365 resultados para suspicion


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Hydroxychloroquine is an antimalarial drug used in many rheumatologic and systemic diseases. Although considered by clinicians to be relatively safe, serious side effects have been documented (retinotoxicity, neuromyotoxicity and cardiotoxicity). We present the case of a 41-year-old woman with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) who presented at our institution with acute heart failure after taking hydroxychloroquine for a period of 3 months. An endomyocardial biopsy ruled out myocarditis related to systemic lupus erythematosus but demonstrated pathological changes related to hydroxychloroquine toxicity. It is exceptional to observe such cardiac toxicity after such a low cumulative dose (16 grams). The potential severity and reversibility of this complication underscores the importance of a high level of suspicion and timely diagnosis.


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Objectives: We present an atypical case of chronic mesenteric ischemia with weight loss as only clinical manifestation and endoscopic findings imitating Crohn´s disease. Materials and Methods: A CT Angiography of abdomen confirmed the diagnosis of mesenteric ischemia after total occlusion of celiac trunk and superior mesenteric artery. Results: The patient died due to severe sepsis, as a result of extended bowel infarction. Conclusions: The diagnosis of chronic mesenteric ischemia requires a high degree of clinical suspicion and can be life-saving if early conducted.


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Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is a rare heterogeneous group of connective tissue disorders. The vascular type (vEDS) is an autosomal dominant disorder caused by heterozygous mutations in the COL3A1 gene predisposing to premature arterial, intestinal, or uterine rupture. We report a case of a 38-year-old woman with a recent diagnosis of vEDS admitted in the Emergency Department with a suspicion of a pyelonephritis that evolved to a cardiopulmonary arrest. A fatal retroperitoneal hematoma related with a haemorrhagic dissection of the right renal artery was found after emergency surgery. This case highlights the need to be aware of the particular characteristics of vEDS, such as a severe vascular complication that can lead to a fatal outcome.


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Malignant neoplasms are associated with a wide range of paraneoplastic rheumatological syndromes. These can be defined as remote effects of cancer, which are not caused by the tumor and its metastasis. The authors describe the case of an 82-year-old man, who presented with a one-month history of pain, stiffness, and functional limitation of the scapular and pelvic girdles. Blood tests showed raised levels of inflammatory markers. He was diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rheumatica, but the lack of response to corticosteroids led to the suspicion of an alternative diagnosis, like, for example, an occult neoplasm. Although patient evaluation was initially normal, five months later he developed macroscopic haematuria and was diagnosed with bladder and prostate carcinomas. After surgical treatment, the patient fully recovered from his rheumatological syndrome.


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Introdução: A aspiração de corpo estranho (ACE) é uma emergência pediátrica e uma causa importante de morte acidental na criança. A maioria dos casos ocorre com objetos orgânicos e inorgânicos de pequenas dimensões, sobretudo em idade pré-escolar. A ACE cursa com amplo espectro de manifestações e o seu diagnóstico representa muitas vezes um desafio. Caso clínico: Descrevemos o caso clínico de uma criança de dois anos que recorreu ao Serviço de Urgência por tosse, disfonia e disfagia. Ao exame objetivo apresentava acessos de tosse estridulosa, tiragem supra-esternal ligeira e auscultação pulmonar com sibilos inspiratórios/expiratórios e roncos dispersos bilateralmente. A telerradiografia do tórax evidenciava um reforço hilar bilateral, mais notável à direita. A avaliação por Otorrinolaringologia, incluindo a nasolaringofibroscopia, não de- mostrou alterações. A broncoscopia revelou a presença de corpo estranho vegetal condicionando obstrução superior a 50% do lúmen do brônquio principal direito. Conclusão: Pretendemos com este caso salientar a necessidade de manter alto índice de suspeição perante a possibilidade de ACE, pois o atraso no seu reconhecimento condiciona o seu tratamento e o eventual aparecimento de sequelas irreversíveis.


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Introdução: A tuberculose miliar resulta da disseminação linfohematogénica do Mycobacterium tuberculosis, sendo uma manifestação grave da infeção. Caso clínico: Criança de 9 anos, género feminino, com his¬tória de febre prolongada. O diagnóstico de tuberculose miliar foi colocado após telerradiografia torácica com infiltrado reticu¬lonodular difuso bilateral, e corroborado pelo achado de tubér¬culos coroideus no olho direito e visualização de bacilos álcool¬ ¬ácido resistentes em amostra de suco gástrico. Detetaram¬-se tuberculomas cerebrais na ressonância magnética. Isolou¬se Mycobacterium tuberculosis multissensível em amostras de suco gástrico. Após mais de 40 dias de tratamento, persistia a febre e baciloscopia positiva. Foi excluída infeção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana. Não foram detetadas complicações. Posteriormente, a evolução clínica foi favorável. Discussão/Conclusão: A tuberculose mantém-¬se um diag¬nóstico relevante na criança com febre prolongada. A associa¬ção da imagem torácica, baciloscopias positivas e tubérculos coroideus foram fundamentais para a celeridade do diagnóstico e implementação do tratamento. Reforça¬-se a importância de manter elevado índice de suspeição para uma patologia que tem tratamento.


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International audience


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Background: The emergence of Enterobacteriaceae harboring IMP-4 or IMP-8 carbapenemases is rare. We report an occurrence of Enterobacteriaceae harboring IMP-4 or IMP-8 carbapenemases in a Chinese tertiary care hospital from November 2010 to December 2012. Methods: The clinical characteristics of 30 patients were described. The genetic relationship of isolates was determined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Carbapenemases were detected by modified Hodge test (MHT) and polymerase chain reactions (PCRs). Amplicons were sequenced and blasted to determine the genotype. Results: Most infected patients were from intensive care unit and had complex and serious underlying illnesses requiring mechanical ventilation. PFGE revealed that Klebsiella pneumoniae showed two major PFGE types. Two Klebsiella oxytoca had an indistinguishable PFGE pattern, while four Enterobacter cloacae were different strains. The sequencing studies showed Enterobacteriaceae harboring IMP-4 or IMP-8 carbapenemase in the 23 infected patients. The majority of patients had infections with the carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) strain, most were successfully treated with a range of antibiotics and discharged. Conclusion: It is important to maintain a high index of suspicion to screen for carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae strains. Rapid identification of these strains and implementation of stringent procedures are the key to prevent major outbreaks in a hospital setting. Keywords:


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Hereditary syndromes are responsible for 10 % of gynaecologic cancers, among which hereditary breastovarian cancer and hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer syndromes, known as HBOC and Lynch syndromes respectively, present the highest relative risk. The latter predisposes to endometrial cancer and both contribute to ovarian cancer. Cowden syndrome-related endometrial cancer and the increased risk of ovarian, uterine and cervical cancers associated with Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, are also demonstrated, while Li-Fraumeni syndrome patients are prone to develop ovarian and endometrial cancers. Despite these syndromes’ susceptibility to gynaecologic cancers being consensual, it is still not clear whether these tumours have any epidemiologic, clinical, pathologic or imaging specific features that could allow any of the intervening physicians to raise suspicion of a hereditary syndrome in patients without known genetic risk. Moreover, controversy exists regarding both screening and surveillance schemes. Our literature review provides an updated perspective on the evidence-based specific features of tumours related to each of these syndromes as well as on the most accepted screening and surveillance guidelines. In addition, some illustrative cases are presented.


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Background Both primary and secondary gynaecological neuroendocrine (NE) tumours are uncommon, and the literature is scarce concerning their imaging features. Methods This article reviews the epidemiological, clinical and imaging features with pathological correlation of gynaecological NE tumours. Results The clinical features of gynaecological NE tumours are non-specific and depend on the organ of origin and on the extension and aggressiveness of the disease. The imaging approach to these tumours is similar to that for other histological types and the Revised International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) Staging System also applies to NE tumours. Neuroendocrine tumours were recently divided into two groups: poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas (NECs) and well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumours (NETs). NECs include small cell carcinoma and large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma, while NETs account for typical and atypical carcinoids. Cervical small cell carcinoma and ovarian carcinoid are the most common gynaecological NE tumours. The former typically behaves aggressively; the latter usually behaves in a benign fashion and tends to be confined to the organ. Conclusion While dealing with ovarian carcinoids, extraovarian extension, bilaterality and multinodularity raise the suspicion of metastatic disease. NE tumours of the endometrium and other gynaecological locations are very rare. Teaching Points • Primary or secondary neurondocrine (NE) tumours of the female genital tract are rare. • Cervical small cell carcinoma and ovarian carcinoids are the most common gynaecological NE tumours. • Cervical small cell carcinomas usually behave aggressively. • Ovarian carcinoids tend to behave in a benign fashion. • The imaging approach to gynaecological NE tumours and other histological types is similar.


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A new emerging paradigm of Uncertain Risk of Suspicion, Threat and Danger, observed across the field of information security, is described. Based on this paradigm a novel approach to anomaly detection is presented. Our approach is based on a simple yet powerful analogy from the innate part of the human immune system, the Toll-Like Receptors. We argue that such receptors incorporated as part of an anomaly detector enhance the detector’s ability to distinguish normal and anomalous behaviour. In addition we propose that Toll-Like Receptors enable the classification of detected anomalies based on the types of attacks that perpetrate the anomalous behaviour. Classification of such type is either missing in existing literature or is not fit for the purpose of reducing the burden of an administrator of an intrusion detection system. For our model to work, we propose the creation of a taxonomy of the digital Acytota, based on which our receptors are created.


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Chopart (midtarsal) joint dislocations are relatively rare but potentially serious injuries. Their low prevalence and the possible absence of evident radiological findings cannot justify misdiagnosis because an adequate and correct treatment is required to achieve a proper clinical outcome. A midtarsal joint dislocation in a 19-year-old-woman is described, in which diagnosis was performed at 8 weeks of evolution. An open reduction was performed by a double approach (medial and lateral) and a Kirschner wire joint stabilization. At one-year of follow-up, loss of reduction was not observed and the patient was pain-free, although she referred to functional limitation when running. Besides describing the treatment of this particular injury, this study is aimed at increasing the level of clinical suspicion in order to avoid misdiagnosis such as occurred in our case.


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Brain abscesses can cause an incapacitating neurological deicit in up to 50% of patients, thus the reduction of these sequelae becomes the main goal of its timely and speciic surgical and medical treatment. With technological advances in bacteriological identiication and diagnostic imaging, the clinical suspicion can be conirmed, and the speciic etiological agent can be identiied in a larger number of cases. New pathogens have emerged through this process, such as Streptococcus porcinus, in which the ability to affect the central nervous system has not been documented. A clinical case is presented of a brain abscess in an immunocompetent patient, and its favorable response to surgical drainage t hrough a skull burr h ole and nee dle aspiration with antibiotic therapy (ceftriaxone, metronidazole and vancomycin) is discussed.


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Le système éducatif encourage une histoire positiviste, ordonnée, unilatérale et universelle; par l´incorporation de le découpage chronologique de l´histoire en quatre étapes. Mais, est-ce qu´il serait posible que les élèves puissent étudier leur propre présent? Mon commuication poursuit d´exposer, comme Saab affirmait, le présent est “le point de départ et d´arrivée de l´enseignement de l´histoire détermine les allers et les retours au passé”. La façon d´approcher l´enseignement de l´histoire est confortable. Il n´y a pas de questions, il n´y a pas de discussions. Cette vision de l´histoire interprétée par l´homme blancoccidental-hétérosexuel s´inscrit dans le projet de la modernité du Siècle des Lumières. Par conséquent, cette histoire obvie que nous vivons dans una société postmoderne de la suspicion, de la pensée débile. En ce qui concerne la problématique autour de la pollution audiovisuelle et la façon dont les enseignants et les élèves sont quotidiennement confrontés à ce problème. Par conséquent, il est nécessaire de réfléchir à la question de l´enseignement de l´histoire quadripartite. Actuellement, les médias et les nouvelles technologies sont en train de changer la vie de l´humanité. Il est indispensable que l´élève connaisse son histoire presente et les scénarioshistoriques dans l´avenir. Je pense en la nécessité d´adopter une didactique de l’histoire presente et par conséquent, nous devons utiliser la maîtrise des médias et de l´information. Il faut une formation des enseignants que pose, comme Gadamer a dit: “le passé y le présent se trouvent par une négociation permanente”. Una formation des enseignants qui permette de comprendre et penser l´histoire future / les histoires futures. À mon avis, si les élèves comprennent la complexité de leur monde et leurs multiples visions, les élèves seront plus tolérantes et empathiques.