962 resultados para stem grooving
Haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in mouse bone marrow are located in specialized niches as single cells. During homeostasis, signals from this environment keep some HSCs dormant, which preserves long-term self-renewal potential, while other HSCs actively self renew to maintain haematopoiesis. In response to haematopoietic stress, dormant HSCs become activated and rapidly replenish the haematopoietic system. Interestingly, three factors - granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, interferon-alpha and arsenic trioxide - have been shown to efficiently activate dormant stem cells and thereby could break their resistance to anti-proliferative chemotherapeutics. Thus, we propose that two-step strategies could target resistant leukaemic stem cells by priming tumours with activators of dormancy followed by chemotherapy or targeted therapies.
PURPOSE We have previously shown that retinal stem cells (RSCs) can be isolated from the radial glia population of the newborn mouse retina (Angénieux et al., 2006). These RSCs have a great capacity to renew and to generate a large number of neurons including cells differentiated towards the photoreceptor lineage (Mehri-Soussi et al., 2006). However, recent published results from our lab revealed that such cells have a poor integration and survival rate after grafting. The uncontrolled environment of a retina seems to prevent good integration and survival after grafting in vivo. To bypass this problem, we are evaluating the possibility of generating in vitro a hemi-retinal tissue before transplantation. METHODS RSC were expanded and cells passaged <10 were seeded in a solution containing poly-ethylene-glycol (PEG) polymer based hydrogels crosslinked with peptides that are chosen to be substrates for matrix metalloproteinases. Various doses of cross linkers peptides allowing connections between PEG polymers were tested. Different growth factors were studied to stimulate cell proliferation and differentiation. RESULTS Cells survived only in the presence of EGF and FGF-2 and generated colonies with a sphere shape. No cells migrated within the gel. To improve the migration and the repartition of the cells in the gels, the integrin ligand RGDSP was added into the gel. In the presence of FGF-2 and EGF, newly formed cell clusters appeared by cell proliferation within several days, but again no outspreading of cells was observed. No difference was even seen when the stiffness of the hydrogels or the concentration of the integrin ligand RGDSP were changed. However, our preliminary results show that RSCs still form spheres when laminin is entrapped in the gel, but they started to spread out having a neuronal morphology after around 2 weeks. The neuronal population was assessed by the presence of the neuronal marker b-tubulin-III. This differentiation was achieved after successive steps of stimulations including FGF-2 and EGF, and then only FGF-2. Glial cells were also present. Further characterizations are under process. CONCLUSIONS RSC can be grown in 3D. Preliminary results show that neuronal cell phenotype acquisition can be instructed by exogenous stimulations and factors linked to the gel. Further developments are necessary to form a homogenous tissue containing retinal cells.
Embryonic stem (ES) cells-derived cardiomyocytes represent an attractive source of cells in cell replacement therapies for heart disease. However, controlled cardiogenic differentiation of ES cells requires a complete understanding of the complex molecular mechanisms regulating the differentiation process. We have previously shown that differentiation of ES cells into cardiomyocytes is favored by inactivation of the Notch 1 receptor pathway. In the present study, we therefore compared two ES cell lines, one with normal Notchl expression and one carrying deleted Notchl receptor alleles (Notchl-deleted ES cells) in order to identify genes responsible for the increased propensity of Notchl-deleted ES cells to produce cardiomyocytes. Using RNA-sequencing, we found approximately 300 coding and noncoding transcripts, which are differently expressed in undifferentiated Notchl-deleted ES cells. Since accumulating evidences indicate that long noncoding RNAs (IncRNAs) play important roles in ES cell pluripotency and differentiation, we focused our analysis on modulated IncRNAs. In particular, two IncRNAs, named here lnc 1230 and lnc 1335, are highly induced in the absence of Notchl receptor expression. These represent therefore prime candidates that could favor cardiogenic commitment in undifferentiated ES cells. Indeed, we demonstrate that forced expression of these two IncRNAs in wild-type ES cells result in a significant increase of the number of cardiac progenitor cells and cardiomyocytes in the differentiated progeny of these ES cells. Furthermore, we also identify several microRNAs that are differentially modulated in absence of Notchl expression. Among these are miR-142-5p and miR- 381-3p. Interestingly, both lncl230 and lncl335 are targets of these two microRNAs. Altogether, these data suggest that Notchl-dependent noncoding gene networks, implicating microRNAs and IncRNAs, control embryonic stem cell commitment into the mesodermal and cardiac lineages already at the undifferentiated state. - Les cardiomyocytes issus cellules souches embryonnaires sont une source très prometteuse pour les thérapies cellulaire de remplacement dans le cadre des maladies cardiaques. Cependant, l'utilisation de telles cellules requiert une compréhension poussée des mécanismes moléculaire régulant la différenciation. Nous avons par le passé démontré que la différenciation des cellules souches embryonnaires en cardiomyocytes est favorisée par l'inactivation de la voie d'activation intracellulaire dépendante du récepteur Notch 1. Nous avons donc comparé deux lignées de cellules souches embryonnaires, une présentant une voie d'activation Notchl normale et une chez laquelle les allèles codant pour le récepteur Notchl avaient été invalidés, de façon à identifier les gènes impliqués dans la capacité augmentée des cellules déficientes à produire des cardiomyocytes. En utilisant du séquençage d'ARN à haut débit, nous avons trouvé environ 300 gènes différemment exprimés dans les cellules déficientes pour Notchl. Par ailleurs, des évidences de plus en plus nombreuses suggèrent qu'une nouvelle classe de molécules appelée « long noncoding RNAs » joue un rôle prépondérant dans la maintenance de l'état non différencié et de la capacité de différenciation des cellules souches embryonnaires. Nous avons trouvé que plusieurs « long noncoding RNAs » étaient modulés en l'absence de Notchl, et en particulier deux molécules que nous avons appelées lncl230 et lncl335. Ces derniers représentent des candidats potentiels devant permettre de favoriser la production de cardiomyocytes. Nous avons en effet démontré que la surexpression de ces deux candidats dans des cellules souches embryonnaires résultait en une surproduction de cardiomyocytes. De plus, nous avons également identifié plusieurs microRNAs dont l'expression était modulée dans les cellules souches embryonnaires déficientes dans la voie Notchl. De façon intéressante, parmi ces microRNAs, le miR-142-5p et le miR-381-3p sont capables de cibler lncl230 and lncl335. Dans l'ensemble, ces résultats indiquent donc que des réseaux d'interaction dépendant de la voie d'activation Notch 1 et impliquant des ARNs non codant existent dans les cellules souches embryonnaires pour réguler leur différenciation en différent types cellulaires spécifiques.
The telomere length in nucleated peripheral blood (PB) cells indirectly reflects the mitotic history of their precursors: the hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). The average length of telomeres in PB leukocytes can be measured using fluorescence in situ hybridization and flow cytometry (flow FISH). We previously used flow FISH to characterize the age-related turnover of HSCs in healthy individuals. In this review, we describe results of recent flow FISH studies in patients with selected hematopoietic stem cell-associated disorders: chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and several bone marrow failure syndromes. CML is characterized by a marked expansion of myeloid Philadelphia chromosome positive (Ph+) cells. Nevertheless, nonmalignant (Ph-) HSCs typically coexist in the bone marrow of CML patients. We analyzed the telomere length in > 150 peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs) and bone marrow samples of patients with CML as well as samples of Ph- T-lymphocytes. Compared to normal controls, the overall telomere fluorescence in PBLs of patients with CML was significantly reduced. However, no telomere shortening was observed in Ph- T-lymphocytes. Patients in late chronic phase (CP) had significantly shorter telomeres than those assessed earlier in CP. Our data suggest that progressive telomere shortening is correlated with disease progression in CML. Within the group of patients with bone marrow failure syndromes, we only found significantly shortened telomeres (compared to age-adjusted controls) in granulocytes from patients with aplastic anemia (AA). Strikingly, the telomere length in granulocytes from AA patients who had recovered after immunosuppressive therapy (recAA) did not differ significantly from controls, whereas untreated patients and nonresponders with persistent severe pancytopenia (sAANR) showed marked and significant telomere shortening compared to healthy donors and patients with recAA. Furthermore, an inverse correlation between age-adjusted telomere length and peripheral blood counts was found in support of a model in which the degree of cytopenia and the amount of telomere shortening are correlated. These results support the concept of extensive proliferation of HSCs in subgroups of AA patients and suggest a potential use of telomere-length measurements as a prognostic tool in this group of disorders as well.
The activity of adult stem cells is essential to replenish mature cells constantly lost due to normal tissue turnover. By a poorly understood mechanism, stem cells are maintained through self-renewal while concomitantly producing differentiated progeny. Here, we provide genetic evidence for an unexpected function of the c-Myc protein in the homeostasis of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). Conditional elimination of c-Myc activity in the bone marrow (BM) results in severe cytopenia and accumulation of HSCs in situ. Mutant HSCs self-renew and accumulate due to their failure to initiate normal stem cell differentiation. Impaired differentiation of c-Myc-deficient HSCs is linked to their localization in the differentiation preventative BM niche environment, and correlates with up-regulation of N-cadherin and a number of adhesion receptors, suggesting that release of HSCs from the stem cell niche requires c-Myc activity. Accordingly, enforced c-Myc expression in HSCs represses N-cadherin and integrins leading to loss of self-renewal activity at the expense of differentiation. Endogenous c-Myc is differentially expressed and induced upon differentiation of long-term HSCs. Collectively, our data indicate that c-Myc controls the balance between stem cell self-renewal and differentiation, presumably by regulating the interaction between HSCs and their niche.
Retinal degenerative diseases resulting in the loss of photoreceptors are one of the major causes of blindness. Photoreceptor replacement therapy is a promising treatment because the transplantation of retina-derived photoreceptors can be applied now to different murine retinopathies to restore visual function. To have an unlimited source of photoreceptors, we derived a transgenic embryonic stem cell (ESC) line in which the Crx-GFP transgene is expressed in photoreceptors and assessed the capacity of a 3D culture protocol to produce integration-competent photoreceptors. This culture system allows the production of a large number of photoreceptors recapitulating the in vivo development. After transplantation, integrated cells showed the typical morphology of mature rods bearing external segments and ribbon synapses. We conclude that a 3D protocol coupled with ESCs provides a safe and renewable source of photoreceptors displaying a development and transplantation competence comparable to photoreceptors from age-matched retinas.
Novel insulated gamma and lentis retroviral vectors towards safer genetic modification of stem cells
In otherwise successful gene therapy trials insertional mutagenesis has resulted in leukemia. The identification of new short synthetic genetic insulator elements (GIE) which would both prevent such activation effects and shield the transgene from silencing, is a main challenge. Previous attempts with e.g. b-globin HS4, have met with poor efficacy and genetic instability. We have investigated potential improvement with two new candidate synthetic GIEs in SIN-gamma and lentiviral vectors. With each constructs two internal promoters have been tested: either the strong Fr- MuLV-U3 or the housekeeping hPGK.We could identify a specific combination of insulator 2 repeats which translates into best functional activity, high titers and boundary effect in both gammaretro and lentivectors. In target cells a dramatic shift of expression is observed with an homogenous profile the level of which strictly depends on the promoter strength. These data remain stable in both HeLa cells over three months and cord blood HSCs for two months, irrespective of the multiplicity of infection (MOI). In comparison, control native and SIN vectors expression levels show heterogeneous, depend on the MOI and prove unstable. We have undertaken genotoxicity assessment in comparing integration patterns ingenuity in human target cells sampled over three months using high-throughput pyro-sequencing. Data will be presented. Further genotoxicity assessment will include in vivo studies. We have established insulated vectors which harbour both boundary and enhancer-blocking effect and show stable in prolonged in vitro culture conditions. Work performed with support of EC-DG research FP6-NoE, CLINIGENE: LSHB-CT-2006-018933
The detection of multi-resistant bacterial pathogens, particularly those to carbapenemases, in leukemic and stem cell transplant patients forces the use of old or non-conventional agents as the only remaining treatment options. These include colistin/polymyxin B, tigecycline, fosfomycin and various anti-gram-positive agents. Data on the use of these agents in leukemic patients are scanty, with only linezolid subjected to formal trials. The Expert Group of the 4(th) European Conference on Infections in Leukemia has developed guidelines for their use in these patient populations. Targeted therapy should be based on (i) in vitro susceptibility data, (ii) knowledge of the best treatment option against the particular species or phenotype of bacteria, (iii) pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic data, and (iv) careful assessment of the risk-benefit balance. For infections due to resistant Gram-negative bacteria, these agents should be preferably used in combination with other agents that remain active in vitro, because of suboptimal efficacy (e.g., tigecycline) and the risk of emergent resistance (e.g., fosfomycin). The paucity of new antibacterial drugs in the near future should lead us to limit the use of these drugs to situations where no alternative exists.
Ochratoxin A (OTA), a fungal contaminant of basic food commodities, is known to be highly cytotoxic, but the pathways underlying adverse effects at subcytotoxic concentrations remain to be elucidated. Recent reports indicate that OTA affects cell cycle regulation. Therefore, 3D brain cell cultures were used to study OTA effects on mitotically active neural stem/progenitor cells, comparing highly differentiated cultures with their immature counterparts. Changes in the rate of DNA synthesis were related to early changes in the mRNA expression of neural stem/progenitor cell markers. OTA at 10nM, a concentration below the cytotoxic level, was ineffective in immature cultures, whereas in mature cultures it significantly decreased the rate of DNA synthesis together with the mRNA expression of key transcriptional regulators such as Sox2, Mash1, Hes5, and Gli1; the cell cycle activator cyclin D2; the phenotypic markers nestin, doublecortin, and PDGFRα. These effects were largely prevented by Sonic hedgehog (Shh) peptide (500ngml(-1)) administration, indicating that OTA impaired the Shh pathway and the Sox2 regulatory transcription factor critical for stem cell self-renewal. Similar adverse effects of OTA in vivo might perturb the regulation of stem cell proliferation in the adult brain and in other organs exhibiting homeostatic and/or regenerative cell proliferation.
New approaches to the clinical treatment of traumatic nerve injuries may one day utilize stem cells to enhance nerve regeneration. Adipose-derived stem cells (ASC) are found in abundant quantities and can be harvested by minimally invasive procedures that should facilitate their use in such regenerative applications. We have analyzed the properties of human ASC isolated from the deep and superficial layers of abdominal fat tissue obtained during abdominoplasty procedures. Cells from the superficial layer proliferate significantly faster than those from the deep layer. In both the deep and superficial layers, ASC express the pluripotent stem cell markers oct4 and nanog and also the stro-1 cell surface antigen. Superficial layer ASC induce the significantly enhanced outgrowth of neurite-like processes from neuronal cell lines when compared with that of deep layer cells. However, analysis by reverse transcription with the polymerase chain reaction and by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay has revealed that ASC isolated from both layers express similar levels of the following neurotrophic factors: nerve growth factor, brain-derived neurotrophic factor and glial-derived neurotrophic factor. Thus, human ASC show promising potential for the treatment of traumatic nerve injuries. In particular, superficial layer ASC warrant further analysis of their neurotrophic molecules.
Complications related to the neck-stem junction of modular stems used for total hip arthroplasty (THA) are generating increasing concern. A 74-year-old male had increasing pain and a cutaneous reaction around the scar 1 year after THA with a modular neck-stem. Imaging revealed osteolysis of the calcar and a pseudo-tumour adjacent to the neck-stem junction. Serum cobalt levels were elevated. Revision surgery to exchange the stem and liner and to resect the pseudo-tumour was performed. Analysis of the stem by scanning electron microscopy and by energy dispersive X-ray and white light interferometry showed fretting corrosion at the neck-stem junction contrasting with minimal changes at the head-neck junction. Thus, despite dry assembly of the neck and stem on the back table at primary THA, full neck-stem contact was not achieved, and the resulting micromotion at the interface led to fretting corrosion. This case highlights the mechanism of fretting corrosion at the neck-stem interface responsible for adverse local tissue reactions. Clinical and radiological follow-up is mandatory in patients with dual-modular stems.
Influence of "historic" photoperiod during stem elongation on the number of fertile florets in wheat
Extending the duration of the late reproductive phase in wheat has been proposed as a possible avenue to improve spike fertility. There is a positive correlation between the number of fertile florets and the duration of the stem elongation phase when this phase is varied by extended photoperiod. Photoperiod treatments imposed during the vegetative period also influence the duration of stem elongation. The present study analysed the effect of long photoperiod (19 h) of different duration (10, 12, 14, 18 or 22 d) imposed before the onset of stem elongation on floret fertility in wheat. It was found that the length of the stem elongation phase was modified by earlier ‘historic ’ photoperiod treatments imposed during previous phases. However, neither the number of fertile florets per spike nor the spikelet fertility was affected significantly by these historic treatments. The results of the study therefore showed that an increased duration of the late reproductive phase was ineffective in increasing the number of fertile florets, unless the length of that phase was directly altered by current photoperiod.
The experiment was carried out at the Embrapa Semi-Árido, Petrolina-PE, Brazil, in order to study the physiological responses of umbu plants propagated by seeds and by stem cuttings under water stress conditions, based on leaf water potential and gas exchange measurements. Data were collected in one-year plants established in pots containing 30 kg of a sandy soil and submitted to twenty-day progressive soil water deficit. The evaluations were based on leaf water potential and gas exchange data collection using psychrometric chambers and a portable infra-red gas analyzer, respectively. Plants propagated by seeds maintained a significantly higher water potential, stomatal conductance, transpiration and photosynthesis under decreasing soil water availability. However, plants propagated by stem cuttings were unable to maintain a favorable internal water balance, reflecting negatively on stomatal conductance and leaf gas exchange. This fact is probably because umbu plants propagated by stem cuttings are not prone to formation of root tubers which are reservoirs for water and solutes. Thus, the establishing of umbu plants propagated by stem cuttings must be avoided in areas subjected to soil water deficit.