZ) was in zone 1 in 13, zone 2 in 13, zone 3 in 23, and zone 4 in 8 patients. In 14 patients (25%), the procedure was urgent or emergent. In each case, pre- and postoperative CT angiography was analyzed using a dedicated image processing workstation and complimentary in-house developed software based on a 3D cylindrical intensity model to calculate aortic arch angulation and conicity of the landing zones (LZ). RESULTS Primary type Ia endoleak rate was 12% (7/57) and subsequent re-intervention rate was 86% (6/7). Left subclavian artery (LSA) coverage (p = 0.036) and conicity of the PLZ (5.9 vs. 2.6 mm; p = 0.016) were significantly associated with an increased type Ia endoleak rate. Bird-beak configuration was observed in 16 patients (28%) and was associated with a smaller radius of the aortic arch curvature (42 vs. 65 mm; p = 0.049). Type Ia endoleak was not associated with a bird-beak configuration (p = 0.388). Primary type Ib endoleak rate was 7% (4/57) and subsequent re-intervention rate was 100%. Conicity of the distal LZ was associated with an increased type Ib endoleak rate (8.3 vs. 2.6 mm; p = 0.038). CONCLUSIONS CT-based 3D aortic morphometry helps to identify risk factors of type I endoleak formation and bird-beak configuration during TEVAR. These factors were LSA coverage and conicity within the landing zones for type I endoleak formation and steep aortic angulation for bird-beak configuration.


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Dealing with popular music in premodern times historical research usually focuses on so called “Volksmusik”. But already in the 18th century researchers were disappointed to find only few traces of imaginary “traditional” music in Switzerland. They unfortunately overlooked that common people kept on with their own stubborn musical culture: Beginning with the Reformation the authorities encouraged the communities to employ schoolmasters who were able to teach music. Their goal was that everybody should be able to participate in liturgical music actively. Over generations even people with no special musical talent adopted their own repertoire of psalms plus techniques of reading music and polyphonic singing. Spontaneous choral singing evolved into a common everyday practice. The most ambitious and brightest teachers even taught instrumental lessons at home on their proper pianos and chamber organs or encouraged the villagers to build new prestigious organs in their churches. The financial burden of such instruments weighted heavily on the communities. Some of them received financial support from the government, albeit unwillingly because it was obvious to the rulers that the villages just wanted to overtop each other. Homemade music was the most important issue in the cultural life of most parishes. Rich communes spent a lot of money to win the best voices on-site for their church choirs. Belonging to an elitists’ singer association paved the way to the farmer-village’s highlevel sociability.


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Einleitung: Die Nachwuchsarbeit im Schweizer Fussball ist seit 1995 stark professionalisiert worden, was sich in den letzten 15 Jahren in mehrere internationale Erfolge niedergeschlagen hat. Im Hinblick auf den sportlichen Erfolg hat sich dabei gezeigt, dass sich die Karrieren der erfolgreichsten Schweizer Spieler, deren Förderung in die ersten Jahre dieser Professionalisierung fällt, bereits in der Sampling Phase (Coté, 1999) durch eine frühe Spezialisierung beschreiben lässt (Zibung & Conzelmann, 2013). Die Trainingsumfänge beinhalten v.a. Clubtraining und viel freies Spiel ausserhalb des Clubs oder fussballnahe andere sportliche Aktivitäten. In diesem Beitrag wird der Frage nachgegangen, inwiefern sich die in den folgenden Jahren nochmals akzentuierte Professionalisierung auf die sportlichen Karrieren der aktuellen Generation von talentierten Fussballspielern ausgewirkt hat. Methode: N = 32 Juniorennationalspieler mit mind. 1 Aufgebot in die U15 oder U16 Nationalmannschaft (Jg. 99; Stichprobe A) werden mit n = 151 ehemaligen Juniorennationalspielern (Jg. 81-87; Stichprobe B aus Zibung & Conzelmann, 2013) in Bezug auf relevante Indikatoren zur Frühspezialisierung verglichen. Dafür wurden die beiden Stichproben in Anlehnung an Zibung und Conzelmann (2013) mittels t-Tests (p < .05) bezüglich folgender Indikatoren für Frühspezialisierung verglichen: Alter beim Beginn freies Fussballspiel und beim ersten Clubeintritt, Trainingsstunden im Club, freies Fussballspiel sowie sportliche Aktivitäten neben dem Fussball (jeweils bis 12-jährig). Die Variablen wurden in beiden Studien retrospektiv per Fragebogen erfasst. Resultate: Die Spieler der jüngeren Generation haben bis 12 Jahre weniger Stunden frei Fussball gespielt (MA = 2016.6, SDA = 1107.1) als die Spieler der älteren Generation (MB = 2535.5, SDB = 1277.3) (t(50.1) = 2.34, p = .02, d = .66). Gleichzeitig haben sie neben dem Fussball weniger andere sportliche Aktivitäten aufzuweisen (t(68.0) = 2.53, p = .01, d = .61). In den Variablen Trainingsstunden im Club (MA = 923.0, SDA = 166.6; MB = 967.0, SDB = 287.1), Alter beim Beginn des freien Fussballspiels (MA = 4.08, SDA = 1.5; MB = 4.36, SDB = 1.2) und beim ersten Clubeintritt (MA = 5.75, SDA = 1.0; MB = 6.07, SDB = 1.3) unterscheiden sich die beiden Stichproben nicht. Diskussion: Der Vergleich der beiden Stichproben zeigt, dass es in den letzten 15 Jahren zu einer Veränderung der Trainingsumfänge von Juniorennationalspielern gekommen ist. Die aktuelle Generation von Juniorennationalspielern spielt neben dem Clubtraining weniger frei Fussball und betreibt aber auch weniger andere Sportarten als die Juniorennationalspieler vor 10-15 Jahren. Ob vermehrte schulische Anforderungen diesen Rückgang in der generellen sportlichen Aktivität verschulden, müsste in der Folge weiter untersucht werden. Ebenso bleibt offen, ob die Einschätzung der Stichprobe B, aufgrund des relativ langen Zeitraums, der zwischen der Erhebung und dem zu erfassenden Zeitraum liegt, zu einer Antwortverzerrung und damit einer Erhöhung der geschätzten Trainingsstunden geführt hat. Literatur: Côté, J. (1999). The influence of the family in the development of talent in sport. The Sport Psychologist, 13 (4), 395–417. Zibung, M. & Conzelmann, A. (2013). The role of specialisation in the promotion of young football talents: A person-oriented study. European Journal of Sport Science, 13 (5), 452–460.


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This paper argues (following Gould, 2003) that the disappearance of the .400 hitter in major league baseball is due, not to a decrease in ability at the top end of the talent distribution, but to better methods of screening out players at the low end of the distribution. The argument is related to the economic literature on minimum quality standards in markets with imperfect information.


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Este trabajo realiza una reflexión sobre el recelo que el sector criollo ocasionaba en las altas magistraturas de la monarquía hispánica, de la que emana, obviamente, la política selectiva de cargos y honores tanto en el ámbito de la administración como en el de la Iglesia. El talento y la calidad moral de este segmento de la población estuvo, más que en ninguna otra época, en tela de juicio a lo largo de todo el siglo XVIII. El trabajo traza una panorámica sustentada en obras y documentos del setecientos donde se realizan apologías o críticas de los españoles americanos. La hipótesis que sostiene esta investigación plantea que si la desconfianza hacia la población hispánica de América no hubiera calado tan profundamente, la política borbónica podría haber tenido otra orientación, y por tanto la memoria histórica de los criollos, posterior a la Independencia, podría haber sido menos negativa con respecto a su pasado virreinal