984 resultados para software updating
This paper attempts to develop a reduction-based model updating technique for jacket offshore platform structure. A reduced model is used instead of the direct finite-element model of the real structure in order to circumvent such difficulties as huge degrees of freedom and incomplete experimental data that are usually civil engineers' trouble during the model updating. The whole process consists of three steps: reduction of FE model, the first model updating to minimize the reduction error, and the second model updating to minimize the modeling error of the reduced model and the real structure. According to the performance of jacket platforms, a local-rigidity assumption is employed to obtain the reduced model. The technique is applied in a downscale model of a four-legged offshore platform where its effectiveness is well proven. Furthermore, a comparison between the real structure and its numerical models in the following model validation shows that the updated models have good approximation to the real structure. Besides, some difficulties in the field of model updating are also discussed.
Univ SE Calif, Ctr Syst & Software Engn, ABB, Microsoft Res, IEEE, ACMSIGSOFT, N Carolina State Univ Comp Sci
Univ SE Calif, Ctr Syst & Software Engn, ABB, Microsoft Res, IEEE, ACMSIGSOFT, N Carolina State Univ Comp Sci
IEEE Reliabil Soc, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ
Chinese Acad Sci, ISCAS Lab Internet Software Technologies
Chinese Acad Sci, ISCAS Lab Internet Software Technologies
Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISCAS)
IEEE, IEEE Comp Soc, Tech Council Software Engn
Huazhong Univ Sci & Technol, Natl Tech Univ Ukraine, Huazhong Normal Univ, Harbin Inst Technol, IEEE Ukraine Sect, I& M/CI Joint Chapter
Chinese Acad Sci, ISCAS Lab Internet Software Technologies
University of Paderborn; Fraunhofer Inst. Exp. Softw. Eng. (IESE); Chinese Academy of Science (ISCAS)
Huazhong Univ Sci & Technol, Natl Tech Univ Ukraine, Huazhong Normal Univ, Harbin Inst Technol, IEEE Ukraine Sect, I& M/CI Joint Chapter
介绍了一套多水下机器人三维视景仿真系统。该系统采用虚拟现实技术,利用虚拟仿真软件VegaPrime 与Visual C++.NET 2003 混合编程实现三维视景仿真。它主要用于海洋环境的模拟和多水下机器人运行时的位姿更新、碰撞检测、环境效果及各种特效的实时显示。此外,它还具有响应各种输入/输出设备的功能和通过人性化图形界面接口与用户进行交互的功能。